
Fourth Dimension: The Enigma

In a hidden laboratory in Jakarta, Rizal, a talented young scientist, and his mentor, Professor Indri, work tirelessly to develop Prototype 01—a sophisticated machine believed to open a portal to the fourth dimension. Their experiments initially proceed smoothly until an unexpected energy surge triggers a series of strange and terrifying events. As Prototype 01 powers up, mysterious sinusoidal waves appear on the monitor, hinting at the existence of an unknown frequency. Professor Indri suspects these waves are related to the Kaluza-Klein hypothesis about extra dimensions. This theory posits the existence of an additional dimension curled around every point in our three-dimensional space-time. Driven by unyielding curiosity and excitement, they decide to send a modified drone into the newly opened portal. However, what they discover on the other side far surpasses their wildest imaginations. A surreal world of undefined colors and baffling geometry unfolds through the images transmitted by the drone from the fourth dimension. The tesseract, a four-dimensional object previously known only through computer simulations, now appears real and moves in ways that defy three-dimensional logic. Their excitement is short-lived, though. The drone's signal weakens and ultimately vanishes, coinciding with a surge of energy instability in the laboratory. Prototype 01 trembles violently, emitting a blinding white light, forcing Rizal and Professor Indri to confront forces they barely understand. In this critical situation, they find themselves caught in a vortex of energy, compelled to make quick decisions. Will they manage to harness the power of the fourth dimension, or will they fall victim to their own ambitions? "Fourth Dimension Portal: Mystery Behind the Waves" takes readers on a suspenseful journey across the boundaries of science and dimensions, exploring human curiosity about the universe and the hidden potentials within it.

CoklatKaramel · Romance
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41 Chs

Window to Destiny

The fourth-dimensional 'mirror' continued to captivate Rizal and Professor Indri with reflections that sparked curiosity and fear alike. They saw familiar worlds, yet with different touches, details diverging from the reality they knew.

In one reflection, Rizal saw himself wearing an astronaut suit, standing on the red surface of Mars. In another, he witnessed Professor Indri receiving a Nobel Prize in front of scientists and world leaders.

"Incredible and terrifying at the same time," murmured Professor Indri, his eyes fixed on the scenes before them.

"Are all of those... real, Professor?" Rizal asked, his voice barely audible.

"Reality is a relative concept, Rizal," Professor Indri replied, his tone serious. "In this dimension, the boundaries we know begin to blur. Perhaps all those possibilities are equally real."

A disturbing thought crossed Rizal's mind. "If we can see those possibilities... can we also... enter them?"

Professor Indri turned towards Rizal, his expression difficult to interpret. "That's a very dangerous question, Rizal."

He looked back at the 'mirror' as if its surface held the answers to all the mysteries of the universe.

"The many-worlds theory is still just a theory. We do not know for certain the consequences of 'jumping' into different timelines. Could we change the past? Destroy the future? Or even... become trapped between dimensions?"

Those questions haunted Rizal. The possibility of exploring parallel worlds, witnessing different versions of their lives, was incredibly enticing. But the risks... they were too significant to ignore.

"But, Professor..." Rizal began, an idea forming in his mind. "What if this 'mirror' isn't just showing possibilities, but also... a way out?"

He pointed to one reflection showing their laboratory in the three-dimensional world. "What if we could use this 'mirror' to return to our starting point, to the moment before we became trapped here?"

Professor Indri fell silent for a moment, considering Rizal's proposal. The idea was bold, dangerous, but also... very tempting.

"Perhaps you're right, Rizal," Professor Indri finally said, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Perhaps this 'mirror' is not the end of our journey, but... a new beginning."