
Forgotten Soul' of An unknown God

"IN THE SEARCH OF YOUR TRUE SELF AND TO FIND THE BURIED TRUETH , YOU HAVE TO DESTROY THE FAKE" In a universe woven by divine threads, meet Renial Sovn—a God mysteriously intertwined with mortals, cursed with the unique power to unveil long-buried secrets. Branded as a fallen deity, his perilous journey is driven not only by a relentless desire to reclaim his lost godhood but also by the haunting whispers of an ancient prophecy. As Renial traverses the blurred realm between gods and humans, his one-of-a-kind ability to uncover hidden truths becomes both his greatest advantage and his deepest torment. With each revelation, the very fabric of reality unravels, leaving readers spellbound as they witness a God who challenges the cosmos itself, all in the pursuit of a destiny that defies the heavens. Join us on this mesmerizing odyssey, where the cosmic stage becomes the battleground for an extraordinary struggle, and where Renial's quest for self-discovery and the revelation of a cosmic truth will leave you on the edge of your seat, craving the next revelation.

FIRE_ANGEL · Fantaisie
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31 Chs

[The Mystical Statue] I

The darkness of the night enveloped me as I pondered my chances of finding the elusive mountain pass. With each passing moment, my hopes dwindled, and a sense of defeat washed over me.

Leaning wearily against the weathered stone where I had been seated, I let out a heavy sigh, resigning myself to wait for the morning.

" well let's wait for the mor-" before I could finish my words.

As an unexpected phenomenon unfolded before my eyes.

The very stone against which I leaned began to emit a vibrant red glow.

Startled, I felt an inexplicable force pulling me downward, plunging me into the unknown depths below.

"Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!" this was only thing came out of my mouth.

As I descended into the depths of the underground, a symphony of echoing sounds surrounded me.

The air whistled past my ears, carrying the faint murmur of distant water droplets.

The earthy scent of damp soil filled my nostrils, while the chilling touch of the subterranean atmosphere clung to my skin.

Amidst the darkness, I could hear the eerie echoes of my own footsteps reverberating against the stone walls, creating an unsettling rhythm.

The occasional drip of water splashing onto the ground added a haunting cadence to the symphony of the underground.

As I continued to plummet, the sound of my descent intensified, a deep rumble that seemed to merge with the subterranean chorus.

The distant echoes grew louder, resonating through the chamber and amplifying the sense of vastness and mystery that surrounded me.

Lost in the darkness and overwhelmed by the symphony of the underground, I braced myself for the unknown, wondering what awaited me at the bottom of this deep, mysterious abyss.

The fall seemed interminable, with each passing moment stretching into eternity.

As I descended further into the abyss, the symphony of sounds evolved, taking on new dimensions.

Faint whispers, barely audible, teased the edges of my consciousness, as if the very stones themselves held secrets longing to be unveiled.

A soft breeze whispered through unseen crevices, carrying a faint melody that echoed in harmony with my heartbeat.

It was as if the subterranean world possessed a hidden choir, each note sung by unseen voices, harmonizing in a hauntingly beautiful chorus.

Amidst the cacophony, there arose a peculiar sensation—a gentle vibration pulsating through the rock beneath me.

The rhythmic throbbing grew in intensity, resonating with an ancient power that permeated the depths.

It was as if the very heartbeat of the underground world had synchronized with mine, forging an inexplicable connection.

Yet, despite the unknown dangers that lurked in the abyss, a strange sense of tranquility washed over me.

In the embrace of this enigmatic symphony, I felt a deep connection to the mysteries that lay hidden in the shadows.

It was a reminder that even in the darkest moments, there is beauty and wonder to be found, awaiting discovery by those brave enough to venture into the depths.

As I descended further, my anticipation grew, mingling with a hint of trepidation.


As I descended into the depths, an inexplicable occurrence disrupted my consciousness, causing me to slip into an ethereal state.

When I regained awareness, I found myself standing before a magnificent statue, its imposing presence captivating my senses.

A peculiar sensation coursed through me, as if an invisible thread connected me to this enigmatic figure.

Gazing upon the statue, I noticed the intricate details etched into its form.

It emanated an aura that resonated deeply within me, as though it held a profound connection to my elemental nature.

The very essence of my being seemed to vibrate in harmony with this statue, an inexplicable bond forged between us.

Curiosity mingled with a sense of awe as I approached, my outstretched hand drawn irresistibly toward the statue's surface.

As my fingertips made contact, a surge of energy coursed through me, a primal force awakening within.

It was as if the statue recognized and accepted me, granting me access to its hidden power.

In that moment, I became aware of the latent abilities within me, intricately linked to the elements that defined my being.

Fire, water, earth, or wind—my connection to one or more of these elements surged forth, intertwining with the energy emanating from the statue.

It was a revelation, a glimpse into the true nature of my existence.


[Water element is resonating with our body!]

[Water element awakened!]


[Earth element is resonating with our body!]

[Earth element awakened!]


[Wind element is resonating with our body!]

[Wind element awakened!]

A series of system notifications came which made my eyes widen in astonishment.

In awe and disbelief, I witnessed a cascade of system notifications illuminating my consciousness, each notification a testament to the awakening of my elemental powers.

As the notifications continued to manifest, a sense of wonder washed over me.

The water element, with its fluidity and adaptability, surged forth, intertwining with my very being.

I could almost feel the gentle caress of water currents and the soothing embrace of its healing properties.

Simultaneously, the earth element manifested its presence, grounding me in a sense of stability and resilience.

The power of nature surged through me, connecting me to the very essence of the earth, imbuing me with a deep-rooted strength.

And then, the wind element joined the symphony of awakening, bestowing upon me the gift of freedom and agility.

I could sense the exhilarating rush of wind as it whispered secrets in my ear, carrying me to unimaginable heights.

Each element resonated within me, their energies entwined like threads of destiny.

I marveled at the possibilities that lay before me, a tapestry of elemental powers waiting to be harnessed.

As the notifications subsided, I found myself standing before a statue of a man, its form striking and filled with symbolic imagery.

The intricacies of its design captivated my gaze, revealing a profound depth that went beyond mere stone.

Every curve and contour of the statue seemed to convey a hidden story, a narrative of power and wisdom.

What intrigued me even more was the enigmatic nature of this figure.

It defied conventional expectations, transcending the boundaries of human craftsmanship.

Its features possessed an otherworldly quality, hinting at a presence that was both timeless and divine.

As I examined the statue closer, I marveled at the attention to detail, the artistry that had brought this imagistic figure to life.

It seemed as though every chiseled line and sculpted feature held a deeper meaning, inviting contemplation and interpretation.

In the presence of this extraordinary creation, I felt a sense of reverence and curiosity.

Who was this figure depicted in stone, and what stories did it hold? The essence of their being seemed to radiate from the statue, leaving an indelible impression on my senses.

Lost in a world of imagination and symbolism, I stood in awe of the imagistic figure before me.

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