
Wei Xia Ri Raised A New Hype

Fortunately, after the thanking of their ancestors, nature, and God, the couple exchanged drinks to mark the end of the ceremony.

People watching were in awe because the man dressed in red and gold looked like a handsome man descending from heaven to whip the tyrant back to shape! The tyrant looked so small and tamed by his side as she struggled to keep herself from slouching. Her veil was too good to take off too! Most of them wished in their hearts that she rather put it on forever.

However, that night while Cai Jin was lead to drink with the men during the after-wedding party, Wei Xia Ri was clashing swords against assassins. It seemed like the sneaky attacks during the entire wedding seemed to be continuous failures. 'Smart of me to listen to Elder Jin,' she thought because she had been wearing an iron-jumpsuit that was made to be flexible and light as much as possible. It was hard to block them inside the sedan and while trying to complete the ceremony. If not for the armour, the soldier would have long been collapsed from a seizure effect by the poison and then died an ugly death!

So to ease her movement, Wei Xia Ri tossed away her headpiece in exchange for a helmet.

Seeing an opportunity, three men came charging at her at the same time. One with a sword ready to stab right through her and two others with the swords over their heads, ready to swing with every force they could muster. However, Wei Xia Ri's body was also a seasoned fighter that rose to the rank of a general through her accomplishments. The moment that the closest once came running, Wei Xia Ri quickly raised a long sword piercing the skin of his throat as soon as she landed her weight on his sword to disarm him. The two others after being parried were slashed to death, not by Wei Xia Ri who hesitated but a certain elder who watched over her like the general was his own daughter.

Elder Jin wiped the blade on the corpses' clothes before pushing it back into the sheathe to complete his cane once again. The coldness that contrasted his everyday expression but matched his beastly face finally appeared. "General, my apologies for taking too long."

Wei Xia Ri shrugged. "It's totally normal anyway. Let's just clean up and get rid of this mess. Plus," she glared at the last survivor. He was gorgeous alright but it was just a pawn selected and sent by the sly prick once more. He was already kneeling on the ground so she might as well immobilize him further. "This man, interrogate him nicely without hurting him."

"Huh? But the Wei's Sun Dao army swore to not conduct diplomatic negotiations General. That is only for fools!"

Wei Xia Ri shook her head, realizing how her force was mostly made up of muscle heads. "No! I got one sweet method, I learned it from a great magi from the outside!" But to be honest, she learned it from movies and web novels. "I'd rather much prefer torture but I am a good person now, let's do it in a civilized manner!"

She then dug inside her boots. "Here, it is called melatonin. Lay him on a comfortable bed too and give him what he needs but never, ever let him close his eyes and keep feeding him this every morning and night time. Got it?"

"That's a nice life!" The elder laughed. When the arrested man heard it, he felt perplexed, whether to laugh or cry upon knowing his incoming days of sleep deprivation. 'A good person? She is a she-devil!'

The bloody odor made Wei Xia Ri shake her head. She had just happened to watch a terrible reality that often occurred in web novels: killing. Imprisonment with varying degrees of punishment in this era was certainly mind-boggling as their basis and societal decisions were rather beyond comprehension for a modern person.

'Picking the untainted scholar was really the best decision after all,' the bride rejoiced in her heart.

Then she slid the door open by a bit to allow ventilation. Meanwhile, Wei Xia Ri sat on the bed and waited after fixing her headgear once again. She waited and waited until twilight and the skies have been drowned by darkness, yet there was still no sign of her little husband. 'Could this be the infamous so-called humiliation in novels?' she realized, not that it made her blood boil nor affect her in any way. 'Ahh, it's okay, a patient man can always have the best stew.'

The authors always depicted a happy heroine or a displeased villainess or a tragic, young miss because of the groom. But Wei Xia Ri raised a new hype: frustrated because of the disrespectful assassins who did not care enough that this day was her wedding nor was it because the women sent by the palace did not allow her to eat anything but fruits and drink water? It was not good for her health at all!

In addition, she lied to herself once again! 'Who said I had the virtue of patience? That man better be ready as soon as he gets here!'

Another bride's once in a lifetime wedding dream was a disaster because of those men in black and the rigorous wedding procession. She shook her head and suddenly had the urge to visit the Flower Pavillion for a lady's night, women she could relate with and talk about vulgar topics that can humor her all night! Frustrated, she kicked a chair. 'Gabi," she called and came a man in black, one of her shadow guards who was stuck to her side at all times, appeared, "Listen."

"Yes, general." A tall man, with his entire body hidden like a ninja because of his black uniform, stood nearby. Everything was covered but his monolid eyes that were grim and were sort of regretful.

"Tighten security. How many were sent that they could go past my men?"

"General, I was incompetent. Please punish me."

"Why should I? I need healthy men, not a limping or injured man who is gonna cause the downfall of the team. But remember, this is only going to happen once."

The tyrant never cared for the force but for the goal, and that was it. However, hearing her answer, Gabi's hidden anxiety almost dissipated. "The general is merciful. I shall do my best."

Wei Xia Ri smirked, now feeling better than this afternoon's heatstroke-causing event. Her stomach growled right then. 'Crap!'

"Does general want anything?" Gabi felt pity for her, given that he watched his master go through a starvation-inducing ceremony. Watching the wedding, he made a promise in his heart to remember to pack food for his lover during the ceremony.

In response, Wei Xia Ri thought about the recipes from the infamous fast-food restaurant in her past life. "I want fried rice with chicken, beef and shrimp. I want dumplings and won ton soup. I also want kung pao chicken but don't make it too spicy. Remember to bring water too, please. And a maid to help me!"


The shadow guard was astounded. If it was his lover's turn then he should get a whole big bag of food for her too then! He became regretful but it was his fault anyway. He put a fist to his chest and lowered his head. "As you command, general."

"My lady," it did not take long before a maid called while having the tray of food carried on her hands. It was supposed to be forbidden to come close to the bridal chamber however, this was the royal tyrant. She did whatever she pleased and tonight was no exception. "Please enjoy the meal."

The aroma of food sent Wei Xia Ri drooling and gulping. After saying her prayers, she began to wolf into her food. The women here were raised with so much etiquette but she was supposedly raised among barbaric soldiers. It was almost alright to see the lady eating her food as if she was simply breathing. Even the young maid was surprised at such skill.

"Milady is amazing!" She applaused in awe.

Wei Xia Ri grinned. She softly patted her belly and leaned against the wall. "If you don't eat like this in the batt;efied, you are going to starve to death before you can raise the sword!"

"Really? Then milady must have suffered," she sighed with pity.

The soldier shrugged. Not only soldiers were affected but also front-line people too like her back in her past life. Within thirty minutes of lunch break, she learned to eat within five to ten minutes in order to get a good walk for twenty minutes. "Young Lady, my little husband is still not here, can you help me prepare a big bath?"

"A big bath?" The young girl repeated, mentally amazed by a certain Elder who knew what she was called for after he picked her. Gabi who only called for her forgot the cunning old man who can hear any opportunity.


"Yes, milady." Tonight, she was sent on a mission by Elder Jin and it has to be entirely without the master's knowledge! However, it was too hard to accomplish when the victim herself volunteered to help out on the manual labor from lighting the fire, heating up the water and carrying it to the bathtub! She wanted to scream as the general was either too nice or was playing dumb with her. Nevertheless, if the general knew, she was now being tested and Elder Jin said something about providing her protection. The elder as everyone in the mansion knew was a big influence on the general and could give advice to such a tyrant too. Believing in that, she felt confident.

"Is there anything wrong?" The oblivious Wei Xia Ri asked, noticing the sweaty girl.

"Oh, my lady, this humble servant is all right. Might I make an herbal bath or would my lady prefer a fragrant bath?"

Wei Xia Ri shrugged. Cai Jin could care less anyway. "Herbal bath."

"Then it shall be, my lady." As the master has chosen, she picked a pot of dried herbal leaves and filled it with water and the aphrodisiac potion, heated it up, and then quickly mixed it with bath. Before she herself would be affected, it was fortunate that she was told to take an antidote prior to!

"Milady, the bath is prepared. Will there be anything else?"

"Nothing more. You are free to retire for the night then." Wei Xia Ri bit back her tongue to thank her, as the tyrant never thanked them, or else it would escalate once again! "Step by step," she told herself. Later that night, Gabi returned with her desserts from the open restaurants.

Mango pudding and a strange ice-cream that tasted good nevertheless. Lastly, oolong tea.

"Ahh, this is what I need the most," she grinned, forgetting the bath. As she was binge-eating, sloppy footsteps pounded toward the door. But Wei Xia Ri did not mind. She kept on chewing and simply waited because no matter who it was, she was armed and ready to attack. Her stomach was warm and full too!

"Noona~!" A familiar voice called. . . in Korean. Wei Xia Ri's eyes bulged as several observations came together in that very second. The pretty mother-in-law had a funny accent and that her features were a bit different. It manifested on Cai Jin and now he was speaking in her language!

'Dangerous!' Wei Xia Ri felt alarmed. She hurriedly dropped her food and pulled in the drunk teen into the chamber. He was gorgeous when not drunk and adorable when blushing. He was cute as he continuously mumbled "Noona."

"But it would be cuter if you were sobber!" Wei Xia Ri grinned.

Without a word, Wei Xia Ri signaled the shadow guards to leave the chambers and tightly guard the premises within a few hand gestures. Then she dragged him into the bath, even if he was fully dressed. Then she carried and dropped the unwary Cai Jin into the tub!

Water splashed on the floor and Cai Jin squirmed, then his shot open. "What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry darling, the water is still hot but what are the odds?" She sighed.

I don't know, these all just popped out unplanned so might as well!

JaehaJackcreators' thoughts