
Chapter 19 - Friends

"We hope you weren't too bored after detention yesterday Scoots," Sweetiebelle said. They were sitting at the lunch table, waiting for the boys to get there.

"It's no big deal," Scootaloo said with a grin. "The boys were here for a bit so I just hung out with them."

"Really?" Applebloom asked. "How was it?"

"It was fun! You wouldn't believe…" she stopped herself. She said she wouldn't say what happened and she wouldn't. "You wouldn't believe how fun the game they told us about it."

"Well at least you stopped with that whole 'they disappeared into thin air' story," Sweetie chuckled. "So what is the game like?"

"Well…" Scootaloo started, trying to come up with something.

"Basically we use a device I made to project images of enemies and pretend to fight them," Micro said as he approached and sat down. "I would show you...but someone got a bit overzealous when attacking."

He shot a sidelong glance at Scoots with a small smirk. She picked up on what he was doing and forced herself to blush.

"I said I was sorry!" Her friends chuckled at that as the other boys sat down. Before they could get into their meals, another voice came from behind them. Micro sighed.

'Is this going to be a reoccurring thing?' He thought. The boys turned to see Rainbow, Rarity, and Applejack standing there.

"Hi there darlings," Rarity said. "We are sorry to interrupt, but can we talk?"

"Oh!" Spike said, blushing at the buxom purple haired girl. Not surprising since a few buttons were down and a bit a cleavage was showing. "Hi there Rarity."

"It's good to see you again Spike," she said, having been the one to give him his tour. "We just came over to talk to you boys about something."

"Two things in Micro's case here," Rainbow said with a smirk. Micro thought for a moment before a thought occurred to him.

"Can I wager a guess you want to give us a warning about not trying to use your sisters/sister figures," Micro said. The three girls looked at each other shocked while their little sisters looked up at them embarrassed.

"That's not what it is right?" Applebloom asked. Her older sister's face said it all. "Applejack! Big Mac already gave them that talk!"

"And I can take care of that sort of thing myself!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Rainbow?" Scootaloo said sadly. Rainbow held up her hands in mock surrender.

"Hey! That was these two's idea not mine. I know you're tough enough kiddo." She held her hand out for a fist bump and Scootaloo smiled and obliged.

"Well I can safely say that Spike and I have no plans to pursue anything like that with your sisters currently," Micro said. "If it grows to more than friendship later...how about we save that discussion/threats for them shall we?"

The younger girls blush while the older ones chuckle.

"You're a little charmer aren't you darling?" Rarity questioned. That was when Applejack thought of something.

"Hey, you mentioned two of you but not the other," she narrowed her eyes. "Who would be pursuing anything like that?"

"Why Sugar here of course," Micro said throwing his arm around his peppermint haired friend.

"What!?" Sugar stammered as he saw the older girl turn toward him with anger in their eyes. "I wouldn't…."

"I thought you would approve Applejack," Micro said. "After all you're the one that got your sister and him kissing."

The group stared at him in silence before Rainbow suddenly burst into laughter, falling to the floor. Scoots, Sweetie, and Spike laughed loudly, Rarity covered her mouth as she chuckled, and the other three looked embarrassed and blushed crimson.

"Haha haha!" Rainbow said between fits of laughter. "You're awesome kid!"

"J...just tell him what else you came over for!" Applejack said as she shot an apologetic look toward her sister. Rainbow took a few more moments to calm herself down before standing back up.

"Anyway," she said, hands resting on Micro's shoulders. "I just wanted to warn you. If on Saturday, you do anything to hurt Fluttershy…"

Danger Sense Alert!

"I will make you pay," Rainbow said in a deceptively calm voice. Micro felt a small bit of fear from that and nodded.

"I swear I will not do anything to harm her," he said, desperately hoping that he was wrong about her now.

"Good," Rainbow said, back to normal. "Well we better get going…"

"Hey!" A voice said. "You didn't tell me you were going to talk to the cuties today!"

The boys blush as the older girls sigh and step aside revealing a certain bubbly pink haired girl came up followed by Fluttershy. Before Micro became too distracted, he remembered to pop a quick Observe on the three he hadn't done so for yet.


(Honest Apple)


Applejack in the middle child of the Apple family, and the hardest working of them. She always tries to take on most if not all the work and is very stubborn when it comes to asking for help. She is very protective of her family and values honesty very highly.

Breast Size: DD Cup

Relationship: Happy her sister made friends, but ready to do something if you hurt Applebloom.

Pinkie Pie

(Bouncy Baker)


A very bubbly girl who wears her heart on her sleeve. She is always looking for ways to make people smile and laugh.

Breast Size: D Cup

Relationship: Doesn't really know you but wants to be your friend.


(Lady Of Forest And Night)


Born of union of forest and night.

Breast Size: E Cup

Relationship: Thinks you're a good person but ????

Well, looks like you may not be able to keep you promise if those question marks are anything to go by…

'Ok, what the hell are you?' He demanded the voice. It remained silent. 'Damn it!'

"Nice to meet you boys," The bubbly girl said. "I'm Pinkie Pie!"

"Micro," The young Gamer said, Gamer's Mind getting him back on track quickly. His two friends snapped out of their daze as well.



"Wait," Pinkie said leaning down to look Sugar in the eye, a thoughtful look on her face. Sugar gulped as her shirt showed a bit of cleavage normally and now that she was leaning down…"Your the kid who will be the heir of Sweet Tooth candies right?"

"Um...yeah," Sugar said rubbing his head. Suddenly he found himself pulled into marshmallow heaven.

"Oh I love their candies! I can't believe I got to meet you! I…"

"Um...Pinkie?" Fluttershy said. "I don't think he can inherit the company if you suffocate him."

Pinkie looked at her a moment before glancing down. Seeing what she was doing she blushed and let the boy go.

"Oops!" She said sheepishly. "Sorry."

"It...It's ok," Sugar said, blushing. Micro chuckled and looked over, seeing Applebloom looking jealous.

'Filing that info away for later,' he thought smiling.

"Well, we should let you all get back to your lunches," Applejack said. "Have a great day y'all."

The older girls left and the boys couldn't help but stare after them. Suddenly they all felt a sharp pain in their shins. Cursing they turned back to look at the girls across from them, who were all just staring at their meals and eating. The boys shot them glares before beginning to eat their food.

"Well if it isn't the loser crew," a snobby voice said. The group at the table turned to see Diamond Tiara standing there, Silver Spoon slightly further back with a sad look in her eyes and a forced smile on her face.

"Get out of here Diamond Tiara!" Applebloom shouted. "No one wants you here!"

"Yeah! So why don't you and your lap dog get out of here!" Scootaloo added. Silver Spoon winced at that whole Diamond just laughed before turning to the boys.

"You cuties deserve to be hanging with better company than these losers. Did they tell you about some of their misadventures back at our old school?"

Micro raised an eyebrow at this. He didn't know that his new friends went to school with this brat before.

"Don't you dare!" Sweetie Belle cried out.

"Why not? I'm sure they would love to see your talent show performance. That pathetic musical number you did and those ridiculous costumes. Didn't they rip as well? I think I still have the video…"

The look on the girls faces told Micro all he needed to know. He pulled his phone out and decided to bluff like hell.

"How about you just send me the video," he said, to the shock of the entire table as well as Silver Spoon.

"Micro!" Scootaloo growled. "I thought you were our friend!"

"Can it Scootaloser!" Tiara said. She turn and gave Micro a flirtatious smile. "Of course I can. Just give me your number."


Suddenly Spike and Sugar went wide eyed with realization and gave the girls at their table a grin and motioned for them to calm down. Diamond smiled as she sent the video to the number and grinned up at him.

"So, do you want to come sit at my table? The company is much better over there." Silver looked away from Micro sadly. She thought she might've found a friend, but he was like Diamond.

"Not on your life," Micro said. "I was just curious about the video. I have no desire to make fun of my friends for it. Now, how about you get lost!"

Diamond looked like she had just been smacked. Silver looked as if she didn't know what to do or say about what just happened.

"Why you…." Diamond growled before turning away and stomping off. Micro looked up at Silver.

"You don't have to follow her you know."

"...I…." Silver Spoon started.


The grey haired girl looks back at her "friend" then back at Micro. With a muttered apology, she runs after the spoiled girl. Micro sighed before turning back to see the Spike and Sugar chuckling and the girls looking at him with a mix of confusion, hurt, and anger on their faces.

"Explain now," Scootaloo demanded, the look in her eyes giving him the silent message 'If I'm not satisfied with the answer, your secret is spilled.' Micro grinned at her and held up his phone.

"That wasn't my actual number," he said. He opened an app on his phone that displayed the number he gave Diamond. Suddenly the numbers began spinning like slot machines before finally stopping on the words 'You Are Hack.' "The -Ed didn't fit at the end but basically she sent it to this rather than my inbox."

"So?" Applebloom asked, now intrigued.

"Basically any data that gets sent to this app…" he showed the video file and moved it to the trash bin. When a notification popped up, it read as follows:

Do you want to delete the file from the source?

With a smirk, hit hit yes and a small PAC Man creature appeared and ate the file before following a line of dots off screen.

"Now it will follow the data to her phone and search out the file as well as anyone else it was sent to and delete it from their phones memory. The legality of such a creation is up for debate but… it is useful when someone has possible embarrassing blackmail on you."

The girls stared at him and then turned their gaze to the other boys.

"How did you know about this?" Sweetie asked. The boys shared a look and Sugar sighed.

"You might not know this, but my parents died many years ago," he said. The girls all look at him sadly. They didn't bring it up but since they knew he was the heir to the Sweet Tooth company, they easily made the connection to the news story about his parents a few years back. "Well, I was raised by my aunt. She had a very...mixed past. Drugs and...other things."

He felt hands on his shoulders and saw his best friends smiling at him.

"But she left that all in the past," Spike said. "She has been clean for years before she took him in."

"While it was still being debated whether she was capable of taking care of me, my uncles, Flim and Flam, tried to blackmail her into giving up custody. They had pictures that suggested she relapsed and were threatening to turn them over to the courts. If she did, then they would be put in charge of not only my shares until I became of age, but also me, and she didn't want that to happen."

"Then one day Spike and I saw he was acting differently and talked to him about it," Micro said. "When I heard about it I started working on a program and asked to see the email that was sent to his aunt. That was when I plugged the virus in and it deleted all the files."

"At first we were worried they might have physical copies," Sugar said. "But their response to suddenly having all their files gone told us otherwise. In their anger they started making threats and we took those to the courts to get them arrested."

"Since then I kept the virus stored on an app in my phone so I could use it again if needed," Micro concluded. The girls were stunned.

"And you would do that for us?" Scootaloo said. "What if she tries to get you in trouble for it?"

"Well it leaves no trace so I would love to see her try. As for doing it for you…" he smiled at them. "Your my friends. I'm not about to let someone try to embarrass you like that."

The girls all smile at him, suddenly annoyed at themselves for doubting him. Scootaloo in particular was looking at him with joy in her eyes. When Micro looked over at her, she turned away with a slight blush. For a moment, Micro considered using Observe on her to find out what she was thinking, but then decided against it. He wouldn't use Observe on his friends unless he felt it was an emergency.

...no. He was not nervous about what he might discover.

{Written by Twistedphoenix1}

{Edited by SpedaHooves/KenKanekiTheCat/Me}