
Chapter 1: 300,000?

Éditeur: EndlessFantasy Translation

It was pouring rain, and Chen Kai walked through it like a living dead.

He muttered to himself, "Three hundred thousand, three hundred thousand!"

"Where can I find three hundred thousand!"

Chen Kai squatted on the ground, clutching his hair, on the verge of collapse!

Yesterday, his grandfather suddenly had a heart attack, and the stent surgery cost three hundred thousand!

Chen Kai lost his mother at a young age, and his father had been working away from home. His grandfather, who scavenged for a living, raised Chen Kai from a young age.

Upon hearing the news, his father promptly returned home. However, his father was just a construction worker, and any money he ever made was sent back home. He had no savings!

He couldn't leave his grandfather's life hanging in the balance!

And he had only just started his internship. To Chen Kai, three hundred thousand was an astronomical figure that seemed impossible to attain.

"Li Xiaoli!"

A name flashed through Chen Kai's brain. His ex-girlfriend! They had broken up just one day before graduation because Li Xiaoli found a man who could give her the life she desired!

She had succeeded! It was said that even her handbags now cost more than a hundred thousand!

After a brief hesitation, he decided to swallow his pride to save his father's life. Chen Kai decided to seek out Li Xiaoli for a talk!

Wiping away tears, Chen Kai arrived at the Xingyun Piano Store.

Her dream was to open a piano store after graduation, and that man had fulfilled her dream for her.

As he pushed the door open, the faint scent of perfume and the music from the piano greeted him. The upscale marble floor was spotless.

Chen Kai dried his face and lowered his head to look at his rain-soaked self. The stark contrast left him in a momentary silence.

"Hello, sir?" The beautiful receptionist looked surprised. He had come to a piano store in this heavy rain?

"I... I want to see your boss... Li," Chen Kai stated his purpose.

"Who's looking for me?"

That voice sent a shiver down Chen Kai's spine. He managed to force a smile and looked towards the newcomer.

"Long time no see." Chen Kai did not expect that he would look so wretched the next time he saw her.

"Chen Kai?" Li Xiaoli looked surprised but also affable. "Come in quickly! Why are you standing in the rain? Xiao Qin, quick, go get a towel for my friend here!"

Li Xiaoli's warm reception gave Chen Kai some relief. Dressed in a towel, warmed by the hot coffee, Chen Kai sat across from Li Xiaoli.

"Chen Kai, you must have something important to discuss with me, right?" Li Xiaoli smiled brightly. "Just tell me what you want. After all, I owe you a lot!"

"Indeed, I'm here for something." Chen Kai lowered his head.

When they broke up, Li Xiaoli had wept in his arms, apologizing.

Chen Kai did not insist on staying together, but he had sworn that he would be better off without her!

Fate has a way of turning things around.

It seems that one always has to surrender to fate eventually.

"Go on," Li Xiaoli still wore a faint smile.

"I want to borrow three hundred thousand from you!" Chen Kai was straightforward. Given Li Xiaoli's guilt towards him, he thought she would lend him the money! Although a bit shameless, Chen Kai however was prepared to accept that!

"Three hundred thousand?" Li Xiaoli blinked, then curiously asked Chen Kai. "What do you need this money for?"

"My grandpa is sick, it's a matter of life and death!" Chen Kai looked down, his hands clasped tightly on the coffee cup.

"I'm sorry, three hundred thousand is too much..." Without a second thought, Li Xiaoli called out; "Husband! He's asking me to lend him three hundred thousand! What should we do?"


Chen Kai was stunned!

Following Li Xiaoli's gaze, he saw a man in pajamas walking out of the bedroom.

The man was not taller than 1.7 meters, bald and weighed more than 200 pounds. He was wearing slippers, and what surprised Chen Kai even more was the clump of black mud stuck between his toes!

Chen Kai couldn't help but marvel. Money was indeed a powerful thing! With it, ugliness could become arrogance! It could even steal someone's girlfriend!

"Three hundred thousand? Who is this guy?" The ugly man frowned, his eyes glowing like a green bean, yet they carried a sense of dominion.

"My ex-boyfriend, Chen Kai!" Li Xiaoli quickly stepped forward and latched onto the ugly man's arm.

"Sorry, Chen Kai, this is my husband, Lin Dongsheng. I'm his woman now, and I follow his orders." Li Xiaoli held Lin Dongsheng's arm obediently as she spoke.

Chen Kai saw a satisfied smirk tug at the corner of Lin Dongsheng's mouth.

His heart sank.

Without a doubt, he became a pawn in Li Xiaoli's play for innocence.

Lin Dongsheng shot him a smug look, "Darling, three hundred thousand is not a lot. But should we lend it to him or not?"

"Not a lot, but not a little either." Li Xiaoli pouted cutely. Having known her for over two years, Chen Kai didn't know she had such a side.

"I think... my dear husband works hard for his money. So, let's not take my feelings into account. Besides, I'm your woman now, and all my attention is on you, others..."

While she spoke, she glanced at Chen Kai dismissively. "I don't need to help them!"

"Hahaha!" Lin Dongsheng seemed very satisfied with Li Xiaoli's response, laughing as he groped her bottom!

Then smirking at Chen Kai, he asked, "Did you hear that, lad?"

Chen Kai felt like there was a furnace lodged in his throat, rendering him speechless.

But he clenched his fists tightly!

No matter what, he couldn't go back empty-handed today. Even if it meant having a showdown!

"Hey! Don't say I'm stingy, I'm giving you a chance!"

Showing off seemed to be the pleasure of most people, and Lin Dongsheng was no exception.

Lin Dongsheng's words startled Chen Kai. "You can charge interest, and I'll definitely pay you back!"

"Hah! Your ex-boyfriend sure talks nonsense!" Lin Dongsheng sneered. "Let's keep it simple. Three hundred thousand, you pay me back thirty-five thousand a month, for a year!"

Thirty-five thousand a month?

Not to mention whether Chen Kai could repay thirty-five thousand each month, that's a yearly interest of one hundred and twenty thousand!

But right now, he couldn't care less!

"Deal!" Chen Kai agreed immediately!

"What's the rush? I'm not finished!" Lin Dongsheng lifted his unwashed feet of several days, smacking his lips. "Interest is a small matter. The important thing now is that my feet are dirty! You lick them clean!"


Chen Kai's eyes were aflame with rage!

"Darling, you're fine with this, right?" Lin Dongsheng asked the woman beside him with a smirk on his face.

"Of course not!" Li Xiaoli smiled sincerely, then looked at Chen Kai. "Chen Kai, think about what's more important, your father's illness or your pride."

Li Xiaoli's words made Chen Kai calm down.

What about his grandfather's life?

"Get down on your knees and lick it." Lin Dongsheng grinned radiantly!

Perhaps out of some longstanding grudge against Chen Kai, from the moment Lin Dongsheng first saw him, he enjoyed comparing himself with him! Despite not being gifted with good looks, he had a sense of superiority that allows him to control everything!

This sense of superiority satisfied Lin Dongsheng greatly!

As Chen Kai was stuck between a rock and a hard place, a roaring sports car arrived, and a red Ferrari parked in front of the piano store's display window.

The door opened, and a woman walked in, wearing a white mink coat, a tight black dress hugging her curves. Her angelic face and a well-proportioned figure instantly attracted everyone's gaze in the room.

Despite her youthful appearance, around twenty-three or four, she exudes an aloof and imposing aura.

"Hello, miss, are you here to buy a piano?" Xiao Qin who had been watching the show hurried over. She couldn't afford to neglect a customer driving a Ferrari.

The beautiful woman hadn't spoken yet when Lin Dongsheng recognized her! He quickly stepped up, greeted her with a broad smile, "Oh, isn't this President Qin? You also like pianos? This store is mine, and you are welcome to choose any piano in the store!"

"No." A single word escaped her red lips. She looked at Chen Kai and slowly said, "I'm here to find my younger brother!"

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