
Freaky Friday Gone Wrong

I hate you and i wish you were never my sister you would never understand what misery means because you have such a perfect life. Ayra screamed furiously. Alice told herself not to think about the word "hate" which her sister had used on her people said a lot of things they didn't mean when they were angry. You think my life is perfect? well be my guest I wish you my perfect life, I hope you would walk in my perfect shoes . Whatever ayra muttered walking away. That's what you always do walk away, shy away from confrontations for crying out loud you are the intelligent one mom is always proud of you I mean everyone speaks highly of you. The perfect life you accuse me of you are the one that actually has the fucking perfect life. Ayra turned around and was surprised to see the amount of pain on her sister 's face for the first time ever Alice wasn't wearing a bored expression but she ignored it, it could be one of her Trump trick and said Christ you are so sick to think that. Maybe I am.

Macky_starr · Urbain
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52 Chs


With a thudding heart and a gleeful yet scared smile on her face ayra pressed the send button and rubbed her hands together.

When Jack got her text, he rubbed his eyes to clear them of any illusions and checked again lol and behold the text hasn't been changed, screaming at the top of his voice in happiness he did a little dance of his and screenshots the text in case she plays a little number he would have evidence to prove his case. Excited and surprised she had agreed to be his girlfriend he shouted again, and only refrained from shouting from fear his mom would come and inquire what the problem was, he wasn't ready to tell anyone yet he wanted to enjoy the feeling first.

Finally calming down he placed a call to her, it rung for some minutes before she picked up the call. Hey muffin whatsup?

Ayra cleared her voice before talking I'm fine it was as though they weren't the ones chatting few minutes earlier.

You don't know how happy you have made me tonight, thank you for giving me the opportunity to know you better and be in your life muffin.

Jack I don't know what to say, glad you are this ecstatic she muttered astonished at the joy in his voice did he really like me that much? She questioned herself.

Say you love me Jack said without thinking.


Uhm nothing don't mind me, you have to sleep now muffin tomorrow is school.

Ayra covered herself with a duvet and yawned lightly, jack it's barely seven pm and you sound like my mom.

He chuckled lightly but you yawned that implies you are sleepy and need to take a rest.

I'm not sleepy she whined and your voice is so sweet it's not my fault it's lurring me to sleep she muttered and regretted it immediately.

Wow so you think my voice is sweet huh? he asked teasingly .

Ayra quickly covered her mouth with her fingers while cursing herself in her mind, hey don't gloat I didn't say your voice was sweet.

But I heard it loud and clear muffin, you know you can sleep and I will keep on talking so you can sleep with my sweet voice he crooned .

Gosh you are so shameless, please stop she said with a serious voice but a smiling face she was even twirling a strand of her hair in her fingers .

Oh I'm sorry muffin, I would refrain from teasing you he said scared at her serious tone while skipping through his sketch book which most pages bore ayra 's face with different expression.

Jack no no I didn't mean it that way, wasn't serious one bit she reassured sitting up in her bed.

Oh okay he replied his heart calming down from the height it climbed earlier.

Jack we have a lot of stuff to discuss, so many do's and don't in the rela - she tried to get the word out again but failed miserably .

You mean relationship? He asked coming to her aid and amused at her cute antics.

Yeah Jack, there is a lot of stuff I won't be comfortable doing and things I won't tolerate she stated primly. Ayra was the kind of girl that liked to categorize stuff in black and white, and as an over thinker she tended to overdo some certain things, therefore in order to avoid being caught in an uncomfortable situation she wanted herself and Jack to be on the same page.

Laying down on his bed he shoved down the intense urge to go over to her place and see her cute face. Okay muffin I'm listening he replied knowing somewhere in his head that she would do say something like this, gosh he was even expecting her to say this earlier before agreeing to be his girl Christ that sounded so nice he thought to himself.

Okay here it goes she muttered before clearing her voice like she was about to address an important issue.

Wait a moment he interrupted trying to hold in his laughter and failing miserably, have you written a list of instructions in a fulscap and merely reading them out loud?

Ayra creased her forehead in a frown, no not yet am still gonna make a list though and give you a copy and hold one myself. At this junction Jack has flown into a full laughter and couldn't stop.

Jack why are you laughing like a maniac?

I'm sorry ari but you are so cute and amusing, you simply never cease to amaze me.

What is amusing in the words I said?

Don't get me wrong, but you are going about this - our relationship like it's a cumbersome task you are about to undertake.

Ayra bit her lips a little before saying but it's a task a new one at that and I ha-.....

Sshh I know but quit worrying so much love, just try and have a little fun he said laughing again.

Okay I get your point, but can you stop laughing already she muttered annoyed at his irritating behavior.

It's just you sounded like a good teacher, can't get it out of my head but you can continue with what you have to say muffin.

Sighing loudly and feeling like a terrible girlfriend she said loudly forget it Jack , I want to sleep now am exhausted because someone has been laughing at me , maybe none of his girlfriend had never behaved like she had done she thought agitatedly biting her lips again well she wasn't them she was ayra and was different with a capital "D" her heart defended fiercely.

Jack made a cooing sound at her remark, nah muffin don't be like this okay sorry I laughed . I promise not to laugh at you again please just don't be mad at me.

No she replied vehemently, and am not mad at you I just really have to sleep.

Muffin please say what you wanted to say already.

No or do you want to force me?

Alright alright seems like you have decided, sleep well my cute muffin and see you tomorrow.

Ayra was little bit taken aback that he hadn't persisted and didn't want the call to come to an end yet but she didn't have any choice, she would rather literally die than tell him so. Okay Jack see you tomorrow then she replied with a low register.

Uh no muffin that's not a good way to bade your boyfriend good night.

I don't understand what am I supposed to say?

Muffin he called dragging her name, try being romantic a little.

How? She questioned completely lost.

I have a lot to teach you love and I will have a lot of fun teaching you muffin.

That's fine because I am a fast learner.

Jack mentally face palmed himself and could feel laughter brimming up and threatening to erupt again. Muffin it doesn't have anything to do with academic or general knowledge he warned.

Oh okay, but why do I feel like you are laughing at me again she muttered narrowing her big eyes.

No am not honey he denied, repeat after me "babe good night and sweet dreams " he muttered.

But yo-

Muffin just do as I say he ordered in a voice that booked no argument.

Okay okay she did as he said and she could feel him smiling from his room.

That's right muffin, you are indeed a fast learner that's the proper way to bid me goodnight. Alright go to bed already, cover your body properly the night is cold he said before cutting the call.

Ayra dropped her phone on her bedside, trying to get used the feeling of having a boyfriend, being in a relationship and having someone caring about her welfare .

I don't know why this particular chapter gave me so much trouble completing, fortunately it's completed now and I hope you guys have fun reading it.

Don't forget to Stay Safe and thank you for reading. ❤❤

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