
Frieren: Reborn as the Son of the Hero and Elf Mage

Being a Fan of Frieren: Beyond Journey's End is rather cool. But you know what's cooler? Wishing that Frieren x Himmel came to fruition. And wait, there's more. I wished to be reincarnated as their child. Now that's cool. The coolest even.

Roxy_Migurdia_69 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

See You Around Til Next Time

[Six Months Later]

Time flies when you're having fun with two legendary parents. With half a year zoomed by, my bonding time with Himmel the Hero and Frieren the Elven Mage has been nothing but pure happiness and satisfaction-inducing.

Saying it's been a blast would be an understatement because every day is an experience for me. Whether it be sword training or practicing basic spells, I'm soaking up every bit of their teachings like a freaking sponge.

Father was relentlessly enthusiastic whenever he demonstrated his dazzling swordplay and fancy footwork in our front yard, and I would imitate his every action. But one morning, I got carried away and tripped myself, falling face-first to the ground.

"Siegfried, are you alright?!" he exclaimed, worry etched in his voice.

However, I quickly got back up and smiled at him. "I'm okay, Dad!"

"Attaboy, never give up and keep fighting!" Father encouraged while chuckling pridefully.

Mother, on the other hand, is more of a subtle genius. Her lessons in practicing basic magic spells are all about creativity and imagination. So, having these two elements is like holding the keys to unlocking a world of endless possibilities.

One particular day, my mother and I were practicing outside our home just near a creek.

"Alright, today I shall teach you a demon-killing spell, Siegfried," she declared, her voice as soothing as a gentle breeze. "It's called Zoltraak."

The spell she is about to teach me is hardcore. Not only did it sound cool, but I recognized it quite well from the memories of my previous life. However, I didn't say anything about it and nodded obediently at her words.

Seeing that, my mother continued, "I will be demonstrating the spell and you shall replicate it on your own. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mom."

With my direct response, she turns around and raises her magic staff, pointing it in a certain direction. A small ball of light then appears at the tip of the weapon before shooting off into a beam, zapping a distant rock into oblivion.

My eyes widened, staring at the spot where the poor rock used to be. "Whoa, that was cool!"

Hearing my compliment, I could notice my mother's lips twitch into a vague smile. "Now, your turn, Siegfried. Focus your mana and imagine a piercing light gathering at your fingertips."

"Just my fingertips again? Don't you think it's about time for me to own a magic staff like you, Mom?" I requested, wanting a cool mage weapon like hers.

Mother paused for a moment before sighing. "Fine, I'll buy you one after this magic training." 

"Really? Nice!"

Excited by her agreement, I focused my mana, visualizing the light gathering at my fingertips just as she said. I scrunched my face in concentration and a small ball of light emerged. Upon seeing that, I fired it out and created a decent-sized beam, erasing a rock from existence.

"Yeah, I did it! I did the thing!" 

"Good job, Siegfried. Keep on practicing that spell, and you'll be able to kill demons," Mother declared, her calm tone giving way to a hint of satisfaction.

"Alright, Mom, I'll do it every day!"

Hearing that, my mother and I left the creak and went to the Royal Capital so she could buy me a magic staff as promised. It's moments like these that made me appreciate the life given to me, even more than when I first arrived in this world.


Although I cherished these moments, not every day in this new world was all sunshine and rainbows. Sure, I enjoyed my time with my legendary parents, but one fateful night, things were about to change.

You see, I was on a quiet mission to the restroom because nature was calling loudly but then I heard my mother and father arguing in the kitchen ahead of me.

Naturally, I tiptoed closer, feeling curious and slightly worried. Though eavesdropping wasn't exactly honorable, sometimes a kid's gotta do what a kid's gotta do.

"Frieren, we have to talk about this," Father said, his voice unusually tense. "I know collecting magic is your hobby, but you can't just leave me and your son for a long time."

"Himmel, you know how important this is," Mother retorted, her voice was tranquil as always, but there was an edge to it. "The magic knowledge I need to gather is not just for me, but for Siegfried's training too."

Father sighed, sounding like he was relenting. "I get that, but he needs you here, Frieren. He needs that motherly presence in his life."

The silence that followed was deafening. I held my breath, hearing my heart pounding in my chest. Mother hadn't responded yet, which made me tense. What should I do? Should I leave or should I stay to listen to more of their conversation?

"Siegfried, I know you were there. Can you come here?" Mother called out, startling me.

Crap, I'm busted! Oh well, I guess I have no choice but to show myself. So, I stepped into the kitchen, trying to look as clueless as possible.

"Hey, Mom, Dad... what's up with you two?" I feigned innocence.

However, Mother looked at me as if she knew I was pretending. "You were eavesdropping on our conversation, weren't you?"

"I, um, was going to the restroom, so not really," I vaguely admitted.

Mother furrowed her brows and retorted, "I just sensed your mana behind the wall for quite a while now. There's no point lying to us."

Damn, I knew my mana concealment wasn't as good as I thought it would be. Well, I suppose I have to tell them the truth.

"Yes, Mom, I heard everything," I reluctantly confessed to my parents.

Father sighed, but there was a forced smile on his face. "Don't worry, Siegfried, I'm trying my best to convince your mom to—"

"It's alright, Dad. Mom can go if she wants to," I interjected, cutting him off mid-sentence.

Both of my parents were taken aback by my immediate response, their eyes broadening with surprise. It seems that they weren't expecting their child to accept the long absence.

"Siegfried..." Mother murmured, her voice seemed unusually faint. "Are you sure you are okay with this? I will not be back for a long time."

Taking a deep breath, I tried to sound as composed as possible. "Yes, Mom, I'm fine with you being gone as long you come back for Dad. After all, I don't think he could wait for that long since he is just a human."

Hearing my reasoning, Mother's expression relaxed a bit, and she nodded calmly. "Very well, Siegfried. I will make sure to return as soon as I can."

Father took a sigh of relief, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Thank you, son. You're stronger than I imagined."

"Of course, Dad. We'll be okay," I reassured him, even though a part of me was anxious about the days to come. "Also, I need to go to the restroom now. I've been holding in for a while."

With that remark, Father and Mother laughed with amusement before excusing me from the kitchen, slowly easing the tension. I knew things wouldn't be easy, but I was determined to make the best of the situation, for both my parents and myself.


On the next morning, my father and I stand by the entrance of our home, confronting Mother for the last time before she leaves.

Mother, with her typical calm demeanor, adjusted her robe, preparing for her journey. Father had his arms crossed, trying to look composed but failing miserably. And me? I was trying to look casual, leaning on the door frame, but let's be real—I probably just looked like an idiot who was trying too hard to be cool.

"Take care, Frieren," Father expressed with a hint of worry in his voice. "And don't forget to send letters for once in a while."

"Of course," Mother nodded as she acknowledged him. "Just make sure that everything is all according to plan while I'm gone."

"Yes, yes, I know," Father grumbled, trying to be nonchalant but ended up being tense.

Hearing his failed attempt to act tough, Mother touched his face and reassured him with a nice smooch on the cheek. After that, she turned to me with her expression relaxing.

"Siegfried, remember to practice your mana control and the magic spells I taught you," she reminded me. "I expect great things from you when I come back."

"You got it, Mom!" I complied while puffing my chest. "Mark my words, I'll be the best magic-casting demon slayer you'll ever see."

"I'm sure you will," she concurred, showing a proud smile. "Well, it's time for me to leave the house, you two."

Father nodded as he placed a hand on my shoulder. "Have a safe journey out there, Frieren."

With one last nod, Mother turns around and proceeds to walk away. We watched her leave until she disappeared from our sight.

"Alright," Father spoke again, ruffling my hair. "Let's get ready for training, shall we?"

I grinned up at him. "You bet, Dad! Let's show Mom what we're made of!"

As we headed back inside, I couldn't help but feel motivated. Sure, Mother's absence would be tough, but I knew we'd make her proud. Besides, I'd have plenty of time to polish my epic sword skills and magical abilities. The adventure is just getting started, and I'm ready for it.

Someone, please correct me if Frieren turned Zoltraak into a demon-killing spell before or after the demon king was defeated.

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