

Her eyes hurt and blurred but tears continued to stream out if them " Martin I don't know what to do - I don't know how to fix this gosh what should i do? " .

" Calm down I have an idea " He stated taking her hands in his this time.

Cleaning the tears streaming down her eyes she held on tightly to his hands because he was her only support at the moment and she desperately needed a fortress else she would collapse " Please tell me what I need to do, I can't lose my daughters their late father would never forgive me " .

" Sshhh it's fine cath, stop crying now you would have a terrible headache " .

" I don't care about myself at the moment " She shouted suddenly removing her hand from his and pacing around in the room .

Martin paced around with her messaging his stressed forehead " I understand you're hurt but you have to calm down so you can hear me out cath and you won't lose your children " .

" You don't understand Mat, what if they never forgive me? I really crossed the line this time " She cried " they literally caught us in bed together!! " .

" It's done already and you can't change the results nor your actions, who else do they listen to apart from you? " .

" Tsk they barely even listen to me, I have to literally put my leg down on a matter before they actually obey my instructions much more another person? " .

" Hmm okay is there anyone they respect or have a soft spot for? " He tried again searching his brain for options.

" Apart from their father I can't think of anyone else at the moment " .

" Think harder cath, there most be someone from your relative who they both adore " .

She sniffed loudly and blew her nose with a tissue paper in an unladylike manner while trying to think of someone they loved

"oh there is someone actually". Her eyes lit up remembering her own mother.

" Who?" Martin questioned with equally lit eyes.

" My mother their grandma Nana, when their father died my mother was the only one that could make them talk and smile during that dark period and I can confidently say they respect her " She concluded remembering numerous situations her mother had gotten her children to do stuff they wouldn't do on a normal day . " And they never fight or bicker at each other around her but how will my mother help in this situation?" She voiced out puzzled .

" Oh she has a huge role to play, you said it yourself that the twins adore their grandma therefore you could use her influence to get them to listen and understand you. "

Catherine thought it was best not to correct him for the hundredth that they weren't twins they had more pressing issues to deal with

" In essence you want me to use my mother to get my children's forgiveness? "

" Exactly you are still the smartass I know from high school " .

" I can't do that Martin " She replied ignoring his compliment .

" Why the hell not? " .

" Do you understand by doing that I would also have to admit it to my mother that I was having an affair with you!! , the less people that knows about us the better for everyone" .

Her statement broke him more than he expected here he was trying to show her he cared and wanted to do the long run with her by proffering a solution but she just wanted to hide the fact she's his lover, was he so detestable that her family couldn't accept him? He questioned himself.

" Catherine are you ashamed of me? He asked in a low voice using her full name to address her .

Catherine opened her mouth and closed it back with a frown flareing into her eyes

" Of course not Martin and before you go on this subject bear it in mind that this ain't about you or us ,two teenagers had just found their mom in bed with a man, do you have an idea how upsetting that is and I would do anything to protect the good reputation my late husband left on this earth " .

Martin decided to let the sleeping dog lie till the whole fiasco they had found themselves in was resolved " She's your mother for crying out loud cath, she is family you don't have to also hide from her " .

Catherine bit her lips thinking hard

" Unfortunately you also don't have any other option " Martin continued " She's your only solution unless you have another idea "

" I don't Martin ".

" Then call her right this moment and inform her, where does she stay can she come over now? "

" She lives next town she loves coming over to the house " .

"Here call her " He muttered handing her a cell phone.


" Why did you hold me back " ? You should have allowed me to break that nigga's head " Alice panted.

" I can't believe mom would allow someone that's not dad to touch her " Ayra muttered closing her mouth with her fingers in after shock.

" For real and she had the audacity to do it in their matrimonial bed like how fucked up can that get " .

" Alice what if there is a plausible explanation for what we saw, maybe ju- maybe it's not what we're thinking " Ayra said desperately trying to believe that all this was one big mistake " .

" Don't be dumb ayra we both know they had sex, damn look around his stuff is littered here and didn't you notice how her room was decorated ? " .

Ayra swallowed a cry before speaking " She doesn't deserve someone like dad, he was too good for her " .

" She doesn't even have the decency to respect his memory she could have done it anywhere else why our home? " .

" She probably thought we won't be coming back soon, Alice what are we supposed to do at this point? " .

" First thing first I have to go back up there and throw something hard on him " .

" No Alice he can sue you for assult " .

" Well I can sue him for trespassing on my dad's property " .

" Mo- she let him in the house you wouldn't have a case " . She had wanted to say mom but somehow the word had stuck in her throat.

" I don't know I will make something up but we have to do something for dad, we can't just let this slide " Alice enthused hoping ayra would approve.

" What the fuck is he still doing in the room " Ayra suddenly asked standing up with blazing eyes.

" I told you let me throw something at him an-" .

" I can't stay in this house for one more minute I hate her so much, she's not even down here with explanations instead she chose to be with him even in our presence!! " .

" Wait ayra where are you going? " .

" I don't know somewhere out of this house "

" I'm coming with you " Alice stated and with linked hands they both dashed across the garden and made their way out of the compound, just before they could enter a cab a car stopped in front of them halting their movement.

Slowly the subject of their curiosity stepped down from the car and their eyes immediately warmed .

" Grandma Nana they both yelled embracing her tightly.