
Fraternity, Werewolves, and Me

The hottest kid in school is a freaking werewolf and I'm his mate! Amanda was tired of being known as the foster girl without a family. She was sure she'd make a new name for herself once she got to University. All she wanted was out of this hell hole town and off to the big city. On the first day of school everyone was talking about how gorgeous this freshman was, but why is he always looking at Amanda like he wanted to rip her throat out. Oh, that's right, she's his mate. The Alpha's son is matted to a nobody, and he couldn't be more upset about it, until the night of her birthday. Just three more months, and their worlds were about to explode.

Yvettie_Mon · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Wolf 101

Amanda walks into her dorm room and tears fill her eyes. It was like walking into a resort. Surprise her aunts and yell out. They had all new furniture. Designer rugs and the best mattress money could buy and not just for Amanda but for her new roommate as well. Amanda looked up at the dream catcher Maria had bought her hanging just above her bed and she began to ball. tears just kept flowing and Amanda was so happy. No one has ever made her feel this special before. She squeaks out "all this for me?" Her aunts hug her tightly and say nothing but the best for our girl. Maria would have wanted it this way. With that all three start to cry. As soon as the emo session is done, Amanda says "I hope my roommate will like it." and Cindy coughs a little. Amanda looks up at her and Cindy says "So, I might have scared her away and she changed rooms. But look at the brightside you have it all to yourself." They start laughing as Amanda calls Nancy and put her on speaker phone as she tells them all about orientation and Sam and Trevor the twins, Ian the Alpha's son and the weird head nod and Rachel the girl from earlier. Nancy says " Hun, don't u worry bout no tramp. She'll get what's coming. believe you me". Her southern accent comes out thick when shes mad. Nancy continues with "as for Ian this God like child, he will need to nod his head to you. We are powerful women you hear me." "I hear you auntie Nancy." Amanda replies with a big smile on her face. They end the call and are out the door to meet up with Sam and Trevor.

Amanda introduces her aunts to her new besties. Trevor nearly has a heart attack. Sam goes up and one of the first questions she asks is why doesn't Amanda know about wolf ranks? Twany looks at Cindy and says I told you. Cindy shrugs and asks Amanda what do you know about us?

Amanda replies "that you meet your wolf at 18 and you can hold your breath for a long time and your eyes change and our senses are better faster stronger, and there is a Moon Goddess and she gives us a FURever mate" Trevor laughs as everyone shakes their head as not funny. "She is Maria's daughter" Cindy says. Cindy brings a calming vibe to the table as the waiter brings all the food. They start to eat and Cindy continues. Well yes, eyes will change when in danger. Any big emotional change will trigger this even as babies. As babies we all have an animal scent that is weak to humans but very strong to our kind. How Trevor and Sam knew. Right now you smell of vanilla and cinnamon with a hint of sweet grass. Soon the smell will change to more earthy tones. Like Trevor is wet wood and Sam is more dry wood.

"how come I couldn't tell the smell?"

Twany answered "because you've been suppressing your senses. we think that's why Maria hiked with you often. she was trying to get you to open up."

"I can help with that" Sam says. I'm a pretty good tracker."

"yah, Trevor says "I've got experience with opening up... I'll make sure she lets go and has fun" he quickly adds "in a safe and responsible environment"

They all laugh.

What's a Tracker Amanda asks.

Cindy goes on. Tracker is someone that can pin point exact smells and location of things and people by using their nose. Your Uncles Morgan and Maurice are famous Trackers.

Sam drops her fork. and her mouth opens. "Morgan and Maurice Hernandez are your Uncles?" Amanda says Yep very proudly.

Before Sam could speak Cindy cuts her off and says that secret will need to stay with us. You could see Sam was talking to Trevor through his mind link. Trevor Instantly stares at Amanda with his mouth open.

What? Amanda asks.

Cindy replies I'm getting there. "In each pack wolves have different jobs. Some are trackers and doctors and warriors that live in the same area. Some are scouts and representatives of the pack like me and Twany so we don't live on Territory but reside within a loyal pack. Most packs have their own Territory. Bloodmoon Pack is one of the strongest packs in North America and loyal. They have a leader called an Alpha and his wife is called a Luna. Alpha has a second in command called a Beta. His wife is also a second for the Luna.

Amanda says Luna, thats what Ren called Auntie Nancy does that mean Uncle Mark is an Alpha?

Cindy says, well yes, but Uncle Mark is a little more than that.

"He's the Alpha of all Alphas" Trevor spits out and Cindy gives him an evil glare.

She continues Maria, wanted u to have a normal college experience and choose your path.

What's our pack's name? Amanda asks

"Well sweetie, we're in the Royal Pack" Twany says.

Amanda takes that in and asks if there pack was ranked higher?

Cindy says yes. They Royal pack was blessed by the Moon Goddess to have certain abilities. For example I can calm a room when it gets too crazy and Twany can well, just show her" Cindy says and Twany raises a hand and small little sparks comes shooting from it.

The three kids all say Coooooool at the same time.

"What could Maria do?" Amanda asks

"Well she wasn't a True Royal, because she was adopted into Uncle Mark's family so she didnt have gifts, but she had the biggest heart and helped so many lone wolves find homes."

Oh, so I probably don't have gifts either. Amanda says. Twany looks at her and says "baby girl, you are a gift. The best gift our family could have ever gotten"

"Never FURget it" Cindy says

Trevor laughs as Sam blurts out "OMG you're a Princess."

Trevor hits "Sam and says no shit, took you long enough"

Amanda says is that true?

Cindy says yes, but because you don't have a wolf yet, we rather you not tell anyone, because you can't protect yourself. It's only a few more months. Please Amanda? Cindy begs.

"trust me, my lips are sealed I don't even want the attention" Amanda says.

Cindy looks at the other two and says do we need to call King Mark and give you an Alpha command? Trevor and Sam both say No no no we won't say a word.

Trevor says "Guuurrrllll my interviews after your birthday are going to be absolutely everything"

Sam says for now we will keep her gaurded. Twany says we appreciate that and then asks Sam how her dormroom is and Sam goes into a story about how she already hates her roommate. Twany says well Amanda has an open space in her room. Sam immediately jumps at the invite to switch rooms. Cindy says its settled, I'll call tomorrow and make it official. Twany turns to Trevor and you? How's your roommate? Trevor says "ohhh no, I am not moving. Ian is too hot. I wanna wake up to that eye candy everyday." They all start laughing. They head back to the dorms and Amanda gives her new aunties big hugs as they say goodbye.