
Fox in an inverted world

Did you ever imagine ... What would happen if the roles of men and women were reversed? That it is women who persecute men? Wouldn't this be every man's dream? Well let me tell you that not everything is what it seems, since I was reincarnated in this troubled world, as a fox. PS: English is not my mother tongue, sorry for grammatical errors

DE_LEON · Oriental
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152 Chs

Chapter 120: Who is the real shameless here?

"I'll say it one more time... Who are you?"


Although Lynne's voice and pressure is quite cold, Hayin doesn't even care about me, for her such a second generation girl is not worth bothering...

Arthur shrugged seeing these two women, he started poking Indara's arm...

"Little sister hurry up, we have to go..."


Indara shyly attended, she was aware of everything that was happening around her, but to exhaust all her magical power, the only thing she could do is glare at those two women...

"I ask you to please leave..."

"Friend, don't be petty, I'm just accompanying this little brother..."

"Don't touch him, stay away from him..."

"Huh? Why not?"

(He is mine! )

These were the words that Lynne wanted to say out loud, unfortunately Arthur was very close to her, therefore she had to swallow those words.

"Young Liam is with me right now..."

"Hahaha how funny, the little brother here is available, don't be a liar friend..."


Ever since Hayin interfered, these two kept glancing at each other and throwing poison at each other.

Hayin's shamelessness was too much for the always expressionless Lynne to show anger in her eyes, she didn't know why but she couldn't stand this woman and when Hayin rubbed her body against Arthur's waist, she was almost explode with anger

But this was only natural, since both of them possessed enough luck and were also villains and FMCs.

Also through Arthur's expression, he could see her disdain, as if she wasn't worth being with, this made him hate Hayin more...

Arthur's look however was because Lynne was treating him like her property, he was nobody's to begin with.

"I don't care if you're friends with my second sister or not, but I won't let you bother me, I kindly ask you to leave..."

"Wow, is that how the Astariet family treats their guests? I must say that she is very unique…."


Lynne's irritation was getting bigger and bigger, Hayin was not afraid of the Tiger on the contrary she was more and more provocative...

"My family's invitation is not for the shameless..."

"Hehe friend don't look at me like that, you will scare the little brother, besides who is the real shameless one here?..."

It seemed that they were not going to get anywhere, so Lynne snapped her fingers and two women in suits approached...

"You resort to force huh? It doesn't bother me, but using bodyguards is too low, since when does a woman need help to protect the man from her?"

The disdain in Hayin's eyes was stronger and Lynne stopped suddenly, she looked at Arthur who seemed that everything that was happening had nothing to do with him and clenched her teeth, Hayin was attacking her pride. ..

"How about this? I'll go in peace if you manage to beat me in a duel. What do you think? Of course if I manage to win, the one who will go will be you..."

"Duel? Alright, I challenge you to a duel!"

Lynne threw the gauntlet first, while Hayin's smile turned sinister.

This is what she was waiting for, the moment to hit these rich women, she knew that these women could not tolerate a little provocation.

"Okay, if that's what you want, you'll gladly try my fist..."

There was no better way to conquer a man than through force, since ancient times men have sought women who can protect them, surely Arthur will be impressed with her that her impression of her will change.


Arthur who was thinking of leaving, suddenly became interested, he had heard about the duels in human society and had also watched them to collect data.

"This is going to be good, let's see it..."

Without waiting for Indara to reply, Arthur dragged her with him and followed the duo.

"Hey! Why did this happen?!"

Ludwing on the other hand was dumbfounded, the one who left his older sister the cake on a silver platter, he couldn't eat it...

The guests were confused as the party suddenly changed to a duel, they didn't know who was such an idiot to challenge the heiress of the Astariet family, but since it was good entertainment they couldn't help but take a look...


Lucia as well as the other guests was also confused, but after listening to her housekeeper, she turned her head towards Libe and sighed.

The second daughter of hers was playing dirty, but I don't blame her, all women can play as long as they have the ability...


As one of the great families, the Astariet family had its own training ground, the guests came quickly, until two women stood in front of each other...

"Little brother make sure you support me okay?"

Blowing him a flying kiss, Hayin winked at Arthur in a flirtatious way, Lynne didn't say anything but her fist clenched, she turned her head and locked eyes with Arthur who was looking at them with interest...

Then a light lit up on their bodies, from the bracelet on their body activated and soon their Wunder materialized.

"Big brother, don't you think about stopping them?"

If possible, Ludwig didn't want the duel to stop, but because he wanted to send Arthur into his sister's arms, he asked expectantly, after all, a man would be touched when a woman challenges another to a duel over her. her man.

"No, this is a problem between women, a man should not intervene..."

No matter which side Arthur supports, she will end up affecting him, so Arthur just stares...


Ludwing already knew the answer, but he still gritted his teeth, his first sister was so close, but Libe had to ruin it...

"By the way Big Brother, who do you think is going to win?"

"Miss Hayin, Miss Lynne doesn't stand a chance"

"Impossible! My first sister is a master pilot, it is impossible for me to lose"

Arthur shook his head, Hayin is much stronger than Lynne, of course for Ludwing, who did not understand anything about the Wunder, he thought that her first sister was invincible..

"Miss Hayin is stronger..."

"Even if it is, my first sister is a master pilot…"

There were quite a few factors that determine victory in a master pilot, since even if she is stronger, skill can make up for that factor, unfortunately for Lynne, she lost to Hayin in either strength or skill...

"Since both parties are ready, start..."


Both sides wasted no time and started with their long-distance weapons, for Lynne her mana cannons, while for Hayin her pistol was enough to neutralize such high speed bullets...

Both of them seemed to be quite balanced that they defended and attacked in succession, however...

(She is playing ...)

Arthur knew, Hayin was simply making Lynne's ego go up to deal a decisive blow.

You just couldn't compare an experienced mercenary to a rich girl who trains at home, Arthur was the same as Lynne, but due to his innate abilities he could still win over stronger opponents...

"That, first sister! Finish it!"

Of course there were people who didn't understand anything and supported Lynne wholeheartedly...


"It doesn't look good, at this rate the Astariet's face will be stained"

Lynne has quite a reputation in the social circle not only for her political skills but also for being a master pilot at her age, that a random woman comes out of nowhere and plays with her is not good for Lucia...

She narrowed her eyes and waved her hand, she needed to search through the background of this woman who is now fighting with her daughter, such a pilot shouldn't be someone unknown...

"Hm wow, did Hayin have that ability?"

Alejandro who was looking at everything with interest was suddenly surprised by who was supposed to be his companion, after all for Alejandro bringing Hayin to this party was more of a whim and his real objective was Lynne the heiress of the Astariet, but seeing Hayin in action and as she was slowly putting pressure on Hayin and she looked quite relaxed, her impression of this companion increased, but this was natural in this world, strong women have always attracted the best men...

Unfortunately her smile couldn't continue as Hayin raised her hand and sent Arthur a flying kiss.

This made him furious, Hayin is supposed to be his escort, he should be the center of attention not Arthur, this rage made his eyes bloodshot...



The weapons collided and both women used their magic power thrusters to accelerate their speed and hit their opponent, Lynne tried in many ways to attack using her thrusting spear but failed, Hayin simply used her shield and easily deflected her attack. .

"Little brother, don't be cruel and support me, okay? I'm almost losing here, but if you give me your support, I promise that I will dedicate this victory to you..."

Hayin didn't even look at Lynne, she was busy trying to get Arthur to look at her, she wanted Arthur's impression of her to change and for this fight to be the beginning of a relationship about them, she wanted to impress him and for that she had to crush her opponent. .

Unfortunately Arthur was just there watching, using his fan and he had no intention of supporting anyone, as if this fight is not to his liking...

"How dare you flirt with him?!"

Lynne couldn't stand it, being ignored is still passable due to her level, but also trying to flirt with the man she likes in front of her, it's humiliation.

She just couldn't tolerate someone trying to steal her man right under her nose, because of that, her Wunder's mana engine revved up and created bursts of power...

"Hee~ don't get impatient friend, I'm trying to catch flowers..."

Hayin stuck his tongue out at her and turned on her axis, her protective shield easily withstood the blasts and likewise stomped on the ground with force...

She fisted both hands and shot out...


Lynne's barrier shattered and Hayin lowered her center of gravity...

"I will show Little Brother that you are not worthy of him, someone of your level is still immature..."



Before Lynne could react an incredible impact hit her abdomen and then in her center of vision a metallic foot suddenly appeared...

"Thank you for becoming my springboard.... [Guillotine Wheel]"


A blow combined with a spinning kick, the impact that Lynne received was enough that her armor could not resist and her Wunder suffered cracks, likewise, Lynne also felt the secondary effect of the blow and the vision of her it will turn off...

But this was to be expected since Hayin didn't hesitate to use her innate ability and finish this match in just two moves...

Lynne fell to the ground and with her a silence reigned throughout the place, after all, Lynne was defeated so easily that it was almost like a dream...