
Freedom for Enlightenment sake

In a world where biological beings have the ability to manipulate the elements, an orphan find himself in a community of nomads living peacefully and learning from the elders. After finishing his training he is bestowed the name Sindong, the youngest in the history of the temple to finish his education. Except Sindong feels that the restrictions placed upon him from his own culture does not help achieve enlightenment rather the restrictions prevents them from continuing. Sindong, being revered amongst the younger acolytes couldn't openly questions the teaching so his only choice is to declare secluded meditation and sneak out to explore.

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"WHAT?!?!", Sindong exclaimed. "You promised that I would be free to travel the world after I completed my training!" pacing around the council fuming with rage Sindong press the elders for an explanation. Sindong was always a curious about life outside the temple but felt cursed to have been born with the ability to manipulate air. If Sindong was born without his blessing or even being blessed by other elements the Elders would not have insisted that Sindong stay on the temple forcing him to live the life of an nomad.

A booming voice stopped Sindong's pacing, "The situation has changed Sindong. We initially thought it would take you 15 years to finish your education. We never expected you finish it in 10 years, normally we would be praising you for such an achievement but from you're reaction it seems you're not going to like it." Sindong looked at Elder Donsuak with a surprised expression. Elder Donsuak rarely spoke up, in all of Sindong's 13 years of existence he could not recall ever hearing his voice.

Elder Donsuak continued, "It was the mistake of the council to begin this meeting by starting with the bad news. The Temple Masters Council has decided to name you an Honorary Elder of the Tribe." Sindong was speechless, a title of Honorary Elder of the Tribe was an higher position than temple Elders. A position only under Temple Masters, Honorary Elders are considered to be Elders of every temple belonging to the tribe.

*SHIT, no wonder they won't let me leave. The old farts are determined to mold me into a successor* A soft voice broke Sindong's train of thought, "Your promotion to Honorary Elder has already been announced, it was my choice to keep you in the dark"

*Sigh, I don't think any of the elders expected Sindong to complete his training so quickly, Temple Master Wonlo thought to himself*

Sindong was speechless, Temple Master Wonlo was basically his foster father everything he was personally taught by the Temple Master due to his rebellious nature as a child no Elder seemed to be able to handle Sindong's constant challenges to their authority. If Sindong was only a rebellious child the Elders wouldn't be so troubled but Sindong was unusually perceptive for a child and tended to ask questions even the Elders couldn't explain.

The Temple Master was the only one who took the time to connect with Sindong and the only one to encourage his constant questioning of the ancestors teachings. Sindong never imaged that the person he respected most of the world would betray him like so.

Temple Master has always known about Sindong's dream to explore the outside world and only became motivated to learn about the temples teachings once he learned about the Journey of Self-Discovery. It was a journey every acolyte takes once they complete their education, it serves as an final test in belief. Venturing away from the safety of the temple could these newly named acolytes keep true to the teachings when challenged.

Sindong didn't care much for the cultural significance of the event he only wanted to use it as an opportunity to explore the world outside of the temple. Now the man he could call a Father seemed to have betrayed him for the Tribe. Sindong kept silent for quite some time, Temple Master Wonlo finally broke the silence by explaining the reasoning behind the Temple Masters Council. They felt that the current world was much too unstable for such a prodigy venture out alone. They feared that Sindong would become corrupted by the influences of the outside world especially when Sindong was only 13 years old still in the middle of his growth. Instead of the traditional Journey of Self-Discovery they decided to create an environment to emulate the outside world and have Sindong continue in the controlled environment.

After hearing the reasoning Sindong could only grit his teeth and accept the decision. He didn't want to undermine the Temple Masters authority especially when he was always treated fairly by him.

Sindong quickly retreated to his room and started to envision his new life as an Honorary Elder, traveling from temple to temple, teaching young acolytes, contemplating life it seemed peaceful but there still seems to be a called in Sindong's heart. He didn't want an simple and easy life far from the violence and chaos of reality, he wanted to experience the life of a common folk, someone who wasn't bless by the Air God, someone who couldn't simply fly away from the troubles of society. He wanted to know the answers to his unanswered questions.

*click* Sindong quickly turned towards and found Temple Master Wonlo standing with a bag in his hand. "No matter what I could say there was no way for me to convince the other Temple Masters against this plan", "I stayed out of the discussion because I saw no way of convincing the others but my silence was taken to be an implicit agreement for the others." "The early announcement of your promotion was indeed my proposal but I do not intend for you to take a fake Journey of Self-Discovery." Wonlo threw the bag at Sindong "These supplies should last you about a month."

Sindong was confused, he thought he was dreaming he had nearly accepted his faith when Temple Master voiced his opinions during the council meeting. Staying silent with the bag in his hand Sindong didn't know how to respond. "We've had multiple debates over the past 10 years on just what freedom is." "The ancestors claim the only path towards true freedom is through enlightenment and the Tribe claims enlightenment can only being achieved through the teachings of the temple. In all 125 years of my life I have never encountered such a free spirit that was still firmly attached to the mortal world. You deserve to go on a true journey of self discovery, the other Temple Masters may fear that you will lose your way but I have no doubt in my mind that you will return safely. I would like what kind of conclusion you come to, is the temples teachings correct or is it only one of many paths to enlightenment like you claim"

Sindong couldn't help but cry, he felt that Temple Master Wonlo was naive his comments during this training wasn't genuine curiosity but rather challenges to the very authority of the philosophy. It seems that Temple Master Wonlo misinterpreted is aggression as harmless curiosity. Sindong didn't have to courage to speak his mind so after composing himself he thanked Temple Master Wonlo and left the temple.

Sindong was finally free to explore the mortal world!!!

Side Story:

After watching Sindong's figure fade in the distance Temple Master Wonlo couldn't help but laugh when recalling Sindong's troubled face. He knew that Sindong's questions and criticisms were meant to be taken as aggression but Wonlo wanted to demonstrate the temples philosophy by returning aggression with compassion. Wonlo never expected Sindong to follow the temples teachings but he believed that if he showed Sindong compassion the latter would not forget the temples beliefs even if he disagreed with them.

"I hope he just doesn't go around causing trouble for others, I only taught him defensive spells and techniques due to his violent nature but Sindong is extremely gifted and has already manged to develop offensive techniques and spells on his own... I'm sure it'll be fine" Temple Master Wonlo dropped the thought and went on to announce Sindong's promotion and announced a period of secluded meditation. *Hehe, lets see how the other old farts react to this*