
12. Chapter Twelve

When the alarm on Nicole’s phone went off a few hours later (which felt like mere minutes), the first thing she noticed was the sweet smell of almonds and shea butter mixed with a hint of sweat.

The second thing she noticed was a warm body lying slightly on top of her, an arm thrown across her stomach, fist gripping her t-shirt tightly and warm smooth legs intertwined with hers.

The third and probably most important thing she noticed was how right it felt to have Waverly clinging onto her she slept. How at peace she felt with the younger woman pressed against her. How much she didn’t want this moment to end, how much she didn’t want to wake Waverly.

She wished it didn’t feel so right. She wished she didn’t feel so at peace laying here with Waverly. She wished it didn’t feel like coming home after being lost, being gone for so long.

If things didn’t feel so fucking right with Waverly then it would be so much easier to push down her feelings for the sake of their friendship. A friendship that she desperately needed and so did Waverly.

She laid there, absentmindedly running her fingers up and down Waverly’s spine as she stared up at the ceiling. She had a few minutes to spare before she needed to get up and get ready for work and she wanted to soak up as much of this moment as she could.

She wanted to memorize the way Waverly felt against her. She wanted to memorize the slow rise and fall of Waverly’s breathing. She wanted to memorize the feeling of Waverly’s heart beating steadily. She wanted to memorize the sound of Waverly snoring softly. She wanted to memorize every single detail, no matter how small.

When she left this bed, she knew she had to push her feelings deep down, lock them away before they got in the way of her friendship with Waverly and ruined it.

She had came so close to losing all her self control last night and just kissing Waverly. And if that happened again? If she actually lost control and just acted on her feelings, she would never forgive herself.

She didn’t want to turn Waverly into a cheater, into someone like Champ. Waverly was pure, good, innocent and Nicole wanted it to stay that way.

Heaving a heavy sigh, Nicole figured she should probably get out of bed now but, God she didn’t want to. This moment was perfect, was everything and she didn’t want it to end.

“I think I may be falling in love with you Waverly Earp,” She whispered into Waverly’s hair, lips brushing ever so lightly. “I- I think I might already be in love with you, I think I fell in love with you the moment I first saw you.”

Falling in love was already scary enough as it is. Falling in love with your best friend, your only friend, well that was downright terrifying.

She wasn’t sure which she was more afraid of getting her heart broken again, or losing her best friend but, she guess they kinda went hand in hand didn’t they?

Nicole sighed. “You’re so screwed Haught.”

Placing a final kiss to the top of Waverly’s head, Nicole attempted to untangle herself from the sleeping woman without waking her. Which turned out to be a lot harder than Nicole originally  thought.

Every time she moved, even just an a centimeter, Waverly’s arm would tighten around her waist and the death grip on her shirt somehow got impossibly tighter.

She was finally able to untangle her legs from Waverly’s but that just resulted in Waverly throwing one leg over her thighs and snuggling in closer.

Nicole normally wouldn’t have minded, normally she would have happily stayed wrapped up with Waverly all day but, she had work and she loathed being late. Something drilled into her by her parents.

For once in her life, she wanted to be late. She wanted to stay in this moment for a little while longer. She wanted to enjoy having Waverly sleeping practically on top of her, a little while longer.  

“Waves,” Nicole ran her fingers through messy brunette locks, hoping to rouse Waverly from her sleep. “Waves, I need to get up.”

“Mmmmm, five more minutes,” Waverly mumbled before burying her face in Nicole’s neck, lips brushing against the skin there. Her hot breath sending a pleasant shiver down Nicole’s spine and had a warmth settling in her lower belly.

“Waverly, I have to get ready for work.”

“Kay, I’m goin’,” Waverly’s voice thick with sleep as she rolled off Nicole, taking all of the blanket with her, cocooning herself in it.

Nicole shook her head with a smile.

Sleepy Waverly was completely adorable. Okay, Waverly was always adorable, always. She even managed to be adorable and sexy at the same time, Nicole wasn’t even sure how that way possible. But when it came to Waverly, the impossible suddenly became possible.

“Sorry.” Nicole sat up, feet hanging over the edge of the bed, rubbing the remaining sleep from her eyes then stood up, stretching to alleviate the stiffness in her bones.  

“S’okay,” Waverly said, words partially muffled by the pillow, already on her way back to sleep. “Have a good day.”

“You too Waves,” Nicole gathered her uniform, the usually black undershirt she wore under her uniform, clean underwear, bra and socks as quietly as possible.

Once she had everything she needed for the day, she moved towards the bedroom door. Stopping in the archway and turning back towards the bed, towards Waverly.

Brunette locks fanned out across the pillow, already snoring away softly. Blanket pulled up and tucked underneath her chin. One leg sticking out from under the blanket and hanging off the edge of the bed.

It was beyond creepy to watch someone sleep, she knew that but she couldn’t help it, she couldn’t tear her eyes from Waverly’s sleeping form. The only time Waverly was completely at peace, completely relaxed was when she was asleep.

And it was a sight to behold, Waverly was completely breathtaking like this.

Nicole breathed out softly and ran a hand through her messy, tangled hair. Pushing her feelings for the younger woman was going to be a lot hard than she thought.

Waverly Earp was a glimpse of bliss, a little taste of heaven and Nicole was slowly becoming addicted.



When Waverly woke up at couple hours later, it was to warm sunlight streaming through the window and across her face, and to something heavy, furry and purring on her stomach.

She opened her eyes slowly, squinting at the too bright sun shining directly in her eyes. She lifted her head up just a bit and looked around the unfamiliar room.

Panic settled into her chest as she tried to remember where she was, whose bed she was in. Until she caught the faint scent of cinnamon, leather and gun oil all wrapped up in one. A combination she had come to associate with Nicole and only Nicole.

It had taken her awhile to identify each individual scent underneath Nicole’s perfume. The cinnamon had been easy to pick out (Nicole practically lived off cinnamon cappuccinos).

The leather had been a bit harder but only because the smell of leather reminded her of her father and of Wynonna and she tried hard to push thoughts of them, reminders of them deep down. They were too painful. Now the smell of leather just reminded her of Nicole -strong, steady, confident, caring- Nicole.

She didn’t recognize the smell of gun oil until her Uncle Curtis had taken her trusty sawed off shotgun to be cleaned and oiled. It had stunk to high heaven when she finally got it back but oddly enough the smell of gun oil didn’t bother Waverly when mixed with cinnamon and leather and Nicole .

She let out a breath she hadn’t realized she had been holding and looked at the cat sleeping away on her stomach, feeling incredibly ridiculous. Had she just looked down at the cat in the first place, she would have instantly known where she was.

“Good morning McGonagall,” she cooed, scratching under the orange tabby’s chin. McGonagall just purred louder causing Waverly to smile.

She knew she should probably get up and leave the apartment, seeing as Nicole wasn’t here but she didn’t want to, not yet at least.

Nicole’s bed was too comfortable and smelled just like her and Waverly, for the first time in a long time was completely relaxed and she just didn’t want to move.  

For now she wanted to stay here in Nicole’s apartment, in Nicole’s bed cuddling with McGonagall.  

Of course the universe must have other plans for her because that’s when her phone rings, that loud obnoxious ring tone that Champ had set for himself.

Waverly reached over to the nightstand and grabbed her phone, which hadn’t been there when she went to bed last night. There’s a note, next to an unopened toothbrush and a bottle of water sitting on the nightstand.

Answering the phone call, Waverly leaned over and picked the note up. “Hello.”

“Where the hell are you?”

“Champ?” Waverly put the call on speaker and unfolded the note, tracing her finger over Nicole’s slightly messy but somehow still elegant handwriting. How was everything about this woman beautiful in some shape or form?


Waves,  there’s coffee in the kitchen, help yourself to whatever food is in the fridge. Feel free to shower and borrow any clothes you like. Please don’t feel the need to rush out, you are more than welcome to stay as long as you like. Thank you for last night, it’s been a really long time since I’ve talked about my father with anyone-


There were a few dried droplets, of what Waverly believed to be tears, on the page causing some of the ink to run, smudging a few of the words.

Champ was still talking and she knew she should be paying attention but her only focus was on Nicole’s note, on the dried tears on the paper.


-So, just thank you for being there and listening and comforting me. I really appreciate it. When the time comes and you’re comfortable talking about your family, I’ll be waiting with crappy beer and a shoulder to cry on if you need it, I’ll always be here. Anyways, I’m free for lunch if you want to get together, just call me.

P.S. Don’t let McGonagall fool you, I’ve already feed her.

P.P.S. You snore.


Waverly scoffed. She did not snore.

“Are you even listening to me Waverly?”

“Mhm,” Waverly folded Nicole’s note back up and held it to her chest.

To anyone else it may have just been a simple note but to Waverly it was more than that. It was a promise that Nicole would be there when she was ready, when she needed her. That Nicole would be there always.

A lot of people promised her a lot of things and more often than not, they broke the promises they made. After a while Waverly stopped believing people when they promised her something, no matter how small the promise was but, Waverly found herself in believing in Nicole’s promise.

“You didn’t come home last night.” His tone was accusing, like it was her fault that she didn’t come home. “You’re with Her aren’t you? ”  

Her being Nicole. For whatever stupid reason, Champ didn’t like Nicole at all (and Waverly was sure that it was indeed a stupid reason because who wouldn’t like Nicole?). He had taken to telling her that every time she so much as breathed Nicole’s name around him.

“Are we doing this again?” This game of his was getting tiring. Waverly was tired of having to defend her friendship with Nicole.

Shouldn’t he just be happy that she had a friend like Nicole? That she had someone so willing to be there for her? Someone that made Waverly feel like herself for the first time in a very, very long time.

“I don’t trust her Waverly.”

“Why not?” Waverly removed McGonagall from her stomach and threw the blanket off her legs.

She trusted Nicole, shouldn’t that be good enough for him? She was a good judge of character after all. Okay, maybe she wasn’t the best judge of character around but she knew she was right in trusting Nicole.

Nicole has been nothing but nice to her. She has done nothing but made Waverly feel truly cared for, made her feel seen.

How could he not trust someone like that? Someone who made her feel that way?

“Have you seen the way she looks at you? Are you that fucking stupid Waverly?” He snarled. “She only wants one thing from you and once she gets it she’ll leave you like everyone else.”

“S-she wouldn’t, she’s my friend,” Waverly’s voice quavered, clenching the note in her hands tightly.

He was lying right? Nicole wouldn’t actually leave her, not after the night Nicole had given her the speeding ticket. Not after last night, not after Nicole had opened up to her.

“Yeah and Wynonna is your sister and yet she leaves time and time again.”

With that he hung up and Waverly bit down on her bottom lip as tears stung her eyes and a sob fought it’s way up her throat.

He knew exactly how to hurt her, how to reduce her to full body sobs with just a few well placed words. He knew the thing she feared the most. People leaving her, especially the people she cares about.

The fear of losing Nicole had been at the back of her mind since that night she had a flat and Nicole had come to picked her up. That feared had eased up some when Nicole had told her that she would prove to her every day that she wouldn’t leave her, now it was back in full force, thanks to Champ.

Everyone left her, everyone . So of course Nicole would leave her too, it was just a matter of time. And Waverly was a fool for thinking that this time, that Nicole would be any different.


Nicole’s lunch passed without a single phone call from Waverly, without a single text from her. Every text she sent Waverly, every call she made went unanswered. And Nicole couldn’t help but to worry.

“Haught, if you don’t stop bouncing your leg and clicking that damn pen, I’ma break both of them,” Eric said through gritted teeth. He cared for Nicole, he’d even goes as far to say that he loved her (as a friend of course, he was happily married after all), but he could not take another second of her bouncing her leg or clicking her damn pen.

“Sorry, I just,” Nicole paused and set her pen down on top of the file she had been trying and failing to read over for the last twenty minutes. “Sorry.”

She wasn’t sure how to explain the uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. Something was wrong, she could feel it but she didn’t know what was wrong. She just knew it had something to do with the fact that Waverly wasn’t answering her calls or text.

It was unusual. They talked every day even if they didn’t end up getting lunch together.What if something had happened to Waverly? What if whoever had been kidnapping and killing girls around Purgatory had gotten Waverly (okay, maybe she had been reading too many files on missing girls).  

Or worst what if she had heard her this morning? What if Waverly heard her say that she thinks she might be in love with her? What if she scared her off, freaked her out? What if she lost her because she couldn’t keep her damn mouth shut?

Eric rolled his chair over to her desk, something that had become somewhat of a habit since they started their little secret investigation.

The woman next to him was always so calm, so in control, confident, never once let her nervousness show. Eric had never once seen her look so nervous, so worried. It made him start to worry for her.

Nicole was like another sister to him, she was only a couple years younger than him, about the same age as his own sister. He had felt this overwhelming need to protect her since the moment Nedley had introduced them. And he hated seeing her so full of this nervous energy, so worried.

“Okay, what’s wrong Haughtstuff?”

“I don’t know,” Nicole resisted the urge to bounce her leg again. “I feel like something is wrong with Waverly.”

“And why do you feel like that?” Eric prodded.

He was going to help her get down to the bottom of whatever it was that was causing her this uneasiness about the youngest Earp and help her deal with it.

“I haven’t talked to her today.”

That was unusual. Normally those two were attached at the hip during Nicole’s lunch break. Hell, anyone in the station that was going to pick up lunch for everyone knew to get something for Waverly as well but surely Waverly missing one lunch didn’t mean something was wrong right?

Eric was sure that there was some reasonable explanation for why Waverly hadn’t joined Nicole for lunch, for why the two friends hadn’t talked today.  

He understood Nicole’s worry though. In their line of work when there was a break in someone’s routine, it often meant that something unspeakable happened to them.  

“Okay, that is a little weird but that doesn’t mean something is wrong with her.”

She looked up at him, those big brown eyes wide and filled with concern. “I can’t explain it Eric and I know it sounds crazy and I know I’m a cop and I shouldn’t rely on feelings but I feel like something is wrong, deep down I know something has happened to her in some way or another.”

She probably heard me say I think I’m in love with her this morning and never wants to speak to me again.

They say people know when something bad has happened to the person they love. That somehow they feel it deep in their in hearts, in their souls. It wasn’t something that Eric personally believed in but he supposed it could be true.

He wondered how deep Nicole’s love for Waverly ran. They had not known each other that long but Eric knew that love did not know the concept of time.

He himself knew that he was going to marry Linda when they were in grade school. His friends had made fun of him, his siblings told him he was crazy, his parents just rolled their eyes. Linda herself told him that she wasn't going to marry him when he first told her at 10 years old but he knew.

They got married right after high school and now they have two beautiful children. So yeah, he knew time and age were meaningless when it came to love.

“You care about her deeply.” It wasn't a question, it was a statement, fact.

Anyone who so much as saw the way Nicole's eyes lit up when she saw Waverly, saw the way she smiled dimples and all when she talked about Waverly knew that Nicole loved Waverly Earp in some shape or form.

“She's my best friend, of course I care about her.” Nicole’s eyes darted all around the room, refusing to meet his eyes.

“It's more than that, you love her.”

“As a friend ,” Nicole stressed the word, as if saying it would make it true. Her eyes finally meeting his, wide and pleading. “Just as a friend.”

“You’re afraid to say it out loud.”

“I said it out loud this morning while we were in bed together, what if she heard me?”

She was scared. Eric hadn’t released it at first. He thought she was just worried about Waverly but it was clear in the panic in her eyes, in the tremble in her voice that she was terrified of losing Waverly.

“Wait, you two were in bed together?” He couldn’t help but to ask. He was curious how they ended up in bed together.

“Not the issue here Eric.” Nicole rolled her eyes at him. He could be such a guy sometimes.

“My bad, look all I can tell you is to talk to her, find out if she heard you then see where you stay with her if she did and if she didn’t hear you.” He placed her hand on hers, hoping to provide her with even a little bit of comfort. “I suggest you decide whether or not to tell her, whether or not you’re going to put your name in the running for her heart.”

Eric was sure that Waverly felt something for Nicole, he wasn’t sure what exactly she felt but he knew she felt something. He just hoped that if it came down to Nicole verse Champ that Waverly made the right choice, that Waverly chose someone who truly loved her over someone who was merely a constant presence in her life.

“I can’t tell her, I can’t risk losing her,” Nicole whispered, trying so hard to keep her tears in check. The thought of losing Waverly, losing her best friend was devastating. “I’d rather have her as a friend than nothing at all.”

“You should still talk to her, when do you get off?”

Nicole looked up at the clock on the wall. “An hour.”

“Then get out of here, go make sure she’s okay, go talk to her,” he told her, pushing away from her desk and back towards his. “I’ll cover for you.”

“Are you sure?” Nicole asked even though she was already standing and gathering her things.

“Of course.”

“And Haughtstuff,” he waited until she turned back to look at him before continuing. “Training and skill only get you so far in this job, you have to rely on your gut feeling, on your instincts, don’t forget that.”

“I won’t, thank you Eric.”



Nicole was standing outside of Shorty’s a few minutes later, not bothering to go home and change out of her uniform. She was both anxious and scared to see Waverly, to talk to her, to find out if she had heard her this morning.

Why? Why did she have utter those words out loud? Especially with Waverly laying there in her arms.

Saying the words out loud had made them real. Before she could push her feelings for Waverly down, pretend that they didn’t exist but now? Now that the words were out there, now that she had whispered them to a sleeping Waverly (she hoped that Waverly was sleeping at the time and hadn’t heard), she wouldn’t be able to pretend they didn’t exist.

She may be able to hide her feelings from Waverly but she wouldn’t be able to deny them to herself any longer.

Mustering all the courage she could, Nicole strode into Shorty’s with an air of confidence she didn’t feel.  

Shorty’s was unusually crowded for a Sunday night and loud, a lot louder than normal. Sundays at Shorty’s were usually quiet, slow. Not many people in Purgatory wanted to get drunk on a Sunday night.

She scanned the packed saloon, looking for the ray of sunshine that had stolen the breath from her lungs the moment she had first laid eyes on her, that had stolen her heart the moment she directed a smile at her.

Not seeing Waverly, Nicole weaved her way in and out the drunk patrons towards the bar.

“Hey Officer Haught, beer or martini?” Shorty asked, sending her a quick smile before going back to pouring shots.

“Neither, I’m looking for Waverly,” Nicole took her stetson off her head and began playing with the brim, her nerves creeping back in. “Is she around?”

“Nope, if she was I wouldn’t be stuck with him,” Shorty pointed to a young man Nicole had never seen before (maybe because she only ever came in when Waverly was working), serving up beers to a couple of guys that Nicole recognized as local ranch hands.

“Do you know where she is?”

“She’s at Curtis’,” he answered handing the shots he had been pouring off to patron in front of him. “Came in pretty upset this afternoon to get her keys then took off to see Gus.”

“Do you know why she was upset?” Nicole asked, leaning over the bar towards Shorty to hear him over the noise in the saloon.

“I’m not too sure, I think maybe her and Champ are fighting but I’ve never seen her get so upset over a fight with him.” He shrugged.

Nicole eyes scanned the saloon for Champ, fixing him with a glare when she found him chatting up some girl who was definitely not Waverly.

She’d deal with him later, right now she needs to find Waverly and make sure she was okay.

“Thanks Shorty,” Nicole gave him a small smile and turned to make her way out of the saloon when Shorty grabbed her arm, stopping her. She turned back around to face him.

“You let me know if I need to beat some sense into that boy okay?” Shorty’s tone left no room for argument.

“Yes Sir.” With that Nicole turned on her heels and made her way out the saloon and to her squad car.


Nicole pulled up at the McCready ranch twenty-five minutes later, parking her car next to Waverly’s red jeep. At least Waverly was still here.

She stared up at the one story log cabin style home with what looked like a wrap around porch with awe. It was a beautiful home, one that reminded her of her grandparents’. Off to the left side of the home sat a large barn, housing what Nicole hoped were horses (it had been a couple years since she last got to ride a horse).

With a sigh she stepped out of the car, leaving her stetson and uniform shirt behind, thankful that she wears a shirt under her starched uniform shirt. Long sleeves and August heat did not mix.

She made her way up the stone walkway towards the porch steps, taking them two at a time and trying to push down her nerves.

“Officer Haught?” Curtis McCready stepped out onto the porch, meeting Nicole at the top of the steps, brows furrowed with worry. “Everything okay?”

“Hey Mr. McCready.” She nodded to him with a smile. “Everything is fine I’m just looking for Waverly, Shorty said she was here.”

“She’s ‘round back by the fire pit, though I’m not sure she’s in the mood for company but you are welcome to try.” With that he turned around and headed back inside.

“Thank you Sir!” She called after him, hurrying around to the back of the house, swallowing down the urge to hightail it outta there.

Learning that Champ and Waverly had been fighting had eased some of Nicole’s nerves but that feeling of something being wrong hadn’t gone away. Waverly may have just been upset because of a fight with Champ but that didn’t mean that she still didn’t hear Nicole this morning.

True to his word, Nicole did in fact find Waverly sitting in front of the fire pit in the back where a huge bonfire was burning.

She stayed standing on the porch for a few seconds, just watching Waverly. Taking in how stiff she looked, how she just stared, unmoving, at the orange flames as they licked up at the sky. It was as if the flames had lulled her into some sort of trance.

Nicole made sure to make as much noise as possible as she approached the younger woman. “Wave.”

Waverly whipped her head around, puffy and red eyes meeting warm brown ones.

Nicole was at her side in an instant, heart clenching painfully in her chest at the sight of Waverly’s tear stained face, grimacing at the heat from the fire but otherwise ignoring it and that fear she was feeling in favor of comforting Waverly. “What happened Wave?”

“I’m fine.” Waverly’s voice was hoarse from crying. She looked away from Nicole and back at the fire.

“Really?” Nicole grasped Waverly's chin lightly and making her look at her. “Your tears say otherwise Earp.”

Nicole’s tone was as gentle as her touch. Her eyes shined with that concern that took Waverly's breath away and Waverly couldn't help but to start crying all over again.  

How was she supposed to survive without Nicole Haught in her life? How was she supposed to survive losing Nicole?

Nicole's arms were around her as soon as she started crying, pulling her into a tight embrace, hands smoothing up and down her back, whispering comforting words to her as she cried into Nicole’s neck.  

Waverly clung to her like this was the last time they would ever be this close and in Waverly’s mind it was. Champ’s words, that fear of Nicole just up and leaving her still gripped her heart and mind tightly.

Nicole may be here now but that didn’t mean she would stay. She could just up and leave her at anytime like Wynonna.

“It’s gonna be okay Waves, whatever it is, it’s gonna be okay,” Nicole whispered, running her fingers through Waverly’s hair, trying to calm her sobs. “It’s gonna be okay.”

She hated to see Waverly cry like this, hated to feel Waverly’s body tremble against her own as she cried. She hated that she didn’t know how to help her, didn’t know what to say, didn’t know what to do other than to hold her and let her cry it out.

After a while Waverly’s hot tears stopped hitting Nicole’s neck, her body stopped trembling, her breathing evened out and the grip she had on Nicole’s shirt loosened but Nicole didn’t stop running her fingers through Waverly’s hair, didn’t stop whispering soothing words to her.

Waverly pulled back, wiping her tear stained cheeks with the back of her hand, mumbling. “I’m sorry.”

“We’ve been over this a hundred times Earp,” Nicole brushed the hair out of Waverly’s face and tucked it behind her ear, smiling softly at her. “You never have to apologize to me.”

“But I got tears and snot all over you,” Waverly used the sleeve of the flannel (Nicole’s flannel), she was wearing to dry Nicole’s neck.

Nicole caught her hand and laced their fingers together. “I think I’ll live, wanna tell me why you were crying?”

It was kinda gross sure (okay, a lot more than kinda), but she would endure way worse for Waverly.

Waverly turned her gaze from Nicole and back to the roaring fire, listening to the crackle of the wood as it burned, taking almost as much comfort from the sound as she did from Nicole’s presence.

Fire brought Waverly a level of calm, of clarity, of comfort she only found in old history books and most recently Nicole.

There was just something about the way that the red-orange flames danced, something about the crackling of the wood and leaves burning, there was something about the smell of the rich oak wood burning that just centered Waverly, that calmed her.

“Champ and I had a fight.”

“About?” Nicole questioned, turning her attention to the fire as well. In her personal opinion, it was way too hot to be sitting this close to the blazing fire. She could already feel sweat pool at her lower back, soaking into her shirt causing it to stick to her skin.


“ Me? ” Nicole turned her head sharply to stare at Waverly in surprise.

Well, she hadn’t been expecting that.

“He didn’t like that I stayed with you last night and he said some pretty horrible things.” Waverly’s voice was low and she wouldn’t meet Nicole’s gaze.  

“It’s not like he gave you a lot of choice!” Nicole raised her voice, cursing herself when Waverly flinched. She lowered her voice and continued. “He was supposed to let you in and why does it matter that you stayed with me? At least you were safe.”

The more she heard about Champ, the more time she spent around him, the more she began to dislike him and wanted to punch him in his stupid face.

How could he get mad at Waverly and pick a fight over something so small? And why in the hell did Waverly put up with it, with him? Nicole just didn’t understand it.

“He said you were going to leave like everyone else, that once you got what you wanted from me you’d leave.” The tears started to fall again but Waverly made no move to wipe them.

Suddenly why Waverly was so upset over a stupid fight clicked. Waverly had severe abandonment issues. Nicole had realized it the night she had pulled Waverly over for speeding, the night she swore to Waverly that she would prove that she wasn’t going anywhere, that Waverly wasn’t going to lose her.

From what little Nicole knew of Waverly’s family, she understood Waverly’s fear of people leaving her and she couldn’t believe that Champ had used that against her in a fight.

Actually, she could. He was that petty, that cruel.

“Waverly.” She squeezed the hand in hers, prompting Waverly to look at her but she didn’t. She just kept staring at the fire. “Waverly, look at me please.”

Waverly still didn’t look at her, so she got up from the bench and kneeled in front of her line of sight.

“Wave,” she pleaded and Waverly finally looked at her, with fresh tears shining in her eyes.

“I lo-,” Nicole stopped short, sighing and running her fingers through her hair. Now was not the time for confessions of love.

“I’m not going anywhere Waverly, I promise, I know that people promise you that all the time and they leave anyways but I won’t.” She brushed Waverly’s falling tears away with her thumb. “You’re my best friend Wave, and the only thing I want from you is your friendship, I have that and I would be incredibly stupid to throw it away.”

“I know,” Waverly’s voice cracked, tears falling faster at the sincerity in her voice and those beautiful brown eyes. “I’m being stupid.”

“No baby,” Nicole swallowed hard, looking away from Waverly, cheeks turning as red as her hair. She hadn’t meant to let the term of endearment slip but she pushed through her embarrassment. “Being scared of people leaving doesn’t make you stupid, it’s okay to be afraid, it’s okay to cry it all out.”

She knew her words couldn’t undo years of abandonment, years of fear of the people you love leaving you but she hoped they eased Waverly’s pain, her fear even if just a little bit.

“What did I do to deserve a friend like you?” Waverly asked, finally giving Nicole the tiniest of smiles.

“Guess you just got lucky,” Nicole winked, standing up and pulling Waverly into a hug. “I’m not going anywhere Waves, you’re stuck with me.”

“I think I can live with that,” Waverly chuckled, wrapped her arms around Nicole’s waist, pulling her as close as possible.

It amazed her how easily Nicole was able to ease her fear, how easily she was able to undo the hurt that Champ’s harsh words had done. She was once again in awe of Nicole Haught.

“Can I ask you something?” Nicole asked, sitting back down next to her, joining their hands once more.

“You just did.”

Nicole rolled her eyes and bumped their shoulders together. “Why do you stay with him?”

It was a good question but it was also one Waverly wasn’t sure she had an answer for.

Champ had been great the first year or so that they dated. He had been sweet and attentive, and he always defended her, he was respectful, he hadn’t cheated, he had been the kind of boyfriend every father dreamed their daughter would date.

Somewhere along the way he had completely changed but he never left. He always came back to her, he was always there and that was all Waverly ever wanted. Someone to be there, someone who wouldn’t leave her.

“He’s the one constant thing in my life Nicole, he was there when Wynonna left time and time again, he’s safe and normal and he’s there , even when he strays he always comes back to me,” she answered after a few moments.  

Nicole balled her free hand into a fist, her blunt nails digging into her palm. Waverly knew that Champ was cheating or, had cheated on her and it made her blood boil.

Waverly deserved so much better than Champ freakin’ Hardy. She deserved more than someone who's only redeeming quality was that fact that he was there.

“Yeah, he’s an ass sometimes and he can be downright cruel when he gets mad but he’s always been there and I know he loves me, in his own way he loves me.”

“Do you love him?” Nicole found herself asking, even though she wasn’t sure she wanted to know the answer.

But Waverly had to love him right? That’s the only way she could see her putting up with his shit.

Regardless of the answer, Nicole was going to have a talk with that boy-man. Set him straight. Waverly may be fine with letting him treat her that way, talk to her the way he does, cheat on her but Nicole wasn’t just going to sit by and watch him do it.

“I do.” And she did in some way. Maybe she wasn’t in love with him but she did love him to some degree.

“You deserve better Waverly Earp.”

Waverly just shrugged in response.

Nicole wrapped her arm around her shoulders and pulled the younger woman into her side. She silently vowed to repeat those words over and over again until Waverly finally believed them.

“By the way,” Waverly pulled away enough to look up at the young officer and poked her in the chest. “I do not snore.”

“Hate to break it to you but you do,” Nicole’s smile was teasing and her eyes flashed with a playfulness that Waverly loved...liked, that Waverly liked.

“I do not!” Waverly grumbled, folding her arms over her chest.

“Don’t worry Waves, your secret is safe with me,” Nicole winked, pulling Waverly back into her side. “Plus it’s incredibly adorable.”

Gus and Curtis watched the way Waverly leaned heavily into Nicole’s embrace. They watched Nicole press a kiss to the top of Waverly’s head before turning her attention back out to the fire still burning strong.

“That woman is in love with our Waverly.”

“I reckon you’re right,” Gus said, leaning into her husband’s side. “But she’ll never leave Champ.”

“I don’t know, Waverly is a smart girl, she’ll eventually see who really cares for her, who’s good for her.” Curtis wrapped his arm around Gus’s shoulders, placing a kiss to the top of her head, much like Nicole had done to Waverly. “But we can always nudge her in the right direction.”