
Former Protagonist (Remake) :The Unveiled Journey

***************** What if I am not the main character, as it turns out? Akira expressed his extreme frustration at having to deal with the harsh reality of his world. "The year 2040 in Japan" The world that Akira currently lives in, which is effectively modernizing every aspect of life, is one where a wise person will eventually encounter a situation that they think is unreasonable for themselves. "the long-term struggle between android robots and humans for different job opportunities" Whether or not humans are intelligent today, they will not be assured success in this era because all those skills have been directly replaced by android robots, which are more efficient than humans and prone to error in every situation. but even so, By developing an android robot that can accomplish tasks that humans cannot, humanity at that time has finally succeeded in advancing its own civilization. As a result, skyscrapers reaching high into the sky are erected by humans as a symbol of their pride in being the dominant race in the world. In human history, the development of android robots has had both positive and negative effects on humanity. As time passes, people become more and more avaricious, and their hearts are full of tricks that allow them to achieve any goal they set out to accomplish. These people are truly miserable and are the primary source of this chaos. Nevertheless, behind all the chaos and despair, there remains a young man with great aspirations to be a hero from every perspective in human history. "Akira Mizuki" a young man from an impoverished family who is adamant about changing his fate despite constant misfortune He works hard and perseveres, but despite his best efforts, misfortune always finds him two steps ahead. He cried night after night until he passed out in bed because the madness of his world often prevented him from succeeding, and when he reached his lowest point, he made the decision to give up on his dream. "Where am I?" But interestingly, he woke up the following day staring at it in a broad, green lowland rather than in bed, where he frequently expresses his regrets every day, at the very moment when he felt like giving up all of his dreams. "Am I in a another world? Akira spoke those words with a fierce passion, suggesting that a long journey lay ahead of him. But even so, what lies ahead for him on that perilous and enigmatic journey? Will he meet a good end or the other way around? Everything will become clear once he has completed the journey, and time will make the final decision. *********************

Autum_Rain_Guy07 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
12 Chs

Chapter 10:Dark Priestess


[Litia: huff!!! rise, stranger]


Litia said this, giving the man a hard stomp on his stomach.


Akira woke up abruptly and in excruciating pain after Litia's foot struck him in the stomach.

[Litia: Finally, you are awake...did you dream of something lovely while you slept?]

[Akira:I-im sorry....]

Sha! Clank!


[Litia: Who are you, stranger?]

Suddenly, with a furious expression that made Akira shudder in terror, Litia materialized a black sword made of her mana power and brought it to Akira's neck.

[Akira:Wait! wait! Please do not kill me!]

[Litia:Silence stranger! tell me who you truly are or this sword will sever your neck without mercy.]

[Akira: Miss, please calm down. I am coming here peacefully and I do not mean any harm to you.]

[Litia:Are you deaf? I want to know who the hell you are, and as of right now, you have no right to say anything except respond to my inquiries, stranger! to start with, stranger, tell me your name!]

Sha! sha!

Moving her magic sword closer to Akira's neck, Litia spoke up with more force.

[Akira: Well, that is fine, but could you just keep your sword away from my neck? there is something about your sword that makes me even more anxious to explain everything.]

[Litia: Are you merely attempting to end your own life, or do you truly believe that you can control me in this way, you stupid stranger? Speak up or face various forms of death.]


["Akira":this girl! Even though she has a stunning appearance, she is not the kind of girl you can talk to. If I do not do as she says, my life will fly by! dammit!]

Akira expressed that thought, which was tinged with fear and cold sweat.

[Litia:What are you waiting for! would it be okay if I cut your neck without showing any pity?]

["Akira":Hell no you psycho!]

[Akira:No! no! no! I will speak alright! I will speak!]

[Akira:Huff! My name is Akira Mizuki, and I am just a single guy passing through this road after getting lost and accidentally meeting you, who was also sleeping here last night thats all...]

[Litia: I did not ask about the "single" part, but what a speech]

Litia clapped while looking at Akira with a sarcastic look

[Litia:In addition, would you mind sharing with me how you got lost and ended up sleeping next to me—someone you are not familiar with? something seems a little off to me. From where did you come? Which master did you work for?]

[Akira:Wait-wait! these are too many for me to process and respond to all at once! what exactly do you mean? for which master do I work? really, what are you hoping to get out of me? I assumed it was merely a name!?.]

[Litia: shut up, fool! I said you had no right to say anything that has nothing to do with my wishes!]


[Akira:What the!!!]

Litia, who was getting fed up with Akira's uncontrollable stubbornness, began to condense the mana of her magic sword so that her sword was emitting an aura of darkness that could even arouse fear in Akira but unfortunately....


[Litia:See? by doing this, all of that pointless babbling ended, and this proof was eventually revealed

[Akira: What is happening to me? what are you up to now? and what do you mean by "proof"?]

When Akira is exposed to the power of Litia's magic sword without touching it, it should be able to kill him instantly, but instead it just scratches his neck

and that is what leads Litia to start doubting Akira more and more.

[Litia: Proof that you are an assassin from an unidentified organization making an effort to kill me! stranger!]

[Akira:Whaaaat??? but how?]

[Litia: My dear stranger, are you a newcomer? it is a hundred years too early to bring me down as a dark priestess who has long known the dark side of the political world. carrying out an assassination in broad daylight...such a fool making a deadly error]

[Akira: "No! no! no!" That is not what I meant! I mean, how in the world can you speculate about all of that just because of this! I am not from this world, and it is shit!]

[Litia:Are you implying that I am the one who misunderstands you? Do not give me that because I will never believe anything you have just said, lowlife!]

Sha! Sha!

Litia moved her magic sword closer and closer to Akira's neck causing Akira's neck to suffer a wound that slowly opened with blood slowly flowing.

[Akira:Keuukk!?? lo-lowlife? however, I am only speaking the truth, and who in the world would want to kill such a stunning person as you? If I were the killer, I would probably just quit that crappy company and wed you instead! having ten kids with you is undoubtedly a man's greatest fantasy! haha...hahahaha]

[Litia:Fancy words! however, not quite as pure and poisonous! It is obvious that you have a talent for seducing women with words stranger! but unfortunately, I am not the type of woman who can be won over by a single beautiful phrase. You should give it a shot during your next lifetime!]

Sha! Sha!

Litia smiled mesmerizingly and started condensing mana in her right hand into a black ball with black lightning in it.


[Litia:Any last words stranger?]

[Akira:Waaaiiiittttt!!!! i will tell you everything but!!!]

[Litia:But what?]

[Akira: offer me a promise that after I tell you everything, you will let me live! please! give me your word!]

[Litia:What did you just say!????]