
Franking prove men’s wrong !

"Only men's rule here "


Franking was shock hearing that wondering how could a society be so comparing and uneqality between male and female .

One hundred year ago their people used to discriminate between genders as male and femal and their was one girl who was against it, Franking Logan a well known girl cause of her special beauti that attracts others . Franking though that gender doesn't matter every one is equal and it's unfair to women's and some one needs to speak against it

"The ruler are only men's "


Very next day franking speak against it and many other men didn't agree as they think men are made for world not women's but many women did agree but most of them where sentence to death and Franking also but she manage to escape the terrible time of her life as Franking was thinking of an idea suddenly 2 men appeared and conered her

"Oh , such a young beauti is not allowed to escape you know "

"Yes I know but you don't "

Franking's words made the men's mad

"Oh,seems like your in a trouble young lady how can you speak against us huh ? "

"Yes , I know and I don't care because it's unfair to women"

"Speak agin and "

The men try to attack her but she manage her way out and knock one of the men

And ran for her life as 3 men followed her but she manage to escape them also

She was in a dark alley where she met Usan a kind women who helped her once

" look Franking your absolutely right and would be so glad to help "

"Sure let's be friends "

"Sure Franking "

Franking has a wonderful plan and idea to prove men wrong but need 1 more women for the plan so Usan's friend helped her Osiùn , as Franking told her plan to girls .

"Men's be ready for war coming up and women seat quiet !"


Franking saw a opportunity on what he told so Franking and her friends put a wig to hide their identity and dressed up as a man , oh boy they looked pretty quiet nice ,

"We will get our freedom if we success girl's"

"Yes we will "

As followed they didn't spoke a word during war other men's where already tired but not Franking so she didn't gave up and won the war and was very excited to revel and the reality , on the day of award ceremony

" I would like to call our brave and strongest and power ful boy Frankos "

"Wooooo" cheers by others

I took the mice and spoke

" yes I am that brave ,strongest and powerful women ! wait you said women can't succeed women can't do that this then look at me ! I am a women proving you wrong everywomen is special today if women wasn't here then you weren't even be here ! Look I prove you wrong !"

Everyone was shocked as she spoke and women's started to agree and said

"We want freedom !"

everyone is special on their own way

no discrimination

I hope you enjoy and like reading this novel :)

Kripa123creators' thoughts