
Fox in an inverted world

Did you ever imagine ... What would happen if the roles of men and women were reversed? That it is women who persecute men? Wouldn't this be every man's dream? Well let me tell you that not everything is what it seems, since I was reincarnated in this troubled world, as a fox. PS: English is not my mother tongue, sorry for grammatical errors

DE_LEON · Oriental
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151 Chs

Chapter 32: Loss of points

"Your Highness Lilian, my little brother is tired, could you please drop him?"

The girl who had come to the rescue was his older sister, Nora Seymur.

Like a Spirit Phoenix, Nora walked gracefully and had a smile on her face.

Although like Ludi, she also wore cute Boa-Boa Shoes, it was not easy to walk on ice, especially at her young age of 7, not all of them were monsters in the manipulation of Mana.


Turning her head annoyed, Lilian looked up and down at Nora, to dare to stick her nose where they don't call her, this girl in front of her must belong to one of the 5 superfamilies.

Only members of these families were brave enough and had the capital to talk to her and meddle.

"You are..."

"My name is Nora Seymur, daughter of the Marchioness Phenelope Seymur, Her Highness Lilian"

And as Lilian suspected, Nora possessed that special aura that those of the 5 superfamilies carried.

Fortunately for Arthur, this little distraction on Lilian's part allowed Arthur to free himself from her grasp, as he turned on his axis and rocked towards Nora.

"Big Sister, you finally came! I was so looking forward to seeing you! Come with me, I have so many things to say to you"

Putting both hands together, Arthur pretended to be surprised at the same time he grabbed one of Nora's hands and pushed her a little further into the dance floor.


Nora was surprised, after all, she is the first time has met Arthur.

However, as a noble Lady, she did not decline this somewhat forced invitation and let Arthur push her away.


Clicking her tongue, Lilian knew that she had lost this time, I underestimate how elusive his future fiancé can be, likewise the untimely appearance of Norma,

(But he's so cute!)

But elusive or not, Lilian was not going to get mad at Arthur, his beautiful tails and long hair braided in a ponytail, he was so attractive that she brought both hands to his flushed cheeks.

(He was so close ~)

Just thinking about the smell of her, Lilian decided not to move from this place, she would wait patiently for Arthur to finish and then hunt him again, for this small inconvenience Lilian was not going to give up.

[Lilian comes back, your turn is over]

Unfortunately, a voice echoed in her head, which made her body shudder in fear.

This voice belonged to Damaris, her mother, having no other choice, Lilian lowered her head and obeyed.


"Your puppy is very bold ~!"

Taking the wine from her calmly, Margareth has a cold smile on her face, she, like Damaris and Elizabeth, witnessed Lilian's little inappropriate harassment.

This simple action angered Margareth and Elizabeth quite a bit, a man is a treasure they had to love him, take care of him and protect them, not force themselves on them like animals.

They did not live in the past where they could force men, now there are protection laws and if the royal family itself breaks these laws, it would bring disappointment to the entire kingdom.

That this type of behavior is seen in the nobility is ridiculous.

But being Lilian, Elizabeth could not act recklessly and she could only gnash her teeth, if she were another woman someone of low status, surely Elizabeth would take care of destroying her.

Fortunately, Arthur acted with maturity and was not scared like most men, he avoided a scandal that could cause misunderstanding between both families, and Norma's appearance was very timely.

"It will not happen again"

Although Damaris's face did not show any emotion, she was quite angry and disappointed with her eldest daughter, Arthur is not his fiancé yet, not to mention that at her age it is not yet time for a marriage proposal, Damaris was already breaking the rules by sending gifts, preparing his dowry and proposing an engagement to the Van Panthohimes, since, for a marriage proposal, a man must be at least 18 years old.

Lilian did not have the right to overdo it with Arthur, at least not yet, she had to wait until adolescence or at least when her commitment is public so that her actions in public are well received by society.

But now her family had lost credibility in Margareth's eyes, she should know that Arthur is the treasure of the Duke's Family, Lilian although ignorant lost many points and Damaris would make sure to discipline her once they returned to the capital.

Charlotte did not know what was happening, however, Claudia told her, so immediately her eyes turned to stars and she without any doubt decided to hug Margareth's thigh tighter.

Lilian is a fool as always, this is good for Charlotte.

The more of her sister spoils him, the more chances of her there is for Arthur to commit to her, after all in the novel, Arthur hated Lilian for her uncontrolled obsession with him.

With Arthur in her favor, Charlotte can avoid her death flags entirely.



"Thank you for your help, Miss Nora"

Taking both of Norma's hands, Arthur leaned her body down and danced to the music.

This sister came out at the best moment that seemed too opportune to be true, which made Arthur hesitate a bit.

And he was correct, as Phenelope was the first to act on Lilian's actions, sending her daughter to save the day.

After all, she was sure that Norma would be very well received and that Arthur would surely appreciate her, Lilian was Norma's springboard for her future relationships with Arthur.

She was now sure could use this little incident as an excuse and get much closer.

This is what competition means!

A single mistake can cause you to be kicked out of the game and others use you.

(Hmm! That trick never fails)

Watching Norma happily dance with Arthur, Phenelope crossed her arms and snorted, as a widowed woman, she knew exactly where to hit the weak point to attract men, and this time it worked.

"We are brothers! Please don't be shy Young Master Arthur, you can call me Big Sister."


But at Norma's words, Arthur only smiled and did not respond, although he appreciated his help, he really was not that desperate, in his past life he had dealt with major problems so it was easy to deal with a child.

However, as he could not refuse the help of his Elder Sister, he decided to accept this invitation.

Time passed, both danced and talked about his life, especially Norma who was very interested in his life and her hobby, unfortunately, Norma exhausted all her magical power and could not continue with her courtship.

Returning with Cristie to rest, Arthur again found another anomaly, several noble girls were waiting for him, without the presence of Lilian, these girls had nothing to fear and decided to try their luck.

Even Arthur was surprised, as he could see Cristie doing everything possible to control the situation but it was useless, there were older girls with greater magical power, so Cristie's persuasion was abolished.

Ludi and Hatsumi became depressed, they had been late and now the competition was very fierce.

"Young Master Arthur nice to meet you, my name is ...."

"Young Master Arthur, please dance with me .."

"Mister Arthur ...."

The situation was getting out of control, there were too many girls talking that Arthur had a headache, he chose several more girls at random to dance as a courtesy.

He also wondered why all these girls came for him, when there were other children at his party, they shouldn't be so desperate.

He did not know that these girls had already invited the other children to dance but were ruthlessly rejected.

Carter was the fiercest of all, for him as a Dragon Prince, he would not dance with just anyone and I disdain Arthur's actions, of dancing with several women at the same time.

He did not behave like a Knight and his actions made him look like a seducer, however, a Fox is seductive by nature and the slightest action of a fox was attractive and seductive.

Of course for women, Arthur's actions were seen from another perspective since he was so kind that he did not refuse his invitations and dance with them even if it was a song.

Many girls at the party had never danced with a man before, now Arthur was so kind in uniting his magical powers.

He was simply a different man of all, besides he was the most beautiful and the most valuable, so even if they were rejected they were trying their luck.

(This is complicated....)

After dancing with the fourth girl, Arthur showed traces of fatigue as he watched more and more girls join the waiting group, at this rate, he will finish the party and he may not stop dancing.

"Hmm ... Cousin, if you like ... We ... can play ... You know ..."

With her lips trembling, Ludi's face flushed as she glanced at Arthur, she had been one of the girls who was randomly chosen by Arthur to dance.

She was so happy that she completely forgot about Emma's teachings and she behaved shy.

"I will be pleased..."

Although he did not know what Ludi wanted, Arthur replied amidst the confusion, Ludi is his close cousin, as well as someone who is in the service of the main family, they will be together for a long time and Arthur had many ways of controlling a girl so that I do not worry.



[Mission complete]

[Task: Invite Arthur Van Panthohime to dance, the competition is fierce, but as the host of the system, it is unacceptable for her to be left behind]

[Has received 20 origin points]

[Congratulations Master]

Clapping and dancing within the system, Lupeta jumped and jumped, she was very happy to finish the mission.

"Oh yeah, I could do it!"

Hatsumi also celebrated the fulfillment of her mission, she had been worried about the failure of the mission, but she was lucky that Arthur looked at her and decided to dance with her before with Ludi, apparently the time they were together paid off.

"However ... Arthur is dangerous!"

With some fear in her eyes, Hatsumi trembled.

Her heart pounded and she couldn't help but look twice.

When it was her turn to dance, Arthur's charm was too much, even she felt almost fell for his charms, his smell, his beauty, his smile, his magic power, his touch, and dance movements, it was a lethal poison for a woman, Hatsumi even thought that she was a princess and that Arthur was her prince charming.

Although she was mentally prepared and knew the consequences of falling in love, she still couldn't stop her heart from leaping, Hatsumi is a Hikikomori in her past life, and this one, the number of men she has conversed with can be counted on her fingers, her resistance to the opposite sex is less than Ludi's.

Hatsumi knew that Arthur is still a boy, but when he grows up he will be a man whose level of danger can provoke a war, just as the last male spirit fox did.

A Devil's Kiss ...

Hatsumi really wanted to give up the main mission, she did not have the confidence to complete it, not to mention that the more time she spends with Arthur, it is possible that her heart can no longer bear it and she becomes an idiot like Ludi or worse, a stalker-like Lilian...


"It's my turn!"

"Who are you? It's obvious that it's my turn!"

(I can't go on like this, there are too many)

Denying internally, Arthur smiled bitterly, the girls around him were more and more numerous and no matter how much resistance he may have, Arthur has a limit, not to mention that his spiritual core was filling up from absorbing the Mana of the couples. of the.

Very soon his core would be overloaded and he would fall ill, just as Cristie had done from eating the sweets.

(Hm? It's true, I can still use this ...)

And just as Arthur was about to leave the party and return to his bedroom, he remembered something important ...

"Excuse me, ladies ..."

Bringing a hand to his mouth, Arthur leaned in, turned around, and walked in a particular direction, there was no need to reject the girls.

He had invested time and effort, to create a reputation for being friendly and approachable, which would be a benefit to future negotiations, which would be a waste to spoil it now.


The girls were confused by his actions, yet they did not question and looked.

"Ehhhh ?!"

Suddenly they saw something incredible, the direction Arthur was heading was the VIP area of ​​the royal family.

But this was not the important thing, the most shocking thing is that Arthur leaned down and extended a hand with elegance.

"My fair lady, would you grant me the pleasure of dancing with you?"

Arthur on his own initiative invited a woman to dance.


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