
Chapter 85 - A Date With Chaos

Friendship is a Game

by Twistedphoenix1

Edited by SpedaHooves

Applejack was crimson as she saw the young Dracokin walking with his girlfriend, the image of him out of the shower last night playing in her mind. Diamond was the first to see her and smirked.

"So...come to check out my boyfriend again?" Spike turned and saw Applejack and immediately his shade matched hers.

"I...I just wanted to apologize," Applejack stammered. "I didn't mean to…"

"It's fine!" Spike said hurriedly, not wanting her to have to say it. Diamond however chuckled.

"I don't know...she saw you naked before I did," the succubus muttered. "I think I deserve some form of payback."

"Wha...what do you mean?"

"I want you to help me test something I read in one of my mother's old books," Diamond said. Applejack looked at her questioningly but shrugged.

"If you think that will make up for it...why the hell not."

She almost instantly regretted that the moment she saw Diamond's smile.

"Monday then," Diamond smirked. "Meet me before school."

Applejack was left wondering what she got herself into as Spike was lead off by his girlfriend.


Micro grinned looking at the nightlife in London. Based on the open hours and time change, he figured it would be best to get on one of the last rides of the London Eye. He turned toward Silver and saw her looking thoughtful. Squeezing her hand, he got her attention.

"Everything ok?" He asked her.

"It's wonderful!" Silver said. "I was just wondering how Sweetie Belle's date is going."

Micro nodded. It was something to think about, at least considering who it was with. Not that he didn't trust Shiro. He knew that if Shiro asked Sweetie out, it was out of genuine interest. The part he was interested in was what Shiro had planned. He was...well...a chaotic individual (pardon the pun).

"Well, I'm sure it will be interesting...speaking of," he grinned at her and held his hand up. "I can create an ID and we can go anywhere."

Silver smiled and leaned in to kiss him as they reached the top of the wheel. There were no limits to what they could see. Closing times be damned.

"Well...Stonehenge sounds fun."

With Sweetie and Shiro

As they walked, Shiro looked awkwardly at Sweetie who wasn't really saying anything.

"Um…" Shiro started. Sweetie turned to him.

"You and Rarity huh?" Shiro, uncharacteristically blushed.

"Yeah...I swear if I realized she was your sister I would've told you." Sweetie looked him in the eye and nodded.

"And how far did you go with her?" The shade of red Shiro turned was enough of an answer. Sweetie blushed a bit and took a deep breath. "I know you're a playboy...so I want full honesty with the following question. Am I just some conquest to you? Another girl to say you got into the pants of?"

"What? No!" Shiro instantly denied. "Sweetie...Whenever I...got with a girl before, I made sure that they weren't looking for anything more than I was. A date here, some fun time there, but never something serious. Rarity was because I found her last year in the home ec lab working on the sewing machine. Hers broke and she was getting very stressed with back orders. I suggested she needed a break and...well, she wanted me to relieve some of her stress…"

Sweetie blushed but kept eye contact with him the entire time.

"With you...if I was trying to sleep with you, I would tell you. I know we were just together for training sessions but I saw something in you...something I would like to get to know more. Whether this turns into a full relationship, just friends, or somewhere in between…"

He seemed at a loss for words and looked down at the girl, who was smiling up at him.

"Thank you for being honest," Sweetie said. "As for how far this relationship goes...we will see."

Shiro smiled, happy that she accepts him the way he is. He pulls her into a hug and she happily returns it. As they separated, they both saw something out of the corner of their eye. They turned and continued walking.

"So...Rarity is following us huh?" Shiro muttered in a low voice.

"Probably doesn't want a playboy like you to claim her little sister's innocence," Sweetie giggled. Shiro put an arm around her shoulder and whispered.

"You want to mess with her a little bit." A large grin split Sweetie's face.

Rarity and Twilight

"What is he planning?" Rarity grumbled as she peeked out from behind a tree.

"Are you sure he's even going to do anything?" Twilight grumbled a bit. "I mean, I haven't heard anyone else really complain about him."

"He is a playboy!" Rarity hissed, blushing. "And I won't let Sweetie become another notch in his belt!"

"Who's becoming a notch in who's belt?"

The two girls jumped and turned, seeing a tan skinned, pink haired, incredibly busty woman behind them.

"Frida?" Rarity asked, recalling the name from when the ninja took her "niece" and her girlfriend shopping. She saw the woman wearing jeans with small rips in them and a black tank top that said "Got Milk" across the breasts.

"The one and only," she grinned and turned to Twilight. "I'm Frida Herano. I took my niece to Rarity's boutique a little while back."

"Well it's nice to-"

"Oh no!" Rarity yelled and the two turned back.

"What?" They both asked.

"Shiro and Sweetie are gone!" Rarity growled, annoyed she took her eyes off them for a second.

"Ok...what's going on?" Frida asked. Twilight sighed and was about to explain when Rarity started first.

"My little sister has fallen for the charms of a playboy and now he's toying with her before he...he….Gah!"

Frida looked at Rarity closely and raised an eyebrow. There was a lot more to Rarity's story than that. And it wasn't like she was in a position to give a "playboy" crap...but… this might be a good opportunity.

"I can help you track them down," Frida said. Rarity turned to her hopeful.

"Really!? Please!" Frida smiled.

"Very well...but I want one favor from each of you two."

"Deal!" Rarity said, causing Twilight to go wide eyed.

"What!? But I-"

"Oh please Twilight!" Rarity begged and looked at her with puppy dog eyes.


Frida smiled and immediately took off toward the tallest tree nearby. Climbing up it like a monkey, she looked up from the top.

"White and black haired boy and Sweetie spotted," she called down as she dropped, landing with a roll. "Let's go!"

As the other two took off, Twilight thought for a moment. They never told Frida what Sweetie looked like, so how did she…?

"Twilight!" Rarity called back. The brainiac brushed the thought aside as she chased after her friend.

Frida meanwhile realized what she had probably been thinking about. She guessed rumors of the busty pink haired substitute stayed among her class.

Movie Theater

Rarity, Twilight, and Frida peeked around the corner as Shiro and Sweetie got their tickets from the vendor.

"Can you hear what they are seeing?" Rarity asked. Twilight leaned her head out more and very subtly cast a listening spell.

"Two tickets to Midnight Tales of Fright," Shiro ordered. Sweetie looked nervous but didn't say anything. Twilight related the information to the others and Rarity paled. Frida however looked curious.

"How the hell did you hear that?"

"I...I read the vendor's lips," she lied. She didn't know this Frida, so she could reveal magic to her.

"Sweetie can't stand horror," Rarity gulped. "He must want her to be so scare she crawls into his lap and he can get some cheap feels on her! Or so he can distract her with kissing or...or….!"

Rarity ran up and looked at the vendor.

"Three tickets to Midnight Tales of Fright!" She said hurriedly. When the vendor showed her the available seats she saw the back row was empty, meaning Sweetie and Shiro weren't in it and it was the perfect place to observe them from.

"Rarity…" Twilight said as the fashionista lead them into the theater. "You aren't the best with horror either, and frankly neither am I."

But Rarity wasn't listening and went to the theater listed on the tickets. None of the group saw Shiro and Sweetie peeking out of the door of the theater showing a comedy movie. The white haired boy was a bit surprised when he had to use an auditory illusion on a listening spell, but still.

"Who's the pink haired woman?" Shiro asked. It took Sweetie a moment to remember.

"Her name is Frida. Zecora's wife and someone Micro receives training from." Shiro looked at her, then back to Frida.

"Are we sure Micro's ability title isn't harem anime protagonist or something?"

Sweetie giggled at his comment before dragging him back.

"I'm your date remember? You can think about her later." Shiro chuckled sheepishly and followed Sweetie to their seats.


Leaving the theater, Rarity and Twilight were blushing. This was for two reasons.

One, they screamed like little kids throughout the whole movie. For two 18 year olds, that was a bit humiliating.

Two, they both clung to Frida like a life line. This would've been fine, but the pink haired girl's hands….wandered a bit when they grabbed her arms. They didn't help things considering that by doing so they held them to their chests and lined her hands up perfectly with their…

You know what never mind.

"I don't get it!" Rarity said frustrated. "They weren't in there."

"I know that's what they said," Twilight murmured.

Frida just smiled as she lead the way. She barely caught sight of the dating couple as they left and made sure to stay just out of sight.

After a while of walking, Frida motioned for the other two to hurry and pointed at a spa just as Shiro and Sweetie entered. Rarity took a few deep breaths and tried to rationalize things as she had been there multiple times.

"O….ok. They have male and female changing areas. Robes and towel must be on at all times. No sexual activities are allowed…"

"Um...Rarity," Frida said. "I know those are the rules...but...well they can't really keep track of everything since cameras in certain areas would be either violations of privacy or useless due to steam."

The older woman giggles as she remembers time things got "steamy" with Zecora in the sauna. Rarity went wide eyed and charged toward the building.

"Ah! Miss Rarity. We were not expecting you today," a lady with pink hair wearing a blue uniform said.

"I wasn't planning on coming in today Lotus but…" before she could finish, she saw Sweetie and Shiro walking toward the changing rooms. Sweetie smiled at Shiro and walked into the one labeled ladies. Shiro waited a moment before glancing back and forth, and went in after her.

Rarity didn't hesitate to charge after them, ignoring Lotus calling her back. The fashionista reached the changing room, only briefly wondering when they swapped the positions of them, and ran in.

"Sweetie Belle!" She shouted as she burst in. What she saw made her fair, pale skin grow tomato red.

Multiple guys, all in various states of undress from shirtless to completely nude were staring at her wide eyed. She blinked for a moment before screaming and running out.

The image dissolved as Shiro chuckled. A simple illusion to both get Rarity to walk into the wrong one, and make her think it was full. With a smirk, he grabbed his robe and made his way toward the masseuse station where Sweetie was waiting.


It had taken a half an hour for Rarity to explain herself and thankfully convince Lotus not to ban her. That being said she had to leave for the day, meaning the group stayed watching at a café across the street.

It was another hour and a half before Shiro and Sweetie were out, both holding hands and smiling.

"I don't know Rarity," Twilight said. "It looks like it's a typical date."

"That's what Shiro wants you to think," Rarity said. "You think it's a regular old date and then he takes you…"

Rarity gasps and sees the direction her sister and Shiro are heading and takes off. Frida and Twilight roll their eyes and run after her.

"How does she know what his dates are like?" Frida asked.

"I have no clue," Twilight said. Frida thought for a moment as the pieces started to fit together in her mind.

When Rarity stopped, she growled. Twilight and Frida looked up and saw a motel.

"That bastard is already…." Rarity roared as she ran toward the doors.

"Wait Rarity!" Twilight called out but it was too late. Rarity burst through the lobby doors and saw Sweetie sitting at a small table by some vending machines, drinking a bottle of water.

"Rarity?" Sweetie questioned, but Frida was able to pick up on the fact that she was faking surprise.

"Sweetie!" Rarity said, running up and hugging her little sister. "We have to get you out of here."


"Don't you know what this place is? Shiro...he brought you here to-"

"Use the restroom," Sweetie cut her off.

"...What?" Rarity asked.

"Shiro needed to use the restroom so we stopped in here. I needed to rest my legs so…"

Rarity was stunned, Twilight face palmed, and Frida was laughing her ass off.

"Sorry for the wait Sweetie," Shiro said as he walked back. "Oh? What are you ladies doing here?"

The man at the desk had looked up at the commotion and was staring at Rarity. He turned to Shiro.

"Didn't you and the purple haired one tent a room a while back? I remember that hair style."

Twilight turned toward Rarity with her mouth open in shock. Frida nodded as if that's what she was expecting. Shiro chuckled sheepishly while Sweetie looked at him.

"Shiro!" She said. Once again only Frida picked up on the fake shock. "Is this true?"

"That I brought your sister here and rent a room for the night?" Shiro said, acting hesitant. "Well…"

"Yes!" Rarity said, finally snapping out of her embarrassment. "He brought me here to have sex! Just like he does with other girls. He's a playboy and that's why I don't want you dating him!"

The group all stared at her as she panted from her rant. The man behind the counter decided to head to the back to check on some things while the teens handled this.

"Well…" Shiro turned toward Sweetie. "You were right. She did snap."

"Told you. I know my sister."

Rarity stared at Sweetie who got up and held out her hand to Shiro. He put a $20 in it and sighed.

"Does this mean dinner is on you?"

"Not in your dreams." The two laughed and Rarity stared at them.

"You...you knew!" She shrieked.

"That he is a playboy?" Sweetie asked. "Since I met him. That you two had a thing? Only after you saw us off today. He told me."

"He...he did?" Shiro nodded and looked at Rarity.

"Rarity, I'm always upfront. I was with you as well. I wanted to help you relieve some stress and you agreed. It's been the same with every other girl I've been with. Why does that shock you?"

Rarity was at a loss for words. Frida, however, was not.

"Because she viewed it as improper. She slept with a guy who she honestly barely knew and it wasn't even the start of a relationship. She holds herself to a prim and proper standard so she more or less blocked out the parts of it that doesn't fit her view of how she should be…"

She smirked at the red faced fashionista.

"Even if she loved it at the time."

Rarity collapsed into a chair and held her head in her hands. Sweetie sat down next to her.

"I get that you were trying to protect me. But Shiro has been nothing but respectful to me."

"When I first met her," Shiro took over. "I felt something. Something in her that I wanted to know more. That's when I decided I wanted to ask her out. If she wants to let this grow, or if she wants to end it after this and just be friends, I'll except it."

"Though I think after today I want to see this grow a bit more," Sweetie said taking his hand. He blushed a bit and stroke the back of hers with his thumb. Rarity saw the sincerity in their words and smiled.

"Very well," she said. "I promise I won't interfere."

Sweetie looked at her sister with a huge smile and hugged her.

"So….how did you first meet?"

"Oh, he was training me in mag-"

Sweetie stopped herself and pulled away, her face red. Rarity raised an eyebrow.

"What was that?"

Twilight used a bit of her magic to scan Sweetie and Shiro. She was shocked to discover Shiro had magic that was chaotic in nature, but even more so that Sweetie had magic that seemed just a few days old.

"Oh boy." Twilight said. Turns out Rarity's sister was involved in everything.

This wasn't going to be a fun chat.