
Freshman x Sorceress

In the mystical realms of Magic, Cassandra, a 3000 yr-old Sorceress finds herself thrust into an unfamiliar world when a powerful spell backfires. Now trapped in the body of a university teacher with seemingly no will to live, she grapples with the challenges of not only adapting to a new existence but also the complexities of being a woman in society. Maeve, an inquisitive college freshman, notices the profound transformation in her favorite teacher and decides to unravel the mystery. Following Cassandra one day, she stumbles upon a display of enchanting powers that defy explanation. Little did she know, this chance encounter would set the stage for an unforgettable journey. The tale unfolds as a bright-eyed college girl becomes an unlikely ally to a war-hardened sorceress, navigating the intricate web of everyday life in a bustling city. What could possibly go wrong?

Haku_Tokakku · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Chapter 1 - Cassandra’s Castle

In the ethereal realm of her domain, nestled deep in a cavern, Cassandra resided within the grandeur of a sprawling castle located miles away from the closest town. A fortress crafted through centuries of her meticulous design, it stood as an enclosed haven, guarded against the intrusion of outsiders. Towering spires reached for the heavens, adorned with intricate carvings that whispered tales of ancient magic.

A mesmerizing faint purple glow enveloped everything within the vicinity of the castle, casting an otherworldly hue upon its majestic walls and arcane tapestries.

This was no ordinary structure of brick and mortar; it was a living testament to Cassandra's command over the mystical forces that surged through its very foundations.

Despite its gloomy undertones, the castle retained an air of perfection. The walls were adorned with spellbound artwork, and the halls echoed with the faint whispers of enchantments woven into the very fabric of its existence. Every nook and cranny spoke of Cassandra's mastery, a testament to the years she had dedicated to its construction.

The magical essence permeated every inch of the castle, transforming it into a realm where reality and enchantment danced in harmony. As one traversed the labyrinthine corridors, the air itself seemed to pulse with warmth, a manifestation of the potent energies woven into the very walls themselves. It was a place where the ordinary laws of the physical world bent to the whims of sorcery.

Beyond the castle's enchanted walls, the surrounding foliage and ancient trees played host to a congregation of rare magical creatures. Fairies with iridescent wings flitted about, their delicate laughter harmonizing with the soft rustle of leaves.

Pixies, mischievous and small, found refuge in the branches, creating an ethereal symphony that echoed through the enchanted groves. The castle was not merely a dwelling for its sorceress; it was a sanctuary where magical beings converged, drawn by the richness of the mystical energies that pulsed through every stone and leaf. In this realm, magic was not just a force—it was a living, breathing entity, and Cassandra's castle was its splendid, pulsating heart.

It's magnificence, however, did little to dispel the sense of emptiness that permeated the castle. The lack of bustling life left the expansive corridors echoing with solitude. Despite the meticulous attention paid by Cassandra's few underlings, the vastness seemed to magnify the absence of human presence. It was a paradoxical emptiness that enveloped the castle.

Cassandra was just below average height, with sleek black hair that fell gracefully around her face. Her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of purple, matched the hue of her magical energy. She had a curvaceously voluptuous physique, radiating confidence in every movement. Her facial features were strikingly beautiful, with high cheekbones, full lips, and captivating eyes framed by long lashes. Overall, Cassandra possessed an undeniable attractiveness that drew others to her effortlessly.

Arcane inscriptions adorned her hands, extending up her arms to her shoulders, a visible testament to her formidable magical knowledge.She commanded attention with an aura of elegance and majesty that seemed almost otherworldly. She wore a black, flowing dress, elegant and regal, as befitting a being of her calibre. The dress, seemingly alive, pulsated and flowed with her every gesture. She bore no need for shoes as hovering was her primary mode of transportation.

Although she was born a human, after surpassing her physical limitations many centuries ago, she became something more. A sorceress Supreme.

Within the magical embrace of her castle, Cassandra retreated to her study—a chamber as enchanting as the rest of the fortress. The walls were adorned with ancient tomes, their spines shimmering with hidden knowledge. Crystals embedded in the ceiling cast a soft, iridescent glow, illuminating the room.

In one corner of the study, a baby dragon lay curled upon a bed of gleaming gold, its scales reflecting the ambient magical radiance. The creature, a testament to Cassandra's affinity with mythical beings, slumbered peacefully amidst the enchantment.

Cassandra meticulously worked on the final touches of a spell, her fingers weaving intricate patterns in the air as she harnessed the very essence of the magical realm. The air crackled with energy as the spell neared completion.

"Maxim, come forth!" Cassandra's voice echoed through the study, resonating with command and authority.

In an instant, a figure materialized, appearing on one knee, bowing before his mistress. Maxim, her number one general, was a vampire of refined stature.

Dressed immaculately in a suit that exuded timeless elegance, Maxim's attire was a symphony of tailored perfection. His polished shoes mirrored the gleam of his sharp intellect, while glasses perched upon his nose added an air of scholarly sophistication. Maxim's role extended beyond his impeccable fashion sense; he was the guardian of the castle, overseeing the well-being of its inhabitants and ensuring the seamless harmony of the enchanted domain. As Cassandra's right hand, he embodied both loyalty and capability in service to his sorceress.

"You called, mistress?" Maxim's voice, resonant and deferential, filled the study as he knelt before Cassandra.

With her attention fixed on the spell she was casting, she inquired, "Maxim, did you manage to retrieve the scroll as I instructed?"

Regret flickered in his eyes as he responded, "I'm afraid not, mistress. It seems to be eluding even my most exhaustive searches."

Cassandra, though disappointed, met his gaze with a nod. "Your efforts do not go unnoticed Maxim. I appreciate your diligence in the pursuit of knowledge."

A soft smile graced Maxim's lips as she continued, "However, time presses on. I shall proceed with the spell regardless. We cannot afford to delay any further."

Maxim, recognizing the determination in Cassandra's eyes, remained by her side as she prepared to cast this grand spell. The study crackled with an intensified magical energy swirling around the sorceress as she harnessed the forces of the arcane.

The air itself seemed to hold its breath in anticipation as the room bathed in the mesmerizing radiance of a spell that transcended the boundaries of worlds. In the presence of his powerful mistress, Maxim stood witness to the unfolding spectacle, his loyalty unwavering in the face of the spectacle.

With the final incantation, "Ęylu Achtu Faerum," escaping Cassandra's lips, the room shook violently and was engulfed in a brilliant flash. In the aftermath, Maxim found himself standing alone in the study. Panic surged through him as he frantically scanned the room, calling out for his mistress.

"Mistress? Mistress!" Maxim's voice echoed through the now silent study, the absence of her presence amplifying the growing sense of doom within him. His instincts, finely tuned by duty and devotion, screamed that something was amiss.

The realization struck Maxim with a heavy weight—Cassandra was gone. The castle, once pulsating with her magical essence, now felt emptier than ever. The burden of explaining this unprecedented event to the other generals pressed upon him, a responsibility that weighed heavily on his already troubled mind.

* * *

As Cassandra's senses reeled from the disorienting spell, she awoke plummeting from the heights of a building. There was no time to unravel the mystery of why she was falling. Instinct took over, and with practiced precision, she drew a pattern in the air, her fingers dancing with arcane energy.

A swift hand sign later, a shadowy portal materialized just moments before the ground rushed up to meet her. In a heartbeat, she descended into the inky abyss, escaping the imminent collision. The shadowy passage twisted and contorted, transporting her seamlessly to another location just a few feet away.

The shadowy puddle spit Cassandra out as she landed on solid ground, her heart pounding in her chest. The rush of adrenaline surged through her veins, a sensation she hadn't experienced in almost a millennia.

The brush with death left her breathless, and for the first time in her immortal life, Cassandra found herself captivated by the intoxicating thrill of the unknown. As she steadied herself, she couldn't help but acknowledge the palpable excitement coursing through her.

As she regained her composure and dusted herself off, a realization struck her—she was no longer in the familiar embrace of her enchanted robes, the ancient Glyphs that decorated her arms and hands were gone too. Her gaze lifted to behold a mesmerising spectacle that left her in awe.

Bright lights from towering billboards illuminated the surroundings, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the urban landscape. Giant holograms danced above the buildings, each one a mesmerizing display of technology beyond her wildest imaginings.

The glow of car headlights and the blaring sirens of emergency vehicles filled the air, blending into a symphony of city life. People, engrossed in their phones, hurriedly navigated the streets amidst the cacophony of honking horns.

For Cassandra, this sensory overload was a rush of unprecedented information. Her eyes widened as she took in the bustling scene before her. The vibrancy of this new world unfolded like a tapestry of possibilities, and she couldn't help but marvel at the sheer magnitude of the unfamiliar sights and sounds.

In a breathless whisper, she uttered, "Where in the twelve realms am I?" The question hung in the air, unanswered. Cassandra now stood at the intersection of magic and the modern world.

Thanks for reading the first chapter of Freshman x Sorceress! This is a Slowburn GL Romamce Novel with a sprinkle of fantasy & magical elements. I hope my story is able to reach the right audience

Any & all feedback is greatly appreciated!

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