
Chapter 52 - The Final Push

Micro's eye twitched as he sat in class. It wasn't the class that was making him twitch though. Cheerilee was a great teacher. Add in the fact that she was attractive and it wasn't hard to see why many of the boys enjoyed her class. What upset him was the fact that a certain AI was pretending to sleep and was "snoring" on him.

With a tap on the side of his glasses, Sombra stirred.

"Oye!" Sombra said as she 'woke up'. The image of her face appeared in on of the lens of his glasses. "You interrupted my beauty sleep."

"You're a program, you don't need sleep," Micro hissed under his breath. "I would rather not have you pretending to snore in the middle of class."

"Oh relax el sabelotodo. It was just a joke."

"...What does sabelotodo mean?" Sombra seemed to look a bit sheepish.

"It just means smart," she said. Micro tried to glare at her (hard to do when you are glaring at your glasses) as he was sure that was a lie. "So what do you wake me up for?"

"I paid a pretty penny for these glasses so you could get out of the lab and also not be stuck in my pocket half the time. I want to test some of the features."

He was shocked to see that the Chaos Auction had the EDITH glasses from Spider-Man Far From Home already, but he was happy with it. A quick hack from Sombra and the EDITH program was integrated into Sombra's AI system.

"What's up first jefe?" Sombra asked. Quickly looking around, he saw a few of his fellow students had their phones out. Cheerilee didn't as she sat at her desk, but she did occasionally glance at her computer.

"Let's see what the others are doing."

First he glanced over at Sugar. In the glasses, a holographic image of the phone's screen appeared. It appeared he was debating whether or not to send a text.

Hey Apple Bloom. I was wondering if perhaps you wanted to get together this Friday?

Looking at his friend's face, he saw Sugar couldn't decide.

"Let's help him along shall we?"

Sombra got the message and after a second the message registered as sent. Sugar went wide eyed and looked over at Apple Bloom who Micro could see got the message. She went crimson and glanced over at Sugar who couldn't bring himself to make eye contact with her. Cheering to himself, he saw Apple Bloom text back.


Considering that was enough of them, Micro shifted his attention to Silver Spoon. She looked upset and conflicted about something. Looking at her phone, he saw what it was.

Hurry up and make your move on the brat! If you don't make progress soon and he becomes too attached to Scootaloser then he will forget all about you! Hell, drag him into a closet for a quickie for all I care, just do something to force them to break up and then dump him!

Micro was livid when he saw what Diamond had typed, but was happy to see Silver had started a response.

I don't want to dump him. If I do get together with him, I want to stay that way. As for Scootaloo

She had stopped typing there and seemed to not know what else to say. He could tell by her face while she wanted to get together, she didn't want to directly ruin his relationship with Scootaloo. She also didn't want to drive Diamond away by denying her however.

Micro thought of his quest and knew he had to get Silver away from Diamond or she would be miserable.

"Send it."

He said that, just as Silver went to delete the message. She gasped as she saw it send instead, thinking she bumped the button. Quickly, she shut off the phone and put it away before busying herself with her notes. Diamond was looking down at her phone and her face twisted in rage.

Micro swallowed the guilt he felt at doing that. He knew Silver needed to get away from Diamond, and hopefully this would be a step in the right direction.

Quickly glancing at the other phones, he realized some people were making plans for later with friends, or in the case of Snips and Snails, looking at porn. Sombra teased Micro a bit when he couldn't help but stare at some of the images for a few seconds before moving on.

"I'll bookmark those pages for you," she laughed.

Micro grumbled before turning his attention to Cheerilee. She apparently was flipping through her photo album as she taught. Most of them were pictures of her and Big Macintosh. A smile crossed Micro's face as he imagined Chara, Scootaloo , and himself taking romantic pictures like that.

That smile turn to blush as the pictures took a more risqué turn and he shut off that function. That was enough of that.


"Congrats man!" Spike said as Sugar told them about his date with Apple Bloom on Friday. They were just getting changed for class when the young confectioner dropped the news.

"Yeah," Sugar said blushing. "I don't even know how it happened. I could swear I didn't hit the send button."

Micro hid his smirk as he slipped his shirt over his head. He was happy things worked out for his friend. All it took was a push in the right direction.

"Oh man. How does that Spike boy not have a girl yet?"

The grimace Micro had was also hidden by his shirt. He was seriously beginning to regret putting Sombra in his glasses as she was now giving him a commentary on how 'good looking' his friends were.

"And that Apple Bloom is lucky. Sure Sugar has a bit of pudge to him but still-"

"Oh would you shut up?" Micro hissed as he closed his locker door (a bit louder than he meant to) and headed out of the locker room. When he was out, he saw Silver looking nervous, sitting on one of the bleachers. Making sure he kept his face straight, he sat down next to her. "What's Up Sil?"

She looked up in shock, but smiled a bit when she saw him.

"Oh. Hey Micro. Nothing really it's just…" she fell silent.

"Just what?"

"Well, I told Diamond something that upset her, and now I'm afraid of what she might say in class."

"Is that why you skipped lunch?"

He had noticed Diamond sitting alone during lunch and hadn't seen Silver around at all. In response, Silver put a hand to her stomach as it growled.

"I didn't mean to upset her or anything, it's just...I disagreed with something she said." She blushed and looked away guiltily. Micro wished he could assure her he knew what it was and wasn't upset, but couldn't exactly tell her about how he spied on their phones.

"Do you mean what you said?" He asked. She looked up at him, almost surprised.

"Well...yes, but-"

"Did you phrase it in a harsh or nasty way?"

"No, I-"

"Then she is the problem here, not you." He put an arm around her shoulders and she blushed. "If she expects you to just agree with whatever she says, then I don't think she views you as a friend. She views you as a servant. A yes person that will just follow what she says without question. Is that the type of person you want to be?"

Silver looked at him, her eyes watering slightly. For a second, he wondered if he pushed too far. Then she looked down and took a deep breath, before looking up with determination in her eyes.

"No," she said. "I...I will take care of things."

"Great!" Micro said, his joy 100% genuine. "I would hate for you to be upset on Friday."

Silver's face lit up with joy as she heard that. She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him. Chuckling, Micro returned the hug, only breaking it when students started leaving the locker rooms.

"You going to be ok for gym? I'm sure Spitfire would understand if you wanted to switch groups."

Silver looked up and saw Diamond glaring at her, tapping her foot as she waited, clearly expecting Silver to grab the hockey sticks and ball. Silver sighed and stood up.

"I think I will be ok." She got up and walked over to the equipment, grabbing a ball and a single hockey stick. Micro smirked at Diamond's face as she saw this.

"What's so funny?" Scootaloo asked as she walked up to her boyfriend. Seeing him point, she saw an aghast Diamond seeming to argue with a stone face Silver Spoon. "Wow! You actually managed to get through to her?"

"Yep." Micro grabbed their supplies and walked over to a small section of the gym. "Shouldn't be too long before I get confirmation on the quest being complete."

Scootaloo, despite her misgivings on Silver, smiled a bit at that. She was happy she would be out from under Diamond's thumb and maybe they could be friends...or more if her actions toward Micro were any indication.

She would still have a lot to work out before she could truly trust Silver, but if she stopped being Diamond's lapdog, that was a perfect start.

"How did you push things along so fast?" She asked. Micro sighed as he was now forced to explain the glasses and Sombra. Scootaloo's jaw dropped when she heard he was responsible for helping Sugar and Apple Bloom out, and it tightened when she heard about what Diamond sent Silver. "You mean she-!"

"Diamond was planning to," Micro cut in. "Not Silver. If a relationship were to form, Silver wanted it to be genuine."

Before Scootaloo could respond, they heard a gasp of pain from behind them.

Turning, they saw Silver on one knee, holding her leg and rubbing it. Diamond seemed smug standing up with her hockey stick in hand. Micro and Scootaloo both growled seeing that and Micro activated an ability he hadn't used in a while. Fear!

A wave of energy shot toward Diamond and her eyes widened in panic as she became scared for seemingly no reason. Before he could say anything else though.

"TIARA!" Spitfire yelled. "Get changed and head to the office now!"

"Wha-!?" Diamond cried out. Micro cut off the Fear as Diamond turned to Spitfire. "It was-"

"Don't even try to claim that!" Spitfire yelled. "You had the ball, not Silver. You'd be lucky to not get suspended! As it is for the rest of the unit you will be running laps again since you can't be trusted with a hockey stick! Now get going!"

Diamond was angry, that much was clear. She stomped off to the locker room in a huff as Spitfire helped Silver.

"You good there kid?" She asked. Silver nodded as she stood up and stretched her leg. Spitfire nodded and looked up. "Anyone mind forming a group of three?"

"She can join us."

To the shock of Micro, Silver, and pretty much the whole class, it was Scootaloo who spoke up. Spitfire nodded and motioned for everyone else to get back to practice. Silver walked up to Scootaloo and seemed hesitant to speak. Scoots made the first move and held out her hand.

"Good to finally have the chance to meet the real you."

Silver brightened at that and took the hand. She was shocked to feel the grip tighten and looked in Scootaloo's eyes.

I'm willing to move on, but you won't get him that easily.

Silver was shocked at the unspoken message, but her look was replaced with a grin and she sent one back.

I won't be giving up.

Micro watched this exchange and chuckled nervously. Sombra watched as well and was laughing hysterically.

"Pelea de gatas!"

Quest Complete!

The Brat Who's Unstable and the Silver Spoon

-Silver Spoon currently is in a rough friendship that may lead down a dark road in the future

-Make friends with Silver Spoon

-Convince her Diamond Tiara is not a good friend

Quest Reward

-New friend

-100 exp

Quest Failure

-Friendship could turn abusive in the future

-Manipulation of Silver Spoon

Bonus Objective

-? (Not met)

{Written by Twistedphoenix1}

{Edited by SpedaHooves/KenKanekiTheCat/Me}