
Chapter 67 - Track Meet

"So that's the story huh?" Scootaloo said as she stretched. They were off to the side as the track team got prepared for the track meet.

Micro was a little bit distracted as he found himself staring at his girlfriend's rear as she bent over. Those athletic shorts really did show off a lot...and with her tank top pulling up a bit with each stretch...


"Wha...oh, yeah. That's the gist of it."

He had explained everything that Diamond had told them last night. She seemed skeptical, but seemed willing to at least give her a chance to redeem herself. It was a start and Micro felt more or less the same way. Diamond hurt Scootaloo and Silver over the years. While Silver was more willing to move past it all (since she saw more than just the bad of Diamond since they met), Micro still had the failure result of his quest to save her in his mind.

"So what happened after that?" Scootaloo asked, bending over to touch her toes, knowing full well she was arousing Micro. She wanted to get his hormones pumping.

"That's something you have to ask her and Spike," Micro said, looking over at the stands. Their friends (including Chara who came to the meet) were all sitting there and Diamond was sitting between Silver and Spike. Sweetie was sitting next to Spike on the other side, trying to get his attention, but failing as he talked to Diamond. "I made sure Silver got home safe while he escorted Diamond back. As far as I can tell, she managed to spin a tale that Spoiled ran out on them after a huge fight. No one remembers what exactly happened when they were brainwashed so…"

"And Filthy had nothing to say about her sudden growth spurt?" Micro shrugged. "Well, all I know is she better keep away from you. I might be willing to possibly move past things but after what she tried…"

As she stood back up, Micro hugged her and kissed her on the forehead.

"I wouldn't even dream of it."

Scootaloo chuckled and leaned in for another kiss. Before they could however…

"Lover boy!" Spitfire said as they jumped apart. "Get back to the stands with the others! I don't need one of my star runners getting a limp before the big game!"

The other girls on the team laughed at this teasing while the two in question turned pure crimson, though Scootaloo chuckled a bit at her boyfriend's expression. She gave him a quick kiss before he started back to the stands. As he walked, he glanced at the team from Crystal Prep and cast a quick Observe on them all. Not many really caught his attention, being an average level and typical description for high schoolers. Two however…one had hair of varying shades of green while the other had pink and purple hair.

Indigo Zap

(Speed Demon Sylph)

Lv 24

Known as one of the most competitive members of the Crystal Prep Shadow Bolts. Discovered her powers over wind at an early age and has no qualms in using them to gain an advantage in competitions.

Breast Size: B Cup

Relationship: Doesn't know you

Status: Cocky

Sunny Flare

(Half Blooded Ifrit)

Lv 27

Child of a human and an Ifrit (Spirit of Fire), she is just as competitive as her fellow teammates. Has discovered how to use her powers in unique ways.

Breast Size: C Cup

Relationship: Doesn't know you

Status: Composed

'So Crystal Prep has ability users too...' Micro thought, then his expression turned sour. 'And they want to cheat?!'

This wouldn't normally affect him. He didn't really care about sports. But Scootaloo spent the majority of the week talking about how she was hoping they would be able to beat the Shadow Bolts. To find out they were planning on cheating…

'Well...time to initiate counter measures.'

Quickly ducking into the restroom, he sent a clone to join the others and slipped on the Iron Watcher armor. He activated Sombra's cloaking tech and headed out to the middle of the track.

"So, what's the plan Jefe?" Sombra asked.

"Just keep an eye out for Sunny Flare," Micro responded. "I will focus on Indigo. Any time you see her cheat, we will counter it."

"How so?"

"Well…" Before Micro could ask, he spotted Indigo standing behind the girl about to do long jump. Seemingly out of nowhere, a wind started picking up. "Like this!"

Right as the girl jumped, a burst of wind pushed against her from behind. Timing it just right, Micro commanded wind of equal force in front. She stuck the landing, but Indigo looked confused.

'She should've gone further,' she growled internally. Seeing the Canterlot girl about to jump, she smirked. 'Should at least be able to stop her!'

Micro saw her making her move again and sent another wind, this time behind the girl, making the forces even. It was a close call for the judges...but Canterlot made it by an inch.

'What!' Indigo shrieked in her mind. The young Gamer chuckled at her expression.

"What do you think of that Sombra?"

"I think you need to do something about Sunny Flare," the latina chuckled. Micro turned and saw the girl staring hard at the Canterlot shot putter. Specifically, the shot put ball in her hand. Micro saw that the girl started to looking like it was uncomfortable.

"So that's how you want to play it…" Micro smirked as he tried to create a layer of cooling water with the moisture in the air. He saw the girl seemed to relax a bit as Sunny seemed upset. Watching the Ifrit girl squint harder, he saw steam beginning to form on the ball. He quickly tried to syphon a bit of the heat from it as the shot putter threw it.

It probably wasn't the best the girl could ever do, but it was a lot better than what it would've been if her palm was scorched. Seeing the girl from Crystal prep walk up, Micro poured a little bit of heat into her ball. He tried his best to keep it the same level of heat as what the other girl had. A fair fight was what he was looking for, not to give his school's team an unfair advantage.

This went on through most of the meet. Indigo sent a burst of wind to throw the pole vaulter off balance. Micro did the same thing to the Crystal Prepper. Sunny heated up the hammer throw handle, and Micro managed to even things out like what he did for the shot putter. Occasionally he sucked on a magic regenerating lollipop that Sugar helped him stock up on. Eventually, it came to Indigo Zap's time on the track for the 400 meter. Micro struggled to find someway to even the playing field. That was...until he saw who the representative for Canterlot was.

"Dash," Micro whispered. The older girl jumped and looked around until Micro hissed out again. "It's Micro. Before you ask, I have a clone in the stands."

"What the hell are you trying to do?" Rainbow growled under her breath.

"Two of the girls from Crystal Prep are ability users and have tried to cheat. I've been stopping them."

"They what! So that's why we never win! Who is it?"

"There's a Sylph like you, Indigo Zap."

"My opponent?" The Rainbow haired girl looked over and saw the other girl stretching with a confident smirk on her face. "So what can I do?"

"You've been practicing with your powers right?"

Rainbow had a look of sudden realization, and grinned as she walked up to her starting spot which was the one behind Zap.

They waited patiently, ready to begin sprinting. Dash felt the wind in front of her begin pushing her back and she smirked, directing it to loop around her and push her forward as the starting gun fired. Zap was clearly caught off guard as Rainbow shot past her relatively quickly and so she poured on the speed as well, trying to use it to pull Rainbow back. Micro smiled as he saw Rainbow pull ahead and the look of realization that Zap had as it was too late. Even with the air pushing her forward, Rainbow was doing the same and was faster naturally.

"YES!" Rainbow cheered and Canterlot was screaming with joy. Zap growled and stomped off, realizing she was beat at her own game. Seeing Micro in the stands (who had switched back since Zap and Sunny had both left in frustration), she gave him a thumbs up.

Finally, it was time for the 400m relay, Scootaloo's event. Micro scanned the track for his girlfriend and saw her at the end, the anchor for the team. She saw him looking at her and waved.

"So you are the boy Scootaloo has been seeing," a voice said behind him. Micro turned and saw a man with purple hair as well as a woman with blond hair standing behind him. It took all his composure to prevent himself from blushing at the older woman.

Snap Shutter

(Exploring Father)

Lv 38

The father of Scootaloo. Usually away on explorations with his wife, he is still very protective of his daughter.

Relationship: Wants to make sure you will treat Scootaloo right

Status: Trying to put on the tough father act

Mane Allgood

(Exploring Mother)

Lv 36

The mother of Scootaloo. Usually away on explorations with her husband, is protective of Scootaloo, but realizes she wants to live her own life and is fulling supporting.

Breast Size: D Cup

Relationship: Know's Scootaloo is a good judge of character and trust her judgement in how she proceeds with the relationship.

Status: Trying to make sure her husband doesn't go overboard.

"Hello sir," Micro said, straightening up and making sure he was looking his best. "You must be Scootaloo's dad. Which must mean this lovely lady is her mother."

He bowed his head slightly toward Mane and she giggled a bit. Snap let a small smirk appear for a second before composing himself.

"That's right. I'm Snap and this is my wife, Mane. We thought today would be a good chance to meet the man Scoots has gone on and on about."

"Especially since we will be leaving for another trip soon," Mane smiled. Snap seemed to tense at this, as if he didn't want Micro knowing that (probably so he didn't get the idea he could pop over to their house to hook up with Scoots), but shrugged it off.

"Well...we just wanted to make sure you knew the rules when it comes to our daughter. First of all-"

"Our daughter is a good judge of character and can make her own decisions," Mane cut in. "Just don't push her farther than she wants to go, and treat her right, and we will be fine."

Snap looked like he wanted to protest, but Mane gave him an...overly sweet smile that seemed to make him cower back.

"Oh...um...yeah. That's about it. She told us you had made plans for after the competition."

This was news to Micro, but he just nodded. Snap gave him a look that basically seemed to say to watch himself as he turned away wife his wife to watch Scootaloo. Micro collapsed back into his seat and sighed in relief.

"You can face a small army of Dracokin, Kobolds, Zombies, and even video game villains given form, but your girlfriend's parents are your kryptonite," Chara teased.

"Shut up," Micro muttered.

"Imagine if they knew about the harem."

Micro was a second away from snapping when they heard the starting gun fire. Turning back, they saw the first runners taking off. Crystal Prep took a lead for the first part, Canterlot seemed to pick up a bit of distance in the second, but in the third, they fell behind again. It was a few seconds after the Shadowbolt when Scootaloo was handed the baton.

"You got this Scoots!" Micro cheered.

Scootaloo heard him and poured on her speed. She had a few points left over from her last level up and poured them into her DEX and shot forward even faster. The Shadowbolt looked back over her shoulder. She went wide eyed as Scoots tore through the last few feet and in a photo finish (taken by Photo Finish), crossed the line.

All the other members of the Canterlot team cheered and ran forward, lifting Scootaloo up into the air as she panted and smiled. She saw her friends cheering and clapping, but she didn't see Micro. Before she could respond, her teammates set her down just in time for Micro to wrap his arms around her waist and kissing her passionately. She melted into the kiss and they stayed like that until…

"Ahem…" The two separated and saw Snap looking down at them. Mane was smiling off on the side. The two blushed and separated. "Is here the time and place to…"

"Congratulations honey," Mane said as she took her husband's arm. "Have a great time celebrating your victory."

Micro saw Scoots' blush a bit at that and wasn't exactly sure why. Mane led a very reluctant Snap away.

"So...when did we talk about getting together after this?" Micro asked. Scootaloo motioned for him to wait and they sat together as the rest of the spectators left. Their friends came up with Diamond nervously telling her she did good to which Scootaloo respectfully thanked her. When the rest of the people around them filtered out, Scootaloo turned to her boyfriend.

"Can you create an ID?" A bit confused where she was going with this, he held up his hand. When they were in the ID, she grabbed his hand and began walking toward the center of the field. "Do you remember...after the whole thing with Fluttershy, you told me about it and I reacted rather...intensely."

"Um...yeah…" He remembered it with a blush. She had wanted to just do it then and there because she didn't want to risk losing him. Not that he would ever leave her due to not getting any but...wait.

"Remember how you said to wait for sometime special? Well...my first victory in a track meet is a special thing to me."

"Do...do you mean…?"

She nodded and looked up at him with a smile.

"Micro...make love to me."

{Written by Twistedphoenix1}

{Edited by SpedaHooves/KenKanekiTheCat/Me}