
Fox in an inverted world

Did you ever imagine ... What would happen if the roles of men and women were reversed? That it is women who persecute men? Wouldn't this be every man's dream? Well let me tell you that not everything is what it seems, since I was reincarnated in this troubled world, as a fox. PS: English is not my mother tongue, sorry for grammatical errors

DE_LEON · Oriental
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151 Chs

Chapter 60: Queen of the dead


* Bom

There wasn't enough time for Lucifer's group to stop, just as they were about to reach the 60th floor, they encountered a dangerous enemy attack.

* Ka ... Ka ... Ka...

A huge coffin opened and smashed into the group mercilessly in a gravitational force field, causing them to recoil due to the impact that shook the 59th floor of the Dungeon, likewise thousands of undead came out of the coffin, swallowing the group with their numbers. and separating them, but that is not the main thing, since due to the sudden attack and impact, Lucifer released Arthur for a brief moment, causing him to be separated from her for a fraction of a second ...

And just when she reached out her hand trying to reach it again, another enemy attack came.

* Bom

A huge Skeleton stood up, took his huge hammer covered in lightning, and lowered it mercilessly.

"Arthur !!"

Lucifer quickly tried to use his body to protect him from the impact, unfortunately, Arthur was faster, he was not going to miss this opportunity to escape.

His space ring lit up and a very Armadillo-like armor came out.

<< Scales of Somas >>

With his entire body protected by this golden armor, Arthur curled into a ball as he began to roll.

Not caring about the danger, Arthur rolled past the undead, which oddly enough did not stop him, and made way for the golden ball to pass.

"Stop it !!"

Lucifer of course would not let him escape, she moved at high speed chasing the golden ball, unfortunately for her, a woman dressed in full black, with a black veil of mourning covering half of her face and a huge black bow on her back, came out among the undead, grasped the coffin, and struck again.

"Fuck off!!"

Lucifer had no mercy, she immediately took the Scythe out of her and struck against the coffin, unfortunately for Lucifer, the effect that she expected did not happen ...

* Bomb


The woman with the black bow did not retreat, on the contrary, she sent her to fly, however, she did not spend a second so that Lucifer will recover, turn in the air and look at her opponent.

For Lucifer a high-level Transcendent to be rejected, it just means that the opponent is also a high-level Transcendent and one with a similar level to her ...

This greatly surprised Lucifer, that a person of her caliber was in this dungeon and attacked her ...

(I understand, Lucifer capital sin of Pride ...)

The woman with the coffin narrowed her eyes, she was right the angels sent the deadly sins.

(Pride, laziness, Envy ...)

There were a total of three deadly sins, all of them high-level Transcendent.

(But that is not enough...)

The coffin woman doubted, after all, it would be almost impossible to kidnap Arthur, even if the deadly sins came together, they still couldn't defeat Margareth, she was on another level.

But outside of her expectations, the Deadly Sins succeeded.

"World Artifact huh?"

Quickly reaching the answer, the woman attended, fortunately, she did not trust herself and decided to ambush them in this Dungeon.

She knew the plot of the novel as well as the game, also for years she has explored this world and completed many missions on behalf of Dark Dawn, so she knew that if the deadly sins wanted to be successful and not be discovered, she needed to use this dungeon to flee without leaving a trace.

She stalked them and waited for the moment that her prey fell into her trap, she, fortunately, managed to separate Arthur from the beginning.

"No time! She's just one person! Get Arthur back!"

But for Lucifer, she had no time to lose, she was not even interested in the identity of this black-veiled woman, the only thing that matters is having Arthur back in her arms.

"Yes, my Lady!"

Obeying, Sloth and envy, they destroyed the undead and ran, after all even if this person is equal to Lucifer, they were still high-level Transcendents, they should not be underestimated, especially the deadly sins.

"Who said I'm alone? Suppress them, don't let them pass!"

"As you order, Your Excellency!"

Unfortunately, from the moment Sloth and Envy made their way through the undead crowd, so did the Enforcers.

* Bam

Another clash between Transcendents was heard, the skeletons shattered and the Ghoul likewise formed a mist of blood.

Although the Enforcers weren't as powerful as the Deadly Sins, they made up for in numbers, as there were 4 of them.

The 59th floor quickly went into chaos, the spells between Transcendents collided, and the Divine artifacts accumulated magic power.


The scythe and the coffin collided again, likewise, both withdrew, at first glance they were even, only they knew the difference.


Lucifer bit her lip, she was losing her cool, however, she couldn't use her full power, her Dominance was out of the question.

Using them would be equivalent to declaring her race, after all the domains are the materialization of magical power, so her race would be exposed when doing so, the same thing happened with spreading her wings.

(If only could use the World Code ...)

Unfortunately, the Deadly Sins couldn't use her World Artifacts, as they were being used to trap Margareth, otherwise defeating this woman with the Coffin would be quite easy.

"You are a Necromancer! Why are you so strong ?!"

"Cultivating the body is important ..."

Another thing that had her in a bad mood is the surprising physical strength of the woman with the Coffin, Necromancers by nature are weak melee, they focus more on developing their magic power and crushing their enemies with their armies of Undead They weren't that reckless for a close confrontation, however, this woman is different.

Her strength is similar to hers, even her speed is not inferior, what is more, annoying is that this woman was not willing to fight with all her power, she was only holding her back.

She didn't use domains either, as if she fears that her race is exposed and is in the same position as her ...


Suddenly the name of a woman appeared in his mind, although necromancers are not rare, the high-level ones are counted, and by the coffin and the way she dresses, likewise how cautious she is in not releasing her Domain, Lucifer discovered the identity of the person in front of her.

"You are Escarlet! The Queen of the dead!"

There is a famous name that made the people of the underworld tremble, this belonged to the leader of Dark Dawn, Escarlet the Queen of the dead.

Her head had a price on the central continent, Amaru, Prague, and Elrond, only the Makara Continent, where demons ruled, Escarlet was not wanted by the law.

But it was to be expected, after all, Escarlet is a demon and a very powerful one, it was said that her true strength was only below that of the Demon Royal Clan.

Although these were just pure rumors, if the rumors are true, even if she releases her dominance and wings from her, the outcome is uncertain ...

However, the question here is ... Why is she in this place?

She, too, wants to kidnap Arthur? That should be impossible, no one knew her goal, apart from the Seraphim.

"Wow ~, it looks like she's not that stupid, Pride Lucifer!"

Despite being discovered, Escarlet was not intimidated, on the contrary, she responded in kind.


Of course, Lucifer was offended and surprised, as her true identity was exposed.

(This is not OK...)

For her opponent to know her title, it is not normal, someone must have leaked the information this made Lucifer understand everything, the reason why she does not want to use her domain is to not leave traces on her presence, and thus kidnap Arthur.

And who is the mole? Lucifer did not have time for this, she needed to resolve this situation as soon as possible.

"No. 37! Get Arthur back!"

Lucifer no longer doubted, she was against the clock, Sloth and Envy were being stopped by the Executors, but No. 37 was free, as the weakest of all they left her aside, being besieged by the Undead.

"Yes, my Lady! "

Hitting the ground with her scythe, the Undead fell back, likewise, No. 37 activated her Artifact, at her feet a pair of Wings grew and her body flashed, I take the opportunity to cross the sea of ​​the dead.

"You will not pass!"

"Don't bother, Bitch!"

Lifting her coffin, Escarlet wasn't going to leave any loose ends, unfortunately at the same time that she lifted her coffin, so did Lucifer's scythe.

This again caused another explosion among high-level Divine Artifacts.

* Shuaaa

<< Divine Judgment >>

Flying at high speed, No. 37 was elusive and dodging the dead, although there was quite a few high-level undead, Lucifer released a pair of wings, turned her scythe, and activated her spell, thus creating a high-scale purifying attack...

The sacred power and the power of the dead collided, thus creating a small opening for No. 37 to escape.

"You are crazy?!"

Escarlet could not help but exclaim, Lucifer was releasing her sacred power, if the aftermath of their battle is investigated by the Van Phantohime, with the sacred power on the scene, discovering that an Angel was involved in this would be simple, although there are also Humans with sacred power, they are quite rare and there are almost none at the Transcendent level, for this reason, Escarlet was not using her demonic power and was only fighting with the dead to avoid dragging her race into the fire and causing a war, after all, there were many Necromancers in the world, finding out that she was involved would be quite difficult.

However at this moment, Lucifer no longer cared about this, she was releasing her power without contemplating the consequences and this only meant bad news.


* Brommmm

A golden ball made its way through the corridors, it wasn't fast, but it wasn't slow either.

* Roar

Behind the ball, a quadruped monster was chasing him, he was quite ugly, but his fangs were quite sharp.

This was a level B ++ Monster from the dungeon, which was equivalent to a Dark Blue core, the final stage.

Arthur did not stop and continued to rotate inside the ball, likewise from his ring, another Artifact came out, in the style of a pistol.

* Bang, Bang

Shooting inside the golden ball, Arthur didn't want to waste time on this ugly monster.

The quadruped monster dodged and dodged the projectiles, but Arthur didn't stop and took out another shotgun-shaped Artifact and fired.


* Gyuuu

This time the monster could not avoid his fate and fell into a pool of blood, likewise, Arthur continued to roll.

* Piuuuu, piuuu

Maneuvering with enough difficulty, cold sweat ran from Arthur's forehead, dodging the black holes traps, it was a pain, if not because Margareth had already conquered this dungeon and knew more or less the location of the traps, Arthur would have already fallen into one of them.

Although he was about to do it, he managed to evade it in the end, however, it was still an arduous task and required a lot of concentration, after all the traps at this level were not limited only to black holes, there were also gravitational fields.

* Shuaaa

Suddenly the sound of something cutting the air was heard through the corridors of the dungeon and Arthur narrowed his eyes at this.

"Here it comes..."

No. 37 was approaching at high speed, although she managed to escape from the beginning, Arthur could not hope to equal travel on land than in the sky, besides that traps were his greatest fear and they did not have an accurate map as No. 37 To avoid cheating, Margareth's memories are not as accurate as a map.

* Bang, Bang

When he was close enough, Arthur fired, trying to make this woman fall.

Unfortunately, No. 37 twisted and turned in the air, dodging the projectiles, likewise, she did not forget to accelerate more.

"This is the end! There is nowhere to escape young Master!"

Suddenly, No. 37 stopped spinning and plummeted, causing a collision between her and the golden ball.


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