
Forsaken: Record of Euretsian War


Sephhh · Fantaisie
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28 Chs

War Council

Commander Varus sat at his desk in his office, poring over maps and battle reports. Commander Gallahan stood near him, quietly observing. Varus had been studying the movements of the Skogzgard army for weeks, and Gallahan knew he had valuable insights to offer.

"Our forces have effectively cut off Skogzgard's southern west trade route," Varus said, gesturing to a map spread out on his desk. "Their merchants and farmers will suffer greatly without access to these resources. And without reinforcements or supplies, their army will weaken over time."

Gallahan nodded thoughtfully. "How about the enemies? Have they already made their move yet?"

Varus shook his head, "No progress on their side yet."

"Hmm. No matter. Although our men must be cautious not to underestimate their forces. They may have just been preparing for retaliation, so the cautiousness must be high every time."

The allied forces stationed at the eastern border of Skogzgard are currently on standby, awaiting further instruction. If they are not given an order to move, it will not only result in wasted resources but will also give the enemy the time to strengthen their defense.

Gallahan shifted his weight from one foot to the other. "And what of the enemy's eastern border? Have you received any updates on the situation there?"

"Yes, it appears that the enemy have already made their move. The allied scouts have reported that the Skogzgard army is spread thin, leaving their eastern border city vulnerable to attack. Seems like they are focusing their main force on the defense of their southern front after their loss few days ago."

Gallahan frowned as he leaned in front, "What? What are these Skogzgards thinking... If our men were to take that border city, it will result in the weakening of their entire state."

Varus nodded grimly. "Certainly it is. Therefore, the order must be given quickly before they even get a chance to reinforce their eastern defenses, too."

"Very well. I will have have some of my men deliver the report to the commander that is leading the eastern force," said Gallahan as he called for Kaelsa that was waiting outside.

As Kaelsa entered the room, his eyes met Varus' piercing gaze. The fear in Kaelsa's eyes remained, and Varus clenched his hands tightly, not allowing his emotions to get the better of him and lash out in anger.

"The leading Commander in the eastern forces is the Third Commander, Niamh Morgan. Please deliver this message to her, knight boy," said Varus in a stern voice.

Kaelsa bowed in understanding before he lowered his head, listening intently to Gallahan's instructions. He nodded to both of them before leaving the room.

As the closing of the door resounded with a click, Varus lets out a deep sigh. "I appreciate your assistance, Commander."

As they spoke, a sudden commotion outside the fortress interrupted their conversation. The sound of shouting and screaming echoed.

"What is the meaning of this?" Varus muttered to himself, walking over to the window for a better view.

"What is happening, Varus?" Gallahan joined him at the window, following his gaze.

"...It looks like your men are having an affray," he said with a chuckle.

Varus frowned. "Unbelievable. I should've had confiscated those barrels of mead earlier."

Without wasting a moment, the two commanders hastened their way towards the disturbance, brushing past guards who stood in their way.

"What is going on here?" Varus demanded, his voice thundering across the courtyard.

One of the guards stepped forward, looking flustered. "My lord, it appears that a Winthrope knight has started a fight with one of our own."

Gallahan's eyes narrowed. 'Mikail?' he thought to himself.

Gallahan and Varus exchanged a quick glance at each other before making their way towards the commotion.

The guards shouted, giving the commanders space to walk through before the guards gestured towards the center of the circle.

They could hear the sound of fists hitting flesh and the grunts of the knights as they drew closer.

"Stop this at once!" Varus bellowed, his voice cutting through the noise.


With both of the commanders in presence, the situation had already been partially resolved, and Randal was currently receiving treatment for the bruises he had sustained. The three knights who had been beaten unconscious by Mikail were also being tended to.

Amidst the commotion, everyone had gone back to their own affairs while the issue was being settled and cleared. Randal did not feel the need to explain the situation, instead appearing pleased and content as he assured everyone that he was unharmed and that Mikail was not at fault.

"Here, Captain," one of the knights handed Randal a damp cloth to tend to his bruises as he sat upon a nearby log.

"Thank you," Randal said with a smile, taking the damp cloth and pressing it against his swollen face.

The knight sat beside him, watching as he tended to his injuries. He couldn't help but wonder why Randal had let the boy go after being beaten so badly. However, he kept his thoughts to himself, respecting the captain's decision.

Randal groaned with relief as he chuckled slightly, "By the heavens, I was really roughed up by a boy, huh... How long has it been?"

The knight looked at Randal, who despite his swollen face, was still smiling. "I was not expecting that, captain. It seems that Winthrope boy is quite a skilled lad."

Randal nodded with a laugh as he looked at Mikail who seemed to have calmed down as well. Both Mikail and Trevan were being lectured by Gallahan.

"Wait, why am I being lectured as well?" Trevan asked in confusion, wondering why he was being scolded when he was just standing there.

As Randal and the knight watched them get scolded, the knight was still shocked about how a young man like Mikail possibly beat an experienced captain like Randal like he wasn't even bothered.

"Hey, do you know anything about that Winthrope kid?" Randal asked with a curious expression, as if he was very eager to know the answer.

The knight felt a sense of unease about how Randal suddenly became interested in the young man. He took a quick glance at Mikail, who appeared to be a normal-looking lad with nothing particularly special about him.

He took a deep breath before he said, "I do not, but..."

"But...?" Randal pressed, his curiosity piqued.

"Ah, Kaelsa! Just the time,"

The knight called out to a knight from the distance, beckoning him to join them.

Kaelsa slightly raised his hand back in response before he slowly made his way towards them. As he walked towards them, Randal realized. He looked at the knight and his face looked surprised.

With a smile, the knight lets out a loud laugh, "Sergeant Kaelsa! How are you faring with the Winthropes?"

"Couldn't be any better, Millard," Kaelsa replied with a smile.

The two knights exchanged pleasantries, before Millard introduced Randal to Kaelsa. Another young man it seems now that Randal got to see his face up close.

"First Captain Wycliffe, is that right? Millard has told me lots about your heroism, sir. My name is Kaelsa," Kaelsa held out his hands with a smile.

"Heroism? Haha, what flattery! It's a pleasure to meet you, Kaelsa. Please call me Randal," Randal shook Kaelsa's hand.

As they sat and conversed, Randal couldn't help but admire the camaraderie within the Winthrope knights. They shared stories and laughs, and the night passed quickly.

Though the conversation wasn't of great importance, it was a heartwarming moment of friendship between knights from different ancestry or origins.

"How long has it been since we've last seen each other Kaelsa?" Millard asked, pouring a mead to a tankard and gave it to him. Kaelsa tried to refuse, saying that he doesn't drink and won't be planning on drinking at the time but Millard eventually made him take a sip.

As the knights sat around the fire, Millard asked, "How long has it been since we've last seen each other Kaelsa?" as he poured a tankard of mead and offered it to Kaelsa.

Kaelsa initially refused, saying that he does not drink, but Millard insisted and eventually convinced him to take a sip.

As the warm mead flowed down his throat, Kaelsa let out a contented sigh. "Kyaah... Yes, I have been occupied with the duties entrusted to me by the Winthropes. Nonetheless, it is a pleasure to see you again, Millard," Kaelsa replied, his voice already slurring slightly from the mead.

Millard chuckled heartily, playfully teasing Kaelsa about his weak constitution. Kaelsa reacted with annoyed shout, protesting that he was just simply unaccustomed to such drinks.

As they talked, Randal leaned in closer, his curiosity piqued by Kaelsa's mention of his work with the Winthropes. "Pray tell, what sort of duties do you mostly take?" Randal asked, taking a swig of mead.

Kaelsa set down his tankard and reclined, gazing up at the starry sky. "Not much, truth be told... I have been assisting Commander Wallace ever since I was knighted and most of the tasks he entrusts me are clerical work, but I am making steady progress as a knight," Kaelsa replied, his tone conveying a sense of contentment with his lot in life.

"Verily, your steadfastness to your obligations is commendable," he said, inclining his head in approbation. "I'd prefer to go to a war head on, uncertain of my survival, rather than toil over paperwork for the entirety of the day!"

Millard, who had consumed a considerable amount of mead, chimed in. "Even though Kaelsa's work involves clerical tasks, his prowess with a sword remains unmatched. It won't be easily tarnished by mere scribing! He is a valuable asset to the Winthropes," he declared, his speech slurring slightly.

Kaelsa, however, waved off Millard's praise, saying, "What nonsense, Millard. You're drunk. I might be Commander Wallace's personal subordinate, but my sword skill's pale in comparison to some of the other knights."

Millard was not to be deterred, however, "But it is verily the truth! In fact, I daresay Kaelsa is a match for that young Winthrope lad."

This piqued Randal's interest. "Is that so...?" he said, arching an eyebrow.

Kaelsa looked slightly uncomfortable at the mention of Mikail. "I hardly know the lad, Captain. We have spoken only briefly," he said, holding out his hands in a gesture of humility.


"Mikail, Commander Wallace has tasked you with the job of writing a detailed report on the recent border skirmish with the neighboring kingdom."


"Mikail, I have a task for you from Lady Meival," Kaelsa said, handing him a piece of parchment. "She needs an inventory of the castle's wine cellar."

"Hm, hm," Mikail responded, taking the parchment before heading off.

"Mikail! Commander Godrys requires your presence in training the new recruits tomorrow. Pack your belongings and report to the first fortress by tomorrow evening," Kaelsa said, handing over a rolled-up parchment.

"Hm," Mikail replied, taking the parchment and heading towards the first fortress.

"Mikail. The Commander has tasked you with scouting out the northern main road and making a detailed report regarding the recent bandit skirmishes on the nearby villages," said Kaelsa before he handed over a map of the surrounding area and pointed out the possible camp sites of the said bandits.

"Hm, hm," Mikail replied, taking the map before heading out.

"Ah, there you are, Mikail. The City of Gwyntoedd's Lady Alys requires your assistance in organizing a feast for the visiting dignitaries," Kaelsa said, handing over a list of tasks.

"Hm," Mikail replied, looking over the list and nodding his head before heading off.


Besides those exchanges, Kaelsa could not recall any other personal conversations he had with Mikail that were not related to their duties.

Randal smiled, "But Kaelsa's dedication and perseverance is what should any knights have!" letting out a loud laugh.

Kaelsa looked down at his hands, "I'm just doing my duty as a knight, sir. Nothing more, nothing less."

Randal placed a reassuring hand on Kaelsa's shoulder and chuckled heartily. "We are fortunate to have such diligent and hardworking men like you by our side. The realm needs more knights of your calibre," he said with a warm smile.

Millard, who had been indulging in the merriment of their gathering, suddenly cleared his throat and stood up abruptly. "As much as I hate to leave this little festivity, I have urgent matters to attend to," he announced, stretching his arms wide and taking a deep breath.

Randal nodded in agreement, a smirk forming on his lips. "Indeed. Duty calls, as always."

As they shared drinks and laughter, Randal suddenly paused mid-sip and peered at Kaelsa with a furrowed brow. "You know, you have a face that reminds me of someone," he remarked thoughtfully.

Kaelsa cocked his head in confusion. "Who might that be, sir?"

Randal shook his head dismissively, a wry smile tugging at his lips. "Never mind that... It's probably just my old eyes playing tricks on me," he chuckled, taking another swig of mead.

Kaelsa couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity and unease at Randal's words, but he decided to let the matter go. After all, it was not his place to pry into the captain's personal thoughts.

The eve stretched on, the moon hanging high in the sky as the flickering flames of their bonfire cast long shadows across the ground.