
Forgotten Soul' of An unknown God

"IN THE SEARCH OF YOUR TRUE SELF AND TO FIND THE BURIED TRUETH , YOU HAVE TO DESTROY THE FAKE" In a universe woven by divine threads, meet Renial Sovn—a God mysteriously intertwined with mortals, cursed with the unique power to unveil long-buried secrets. Branded as a fallen deity, his perilous journey is driven not only by a relentless desire to reclaim his lost godhood but also by the haunting whispers of an ancient prophecy. As Renial traverses the blurred realm between gods and humans, his one-of-a-kind ability to uncover hidden truths becomes both his greatest advantage and his deepest torment. With each revelation, the very fabric of reality unravels, leaving readers spellbound as they witness a God who challenges the cosmos itself, all in the pursuit of a destiny that defies the heavens. Join us on this mesmerizing odyssey, where the cosmic stage becomes the battleground for an extraordinary struggle, and where Renial's quest for self-discovery and the revelation of a cosmic truth will leave you on the edge of your seat, craving the next revelation.

FIRE_ANGEL · Fantaisie
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31 Chs

I managed to save everyone

After a brief moment, the system informed Renial that the spell had completely dissipated, and Lord Armand was simply in a deep sleep caused by exhaustion and mental stress.

Renial let out a sigh of relief.

"Now that everyone here is safe, I should check on the others," Renial said.

By "others," he was referring to the escort knights and the buggy driver who had been accompanying him.

The system had already assured him that they were physically unharmed, having suffered only minimal injuries from the earlier explosion 💥.

They were currently ensnared by the dream spell, peacefully asleep.

Renial's next task was to free them from the spell's grasp.





Renial had successfully freed everyone from the Mirage World, and the relief was palpable. Exhaustion settled in as he took in the toll it had taken on him.

"Haaah," I exhaled tiredly.

"That was quite exhausting. I used up almost all of my mana, and it's now in the single digits. I mean, it was my first time using not only mana but also Divine power, and what made it even harder is that I had to use them together."

["Don't worry, host. As you level up, these abilities will become easier to use," the system assured me. "You've done a remarkable job today."]

I nodded, feeling a sense of accomplishment despite the fatigue that washed over me.

"In the end, I managed to save everyone, and it wouldn't have been possible without your help, system. Thank you," I expressed my gratitude towards the system for its invaluable assistance that had allowed me to protect those I cared about.

["You're welcome, host. Now, I suggest you get some rest and allow your mana to replenish naturally," the system advised. "You've earned it."]

"Right," I agreed, finding a comfortable spot in the forest. I lay down, closed my eyes, but even as I began to relax, my mind couldn't help but dwell on the events that had transpired. Despite the relief and gratitude I felt toward the system for its crucial assistance, I couldn't shake the nagging thought that had been bothering me.

If it weren't for the system, I wouldn't have been prepared for what was to come.


That night, after the party concludes, within the confines of my bedroom, I engage in a crucial conversation with the system.

["Host, there is something important I need to tell you," ] the system begins.

"What is it?" I inquire.

["Host, during the party, I discover that one of the guests is possessed by an evil spirit or creature,"] the system reveals.

"What?!" I exclaim. "Who?"

["The princess of the Kingdom of Sinclairia,"] the system replies.

"You mean Lady Evelyn?!" My shock is palpable.

["Yes," ]confirms the system.

I find it difficult to believe that such a thing could occur, especially concerning a princess of her stature.

"But if what you're saying is true, then why don't my skills detect any danger from her, even when she is in close proximity to me?" I question.

["I don't have any explanation for how she managed to bypass your skills, but one thing is certain: she is possessed by an evil entity," the system asserts.

"How can you be so sure of that?" I probe further.

["Allow me to elucidate. As you are aware, I was conceived by my creator, a possessor of divine abilities. Consequently, I am imbued with certain aspects of these divine energies, which inherently oppose and repel demonic forces. These two opposing powers exist in a state of perpetual incongruity. Therefore, should I come into contact with an individual wielding demonic power, I would promptly and instinctively detect its presence," the system elucidates.]


Renial contemplates this revelation, his mind racing with questions that had previously gone unanswered.

"If that is indeed the case," Renial begins, "why did you withhold this information from me during the gathering?"

["I refrained from disclosing this information in order to maintain the integrity of your interactions with Lady Evelyn. It was imperative that your behavior remained unaltered in her presence, creating an illusion that you were unaware of her possession," the system responds.]

"Understood," Renial acknowledges. He then proceeds to inquire about their future course of action.

"Given the circumstances, what course of action do you recommend we pursue from this point onward?"

["Our available options appear to be limited, with elimination being the primary recourse if all alternative avenues fail. It is essential to acknowledge the potential risks posed by Lady Evelyn, as demons derive pleasure from inflicting suffering upon others. Trusting her implicitly would be unwise," the system declares.]

Renial recoils at the notion of such a drastic measure, his voice trembling with urgency.

"Elimination is a grave step, one I am not prepared to take lightly. If Lady Evelyn is indeed possessed, there must be a means by which we can facilitate her liberation from this malevolent entity."

["I appreciate your apprehension, Renial," the system responds, its tone measured and contemplative. "Elimination remains an option of last resort. Our primary objective should revolve around the exploration of potential methods to exorcise the malevolent entity from Lady Evelyn without causing her harm."]

Renial breathes a sigh of relief at the system's willingness to explore alternative solutions. The prospect of taking a life, no matter the circumstances, weighs heavily upon his conscience.

"I concur with your assessment," Renial states. "Our immediate focus should center on gathering information pertaining to the possession. It is my hope that we can uncover a method to sever the connection between Lady Evelyn and the malevolent entity, sparing her from the darkness that currently ensnares her."

with this the search for finding a way to save Princess Evelyn begins.