
Forgotten Prince Of The Divine Phoenix Empire

Feng Zhu stared at the golden coloured phoenix flag in front of him with a slightly dazed expression. His gaze lowered as he stared at the words carved on the jade. Divine Phoenix Empire. "Hmph! Royal bastard who allowed you to crawl up here?" An angry snort came from behind him. [Would you like to sign in the 'Divine Phoenix Palace'?] It seems like this day is going to be full of surprises. Note-> It's not your everyday fan-fic, there is drama and stuff in here so be warned. ------------------------------------------------ This is not a wish fulfilment type of fan-fic. Check out my youtube channel to support your poor author:- Youtube_Stories. search for -> forgotten relative_1 on YouTube. Picture is not mine.

nkcthereaper · Livres et littérature
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8 Chs

Chapter 8

"Should I also follow them?", Feng Zhu asked as he pointed at the elder taking away the candidates who passed the outer court selection test.

He could even see Wang Lie among the crowd, perhaps noticing his gaze Wang Lie turned his head making their eyes meet.

For a moment a stunned look appeared on Wang Lie's face but before he could do anything Wang Lie was pushed forward by the crowd around him.

"There is no need for you to join them, after all unlike them, you Feng Zhu are special.", The ling bearded Elder said as he got up from his seat.

If these words were said to anyone else then they might have started feeling superior to others, but knowing full well about how absurdly huge the Realm Of Gods is, Feng Zhu just smiled mildly not taking the words to heart.

"Follow me."

Leaving behind those simple words, the elder suddenly started walking towards the gate of the outer court sect.

"I'll leave you behind if you don't hurry up!"

Feng Zu's eyes enlarged when he saw the elder who was less than ten steps away from him suddenly disappeared and appeared right beside the gate.

With hurried footsteps Feng Zhu ran upto the elder but once again just when he was less than ten steps away from him the old man disappeared again.

"Tsk hurry up kid we don't have all day."

The corners of Feng Zhu's mouth twitched when he saw the Elder calmly standing outside the outer court, touching his long beard trying to act all mysterious by himself.

Same thing repeated itself 2-3 more times before Feng Zhu came to a valid conclusion.

That this old ba*tard was just messing with him.

Just when Feng Zhu was thinking about ditching the old man and going back to the outer court, a hill which he had never seen till now appeared before his eyes.

It was only now that Feng Zhu noticed, at some point he had crossed the boundary which separated the outskirts of the royal palace with the inside.

From his memories Feng Zhu clearly remembers his mother, Mo Chu telling him to never step foot deeper inside the palace area.

But it looks like today the rule will be broken.

Standing beside the old man, Feng Zhu stared at the long stairs leading towards the top of the giant mountain.

Just when Feng Zhu was wondering whether he would have to climb his way up, he felt an inexplicable energy suddenly surround his body lifting him up.

"Let's go."

With a calm expression on his face the old man suddenly flew through the air with Feng Zhu.

Although the old man appeared to be calm he was actually secretly observing Feng Zhu's expression and when he saw the look of pure shock appear on Femg Zhu's face the old man couldn't help but grin as if feeling satisfied.

Feng Zhu on the other hand.

'I really did travel to another world......'

An unknown sense of excitment which he thought he had forgotten over the four long years of college suddenly filled up his body, making him unknowingly clench his fists.

'What a marvelous feeling.'

It was something too profound to be explained by words alone, only the one experiencing it first hand will be able to understand it.

With a loud thumb Feng Zhu and the Old man landed on top of the mountain, making an ancient building full of profound mysteries appear before him.

Situated on top of the ancient structure, Feng Zhu saw words written in gold.

[Divine Phoenix Sect, Inner Court.]

"Elder He what brings you here?"

Suddenly an aloof voice entered Feng Zhu's ears before a middle-aged man with flowing long hair appeared before them.

Although the middle-aged man appeared to be indifferent, Feng Zhu couldn't help but sense a hint of arrogance from his voice.

"Elder Lu, please take a look by yourself, I'm sure you'll be surprised."

Elder He waved his hand as a familiar crystal appeared in his hand, before he passed the crystal to Feng Zhu.

"What is it......."

Elder Lu's voice grew smaller and smaller when he saw the embarrassingly small flame appear inside the crystal.

Then his gaze fixed on Feng Zhu who was holding the crystal.

"I see."

As if a realization suddenly stuck Elder Lu making a look of understanding appear on his face before he beckoned towards Feng Zhu to come forward.

Following his instructions Feng Zhu walked towards him, when he was but a step away from him, Elder Lu suddenly grabbed his wrist before startling Feng Zhu, but before he could react Elder Lu made a small cut on his index finger.

Under Feng Zhu's curious gaze, a drop of his blood floated in the air before Elder Lu took out a token from somewhere and dropped his blood on top of the token making it shone for a moment.

Then Elder Lu suddenly let go of his hand and started moving his finger on top of the token as if writing something on it.

"Take it."

Feng Zhu hurriedly extended his hands before the token dropped on them, at a closer look Feng Zhu saw his name clearly written on top of the token.

While Feng Zhu was examining the token, Elder He and Elder Lu were busy discussing something with each other only after some time did Elder Lu nodded his head before disappearing from his spot.

Then under Feng Zhu's curious gaze Elder He brought him inside the inner court, unloke the hustling and bustling outer court, the inner court was a bit too silent, forget silence the place felt deserted, although the design of the structure was beautiful, the only living human Feng Zhu saw along the way was Elder Lu.

"You will stay here from now on.",

Feng Zhu looked at the huge house which appeared befire him, it was almost five times larger than the one he was staying at before,

He could even see a giant courtyard at the back of the house, the size of a basketball court.

"You're training will start from tomorrow so for today just focus on making yourself comfortable, If you require any help then just ring that bell over there and a servant will arrive to assist you."

Elder He pointed at the golden coloured bell hanging outside the house before continuing.

"....... Remember to not leave the premise of the Inner Court, I will take my leave then as I have to discuss something with the other elders......"

Elder He's fleeting voice resounded in Feng Zhu's mind before he disappeared from his spot, leaving behind Feng Zhu.

Seeing that the Elder has left, Feng Zhu kept the inner sect token inside his pocket before quickly entering the house.

Compared to the previous place he was staying at, whether it be the cleanliness, space, structure or even the environment everything was at a different level, it was superior in every sense by a land slide to boot.

After giving a quick look to the entire house, Feng Zhu setteled down on the giant courtyard.

The place might have been enough to win the heart of any other poor disciple but for Feng Zhu who had once lived in the modern era, it was quite bland if anything.........

There wasn't even a fan here, only useless decorations and art pieces whose true value he would never be able to understand.

The only thing good about the place was perhaps it's unnecessarily huge space.

"It doesn't matter where I live after all....."

His body moved on it's own, in a bizzare but beautiful manner strange enough to capture anyone's attention.

"Cultivation is what I am truly after."

A strange energy which could not be seen by the naked eye started rushing towards Feng Zhu.

'Is this what they call profound veins?'

A part of his body which he never knew existed suddenly appeared inside his concious, Feng Zhu could clearly see the profound energy being absorbed by the thing called profound veine.

At the same time the drop of phoenix blood inside his mind which seemed to have been hibernating all this time suddenly started giving off a faint golden luster.

While Feng Zhu was stuck in this strange but profound state called cultivation, night arrived.


"Feng Zhu........", Mo Chu said in a small voice as she bit down on her lower lip.

"Why haven't you returned yet?"

With her body constantly trembling inside the blanket, Mo Chu tried her best to control her growing urge, hoping for Feng Zhu to arrive quickly.