
Fourth Dimension: The Enigma

In a hidden laboratory in Jakarta, Rizal, a talented young scientist, and his mentor, Professor Indri, work tirelessly to develop Prototype 01—a sophisticated machine believed to open a portal to the fourth dimension. Their experiments initially proceed smoothly until an unexpected energy surge triggers a series of strange and terrifying events. As Prototype 01 powers up, mysterious sinusoidal waves appear on the monitor, hinting at the existence of an unknown frequency. Professor Indri suspects these waves are related to the Kaluza-Klein hypothesis about extra dimensions. This theory posits the existence of an additional dimension curled around every point in our three-dimensional space-time. Driven by unyielding curiosity and excitement, they decide to send a modified drone into the newly opened portal. However, what they discover on the other side far surpasses their wildest imaginations. A surreal world of undefined colors and baffling geometry unfolds through the images transmitted by the drone from the fourth dimension. The tesseract, a four-dimensional object previously known only through computer simulations, now appears real and moves in ways that defy three-dimensional logic. Their excitement is short-lived, though. The drone's signal weakens and ultimately vanishes, coinciding with a surge of energy instability in the laboratory. Prototype 01 trembles violently, emitting a blinding white light, forcing Rizal and Professor Indri to confront forces they barely understand. In this critical situation, they find themselves caught in a vortex of energy, compelled to make quick decisions. Will they manage to harness the power of the fourth dimension, or will they fall victim to their own ambitions? "Fourth Dimension Portal: Mystery Behind the Waves" takes readers on a suspenseful journey across the boundaries of science and dimensions, exploring human curiosity about the universe and the hidden potentials within it.

CoklatKaramel · Romance
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41 Chs

The Language of Dimensions

The white space felt increasingly alien. Each time Rizal tried to understand it, to find boundaries or patterns, he only got more lost in its infinity. The tesseract was the only marker, the sole "real" object in the abstract sea of white.

Rizal recalled the physics theories he had studied. About how the fourth dimension is hypothesized to 'envelop' the third dimension, how time might behave like a spatial dimension in a larger universe.

"If you're a bridge, show me." Rizal focused his thoughts on the tesseract, trying to 'communicate' in a way he had never imagined before. "Show me how this dimension works."

The tesseract seemed to react. It spun faster, its colors shifting, and its shadows danced with increasing intensity. The white space around them began to ripple, like the surface of disturbed water.

Suddenly, colored lines emerged from the tesseract, stretching and branching out, forming intricate geometric patterns. These lines intersected, penetrated each other, and created four-dimensional objects that couldn't exist in three-dimensional space.

Rizal watched in awe. He felt like he was witnessing a new language, a communication system beyond words and symbols.

"What... what is this?" Rizal tried to articulate his question, though he knew the tesseract might not 'hear' in the same way humans do.

The lines pulsed, as if responding. They approached, surrounding Rizal, and he felt a tingling of static electricity all over his body.

Images flashed through his mind. He saw a massive explosion creating the universe, spirals of galaxies spinning in a cosmic dance, and subatomic particles interacting on a quantum scale.

Then, as quickly as they had appeared, the lines vanished. The tesseract returned to its original form, spinning slowly in the now slightly more 'filled' white space.

Rizal took a deep breath. He didn't fully understand what he had just seen, but he knew he had witnessed something extraordinary. Something that could change everything.

"Tesseract... did you show me the fourth dimension?"

The tesseract spun, as if nodding.

"And... Professor Indri... can you help me find her?"

The tesseract spun again, this time more slowly, and Rizal felt a glimmer of hope.

The journey to understand the fourth dimension and to find Professor Indri was still long. But Rizal knew he was not alone. And in this abstract white sea, he might just find the answers to humanity's greatest questions.