
Freedom is not easy (TVD/HP)

I was reborn as Harry with my magic stolen and abandoned so I decided to runaway from the bigoted wizarding world and settle in Virginia

HyperPhoenix · TV
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13 Chs

Peace is a fragile thing

So today we had class as usual despite my previous apprehensions the first day went smoothly for everyone. Well almost everyone Elena Gilbert and her brother were not. Their parents just died recently and they were still being effected by it. Honestly it still shocks me to this day how fast good people leave this world. They were so kind they would not let me be by myself when I was younger they only started to ease off when I was fourteen.

Elena was getting adjusted to normal school life. She was trying to put on a tough front for people but I can see that she is being bothered by people. While Jeremy went into the opposite direction of his sister. Instead of acclimating he wanted to destroy his life with drugs and associating with junkies.

Currently we were history it was something about the Mystic Falls in particular during the civil war days. It pretty much boring it was something that bored to no end. As I looked around it was pretty much the same nobody except a few were writing down notes. I look at Elena staring at something when I look at what that was it was the new student Stefan Salvatore.

Stefan can be described to be classically handsome and athletic, with a brooding, mysterious and intense aura. Stefan had a pale complexion, broad forehead, strong bone structure (angular jawline), deep-set, forest green eyes, a straight nose and a well-formed mouth. He had straight, short, dark blonde hair which is was gelled or spiked. Stefan also had straight teeth with a small smile. Stefan is of slightly above average height, about 5'11", and he has a lean, flat-muscled and athletic physique.

Soon the school day was over. I had nothing better to do so headed over to the Mystic grill. It was basically every bodies hangout spot after school might as well see what's happening with the others. So I got on my bike put on my helmet and drove to the grill.

The Mystic grill is a place where almost everybody hung out it was a popular social place where you meet. Well in this small town everybody know everybody so its not that bad. I quickly pulled in front of the restaurant and went in. As soon as I entered I was welcomed by the sight Vicki serving the customers moving from table to table with ease.

Vicki was a very beautiful young lady with long, brown wavy hair and green eyes. She was a 5'4. She usually was dressed in mostly dark coloured clothes and some that were revealing however currently she was wearing the Mystic Grill uniform which consisted of blue shirt and a apron

Vicki Donovan was Matts older sister she practically raised the guy when they were young. Since there dad bailed on them when they were young and later with their mom running of with some truck driver they only had themselves. But with pressure of being young carer made her into drug addict its a pity really.

There were some other people I could recognize in the crowd like Jeremy , Bonnie , Caroline along with Tyler and Matt.

"Hey Harry get over here take a seat" a voce caught my attention it was Tyler he was sitting with Matt at the table. I honestly could not understand the friendship between them because Matt was the stereotype golden boy with Tyler being the typical high school jock. Well maybe that was a exaggeration Tyler was not that bad most of the time he pretty chill however his dickishness is top tier. We were like frenemies

"Hey Tyler how's it going?" I asked as I pulled a chair to talk to them. So for awhile we just talked about summer and the beginning. And I just found out the reason why Matt was so morose was because he still broke up about his break up with Elena.

"Matt you need to understand her parents died she is no longer who she was when she started to date you" I told him " Just wait for her to realize who she is now before you talk to her about this" I continued to to advise him.

However from his expression it went to one ear to other well teenagers are stubborn. Soon Vicki came to our table with food for and placed them in front of him. There was a weird moment between her and Tyler soon I found out that they were hooking up.

"Vicki can you get me BBQ chicken with fries and a coke please" I said as she nodded and left to tell my order to tell my order. As she reached to counter I could see that there something going on with her and Jeremy but she was with Tyler .I have to stay out of this relationships and romance are not my forte.

While I did have a one night stands it was outside of the town. I never had one in Mystic Falls to avoid awkwardness. Hell I even remember my first time vividly it was unreal I was a virgin in my last life and now in this one I wasn't. It was during the holiday when I travelled around America for part leisure part business. I needed to make connections and learn types of magic. That is were I met a young werewolf girl who was known as Hayley Marshall she was beautiful and had a wild style about her. Anyway back to the grill.

Soon I was left alone with Matt going to speak with Bonnie and Tyler was playing pool with Caroline. A tense atmosphere quickly filled the restaurant and the people afro mentioned were responsible and the trigger the entrance of Elena and the new kid Stefan. And soon I was dragged by Caroline to sit with them and Bonnie while she flirts with Stefan.

"Why should I come with you ,can't you take care of this yourself?" I asked the blond girl annoyed by her action. One thing you must know one thing about Caroline is that she won't no for an answer.

"Well being surrounded by beautiful women like us will surely make him nervous as such you will be with us" I was about to say something but she beat me to it "Before you say to take Matt or Tyler Matt still has feelings for Elena and Tyler is a Jerk and Jeremy is a bit too young so the last option it will be you while you won't be needed much but your insurance" She said to me

"Have you considered a job in villainy you manipulative blonde?" I glare at her. I'm not a object that she uses. This girl is scary when she wants a guy. She smirked at me and that filled me with dread.

"Hey Elena how you been?" Ok that was a stupid her parents died how could she be ok

"I'm fine Harry thank you for the money and funding moms events I heard gave a lot of money from Jenna" The founders had several events headed by Elena mom so I funded the events and also gave some money for the funeral. It was least I could do for the women that tried to be there for me since I was a kid.

"Don't worry about it" I then turn my head to Stefan and introduced myself " Your the new guy Stefan right My name is Harry Peverell nice to meet you" I give him my hand which he replied with a firm grip. A dark wave reverberated from him it was death and somehow it melancholy.

"Nice to meet you Harry , hope we get along" He replied back to me with a small smile on his face.

"So Stefan you were born in Mystic Falls?" Caroline asked Stefan while we were seated.

He nodded and said "Mm-hmm and moved when I was still young" Ok so he was actually from Mystic Falls. May be he was related to the Salvatores that founded this town

"Jesus everybody has such history with this town it makes me feel so bad" I said teasingly the girls smiled while Stefan looked confused.

"So your not from here?" Stefan asked as I was about answer beat me to it. "As you can see from his accent Harry is from England , apparently he got an inheritance from nobility and moved here by himself when he was 9 and been here ever since" Caroline answered

"Yeah what she said" I said to him with deadpan expression colouring my face.

Soon we talk about family which turned out to be a total bummer due Stefan's parents being dead. We quickly changed our topic to the party that everybody is going to it was kind of celebrating coming back to school which was kind of weird since what high schoolers celebrate school.

-----------------------------------The Next Day-----------------------------------------

It was the beginning of the second day of school. Everybody was starting to re- acclimated to daily school life. The first thing we did was go to homeroom to see the ass hat teacher Tanner someone who does not deserve to be a teacher.

"Good morning everybody we got some new students that transferred here from England I will let them introduce themselves" He said to us cheery voice

"Hello My name is Charles Potter nice to meet you" A chubby red haired boy introduced himself with a smirk adorning his face. Ok he made a target of himself showing a smirk looking like that

"I am Ronald Weasley but you can call me Ron" Another red headed boy with a gangly appearance spoke and then the last member spoke it was obvious who it was.

"Nice to meet you all my name is Hermione Granger" The last one was bushy haired brunette girl


Sorry about the Ignore hope you can forgive me I got excited and wanted what rank I got. This was a decision I made as a author. But as an reader I understand the anger so this will be the last time this happens

let me answer some questions.

My MC only knows about the Original Harry Potter Universe and does not know anything TVD. I like my characters to live their lives and instead of manipulating others

And a people are saying that the Potters coming to Mystic Fall is forced. I understand what you mean however think of it like this. Elena is a direct decendant of Katherine and Tatia that was born as a Gilbert at the same place as birth the Original Vampires within a thousand year gap. That shows things such as Fate or Coincidences happen.

And Harry Magic will be like Magnus banes from the shadow hunters

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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