

In a dark night a man was walking on certain street. Did he accomplished something or he was trying to!? what awaits too his story? Let us find together.It's a world where possibility are endless.

Lacchi · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
23 Chs


      Collision of idealists affair causing Russell senses for cutting the edge  on limited choices. And surrounded by the cramp lines on his  forehead. Captain unable to resist and believed his words for the matter to be spoken.

   " I may not know the details but doesn't it seems way Quick on the matter that They have supplied. The details- I mean,  we are not enlightened thoroughly. were we? not to the existence on the letter. W- what were we supposed to determine this?" His words obviously mitigate poor savant scenario. Cause Captain words lead furious Russell to commute towards directed source of real reasoning on his assumptions. But that doesn't seems a much problem for him.  Shifted himself away from Savant and suited himself on another sofa.

    Captain confused face about the details were looked on his face. But as experience as his eye's. This kind of situation doesn't  have to be new to him. Why was captain pretending to be unknown on this matter?  Is that  much of difficult to assume by himself. The details shrug thoroughly everybody on that room by the time.    Everyone  have their own thoughts about the letter. But, not to the captain. His cleverness doesn't swift easily by these sorts of letters at all.  But this doesn't mislead a bit  to the sharped  eyes of the Russell. While breaking his moment of silence in justifiable way and assumptions that he was bit of consumed by his ideal a moment ago. Removed his hands to loosen on ground and from a smile. He said–


"Opulence of the kingdom was came with mere words, huh!!"  Muttering Russell floated himself again in another direction. And this time He Answered to the Captain.

      " Isn't that obvious, Captain!!,  Revealing voice. "obviously  They don't want to put their head on the fire That easily. I mean who will? That's the basics of basics." Criticized Captain words a bit by Russell  and then he said while this time thoroughly observing that  time. " Well, your are not totally wrong, they should at least!!" Suddenly halted his words on a discovery of something on that letter.

    " miss vice- captain could you pass me that candle light here for a bit?" Confused Sara followed his order in puzzled face. That puzzled face was also shared among other concerned parties in that room.  When Sara handed candle light to Russell, he  placed letter on front of his face with one hand and through another hand he placed that candle. In a such a way, which light fallen on that letters through from front. After that he closed his eye's for a bit. And when he opened his eyes were shining dark blue, similar occurred to that candle light which turned from pale red to dark blue. And with a blow of air from his mouth through that fire on that letter. Caught everyone around off- guard. After burning fully on his hand that letter revealed another pieces of words. Which were slowly emerging after vanishing the old ones. A new yet, highly separated information formed on that letter. It was surprised that even after through a blow of fire that letter survived, simultaneously revealing another information.

     " Aha! Uh!" Chuckled wobble again on Russell face.

  " Well, well, ain't this makes things exciting?"

  " What is it?! Your highness!!" This time captain also became little curious after what just happened.


        "Savant!!" Ignoring Captain and others curious face. In a fasten pace he said.

     " Yes, your highness." Savant responded as soon as he could.

" Was words about this matter has delivered to His majesty yet!?"  Pointed to that OFFs man savant By the Russell in  sentenced word.

  " Yes, your highness. Copy of the original  was passed down to the key personnel  in the castle by the orders of her majesty Queen  Maria ark-van  Jubelian. ."

   " Is that so?! Where is the original one then!!"

    " On your hand, your highness."

" Huh! Hahaha- fufu, Good, Good!! Fu-fu" Uneasiness up until now vanished from Russell face.

    " Why is the original one on my hand then?!!"

    Russell pointed a very reasonable question down on savant. It should be obvious the original letter should have submitted to the King. But why  it wasn't? What does he wanted to do with that letter. Was he ordered? If then, there is only one person on that room who had authority over savant. That is none other than captain. So, does that mean he had figured it out such a scenario. If he did then, why was he acting like that? Well all that can only be answered by captain himself.

   " I was ordered." Sensible  words appear from savant.

" Hmmm, Then captain would you like to tell us anything?"

    Conversation Jumped from Savant, Russell and now Captain. While Sara was only following behind as well Brock too.

  ".... I- had my assumptions. But didn't suspected to become the truth, so, that's why I had  made my measure beforehand." In a communal and Democratic answers suited from Captain. He was been like that for a while now. Folded his hands together in a tensed yet calm manner.

    " hmm!!"  Things were bigger yet  to be discovered not easily. But didn't seems to be right time to scratch the surface. Captain is not the one to mess with either, another realization hit on Sara and Brock but again not Russell. He was bit but not that much.


      Extended of his eyebrows higher In a sense. Russell directed his thought again. While leaping his jointed fingers towards ear tip. In this between conversation some forgot to pushed their thoughts, as Savant was calm on outside but couldn't able to understand much. From Russell to captain. Sara  might fall near his shoes  but that's might been only if we push.


    " Was Queen Maria is the one? Whom you had delivered the letter!?" Regaining original source of matters on hand and directed towards Savant.

   " yes, when I was talking to the minister for his majesty's audience. Suddenly Her majesty Queen Escort knight "Merry Roger's" came and took the letter. Claiming that she was order by the Queen and will safely delivered to his majesty. And also ordered to passed down the copies  to key personnel.  Even though minister " Salim nes- kiren"   tried to budge but that didn't gone well."

         " smfuff"   A chuckle emerged from Russell mouth along with words. "Well, that much can be expected. Comparing how lowly his influence became in  recent years." Not a resonance moved along with his word but after a second later his expression again tense with new words he had shaped.

  ".. .. I didn't expected  that she would moved this quickly." Tense thought moved to Russell mind as well revealed in front of others too.

   "Regardless, We have to closen these sinister incident quicker than I had imagined." Another ominous assumptions directed towards all personnel among that room. To this point, the hidden information from that letters was also acknowledged by Captain too. But Not  yet revealed to other party.  what was on that letter?

The hidden detail of the letter was princess of Dom kingdoms plan on providing a frontal hand from their side if theirs requirements were fulfilled. Was that all?

        Russell making a face of such hollow, and treacherous.

   "... Grunts",  By the Captain with silent as he could. "That's does make sense!! How could these be Even reasonable!!" sharping his shoulder with simmer of face.

Sara along Brock and savant Halted their thoughts to the pond of despair. They haven't spoken a bit to the situation for a while now. That- may be the reason. But after how captain was behaving doesn't meet a words. His situation was horrible to explain. Even though he was placed calmed as he could but the "SY" energy around him drastically reduced to void and sorrow. Sweat were seemingly floating towards his face. It was hard to imagine by looking at him that he was unmatchable to the tactics. A psychotic beast behind the actual battlefield.  His tactical achievement were higher than the  Randolph estra Aka "Randolph The great." 


     Randolph is supposed to be  "The first legendary king advisor and tactician. Who have cleverly defended The fort of "Rauner Mold" for straight 14 days With the bare number of 30 Soldier Against The 30 Thousands troop of " Artimine kingdom" at that time. Without Much of supplies you couldn't even think of them to survive.

     Against that kind of personality many  compared  that  captain  should be the perfect  imitation. But now, no- one will believe those words at all. His attempts to handle the situation was dizzying as rotten goods.

   " Apparently this matters will not loaf around like any other petty things. As if some baiting hindrances shows off. Then!!" A lumped of sighs later. Russell spoken to the captain words along others personnel as cold as he could.


     " You don't mean-?"

" your thoughts is on the hit. Captain!!"

     "   B- But, how can that be!!?" She didn't participate  all these  time. And the wear about are none to Zero." Captain tense sense, face was mumbling with fear and sweat. That same  captain who was putting his cooled head Up until now. With all that happened. But that  Expressive, was way more tensed that it could say.

     "  Now, now, The matter is heating up from all side. You should also move accordingly captain."

    His offensive words didn't merged much to that matter because as captain also already acknowledge the situation. Which could help them for their own profit. But, his expression wasn't that Russell Expected.


  Looking at captain and the other. But, other than captain everyone were stilled at their place. Like a frozen statue.

    For that purpose he again whimpered  in that thick fog  and appearing behind the captain back. Facing opposite of the captain back, leaning behind his chair, watching out from windows. while slowly uplifted toward the ceiling.

    " This, wouldn't be a great opportunity to you also isn't it captain? I- mean up until now you would also have understood that situation now. And why would you even thought that I  would be coming to meet you at person."

  " you can't be!! "

  " correct!! "

   Again hyphened shocked face with repulsive of sweat flow into  his face. And slowly looked behind to Russell face. In tense and horrified. To express something in deadliest manner as  any could imagine.

    "..... "

Captain repulsive characters was about to be shown off, right this moment but he again suited himself on his righteous Captain. Why was that? Who knows? But that tilled spooked Russell's idea for making him accepting his deal. Not entirely but he had pushed captain on a cliff, with only one more step and he will...

   "I'm pretty sure those noble won't be silent, so, ASAP we have to deal with the mess  before they pull another stunt.  Ahh!! Did they really have to choose that legendary king statue. Is this a omen? Ahh! I guess. Maybe..!! I don't know?!

  "   Oh, yah! Another thing about those Realm of shadow. You know how to dealt with them. Right!!"...{Devilish smile occurred while twisting his neck to right}....

        ... Irresponsive manner wasn't faded up to the point after all this. But without delaying any time around himself captain vividly formed agreement on Russell phase , Russell shallowly began to loosen his interest and hope from them. Apparently he wasn't expecting such as odd and Ignorant behaviour all this time from the war veterans the strategist.

   In a eye of Russell expectation were loosen and  Glory were chimed. 

      Unravel to victimize the rational stumps on matters regardless of the loyalty and compassion, one does possess. It was obvious that, " the situation and dysfunctional state of the West  Royal guard  also hold great part of captain too. After the Betrayal and all, not to be proper profound themselves all these years was also the expansions of the regarded example of the  captain. And, yet– Russell was at least convinced that the new gen soldier were at least wonder and not trying to cover up their tormented flesh of ravishing blood freely like captain did all these years, stating and surrounding himself with his own esteem guilt of that the world is cruel and nothing can be accomplished regardless. We act matters melted,  sane shifted much to the point of  witted, shattered, rug of clumped railed prudent pit of sh*t pile.

" .. Maybe there is something of a quilt, confined him, what I heard?  captain removed himself from the position of advisory.... Now he is just a face, the actual advisory is someone else. Well, maybe I should poke my nose around? Hmmm.." Russell thought.

      " well, I had at least know that captain had been performing some task with his partner "William dilsoul"  Back in those days. And something happened there but what was that, something!?.. [ unsatisfied expression emerges on the person who was thinking all this, and that person responded to the commotion that is attracting his attention. ]

      " Now, don't you dare!!... [ shout of snout repeated captivated]...    Now, not the time for you childish accretion!! Get that..... [  Heavy suffered to control the situation lumped into by limper child]

  The reverent revelation supposedly not only captured  Russell but all the personal too. when the door was ferly endorsed by the two little kids up front.

    Among two one who have fallen into the ground by the forces and stumble on the door, leaping his half inside and other body outside. Facing upwards in suffered situation. His smooth white skin with clumsy body, cuteness with giggle and rubble skin.  White  slight of the pinkish toned colour. Along with blue sparkling eyes. Wore with two distinct and identical earrings to the person who was sitting on his belly. That reveal the gender of the kid. Regardless of his feminine appearance.

    "  No,  oli !! Let go off me."[ desperate desires to free] That boy expressed. While the person who was sitting on his belly, seems to be enjoying her ride while grabbing sword on her hand.

      " you are the enemy of  Jubelian kingdom. Here me out, I The Olivia Ark-van Jubelian  sixth  princess of the Jubelian kingdom. Shall personally descend your life by taking with my own personal hands. And you shall be grateful for that."  Hahaha!

   Cute, smooth childish tone doesn't seems to be matching her actions. While revealing her identity she was identical to every part of that boy, even the height, skin and hair colour,  except her hair were long enough to touch the ground.

This all childish actions were direly mannered by the Russell and acted bit of concerned with sigh.

" What are you two think, your doing? Huh!"..... [ concerned with deepen voice] Russell question those two kids.

   "Eh? Huh?! ...Oh, I have completely forgot about the purpose, we've been here. Hehe!"

      Biting on her own tongue along of be-little of   embarrassment on her face. Turning white smooth skin into red like freshly bun.  The girl rose herself from that boy abdomen with firm quilt. And began to return to herself into esteem stance of Princess.

"... Sorry to interrupt your important meeting around but we would like to borrow favourable amount of your time brother. Hehe"! [ beautiful flock of pampered flowers like her face was unable to resist and resilient to ignore even though she wasn't fully began to bear her youth yet.]


       " Just tell him, that you are excited to see him." Toppling slightly to her head  by hand, that boy stood and express with bit of annoyance by her action.


       "Hufff, pouted cheek burned more on her face while rubbing her head.

Silently presuming their actions, Russell was annoyed by his siblings.

      The twin children of third Queen 'Eleanor  ark-van Jubelian' were Turning "8th" This year.  "Princess  Olivia Ark-van Jubelian and prince olive Ark-van Jubelian" but preferably both called as "Oli". They were youngest among all the others siblings of Russell and practically do not serve any political or succession threat yet.  Because of that they were loved by everyone and had freedom of almost everything. So that's may be the reason for them to wonder around at night this long.

     Their personality aren't totally different but variations might serve from perspective. Leaving that aside both were adored by the kingdom too, occasional program were attended by them. And mostly centred toward the entertainment part. Letting the burdens to the capital fade away to the officials. But there achievement only serve to entertain  themselves.


      "Now, now quit your talks and answered me the exact reason for your visit at this hour. Besides how did you even knew? Where was I?! Where is your nanny ? "

       Series of question tumbled toward those kids. Both only recessionally    Twitched and glared to each other for a bit and Olive said– " you see brother, we were excited to see you? But mother said you can't visit him." She said–" Your brother only  came this morning and already started to poking and dotting around. He didn't even properly greeted me, yet!! And have been wandering all around the castle. Just, saw him walking towards Royal guard castle bit ago. But didn't felt right to distribute his moment while he was thinking so, deeply that he didn't even recognized and just past beside me Easily." With her  deepen eyes. [ sigh] slight sigh with numb eyes of Queen Eleanor opened up, while talking about Russell. But situating herself  to the moment she said– "so, that's why you can't visit him, now? Did I make myself clear?!"

      " But, I was totally against the idea to dishonour mother's words brother. I only came because of Oli influence me." Olivia added her point but bit after her words were offended by Olive.

" What?!! That's isn't true brother, Oli was the one. Who said we could visit him now!! Or–else, we won't get a chance to visit you.  Stating that you will Again wonder around or maybe leave castle just like two years ago. When you didn't even said goodbye to us. And disappeared, we only were acknowledged after mothers said- you were gone for the empire..."

    Listening to their confession pinched Russell bit high. Because of his nature he seems to be cold and joking around. Which help him to understand his surroundings people aptitude and habits. But around his family mostly releasing some exceptional he was unable to profound himself from being apart of what family actually is? Well- that's not his total fault, mainly because of the situational he grew up and cause of the political appearance he had to maintain in a such state from his childhood. " A genius of warlord" From Early of his days his life wasn't simple. What people usually thinks?

   After watching his siblings suffered even to meet their brother. It hit him highly on that. Refreshing his face to the perfection of the prefecture, he said-" Tomorrow I shall accompany you whole day. Ok!!"

   Happiness, aroused around both Olivia and Olive faces. And around same time nanny " Nancy witt"  came along.

    She served a apologize and took them, but before leaving. Russell whisper something on her ear and the unchanged, always stating calm, the definition of continuation of work and  a grand example and face to all the motivated.  Respected by all the staff of the castle. And foremost  determined that things that can't be helped where solved by the Nanny " Nancy" Within a second.  Even though she wasn't well- aged yet. Comparing to her achievements and all. Only 29 this year without any partner till the point. But her passion or perhaps the responsibility makes her not to hitch a single sighs around was unimaginable. But her expression and eyes rose high. Pupil formed dark and watched in feared. After what Russell said.

But Russell only tilted his head letting to reveal the answer. What did he told her? Nancy was supposed to be question around after  that shock. But her questioned face were submerged by the Tilted head of  the Russell.


    These all hearsay, applied back and forth of circumstances were validly watched by captain and his personnel. They might wanted to say a lot. Regarding all the scenario performing near them. But only waiting for Russell leave at first. Their heart may have filled with thousands of question up to now, but They wouldn't dare too lope their anxiety freely, well, regardless, now to this point shouldn't be any surprised that captain stayed sane as usual. While others only watched.

           When the commotion lifted it's grounds. Russell backed his words towards captain and other souls. And said in bit of hurried and annoyed. Was the annoyance because of his headache or was...?

   " Ah! What was it?! Ahh! Yah! For your convenience on those realms of shadow. And under-way works. Which can't be performed by " The legal way. Aah-hum!!! [ hitched cough] [The worst twisted and stretched in a sarcastic way].... You're going to be accompanied by  "The duo's".  Get that?!


    Russell uplifted his words in a childish yet fast and slow along, quick and blown,  seemed and flown with back and forth manner. that translated most of the other souls to creeped out.

       Their shocked felt pitted on them ? His words petted later With another cliché. But the most surprise felt by captain but this time it was more than just a feint.

Unlisted uplifting of captain eyebrows near his bald– forehead lead him extreme surprised to the point, where all the conversation that leading by the Russell until now, bit or pour of piece of slightest idea, captain did happened to be known. Even if that's his pure  presumption. But that's, ' The duo's'  named left him officially off–guard, letting him lose to the race towards Russell surprises.

   Cause when Russell unannounced came to his meeting, which was supposed to be Secret, that's why it was held  in the night this late. Matter to be precise. But, no matter how Captain was searching all throughout Russell conversation he couldn't able to discover the fact that the meeting was leaked. He also closely observed to Brock, Sara, exceptional and  only his amid to be known Savant. Nothing, or nobody seems to be off, as they will lead Russell in here.

        Calmly Captain was supposed to be discussing and revaluating his point on the ongoing increased of the realm of shadow and their deeds because the number Brock brought up wasn't the only. Which had occurred within this week, there are more of a people. Who were extremely confiscated from the society because of their work to be precise. And Captain was supposed to be discussing about the way to deal with them in collaboration with of few noble. or Maybe because of the pressure and offer provided by the noble for his positional benefits and West  Royal guard need, but  Russell action lead them to turn around to those anonymous name side line and push their investigation matter of the publicized portrayed  forward. Because of the importance of those  anonymous, they are vital to the whole nation. Their work aren't precise and knowledge by normal ones. exceptional Only the higher ups and special noble personal. So, after the death, of those personal, the national threat had been occurred. It was mostly unheard by even the personal of the inner Royalties, but almost every section of the Other Royal guard including East, north and South was also already supposed to be tasked to be handle. Because mostly of those captured personal wasn't tasked to rescue rather confiscate the importance of detail and removed their ounce of sight. Leading no loop holes occurred and also ensure of details not to handle to the other kingdom.

      Some other Personal guard of king and his men were left on stand by if the matter cannot be handled properly. And if someone were to clear the matter successfully then the achievement of their actions not only helps one's  but for also their whole group would be unimaginable.

    First hand, he thought plan wasn't supposed to be put near in front of Sara, because she may be violent but her moral behaviour would let her harm herself instead of grabbing the opportunity in front. Exceptional to the Brock on the other sides. But because of the respect towards Sara he wouldn't also agreed to his statement easily. But after the clear announcement of the current insider situation clearly established in front of Sara and Brock, he's statements on the matters changed quiet a lot.

     Was all his sights were clearly visioned by Russell. Was he was this clear to read that with only few hours of Russell presence let him and his plans vulnerable. Those were the thoughts flowing around calmed captain mind. Regardless of what he was showing outside. The sane or strain.

          It's not a crime for him to gain power. It may what you called the void of desire. Normal one whom couldn't even fulfil their basis dreamed of being higher from themselves. While captain who might not been a total predator around but he's not also a easy prey. Well, he's intentions maybe what we think? But the truth only can fold by himself. He maybe trying to redeem himself by  pulling his Royal guard to back their place. Remember his all those achievement and tales were in past. He was the war 'veteran'. But now he is just the captain of dying Royal guard on kingdom. Pitted by many.

  " What exactly are you trying to accomplish, your highness? " What? What? [ in a ticked, ticked knob of tinkle pencil. He had been imagining himself.] When A loud pending voice formed shaped near him letting  captain  aptitude thrown out.

    Cold freezing fog was still roaming around him near his waist and lower half. Pushing boundaries of excellence And after phasing his point he gain swiftness on  his face and appeared all the way around from the captain back to the entrance of that door with the help of his mist. While his hands was crossed behind his back together. And with a cold smile he looked slightly toward them and moved out from that door.



             " sigh", ...[Great sigh]....went out from the moment when, The appearance of the Russell dimed in Captain eye's.

  Losing his shoulder bit with relaxed state. Leaned his back on the sofa with hands on  the edge of the sofa while head was  facing upper ceiling with closed eye's.

  Well, believe it or not the others body's of the room. Including Sara, Brock and Savant had also relaxed as snow finally melted near the ground. Now, cause most of their response were nullified in a sanctions of parts that barely able to remain there senses there. As stated from the beginning, Sara even for a little. Believed that She had  been doing something of the good up until now, was slaughtered by the Russell words. On the other hand, Brock intention doesn't led to the similar ideals as Sara up to the point. Which was confirmed by the conversation and the action that placed with Russell. But, rather he was re- thinking on his actions or Maybe there was other point? Which was yet to be revealed.   And last but not the odd now, compared to other bodies on that room. Savant also have been preyed and turned harsh by the Russell even though his impartial on that matters was seem more to the point when he came in there. Most of the other bodies of that room was seemed to be specifically targeted by the Russell for his viscous scheme. But, savant wasn't on that matter. But, why did Russell  mentioned him on his list  too?!

    A brief of sighs, condemned, walking through hellfire felt by every one of them. Nothing seems interested to them now, that with a concern and calmed face captain had to push his men for work. Or it seemed. For that matter he said-

    "huh,  I can't  believe after coming only today he had been pushing  everyone around. With this much of interest. How much he had changed after only two years or what?? Ain't it?"

       A firmly with enthusiastic manner  Captain offered his thoughts on the matter of Russell. While calming and grabbing the others attention.

         " And bit of rude too." Nothing much of interest Sara pointed her words too in a blank face.



     "  well what they say's children grew faster in front of eyes and He has been in empire for two years. I can guarantee that this much isn't a portion of what he had face. So, I'm somehow not surprised much."

    Captain gulped out again his words in tasteless expression.


  Maintaining that silence Sara didn't felt a good choice of words for her to say and in downed face she left her conversation.

         Bit of moments later. Breaking into the peace of that room. Brocks hung his words to the captain.

   " . . .  Well, that's why all the others Royal member were cautious about His highness the most. Especially those who are..."

   Fixing his posture and attitude on the matter while  smoothing his hair. Brock said but expressed least on that matter.

    ".. Hmm, Absolutely but I'm wondering why is his highness providing us so, flinty."  Captain tensed lines in his forehead was noticed by the Sara and she loosen her weight of the thought bit. By nearing her aura.

         "maybe his highness intentionally wanted to looked for the matter. That's what I think, apparently."

    Well, she may not been wrong but she was  frankly abandoning captain choices of plans too. She wasn't thinking about why exactly captain had called them at this late. Well, she would have if Russell didn't barged before theirs conversation even came out to the near end.


    Their all word's  that have been pouring from theirs mouths aren't seems to be rational  that time. Most of them had only been their because of the captain. There aren't even in a situation where they can make resume the initial meeting. For what they have been came.

    "Hmm, grunt a bit, while huffing sight and folding both  hands  one another. Captain said. "Can't be sure!?       We have to better make the call. First at that's, what I thought but..."

  Losing his last end of the words captain looked toward savant in a confused and curious way.

After consuming the situation awareness. Captain responded intentionally that they should leave the matter for today and tasked every individual on the matter on hand. Versatility of their Surprising to the quest that captain also included the savant on that matters for any help, he could provide because of    'The OFFs'. He also  agreed to captain words for some of his own beneficiaries as lusted on his expression.


   When almost every one were about to leave. Captain insisted Brock and Sara for a bit of their moment and both  stayed. While savant disappear from their sight.

"  Neil Kashyap! Our new recruit and your shadow to be trained, get that Brock." Captain directed   towards a person who was entering from the door. He was about 5.6 ft, exactly befitting the  minimum number for the position.  Barely impressed body, skinny as it seems, clean immature face, Dark black short hair, brown eyes, preserve able smile, He was about to be lifted from his 18th age after this month. Because the new recruit trainee minimum requirements age is '18' and few days ago, he had been dispatched from his training. Wore an dark clotted leather gloves near to his elbows on the right. His accent also seemed to be off from other as Savant. But quiet different from him. His accent was mostly Eastern with lower shutting words, [mostly the native ' Indian' as of today's time.] He had also wore the usual of Royal guard outfit with some exceptional like his double sword on his back, which was nowhere near to be seen.

       That led both, Brock and Sara To be bit of shocked. Unawares By the Savant because he had already left the room ASAP after his tasked was removed from his shoulder, but his intention as raged was bit flight on his mind. And left quick to Frome. But that not the very considering thing right now! As their both expression threw.

   Nothing much of expression by the other little concerned lines of tension was shoved in Brock face but wasn't matter much. On the other hand Sara– wasn't even listening to that matter. She was just trying to get out from this situation.  Because this isn't the situation for any new recruit? And specially for the " shadow" that captain mentioned which needed to be personally trained by the senior for their possible replacement near future.

  ....But before leaving everyone out from the place captain provides Neil "pair of Batons." Which was quite misinterpreting to the situation because. Those Pairs of batons were only used by the official "law maintainer" including all the other law enforcers  but not by the Royal guard. But mostly at the time over the training they were trained with the help of low- grade Batons. But they aren't competing to the one of the official used. The reason may be differ because batons also took shape and colour according to the owner compatibility.

    [ Neil expression dulled bit cause he was expecting more like the official Dual sword of the  Royal guard– but didn't let his unease leak out]

    Whatever the situation he thought,  Each of the batons provide durable in battle and strategic high fields also act as an identity of the "law enforcers" around the nation.  The usability might be varied from person to person.

      After receiving Pair of batons which was about long and thick as person arm. White in layers from every corner and sound circle with blue colour was showing off the attached three or four times to the batons. And a shining white silver ropes with peacock wings was attached both the corners of the batons. Mostly other batons have similar characteristics only difference is that his one is silver on its own with blue circles line.

      He grabbed and hid beneath his waist by his attire. He moved himself out from the room, while equipping his ' Royal Red hat' from his palm to the top and placed in his head while bowing a bit. In a stylish manner.

         When all the presence of  the bodies went asap from that room.  Captain wrote a letter silently to the a character of interest named " Sonia Fallenheart." And sent it through a certain pigeon of his own. Matters weren't disclose on it but as dared  action of captain seemed  to called help from  Ms. Fallenheart exploit the tenseness. But the purpose was Mainly to help on the matter of the attack in  santarum  city central. It was send through a strange yet familiar companion of Captain. A white pigeon.

     As everybody was supposedly heaving forward " The realms of Shadow" and their actions as threat to Kingdom. Captain had other plan's. For him it was a opportunity to establish his Royal knight forward to the race of Royal knight of Jubelian kingdom. Which was long ago strip by the past mistakes. Revealing  the consciousness, his state of mind was serious and admirable.   

  Mostly he wasn't the only one who was viewing this opportunity including Russell there are other names. Which were yet to be revealed. It massively turned into the politics of power. Rather than protecting the innocence and kingdom. Which was obvious to all of them. But, not all have this sort of intention, one of them is surely Sara.

Another sighs worn out from captain side and visited his thoughts. " oh! Goddess of light, please be with us." captain concluded his thoughts through prayer. But certainly he was referring to the goddess of light. Her church was placed in santarum city. But oddly her name was lost in time behind the door which wasn't willingly to opened for sure.

  But lastly not surprisingly Captain alone  stayed behind in his chair while heaping  thought on that matter. And the closing of the door his thought were also began vicious and the room slowly gloomed in strange aura.


    On the other hand, Russell was strolling in palace hallway  not far from Captain place. Where he was a moment ago. Relaxed, chilled, Stirling manner were the qualities he was forming.  From the right of his side. He glanced in the sky were the condition of the weather was quiet resilience on that time.

    And his way around  went off  to the centre gardens pond.  which did slowed he's pace. The night was salience in spine. The guard were roaming on their duty around in resilient with deportment. Moving from hallway to hallway, up, near and around.

    Russell movement  wanted him to drag from cloister to near the garden of different garth. He leaped his way to the garden woven himself into those viscidia's  charm.

"Hm hum, I think captain does felt, he knew every tiny details from me but well, how they says overcautious will die without even trying of his own. Not that I care. I still want west-royal guard for my benefit. I mean it's not like I'm the only one using them, some portion of fallen honey from the hive were also supposedly licked by them too. you know? Wahh! What a beautiful flowers? Hehe- huhu!!"

  He was randomly saying things In strange manner as of his appearance might suggest. But that's not the total strange things, he was leaning and talking all those after thoughts to a little, blue plants of strange character with a excited smile.

    "  I mean, this is how it is?!! Get that!! Nothing more nothing less!! And my visit will surely stated my point clearly. Even if they don't they had no choice. Ahh!         [ strange smile with lusted face towards that flower]

    " and- and you see I felt I did little heavy on them by going around from giving them history lesson, tormenting on their wound. Even though I knew this was for their own good. You know?  That's right?! Right? Isn't it? Ah, ehh!  I was bit felt guilty of how miss vice captain making her face. That did felt bad you see? .. Hmm, but well....."


     Russell never lasting talk to that blue flowers was absurd to watch. If it weren't for his mist that had been covering all that gardens around. Some might even questioned his Royalties by his behaviour. He was resembling another appearance, another person at that time. Quiet differ character from the way he was ongoing inside the Royal guard and with captain.

    But now he was resembling the young bud of the growing plant. As rooted freshly and was about to explore. Only things was his strange characters but if you were to throw that out. There will only be  a soft curious face with scars on his hands. Not like as he was making the face of sly, cold enemy of good nature. The only time when  his face was resembled slight of what he was right now. That time was? When he was drinking his tea in a peace. But every time his headache breaches his such calm and peaceful side vanish on thin air.

      Befitting his nature of taste his eyes were wobbling around the garden. Where the astonishing flora were soothing. While bluish and pinkinsh lightening butterfly was slacking and reaping on those leaves and flower.

    Russell picked up a rose merry flower from the tip of the flora. And moved back to the destination where he was headed before.

   Only –  further, of his presence was collided with another. Letting him to halt his motions.   ...Bit of a encouraged face by the Russell propounded by that person unconsciously.

  " My....!!  Sister Laura!!  What are you doing around this hour?   Isn't it bit late for your training?! ...  [lightened words were placed by Russell in a truly cheerful face. ]

  " ... As always, your sense of timing to nit picking my habits doesn't seems to have resolved. Even after two years in the empire.

   [ Deep voice along slight light words ].. Were left out by the Laura ark van Jubelian.

  ".... Aww?! What are you talking around? I would never going to cease my habit of pulling my precious sister legs no matter what? You know? Then how could  I even supposedly let those  imperial to changed me? ."

"..  Hmm, is that so!"

    The conversation went along quiet quench between Russell and his sister. The relationship between them are related to the blood from same mother. Rather than other siblings around.

    ".... what exactly you wanted? You say! Sis Laura I'm kind of curious of your sudden visit?!"

   Relaxed Russell voice was quite obvious that, patterns of the words had totally changed before the time in  the Royal guard and garden. This time his words and way of speech numb allot with 'soften of tone.'

" What exactly you mean?! Let's see.. Hmm. Of course!!  I'm hear to meet my brother."

"  you should be worry about princes Olivia and prince olive sis. They were causing quiet of commotion."

" What? They do?!"

   " mmhm?! A moment ago I saw them rustling.... [ With a plausible sense later]

" Then, why are they allowed to wander around at this hour?[ Tension with restless occurred in Laura's  voice with concerned]  Where is nanny " Nancy"  I saw her not long ago wandering. I Thought she was the one, whom is assigned for Olivia and olive?"

    " She sure was."

    " when I had questioned her about the whereabouts of Olivia and olive, she clearly mentioned that They were  resting on their rooms. Was she hiding the fact that. I would discover her  incompetence to unable to handle Royal children?!"

    Laura's  Face worsen with the dilemma.

  " No, that can't be the truth. "Nanny Nancy" is from the loyal servants of "Witt" with Royalties from long time and father highly praise them and doesn't seems to be special reason for her actions? Maybe she was right on her point, when she told you about Olivia and olive. They may have left the room without the knowledge of "Nanny Nancy Witt" . You already know, how much spoiled they both are?"

Reassuring  Laura. Russell concluded his assumptions.

"  ... Hmm, you may be right."

    Relaxing face risen on her. And watched Toward Russell, surprisingly to the fact that his creepy smile was gone. Which was permanently fixed on his face. When he was talking to the Royal knights. She felt more than a reassuring, after watching his face. He became himself bit of spoiled in front of his sister, Pinching her Sister Russell giggles and tried to be more spoiled by expressing himself.


" Aww, I can't stand still in front of doting sister of mine. Russell said in funny and teasing way in front of Laura with dramatic expression and childish act. Which off guarded her braved, cold and intimidating behaviour that she always filled with. Letting us knows of her soft side too.

  "..  W- what?! What? You mean by doting big sister! I- I'm not like that?"

   Her  blush face turned red. white cheek with sloppy stance which was up until now stood in a high military stance vanished apart.

    "Huhh?!! What are you saying? Then why are you looking with those thoughtful eyes. Hmm?! Hmm?! Did you already noticed that how much I have grown. See! See!" 

    Russell was teasing Laura while constantly comparing his height.


" Smuff, Yes, yes I did notice that but not like I was being any thoughtful and all. And I seriously did not noticed that bruise on your neck. No matter how hard you tried to hide it. You see?

     " Um- uh! About that?"

   " How did it happened?!"


       " Uh...that...,bandit attacked me. You see? How they saw a rich noble. And thought that theirs millionth of chances came for them to make fortune for themselves. And how could I. A lowly prince with these sucked arms without any soldiers. Would have defended myself?" In a dramatic manners Russell tried to escape and explanation about his bruises but that didn't affect and ounce to Laura.



  "Hmmm, And let me guess. You intentionally did provoke them. Didn't you?!! And what happened to your soldiers that I had personally attended for you?"

    " I think they are still on their way. I think?" In a cute manner.

" And about that provoking. Umm, you see.. Sis, I was bored on my way, so...!!"

      " And you decided to Provoke them?" sighs!!

" Are you angry about that?" Did that concern  you sis. My..... What would had happened to my precious brother. What did they would have done to my precious brother? Is that the thought you're thinking right now? Hmm!!

  "W... W... W.... WHAT? WHAT?  Why would  I?!! Stop messing with me Already ?"

   Now her face became red as Rose. The sense of Seriousness faded to the point. Where she was trying to hid her face. Which was blushed in red. While Russell was enjoying his treat with laugh That led Laura for counter her situation with another question.

" fufu, haha!" .. [ His cheek was also turned fasten red with  a laughed amusing himself while viewing Laura's reaction. ]

   While on the other hand Laura , smiled  in relieved. After witnessing Russell's amused face and returned to her original stance but this time with less austere nature.

    " That cheerful smile on your face. It's been years that I've  felt. Back then when you were departing for the empire. You didn't even said a thing to me and went off. Now, after seeing you like this. Sending you to the empire wasn't that bad idea, I guess?  Well  I'm relived nothing of a much happened to you. After seeing you generally relaxed. It loosened the pain from my chest".

" haha..." Slowly his laugh leaved his face and slightly return normal stance while remembering something after hearing  Laura's words.

        " uh-huh? Is that differ I'm behaving? I should maintain my position as prince then, I can't always behaved 'spoiled  By my sister, now do I?"

    Compromising his laugh Russell explain his behaviour.

" Fttttfff...." Lighter laugh went sided from Laura.

"  Yes, yes! For that you should improve your Swordsmanship, you Do understand that I have literal hundreds of ways to split your position. Your guard is down. You know?! Hmm?"

        Laura said in intimating voice. Russell Never imagined that his guard felt down that easily near his sister, he wouldn't even have a clue, if it weren't for the Laura words. On the other hand Russell did concerned The ways she could've broke his  position. Hundred!! that much? Is that even possible? Who knows?! If it is Laura. Then you can't be sure? Plainly those might've the thought pop too.

           " ....Well, I can't compared myself to the "Sword-saint" you know?" Russell directed his way towards his   sister. Deceiving a claim for him to be impossible to achieve, what she actually desiring from him? Even if Russell would do no matter what?

    " now, now, you can't make excuses, you know!"

"Excuse?!! Well..."

".... "


Both laughed in each other faces. Because of such awkward silence and scenario. And to meddle Russell added his words while pruning the environment and said-

  " .....yes, yes. I do understand that. But for me to motivated on such matters will be waste of time, isn't it? I mean after all I'm the third prince, nothing good will come even if I were to achieve something. And to play successor act in the kingdom. As a matter of fact that we are the children of second queen,  it's not gonna, vanish that easily. It would only bring harm on mother too. And how she's been these years, I don't think it's a necessary idea for me to push matter even worsen for her too. You do know that much?! Don't you? Isn't it good idea for me to just support my brother "Lucian" the second prince. And helped him in succeed, as a matter,  you "The First born of Jubelian kingdom's king's  'Loid- Ark-van Jubelian' daughter  left the succession of the throne." Which inevitably  turn facile for him. [ sigh]  "And you want me to gain more strength for what?!" I mean why did you even do that? You've never specified the reasons to me.

The perpetual line of his quote were familiarize in a sense, then again not on his action. As moment ago he did  accompanied "West- Royal knights" for his benefits, Then why is he spouting such a lies in front of her Big- sister. Was that's the truth? Was  Elimination of Realms of shadow, The invitation of Dom kingdom, The uproar among the civilians, was all that his actions on controlling is for the removal of those hurdles, which were quite obvious efforts from one's. If they want to procure their succession on the throne. Was his actions were seemed good for second prince as he was talking.

   It maybe the truth that lessen number of people actually support him, Even though he is a battle hero, but nothing much good of profit come to the noble by  making  a arrogant, spoiled kid  the next heir.  Because basic involvement on his succession supporter maybe from  military Group and generals but that's not the total  a case in here. Because of the distribution of  kingdoms power. The military faction also less or more apart to each other's likely believed and shown to the outsider that they are unified for  foreign invasion or public uproar. But the insiders were the only who have greater ideas. On how exactly kingdom of Jubelian military works. Not even all, soldier have the perfection of this tattered, built on pillar of lies. For that reason, most of the noble main idea would loose to the point on ' If things can be handle by the "pie" Then why would used of "poison? "

  After announcement of " The first princess willingness to be cut off from the succession of the throne."  The kingdom of Jubelian  had  startled. King Loid and among his supporters had  tried to delay as much as possible. But the matter just got out of hands. Such a matter rushed among towards of the public opinion, lead to serious shift of decision for falsify of the rumours for the cause of this matters. To tackle such problem everyone were willingly tried and convey their thoughts to the First princess but suffered only with null answers except king Loid ark-van Jubelian.

       Just like that the greater turn around went toward second prince directly, because next on the lines were  Russell The third prince,  The fourth prince, The fifth princess and both Twins.  As everybody being highly familiar and praised by the civilians, toward second prince because of his regular interaction toward his people, perfect example of leader. Every time, he had funded almost more than half of his entire allowance and achievement toward for the orphans,  development of kingdom, maintained even greater relationship toward the kingdom of Nass. A potential threat and competitors to Jubelian kingdom.  By marrying 'Nass kingdom's'  Third princess Anisia Willord.

     On the other hand even after such a " Heroic victories on the battlefield" By the Russell were not totally recorded because most of his heroic achievement were during the time he was in empire. Not when he was fighting for his own kingdom.

   As human mind perform, even if those were actual sacrificial achievement by Russell on dead end of life swallowing battlefield, those weren't 'theirs'. Another way around was his public behaviour even if he is a genius and battle hero, he was still a spoiled kid  from the beginning of his childhood. His actions were mostly helped him to pleased  Not others. Only trouble had offered by him to all his maids and companions throughout time. As compared to Second prince who would be seen as a perfect man with higher qualities among him. He was quiet kid from the time as one can remembered, matter to only his task, and behaved highly on his appearance, walk of talk.  His behaviour towards his companion and known person were delight, diligent, calm and crucible from on his heart.  Sometimes one can even say by his actions that, he is  a " Realistic" person. From Early of his, he performed actions not even close to his age, most likely as a matured man. "Precision was among the most notable characteristics of him." And was best none to far from succession to the throne, after Laura " The first princess" And after her departure from the line of succession, he was perfect of it.

         And lastly The fourth prince 'Joachim Ark -van Jubelian' is still had higher chances then Russell, because no matter how inactive he seems, he is far better than Russell as people have thoughts about him but he had different plans for his life. So basically he is still apprentice to Vice- commander Brock. And would not want to distract from his training until he would succeed.

     Fifth princess's from her early age were bed rested for her disease. She rarely appeared even on Royalties matter.  And last not the least which ended of the point the "Twins" Of the kingdom of Jubelian  weren't totally out of the succession line but mostly they are not reconsider because of the higher sharks on the line. Sure, they were also praised but who wants to see kids running whole kingdom.

       Was all those determinable factions were right thing for him to left to be the succession on the throne, just help his brother and gain appropriate compensation,  a higher position, a side of fief  (land) on his brother territory or maybe next position for the acquired territory land, no! That's not the reasonable and even sensible things to be occurred.  That's completely out of line. Even the Illegitimate  blood, tried to lay hand on such a power, and Russell is still a  legitimate, with proper right and power.

    What does it matter?  The second prince was better and greater leader then Russell  would ever maybe,  But that's can be said similar to The second prince. The secondth Laura's left the succession of throne. Just after  the emptiness  occurred on the thrones for its future heir. It shifted toward second prince Then, What if? That same were to happen again? What if the emptiness of the throne remained? What if The second prince were to disappear? The possibility are indefinite not only because of Russell want or not because of his supporters, this might be uncertain until the very end. His actions weren't mostly justifiable to the way he Things and proceed to the conclusion. Most of the time, things aren't which were hovering in the surface is the truth, there might be some deep secret around the bottom. As similar Russell situation can also be summarized.  Was that all? Was it?

   Those forced lined of quote does care concern on linear parts but again her stance didn't shift at all.

   " You don't only require strength for to gain power, it's also used to preserve the powerless."

  " hmm! What does that even gonna be? I mean those things only supposedly fetter to the responsible one's. Like you sis. Isn't it?!"

  "....." Laura again concerned about Russell behaviour and especially beliefs. To washen' his thoughts she replied with heavier and suitable answer that actually lead this conversation to it's end.

" Responsibility aren't given to those who can capable , Responsibility makes one's capable."

    Those words were only sentence long. didn't even felt necessary for another breathe to complete it's parts. but it actual meaning  elevated  Russell Persephone

      Isn't your perception diminishes a lot when you actually felt it's meanings. That's exactly what I've learned when I didn't knew what? Where? How to do? The things that drifted on me.

  " . ..... "

   Laura's words may perceive one's harsh but that's not the actual truth, she was still on communal Part, where Russell could achieve his conversation smoothly. Her face seemed likeable, matured and elevated from petty matters, she wasn't highly offended by Russell queries a moment ago but for his level of thinking, yet she was pushing herself to let Russell remind and sooth his way because she actually didn't want him suffer how she did? Even for a simple matters. It 'highly unimaginable and absurd to think she is likely want him to be in her position. But that's not what she wanted from him. She's just want best, if not a better of himself. Was that,  much of a thing she asked?

Russell didn't receive a questionable face after what happened yet he's mistakes were about to pointed out when Laura's said-

"Another thing, your telling me? That some lowly bandits had been able to succeed a bruised on yourself. Seems like nothing of necessary you had learned in Empire.  I should've asked father for your training."

  Last part was muttering by Laura herself while other was listened and muted his amused face. After reaching his concerned sister behaviour.

   Russell left the scarcely moment behind and hired his way around not realising that he was walking on a rope which is already burnt only ashes were left behind and any hollow wind might caught him. Yet he's  being himself for the moment. And said-

     " Did you really think those Bandit could have achieved something like this? Haha! I was just playing with them At first ? Without sword, of course. But some little kid attracted my attention. I was amazed by how she was surviving with those bandit. So, I personally let her strike on me? To test her might. And I was Impressed by her courage. I saw anger and a feeling to show the world to do something. So I did brought her with me. Hope that let your questions resolved?"

      A glance visited Russell on his story by Laura. And felt a questionable urged to be spoken. So, she said-

   "Then, What happened to those bandit?" On her usual self. It was a quite questionable change but. this time Russell might not have noticed but slowly Laura's usual self was exploring again. This was  a strange behaviours. Usually she would never relies on her that serious self in front of her family. But sometimes the story may differ but the only time she used was when Russell was very young to be spoken and the reason had faded from his mind.

   " Aahh! About them? They may have numbers in great."

" How many?"

   " mmm, I don't no?! Maybe sixty or perhaps eighty. Who cares? But there were being very annoyed so I had no choice but to kill the..."

    Russell last words weren't even ended but from his bottom of soul urged himself to act. To do something. To move, to force himself for an urgency of effort.

    Collective 'Yellow-Electric Circles"  of bangles formed on Laura's hand near to elbow and above.

        Sparkled molten electric pulse waid all along near his presence but before he could avoid such attack. A heavy sharp sword which was drawn from Laura's back directly headed towards his eye, where his pupil was about to burst in half. He did  managed to counter from his blade, which was situated on his waist. He only able to focus was that massive sword sharp tip and "star shaped shining metal hanging on that sword handle". Frankly talking he was barely managed to escape because the strength on that heavy sword was bursting on his blade as mountain landed on his hand. At first he tried to counter only from his right hand because it was easier for him and quicker too but when he actually tried to counter. he couldn't help rather used his both hands in full strength out of desperation. The heavier sparkle of electric pulses were also threaded all around unconsciously melting apart every thing on their way but slowly vanished. Seems more like she's stopped her lighting power but remained pressured toward Russell.

        The encounter between huge heavy sword and Russell blade  caused pressure wave around. Causing the Russell side of Wall to crumble even though the castle was supposed to held hundred of tons of weight with ease. Same pressure wave also forced on Russell causing him to loosen his balance, which was he barely holding from the strength that had held on his blade. But if you're looking to the Laura's side, she wasn't even looked like trying to push, her casualness on the blade didn't seems to explain the force and strength on her blade. She was only looking down with her those 'yellow electrified' lights reaching on her conclusion about what Russell just passed on her? The sword was about to sliced apart not only the Russell blade include Russell himself and that whole castle walls around. Because those crumbliness of the walls didn't seems to  stopping any near. while constantly force from Laura's side were only pushing towards upper-side of the castle walls and forming cranking sound with slight of shaking on the earth. Russell couldn't confront a thing cause most of his strength and mind were too much occupied with dealing that sword. He was barely able to hold, and about to spread his voice in desperation which was popping out from his mouth. But those things doesn't even regarded on Laura , rather she had just casually thrusting immense force from that huge sword with only using her two finger. Which was directed towards Russell at the time and stance was Normal.

    "Even though she's barely using her strength. I couldn't able to push an inch. Argh!!"   Russell Thrust through desperation. As matter of fact she's only holding that massive sword from her two finger, the thumb to support from downward of the handle of that sword and ring finger for direction in upward of the sword. While her other fingers were only directed themselves towards the sky, touching nothing except staying idle. " I'm trying my best but could even able to budge a bit. rather I'm pushing back ward, what is this pressure wave?! Sh*t!!"

    Russell had been thinking on his mind while still unable to move a inch from his eyes. And suddenly when he was about to give up the pressure wave along that heavy sword moved out from his pupil and left a after match of shredded area around. Where the floor crumbled in pieces while the castle walls were drenched and left as sand house. Which felt on his last breath, The shock wasn't  only occurred on surrounding, it also felt clear on Russell. Who was lying in that floor, barely maintaining his flow of air, with slight, quicker coughs, because of that heavily pressure air wave his strength and circulation of air have demolished quiet.

   The heavy sword gradually losing its 'Yellow electric lighting' moved slowly on Laura's back as it was before.  Again  only with her two fingers.  

   " you should at least able to Handle that much? If not don't talk about high, like how things work around. You aren't even on your age for such a talks, as someone whom yet, to see the world." Her cold aura along dark accent falls upon on Russell.


    " Huff, hufff," Russell couldn't do rather only Listen.

   " How lowly a person lives  had became  to you? Was this all you have  learnt in empire. Sighs. No matter how small, or lowly it seems  taking a life is never a thing you should be proud of. Taking live is only worse and nothing more.   If you can't understand that much, then you don't have right to be calling yourself ' human' either."

   Laura's cold environment left  Russell on nothing but a hollow heart. He was feared on a such level that even his fight battle or first kill. Those desorption weren't even compare able to  what he was feeling now. Even though he had fought many battles been on life threatening situations countless times. But now, what just happened. It literally reaped his soul from his body. He was constantly coughing in desperation, or perhaps delusion.

  Even though Russell is a great mind and strength. The prodigy on different  matters. What, how he does and doesn't are mysterious to most. but frankly he does lack  levels of experiences and the way around to these massive world actually works.  Regarded  of his sister achievement couldn't even count as number beside her, yet she didn't feel arrogant from those things and continued  to learn and experience every day a new challenge and that's exactly what she was trying to let him felt now, but problems is that her harsh methods.  which was also because of her lack of interaction among her own family. even though she cherished most to her family, specifically her all siblings.

   Most of his sister words faded because of the situation he was in. but mostly he understood the important part. She was trying to say. Even he lacked in experience but he isn't a total dumb fold, narrow minded as he also tried to learnt from his mistakes. And especially, doesn't neglect her big- sister words because the way he admired her. And after watching from the down, where his sister face felt off, down to those irresponsible and unable to push herself around to expression sorry on how harsh, she just behaved. He smile bit and  said–"aren't you going to give me a hand? You caused such a mess and I've been waiting for your sorry you know?"

    He said while calming the situation after revisiting his thoughts. While on the other hands Laura felt  shamed and angered on herself that she couldn't control her emotions again. and quickly with little red and embarrassed face she pushed him up through her hands with ease. Even though compared to her height and muscle, she should have at least have bit rough, while pushing him with her one hand, but again that's wasn't the case.

  She was trying to say sorry which was Russell been hoping and is the right thing at that moment. But she couldn't let herself to do, she was in a strange embarrassed yet, cute situation which  led Russell to mess around with her a bit more. Even though she is mature and was about to be " Twenty seven" this year, her blushed face was saying another thing. Then after a satisfying smile later he said– "don't worry sis? I'm fine, you had told me another thing and let me realized. How much I have to improve?"


  The last part wasn't also easy for Russell to accept, because no matter what? He was still bit arrogant but that doesn't mean he was going to perform that act again. At least not in a way that Laura would been acknowledged.

"uh! .... Is that so!!" Embracing on her action, she countered her relentless and said–"y-you!! Won't you need training for that purpose? How are you going to improve by yourself? Come by training ground from tomorrow. I shall personally overview."

Her words were trying to satisfied the apology for her unnecessary action on her own sibling, because she went on emotion and even activated her lighting power. Which might've been dangerous not only for Russell but also for the whole castle. Even though she was quiet resilient for these sort of things, and have Extreme, precise control on her power, The percent of her control on her power in whole different level. Even on the entire Nwoliyen continent there isn't a person to compare. Because of that even Rasmon  empire always  cautious about her. And only used method that would not provoke her in any manner.

    For such person to loosen on her emotion might have been weird but that weirdness doesn't surprised to the Russell as if he was used to such thing. He only agreed on Laura's words, while ditching his other plans on site. But before they would have leave for their own another matter puzzled on Laura's mind. With curious face she popped her question on Russell.

  " Aah....mmm!! What about the castle cracks on them? Aren't those little problematic, and I'm glad no-one notice such a commotion but if they were to see this tomorrow then...."

The question Laura offered  was quite  reasonable. But strange point still headed on her mind. Even though such a commotion occurred around that place. Yet, no- one felt any of that, not even Guards . How strange was that?

    Why nobody had notice such spirit racking commotion, one powerful enough to Shattered ones heart with Ease. But those were all because of Russell, before he was struggling from her attack, he had quickly used his mysterious "Mist" for conceiving all those shock waves all around but as it was clearly how the situation around him and castle wall was that he couldn't able to compress all of it. But, still had enough that didn't let other to be bother, because he had been acknowledged before hand on some parts of his Big- sister behaviour.

    " Don't worry about such trifle matters and go, you should also take rest. It's about to be midnight. And about the walls tomorrow beforehand everyone realised anything, I'll make some arrangements for that."

    His planned and composure manner on these things satisfied her, at the same time let her to be puzzled, whom is the older one here? But those were only thought, that didn't last on her mind and faded after a  minuscule smile.

" Ok, then early in the morning, tomorrow on the training ground. Don't be late!!"  With slight smile and satisfied look on her face she moved forward to the main castle and Russell left behind, while watching towards the sky , placing his sight on site for instance.


    The garden he Washington in moment ago actually separate  the soldiers training ground and the Military castle. Nothing of words came out only thought were playing for the time being. And when he was satisfied with his conclusion, he also paced himself toward the main castle.

   While he was moving towards the castle.  A Blurred shadow on the opposite  side of the another castle window was gazing his eyes on Russell dimed sight. The person was sitting on his chair. Placed sip of tea after the next to him, standing ones poured him with courtesy.  But mainly there presence and identification were unclear only shadow that were forming on the same glass windows because of the light from there back was noticeable.