
unknown land

Pov Lilith


I opened my eyes slowly, my body felt heavy and ached.

I looked to the side only to find the pink-haired woman unconscious.


I lifted my upper body slowly and looked around for Lucas' figure but to no avail he was nowhere to be found, however she was lying outside a hut next to a shed and movement could be heard inside the hut.

I stood up slowly trying to make as little noise as possible and walked towards the entrance of the hut.


There was a woman with white hair and golden eyes sitting next to Lucas, her hands were on his back and she seemed to be touching him softly, but there was something different about her, her skin was white and her ears were long, she was an Elves....

When I stared at her she stopped moving and turned her gaze back to me, her calm expression changed as if she had seen a ghost.


She just stared at me without saying a single word.

-Who are you?

I asked with curiosity and a bit of annoyance


He said while he moved his hands towards his body and looked at me with caution.

Elves are not a race that is visibly hostile to others, if they were to be described in any way it would be "Neutral" they isolate themselves from the world and only emerge when something threatens the balance between the races and intervene to maintain the Quo status.

And right now a woman of that same race had her hands on Lucas.

Involuntarily I frown, I feel irritated but this is not the time for that.

-Where are we?

I asked as I entered the cabin Anastasia's expression relaxed as she saw that I wasn't hostile to her, at least for the moment....

Anastasia narrowed her eyes before replying

-In the Elven Kingdom, Greenwood

I heard a few times about the Kingdom of the Elves from my mother Luna, although more than a Kingdom it is an independent planet connected to the earth through the world tree, werewolves, demons, Dragons, Elves, all these Planets or Kingdoms orbit each other thanks to the world tree that connects them, although it is said that there are more scattered worlds is not something that is proven and so far is a mystery


It doesn't make sense that we have arrived to this place, we should have arrived to the Human Realm, what is going on? For a moment I felt confused

-You helped us, right?

-I helped them but it was a coincidence that I saw them, you don't have to feel indebted to me, it was for my own satisfaction.

She said with an indifferent tone but her gaze was fixed on me, ready to react at any moment.


I turned my gaze to Lucas who is on the floor, Anastasia noticed it so she started talking

-I'm really surprised he's still alive, he has several deep wounds and especially his back is a mess, I did an emergency treatment so he shouldn't be in danger at the moment, his energy is dangerously low, so with time he should get back on his feet.


I said sincerely although I have a certain thought in my mind that tells me "tear his head off" it wouldn't be right to do it especially when he helped Lucas.

But still something is strange, why does he live in this place? I don't feel any signs of energy nearby, or anything like that, it's like this place is isolated.

-Are you in pain?

Anastasia spoke up and pulled me out of my train of thought.

-Just a little sore but I'm fine.

Although Luke took the brunt of it all, Lucifer's attack totally covered us if it wasn't for Luke, we would have died on the spot.

Although Luke is apparently stronger than me, he still has a long way to go in terms of strength, but it's still remarkable.

If I categorize him in any way his strength rank is comparable to a demonic Marques, he is almost half the table, although the demonic ranks are:









Demon Archduke




Although with the progenitors is somewhat complicated, their strength varies from generation to generation, their potential is unlimited but the demons of high rank are responsible for exterminating them before they can develop in full and of course in the King Rank all are anomalies is a rank that not everyone can tread, and of course the higher the rank the greater the difference in power.

To be able to deal with Lucas, 5 demons with the level of a Count should attack him, although I myself am as strong as a Viscount.

But more important now what should we do? Lucas wounded and that pink-haired woman I don't know?

Can things get any worse?

Anastasia nodded before turning her gaze back to Lucas.

-Right, what's your name?

Anastasia asked


I said without thinking too much


Suddenly she froze and turned her gaze to me.



I sat down next to Lucas and started to touch his face softly with my fingers but when I looked up Anastasia still looked at me surprised.

-What about the one lying outside?

-Who knows?

-He showed up with you but you don't know who he is?


For a moment she looked exasperated but she stood up.

-I don't mind if they stay, however this Kingdom is not exactly in a " Pacific " moment and their arrival was very showy besides the absurd amount of Energy that formed around them... -Pacific?


He looked at me for a moment before answering

-War of Succession?


I think I've heard about it before but I don't remember where.

-Just like Hell has its 7 main Families, this Kingdom also has its Families, I don't know how they would handle it in Hell but when they make a succession in this Kingdom, they go into a sort of Civil War, as Greenwood is isolated there is no worry of some sudden attack.

In short if we want to move we must do so with care, however she gave an alternative by saying she doesn't mind if we stay

-What a nuisance.

-It is-

Well anyway we won't be able to move with Lucas in that state, personally I don't care if the woman outside dies or not, so I just have to wait for Lucas to wake up.

Anastasia starts to move and leaves the cabin.

I sigh tiredly before muttering.


-Tell me?

Huh? Lucas moved his gaze towards me

-Were you awake?

-Yes -

I didn't expect him to wake up so quickly.


-The wounds Luna was giving me were worse.

Lucas said as if it was something natural, he lifted his upper body and finished taking off the pieces of t-shirt he still had on him.

I froze for a moment before hugging him softly.

-I missed you.

Lucas responded to my embrace, the smell of Lucas, even though he had a slight herbal smell, I could still differentiate his scent exactly, his warmth, this familiarity that I lacked before, I would like to push him against the ground and have uncontrolled sex, but... I can't it's not the place or the time... the only thing I can do is....

Before I could even do what I was thinking Lucas joined his lips with mine, I don't know how many seconds passed, but each time it was getting more intense his tongue was totally invading my mouth but suddenly he pulled away and a small thread of silver saliva connected our lips, our breathing was synchronized and a fervent desire was starting to gush, I could feel the longing Lucas had for me, but I have to control myself, I can't give myself to desire now, even if he is a demon, I worry about Lucas who is not in his best shape

Calming my racing heart I put my hands on Lucas's shoulders and take a deep breath

-When you are recovered....

-I understand

Lucas said with a slight smile looking a little disappointed but he understood the reason for my words.

If we did it now he would be much more hurt.

-Where are we?

Lucas asked, looking around the cabin.

-Greenwood, the Kingdom of the Elves.

Lucas turned his gaze towards me

-Oh Luna told me about that.

His voice trembled as he spoke and his expression seemed lost. What did my mother do to him?

-Are you all right?

-It's just... it's cold...


We're in the middle of the forest, so it would be closer to a warm place than a cold place...

For a moment Lucas closes his eyes, is silent for a few seconds and then nods

-Well, Aqua will be busy for a while.

Aqua was that little Water Leviathan.


-Lucifer's attack caused me more damage than I thought, so Aqua is helping me heal.

After all it's an attack from a Family head, absolutely all of them have the Ancestral Rank and that he managed to survive an attack of that magnitude is a great achievement in itself. What kind of training did my mother do to him? besides he managed to protect us almost intact

-I understand... even so, what do we do now?

Lucas seemed to be thinking and after a few seconds he answered

-Going back to Hell is not an option, with Lucifer wanting to kill me if I set foot in that place I will surely die, so the best thing to do would be to wait for a while and contact Esen or Luna.

-Besides, you have to see your mother.

In all this year a few times I went to visit her and I gave her the same report as always "Lucas is enjoying with us and he will be back in a while".

Although Alexia was satisfied with that, always saying the same thing is... too suspicious, so I went 3 times in the past year.

-Yet for that you need a crack, don't you?


-But to get one in this place is...


After all the Rifts are exclusive and complicated to reproduce, unless there's a scroll like the one Valery and I used to get back to hell a year ago, but I think we'll be a while in this place.

While Lucas and I were talking Anastasia came into the hut.

When she saw Lucas she was surprised

-Are you awake?

-I am.

Lucas said smiling

Ah? Why are you smiling so sweetly at him?

A bitter sensation began to flood my body.

-Don't move too much, I gave you an emergency treatment, but the wounds may open up again.

-Thank you

What a bitter feeling... Why is that bitch talking so sweetly to Lucas?

I turned my gaze to Anastasia who was standing at the entrance of the cabin looking at Lucas

His body tensed for a moment before he looked away and sighed.


Lucas spoke to me and I looked back at him.

-You can't emanate Bloodlust for no reason.

Why are you scolding me, it's that home-wrecking bitch wants to get into your bed!


I looked away annoyed

I don't understand why are you defending her? While it's true that she helped you even so, she shouldn't have that face when she sees you!

-Well... There are clothes on one of those shelves, so....

Anastasia said nervously


I looked at Lucas who responded by getting up and walking to the rack Anastasia indicated.

He took out a trench coat and put it on him.

-It's wolf fur, so... it must be soft.

Said Anastasia looking at Lucas

However, when she was about to protest in irritation, Lucas spoke.

-Something is coming.

After a few seconds I could feel several presences approaching rapidly.

-How annoying...

said Anastasia before turning around and leaving the cabin.

Lucas walks towards me and extends his hand to me.

-We have to go, after all, I think it's our fault.

He had a complicated expression

I took Lucas' hand and stood up.

-Elves are supposed to be Neutral so it is unlikely that there will be a conflict as such... however....

I said worriedly

-That's not entirely certain.

Lucas said and I nodded

In theory we invaded his kingdom without permission, if it was a random demon it would have been simple, but... Leviathan, my family's name is important and relevant to the world at large.

Although they probably still don't know about Lucas, they will definitely recognize me, for better or for worse, that's what it means to be part of a powerful family.

I walked next to Lucas and left the hut.

If you like my story add it to your library

thanks for reading :D

KURO_SCANcreators' thoughts