

In a dark night a man was walking on certain street. Did he accomplished something or he was trying to!? what awaits too his story? Let us find together.It's a world where possibility are endless.

Lacchi · Fantaisie
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23 Chs


Location: St. "Thetford Royal Academy"

Sophia and her men headed toward a big building. The building looked like an old Chinese-style mansion. When they entered the library, it was massive, with multiple sections divided into a puzzle. People were walking upward and downward on the floor simultaneously. The inner roof of that library was not visible. The books stacked on the wall were continuously visible to the end of their sight, while other books floated all over the maze, countless in numbers, but none encountered each other.

"My!! New faces here, 'who could they be in such great numbers?'"

A woman wearing round white specs with tied and folded brownish hair, light pinkish eyes, long eyebrows, and a white suit with an inner lavender shirt, approached Sophia and her men.

Sophia, who had been covering her appearance with a long silverish cloak, revealed her charming face with dark greenish strip eyes. Her bangs were cut on her forehead, while her silverish hair was tied on top, with half hanging below her chin.

"We are actually looking for Professor Silvia Earnhardt. We have been instructed that she is present in this house of libraries. I presume you are Miss Silvia," Sophia questioned in a formal way, avoiding raising suspicion.

The woman, wondering for a moment, said, "Yes, that's me. What is it?"

Sophia seemed relieved; she instantly handed the letter to Professor Silvia.

"Aww, a letter for me. Who could it be this time? Sigh, I am so tired of these letters. If they are so fond of this body, they have to do more than just a letter, or else just pray to this beauty. Only a worthy man will be able to taste this ripe fruit. Fufufufu!" The woman exaggerated, placing her right hand over her lips.

Silvia grabbed the letter with her pointy-nailed hand. She focused her vision on the letter, revealing only the words, "To Dear Silvia." The special seal in front of that letter convinced her.

In a logical sense, it wasn't anything significant. It could be some sort of code. However, looking at Silvia's face, it didn't seem to be the case. She appeared more than surprised, in great dilemma about the purpose of the letter.

But that confused expression didn't last long on her face. She swiftly maintained her lusty charming face.

"Haa, how long has it been? After all these years, he remembers me but didn't feel to make his appearance. Huhhh! Your habit won't change, huh!" Silvia expressed her complaint, making a sorrowful face with a tiny drop in her gentle eye.

"Oh hum! Sara," she made an unconditional sound to her, "I'm sorry. I was just lost in old memories, you know! So, what is it you need?"

Sophia raised her question. "Well, we are looking for some historical information," she explained about a certain portion of the case, the invention of a device claimed to witness the 'past' that had shaken the world.

When Sophia heard those words, her eyes widened, and her calm and gentle face became dull and confused for the second time in a few minutes. Silvia, more confused, tried to connect the dots after hearing those words.

"It seems we have this image which might be related to it," Silvia said, taking a scroll rolled by a red thread from her cloak. The scroll was brown paper with some scrambled images, slightly torn from the top and corner. Dust was still attached to it. It depicted an image of a man in a pure black long suit, heading his hand toward a huge light coming from the destruction of a nebula, attracting everything toward its core.

"Well, you see, I'm just an assistant professor in this academy. So, that's why I don't have much knowledge regarding history, you know. Ha ha ah… ha ha." Her words were shaky, exposing that she knew something about the matter but was making every effort to hide it.

Sophia realized this but didn't find it the right time or place to push the matter further.

"If you are an assistant professor, then that means there must be a history professor, isn't it? We can uncover more about this from the professor. Isn't that right? Why don't you lead us to the professor?" Sophia suggested.

The situation became tense. The woman's eyelashes fell, covering half of her pupil, and her tone changed lightly from modest. She led her composure down, placing her hands together near her waist at the front, and walked a few steps left from them. She looked to the side at the endless sight of books, sighed for a moment, and said, "Well, a few months ago, he was murdered."

Sophia and her men were shocked by this information, but Sophia maintained her tone. "He was a great man. He even took me in because I was an orphan. He took care of me as his own child." Saying those words, she let a few drops of tears fall from her eyes. Her voice was also unclear. She quickly took her white handkerchief, wiped her tears, turned around, and walked toward Sophia.

"So, that's why I am the only professor here. I am sorry that I can't be much help to you." Sophia and her men were a little depressed for not being able to get more information.

Silvia secretly placed her handkerchief in Sara's hand, avoiding many eyes in that room. She said, "I don't know why I am telling you all this, but at least I am trusting that man's letter. So, do not let me down. It's the only way for me to repay Professor's kindness." She said this in a serious and desperate way. Sophia kept the handkerchief, put it in her cloak, nodded her head, and went outside.

Location: Carland Mountain's

"I know I am not in a place, but it looks like her condition is not good. I am a doctor, so maybe I should check on her, isn't it?" A black man placed his thoughts among them.

"Well, if her condition is not because of alcohol, which can be sensed from her odor, or because of the drugs she's been taking, which can be seen on her fingernails, or if she's not sleeping properly, which can be seen even though the makeup didn't actually hide it all, then you can, Doctor," Marcellus said, describing her with his keen eyes.

"You shouldn't, George," a lady who was accompanying the black doctor cautioned.

"But, Medusa..." While he was trying to complete his sentence, Medusa looked up toward George with her fierce sharp eyes, and he was unable to say a word.

Guests around them felt laughter in their hearts but didn't reflect it on their faces. However, one man smirked a little more than others and slowly laughed out loud.

Medusa turned her head toward that laugh. "Did I say something that amused you?"

"Oh, no no, that's not the case, but I can't imagine a man who is backtracking his words after a woman just stared at him," he said while laughing.

"Then maybe you should try, isn't it?"

"Well, why not? We can see who can make their mouth shut." They were talking to each other, and the atmosphere was becoming grim.

"Guys! Stop!" A voice broke their stare at each other; it was Daniel's voice. "What's all this commotion going on? Please behave yourselves."

"Maybe you should check before allowing hooligans to enter," Marisa said, looking down on others. "Well, putting that aside, we were almost ready to leave. All of you, head toward your rooms, and when lunch is ready, you will be informed."

All the guests started to leave for their rooms. "Let's go, Rebecca, Relly," Marisa said to accompany the ladies.

"Man, that was a hassle. I can't imagine how you manage this every time," Charles expressed his sympathy toward Daniel.

"Well, that's a matter. But for some, today was totally a hassle. I hope our journey will be safe and won't cause much trouble."

"It's gonna be fine. Relax. I will also head to my room." Charles said, "Okay, then we will meet at lunch."


"So, let's go then, Daniel, do your job," he mumbled to himself.

When he was about to enter the main engine cabin, in a corner of that place, a man was silently sitting. "Sir, aren't you going to your room?" When those words came from Daniel's mouth, the man immediately headed toward his room.

"What a weird guy?" Daniel muttered and went to the main cabin. Daniel put his jacket aside and sat on the captain's chair. He commanded his men to start the engine. The Lotus started to hover a little bit higher than usual. "We are ready to go, sir."

After that, Daniel placed a key that was hanging on his necklace into the main engine. The Lotus rose from the ground and swiftly moved away.

While all the new faces headed toward their rooms, with each new face entering the Lotus, there was also a familiar face—Richard Miles's friend. He didn't let others feel his presence, sitting there all along, holding a handbag.

Suited in a long black coat, hiding his face with a black round hat, he entered his cabin.

(Location unknown)

Sophia opened the handkerchief given by Silvia. Inside that handkerchief, words were slowly appearing, made from Silvia's tears.

Inside that handkerchief, it was written, "The secret of Lucan Cave."

"Well, well, looks like we hit the jackpot," Sophia smirked a little. She pointed to two people from her group, "You two investigate that professor's murder case."

"Yes, ma'am." They two vanished into thin air along with Sophia and her men.