
deeper mike

rhea and christine were talking about Brittany rival of christine she was from another school and a big rock for christine because christine and Brittany was captain of football team for their respected school and here britanny and christine became rival and well mike is dating Brittany so it makes christine even mad.

you know mike even brought that bitch to the house said christine, no wayy i can't beleive it yeah i know she is your rival but i don't get that why you hate her so much ask rhea oh don't ask me please I rather drink blood.

that day school went preety normal

rhea and christine had sleepover at christine house and some stupid noise like aah aah mike please go even deeper mike aah aah coming from Mike's room and both know what it was next day both get up and get ready for breakfast at table three of them gathered but it was so awkward for christine and rhea to even look at the mike so christine asked how was your sleep mike. mike smile and said great and all know what he was talking about later rhea and christine went for the school and mike also went to pick her girl from her house.

school bell rings everyone go in their classes here rhea and mike classes were same. but mike don't like rhea so he never sits or talks with her and that time the English teacher mr smith enter and said good morning class here we got new enrolled students rick and shaina dave I wish you guys welcome them and feel them comfortable .

when rick and shaina entered rhea got shocked and said no no no this can't be happened why God?