
Four Villainess in Another World

In an another world where four powerful women, Tatiana Tremaine, Lily Violetsteel, Blanc Whitewinter, and Sakuya Kurogane, were once feared as villainesses, their lives take an unexpected turn when they find themselves transported to a new and mysterious realm. Despite their dark pasts, fate brings them together, and they form an alliance with a shared purpose—to restore balance and find peace in their newfound world

Azanami_Sensei · Fantaisie
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60 Chs

Chapter 34: Lily Shopping and Slime

Part 1: Noon (Silverhill's Shopping Street)

 Lily's Perspective

Noon sunlight painted the quaint Silverhill's Shopping Street in a warm embrace, casting playful shadows upon the cobblestone paths. A light breeze carried the scent of freshly baked pastries, mingling with the fragrant blooms that adorned the storefronts. Amidst this bustling scene, I found myself strolling alongside the ever-energetic Lady Tatiana.

"Thank you for taking your time, Lady Tatiana," I expressed, my tone laced with sincerity. My intention was to convey gratitude, but a part of me secretly hoped to move this shopping excursion along swiftly.

Tatiana's response was as effervescent as a bubbling spring, her excitement palpable. "What do you mean? I had fun spending time with you." Her eyes sparkled with genuine enthusiasm, momentarily diverting my thoughts from the impending task.

"Actually, I'm just going for shopping," I politely interjected, subtly implying that I preferred to undertake this errand solo. It wasn't that I disliked Tatiana's company; rather, I valued efficiency when it came to these mundane activities.

"Well, don't mind me. What are we buying anyway?" Tatiana's question hung in the air, unanswered by my intent. She seemed to have brushed aside my intention for solitude, replacing it with a sheer eagerness to be part of this expedition.

The incongruity between our perspectives was striking. While my goal was to expedite the shopping, Tatiana's zest for the experience seemingly knew no bounds. I couldn't help but wonder if she had any other engagements or responsibilities. Perhaps Lady Tatiana's schedule was indeed more flexible than mine, affording her the luxury of spontaneous adventures.

As we continued down the charming street, the contrast between Tatiana's buoyant spirit and my pragmatic mindset persisted. Although I yearned to conclude this errand expediently, the scenario was shifting. It had occurred to me that Lady Blanc, due to her noble responsibilities, deserved a well-earned respite after yesterday's demands.

"It would be a delight to have Lady Tatiana coming with me," I reluctantly admitted, resigning myself to this shared outing. The corners of Tatiana's lips curved into a heartwarming smile, mirroring her enthusiasm.

"Yeah, let's get going," Tatiana chimed, radiating happiness. Her contentment was derived from a simple promise of camaraderie, and it was a trait I couldn't help but admire.

After a few minutes had passed, reality revealed a slightly different perspective. The picturesque shopping street had given way to an entrance that, to my dismay, led downward. Down into the bowels of Silverhill, an unexpected twist that had eluded me during the initial conversation.

"I take my words back, milady," I sighed, my mood dipping as we descended into the underground passage. Confusion danced in my eyes as I grappled with my oversight.

Tatiana's obliviousness to my predicament was evident as she inquired, "What do you mean?" Her genuine curiosity was endearing, even if it failed to alleviate my growing sense of regret.

"I missed out the point that we're delving into this sewer after all that hectic," I lamented, my tone tinged with a mixture of frustration and resignation.

Part 2: Noon (Silverhill's Waterway)

Despite my initial skepticism, I found myself in the midst of an adventure that defied my expectations, all thanks to Lady Tatiana's ever-enthusiastic spirit.

"You're overthinking too much, Lily. By the way, this is a waterway, not a sewer," Tatiana reassured, her explanation laced with excitement. Her words brought a chuckle to my lips as I allowed her infectious enthusiasm to lift my spirits.

"Still, this was meant to be a simple shopping list. How did we end up being dragged into this?" I mused internally, my thoughts a blend of resignation and curiosity. It seemed I had little choice but to accompany Tatiana on this unexpected detour.

As if reading my mind, Tatiana enlightened me with the reason for our detour. "Didn't you remember, Lily? There were rumors of a lurking monster in these waters, causing the locals to avoid using them out of fear. I suggested that we clear out their fear by searching for this elusive monster." Her words painted a picture of compassion and a determination to mend the concerns of the townsfolk.

"Ahhh... trouble seems to follow Lady Tatiana wherever she goes," I sighed, my voice tinged with a mixture of exasperation and amusement. My gaze shifted, only to find another member joining our impromptu exploration—Nathalia, with her characteristic air of nonchalant indifference.

"I'm trouble, huh? And you have a mistress who's quite the reckless one," Nathalia commented with a hint of dry humor. Her presence seemed to add a layer of complexity to this already unconventional escapade.

"Oh, and Miss Nathalia is coming with us," Tatiana mentioned with an oblivious grin, causing me to raise an eyebrow at the unexpected addition to our party.

"What do you mean? It's recklessness that one of her charms and I don't remember soliciting your opinion," I retorted, my voice taking on a stern and cool tone as I matched my pace with Nathalia's.

Nathalia's response was matter-of-fact, her tone tinged with a hint of resignation. "I was sent here after my father instructed me to assist Her Highness. So here I am, stuck in this situation."

Tatiana's intervening explanation shed light on the rationale behind Nathalia's presence. "That would be helpful, Miss Nathalia. After all, we're not familiar with this area, and your assistance is greatly appreciated."

With Nathalia as our guide, we proceeded through the waterway's labyrinthine paths. However, my mind was preoccupied with thoughts of the shopping list I had intended to complete before this unexpected turn of events. The urgency to return grew as I contemplated the implications of potential water contamination at the manor.

"Why is your mistress so eager to embark on this endeavor?" Nathalia's voice broke the silence, tinged with a note of disappointment. Her question carried a subtext, a subtle critique of Tatiana's atypical behavior.

"Are you unaware that you're questioning the very essence of the First Daughter of Tremaine, Princess Tatiana? Such words could subject you to trials," I responded with a hint of fury, a warning disguised as a gesture of respect for Tatiana's status.

Nathalia's swift realization of her misstep led to an immediate apology. "I'm sorry, I forgot what I said."

With a sigh, I decided to offer Nathalia some guidance. "It's not a matter of holding back conversation, but rather being mindful of differing perspectives. Our words reflect on those we serve, and such reflection can carry significant weight."

"Thank you for the advice," Nathalia expressed, her gratitude genuine as she recognized her lapse in judgment.

The conversation transitioned into a thoughtful silence, each step resonating with the unspoken lessons of the moment. Nathalia's voice broke the quietude as she expressed her gratitude for Lady Blanc's assistance with paperwork. This gesture of gratitude was not lost on me, and I pledged to relay the sentiment to Lady Blanc.

"Although, if I'm being honest, she can be quite stern and challenging to approach," Nathalia admitted, her voice tinged with a hint of apprehension as she recalled yesterday's interactions.

"It's true. Despite her disposition, Lady Blanc's commitment to the Tremaine legacy is undeniable," I affirmed, my pride in Blanc's dedication evident in my words.

"I suppose it's a blessing to work with people you genuinely admire," Nathalia mused, her tone revealing a longing for such an experience.

"Isn't that similar to your relationship with Sir Edmund?" I quipped, a smile forming on my lips as I pointed out the connection.

Nathalia's response carried an undertone of vulnerability. "Perhaps, but I fear misinterpreting it might lead to heartache."

In that moment, the shared understanding of navigating intricate relationships formed a silent bond between us.

Part 3: Afternoon (Silverhill's Waterway)

The aqueducts stretched before us, and there it was—an immense creature that sent ripples through the water with each of its movements.

Nathalia's voice cut through the air as she identified the creature for us. "That's the Water Slime, identified by the color of its monstrous form."

"A slime? This colossal thing?" I found myself questioning, skepticism woven into my tone. It was difficult to reconcile the image of a tiny, gelatinous creature with the monstrosity before us.

Tatiana's response was unexpectedly endearing. "It's quite a cute thing," she declared with genuine enthusiasm, her words revealing her capacity to find beauty in the unconventional.

"Huh?" Nathalia's perplexed response was mirrored on my own face. It was as though Tatiana had cast an entirely different light upon the creature, altering our perception of its nature.

Attempting to bring some semblance of rationality back into the conversation, I countered Tatiana's perspective. "What are you talking about, Lady Tatiana? That thing is nothing but a blob of jelly." My words were laced with reason, a failed attempt to dispel Tatiana's whimsical interpretation.

"Well, I do remember the jelly you made, Lily, and that was quite nice," Tatiana responded with a genuine smile, her thoughts wandering to more palatable matters. The absurdity of comparing a monstrous slime to a culinary delight was not lost on me, and I could only shake my head in bemusement.

The creature we now faced was anything but a food item, and its growls indicated its awareness of our presence.

"It's noticed us!" Nathalia's alarmed voice sounded, and she hastily sought refuge behind a nearby wall, attempting to distance herself from the formidable creature.

True to her character, Tatiana stepped forward with unparalleled confidence. "Leave it to me, I'll make it cuter." Her determination was unwavering, her intent to charm even the most intimidating of creatures.

Lady Sakuya's advice echoed in my mind—observe but do not engage. Yet, Tatiana disregarded caution and met the creature head-on as it attempted to strike at her with its spiked appendage.

Swift. Tatiana's movements were graceful and practiced, echoing the teachings of Lady Sakuya. She parried the creature's attack, directing its force away from her.

"I didn't think it would work, but the training with Sakuya really pays off," Tatiana's confident voice resonated, as if her victory was never in doubt.

With a smooth transition, Tatiana reached out to me. "Lily, my weapon please."

"Here you go, milady," I replied as I approached, handing her the sword she required. Observing her stance, I noted the unique grip she held on the sword's pommel—a technique that piqued my curiosity.

Growl. The creature's growls signaled its readiness to attack again, its aggression unabated.

Tatiana's tone remained remarkably light as she addressed the creature. "I'm sorry, Big Slime, Lily said you were too big, so let's cut you up into smaller and cuter sizes." Her brandishing of the sword was accompanied by an air of determination, the embodiment of her commitment to her words.

The incredulity in Nathalia's voice was palpable. "Hey, is your mistress really serious?" Her disbelief reverberated through her words as she struggled to comprehend the audacity of Tatiana's actions.

With a resolve unshaken by doubt, Tatiana moved with purpose. "I have no more words." The determination in her voice hinted at her unyielding intent to conclude this unanticipated encounter.

Swing, swing, swing. Tatiana's movements were a flurry of motion as she began her assault on the formidable Water Slime. Each swing of her blade chipped away at its immense form, gradually transforming it into smaller, more manageable pieces.

Despite the creature's wounded state, it refused to relent, its growls resounding in defiance.

Part 4: Afternoon (Silverhill's Waterway)

As the afternoon sun cast its warm glow upon the Silverhill's Waterway, the aftermath of our peculiar encounter unfolded before us. The immense Water Slime had transformed, its formidable size reduced to a fraction of its initial bulk.

Nathalia's incredulous voice broke through the moment. "That creature, which was supposed to be larger than a building, has now turned into a smaller version of itself." Her amazement mirrored my own thoughts.

I turned my attention to Tatiana, who stood before the now smaller Water Slime. "Good work, milady, though you've managed to drench yourself quite thoroughly," I scolded, unable to overlook the practical implications of Tatiana's whimsical actions.

Tatiana's response carried an air of nonchalance as she addressed my concern. "This slime and water aren't contaminated like sewer water might be. The water is relatively clean, I believe."

"The issue isn't the cleanliness of the water. I may have to report this to Lady Blanc," I stated firmly, my commitment to upholding our standards unwavering.

Tatiana's eyes widened at the prospect, her voice carrying a hint of worry. "Oh no, if she punishes me, she might take away my snacks."

"Lady Tatiana, that slime might be capable of absorbing the water from your clothes," Nathalia interjected, offering a solution that aligned with her knowledge of slime properties.

Tatiana's enthusiasm was ignited by the idea. "Can it really do that?" Her excitement was palpable, her eyes gleaming with newfound hope.

The Water Slime emitted a dejected growl, unable to comprehend our conversation.

"I doubt it understands our words," I remarked, bemusement lacing my words.

Unfazed, Tatiana retrieved a soaked Lumina from her pocket. "Ufufu, that's why I brought Lumi with me. Behold, Lumi!" she announced, presenting Lumina like a miraculous solution.

Lumina's body was bloated, water spewing from her mouth as she struggled to regain her equilibrium.

"That's not good! Miss Lumina almost drowned and got wet," I exclaimed, genuine concern for Lumina's well-being evident in my words.

Tatiana intervened, using her finger to carefully push the water out of Lumina's body. With a sigh of relief, Lumina returned to her usual state.

With Lumina ready, Tatiana addressed the Water Slime with unwavering determination. "So, Lumi, tell this Jiggly to drain our clothes." She assigned a rather quirky name to the Water Slime, which I couldn't help but find amusing.

Amusement colored my retort. "So it already has a name and it's terrible at it."

Undeterred by the skepticism, Tatiana proceeded with her plan. "Kyuu kyuu kyuu," Lumina communicated with the Water Slime, translating our intent.

However, the creature's response was less than enthusiastic, growling in a display of defiance.

A whimsical showdown ensued, with Lumina seemingly holding the upper hand. Threats and negotiations unfurled, and the Water Slime eventually conceded, employing its magic to extract the water from our clothes.

Nathalia's voice carried a note of genuine awe. "That was a remarkable display of water magic, especially coming from a creature like this."

As our clothes dried, I couldn't help but consider the unexpected utility of the Water Slime. "Perhaps this creature might have some practical uses after all," I mused to myself, intrigued by the potential.

The Water Slime emitted a content growl, seemingly satisfied with its contribution as it absorbed the extracted water and expanded slightly in size.

"Thank you, Jiggly. Let's go!" Tatiana declared, wrapping her arms around the now affectionately named Slime.

"The name changed?" I couldn't resist a playful retort, noting the capriciousness of Tatiana's decision.

Part 5: Evening (Silverhill's Noble Street)

As the sun began its descent over Silverhill's Noble Street, the day's unexpected escapades were winding down. With the good news delivered and the townsfolk content, a sense of accomplishment filled the air.

Nathalia's voice carried a hint of finality as she addressed us. "I believe this is where we part ways, Your Highness, Miss Lily." Her departure was imminent, a reminder that our shared adventure was drawing to a close.

"Good work, Miss Nathalia. Farewell," I responded with a respectful bow, acknowledging her efforts in our unusual journey.

Before departing, Nathalia hesitated for a moment. "Oh, there's something I need to tell you," she interjected, pausing to share a crucial piece of information.

"What is it?" I inquired, my curiosity piqued by her sudden seriousness.

Nathalia's expression grew grave as she shared the news. "There's a forbidden area beneath the hill, blocked off by Sunaria's officials. It's infested with powerful monsters. I thought you should be warned."

With a grateful nod, I acknowledged her warning. "Thank you for sharing this information, Miss Nathalia."

Our journey back to the manor was accompanied by a sense of introspection. The implications of Nathalia's warning echoed in my thoughts, reminding me that the path to success was often riddled with unexpected challenges.

As we arrived at the manor, the Water Slime's presence remained a testament to the day's unanticipated events. Its peculiar ability to assist us in drying our clothes was a reminder that even the most unconventional allies could prove invaluable.

-Chapter 34 End-