

Punishment bestowed by the god has left the world in shambles... Demons lurk the word killing most of the population and while almost all of us were wiped out, those who sought retribution gave us a chance at survival. Blessing us with powers that helped us rival those monsters who drank our blood and cooked our meat. Even though we humans went through all of this, 1000 years later we still discriminate, steal and lie. Orchid's born into the healer class, he seeks a change. He who once tried to find it in a peaceful way later turns to gain strength to destroy the very people who discriminated against him and caused him pain.

DimSum · Fantaisie
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39 Chs


Jake walked back sitting on his bench, he played the whole scenario again and again, continuously trying to make sense of it. Jake started to pace around the locker room, all of this disturbed him he decided then and there that he wants to explain everything, he needs to so that Orchid understands that he didn't go there to harm anyone, he did it to see him.

As he got dressed to chase after Orchid he heard this distinct melody playing in the background. Every moment then on the sound of the flute could be heard getting louder. He looked around unable to find the source, soon his eyelids started to dip as the sound was so soothing to his ears, everything became lighter as the song continued. As it prolonged he felt as if he was on a cloud. He didn't move at all eventually slowly falling back onto the bench he had risen from, laying there like a mindless corpse with his head falling to the front and his back pressed against on of the rusty old blue lockers.

As if like magic, a lady with red lipstick wearing a floral dress emerged from the mist formed by the hot water from the shower. She stood right in front of the alive corpse pulling his chin up to get a better look at his face.

"So handsome, what a pity I can't have my way with you..." she says with her sweet voice, she lets go of his face and just as she does, a sword just slightly scrapes her on her cheek.

"Closer and you would have cut my head off," she says to Jake standing across her holding his sword. She chuckles as she wipes the blood dripping from the graze on her cheek.

"I guess you're not that bad for a woman..." he says preparing to attack her again.

"Hmmm, didn't know they train you people here to talk lowly of women..." she says smiling slightly.

"Tell me why are you here? Who are you?" he asks with a hostile tone.

"Hmmm, isn't very ungentlemanlike to talk to someone in such a tone?" she says, sniggering.

"How's Orchid by the way? Have you two gotten closer?" just as she voiced those words out chuckling slightly, Jake stopped shocked, he was a slight bit relieved smiling as he now knows all these weird feelings are not of him but this women.

"So this is all you?" he didn't give her time to answer.

Jake launches towards her with full force aiming to finish off, with what he had planned to do, decapitation. The instant the lady saw the blade coming towards her she started playing her flute. This time with harsher sounds that weren't pretty at all it was terrible to the ears to anybody listening.

A figure formed from the mist blocking the path between the lady and Jake. They both lock swords going back and forth attacking each other with them. The mist clone was controlled by the lady in red, the melody she played had kept the warrior moving and attacking Jake, making sure he had no chance of harming her. They both attacked each other on and on relentlessly, sparks flew as their swords touched together, none willing to let go.

"Hmph I thought the great warriors had a lot more going for them but if their students are not able to deal with a single clone then I guess I need to reevaluate my perception." the lady remarked

Jake smirked,

"The festival of lightning!" Jake announced

Sparks of lightning flew everywhere before it concentrated on the single mist clone in front of him, trapping him in a cage, destroying its form into nothing but water that settled on the ground.

"That's more like it," she says smiling

"Let me play then," she says with nothing but blood lust in her eyes

"Demon orchestra" this time the lady announces before placing her lips on the blowing hole of her flute but before she could begin the both of them heard someone calling for Jake.

"Jake? Are you in here?" one of Jake's classmates had called, as Jake looked back to where his name was called just as he was distracted the lady disappeared into mist just as she had emerged before. When Jake looked back to where the lady was previously standing she was no longer there, he was extremely annoyed to the point that he had shoved his classmate into one of the lockers before leaving the showers.

"Why is he always like that." Jake's classmate complained

If you guys were wondering what type of flute she was playing, I had imagined it to be a Chinese flute...btw Demon Slayer is real good, you guys should watch it...

Song: Demon Slayer Season 2 Theme | 1 HOUR EPIC MUSIC MIX

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