

She froze because apart from her dead father nobody called her that and as if it wasn't enough, the same phone number sent her a......

Eliot_ng · Urbain
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7 Chs


Abi and Talia were chatting while making their way out of school as their last class just ended, when they heard someone calling Abi's name. They alt, following the direction from which the voice came and there, Jefrey stood few meters away from the school's entrance waving at Abi with his car parked next to him.

" What a Suprise...aren't you supposed to be at work at this time?" Abi said as they made their way to where Jefrey stood.

"Evening ,Mr. Kennedy" Talia said almost as a whisper."Oh evening, my dear Talia" Jefrey responded.

" At least you know how to greet people" He added, indirectly referring to Abigail. Abigail rolled her eyes and let out a small laugh at Jefrey's remark. For Abigail, Jefrey was more like the chill big bro rather than her stepdad.

"Ok let's go home, we have a guest today" Jefrey said while proceeding to sit on the driver sit. Jefrey then proposed to drop Talia at home, as Talia's house wasn't too far from theirs, but she kindly refused saying that she still had something to do before going back home.

Almost reaching home, Abi curiosity has reach it limit, as asking so many times Jefrey about that special guest, who made him leave work so early finally came to nothing. Arrived home she saw a car who obviously didn't belong to Jeffrey, as the drive all the way home in Jeffrey's car and definitely not her mom's own. So, she deducted that it must be for the" Special guest".

They entered to be greeted with the great smell of Abi's mom cooking. They went straight to the kitchen; Abi greeted her mom with "Evening mom " while Jefrey greeted her with a kiss

" Where is he?" Jefrey asked his wife, with his hands resting on her waist." He told me to tell you that he had something to do and will be back before 10. Jefrey shook his head like a disappointed old grandpa.

They took dinner, but the guest wasn't still present. After dinner, Abi went up, took a bath and went out straight to her room, putted her pyjamas before going through her phone while laying down on her bed. When she got a message from an unknown number, recognizing the unknown number as the same unknown number that called her earlier this morning at the school entrance. She opened the notification, and the unknown number left a message saying,

" Good night my African princess ", she froze because apart from her dead father, nobody ever called her that and as if it wasn't enough the same phone number sent her a picture of 7 years old her and her dad. She gathered her thought together and finally managed to text him back asking who it was and what he wanted, and the number responded back" you can call me Mr.t" and then the unknown number called. Abi hands were trembling while deciding whether she should take the call or not.

After some moments of hesitation, she finally took the call to be to be welcome by the sound indicating her phone battery was low and immediately switched off. Abi started searching desperately for her charger everywhere. She finally found it and as soon as the phone managed to charge to 2%, she switched it on. The unknown number left a message saying, " Your mom is hiding something from you".

" Dad...daddy where are you going?" Abi asked her father as he suddenly let go of her hand." Daddy, wait for me....where are you going .... wait for me" the more Abi ran to catch up with her dad the farther he was, as she ran to hold his hand while calling for him at the top of her lungs, he suddenly disappeared leaving her alone. As soon as he disappeared all became dark, she was left alone in complete darkness. She started crying, desperately calling for her father.

"Abi...Abi" " Abi wake up ". Abi woke up with eyes filled with tears, after some moment of her loss of what just happened, she finally acknowledges her surroundings. She stared at those green forest eyes, she thought were very beautiful, then she realized that those eyes were not made by her imagination and someone with those beautiful green forest eyes was on her bed, looking at her with what she thought was a worried expression on his face with his right hand on her cheek and the left one on the other side of her body. She suddenly stood up and while doing so, almost kissed him as her face was now few centimeters away from his. " Who are you?" she asked him confused as who he was and how do he entered her room but strangely she wasn't scared as if she knew he could not harm her. " Ray... Raymond". he responded shortly and abruptly stood up and left her room.