
Forgotten Dragon lord

I have stopped writing this novel cause i want to focus on another one and will make this one a true novel rather than this brought writing so plz check my other novel out if you are interested This stroy is about a orphan boy named aurther, Who is the best player of the Game Summoner's empire's, after winning the championship aurthor gets transmigrated to another world in a body of a prince who is poisoned to death. While thinking how and when did he come here a voice calls in his head calling itself contract system and cretor of the game Summoner's empire's  Watch how aurther solves the mystery of the system and find his goal.  hello readers this is my first novel and I hope u guys support me with putting it in you library and read it when new chapter come. I will be uploading maximum 12 chapters to minimum of 7 chapter a week so plz support me Disclaimer- I have my novel on Royalroad.com so don't get confused plz

VibhuwarSaini · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

better late then sorry

after waking up aurther takes a bath and change his clothes after he is done with changing, someone knocks on the door.

" Your Highness, I came to serve your breakfast, so may I come in?"

seeing that it's Mary at the door he tells her to enter

Mary-" Good morning, your highness I hope you are feeling great today."

" how many times I have to tell you elder sister you just have to call me aurther when we are alone"

Mary: " sorry your highness you are not a kid anymore if someone hears me calling you by name they will stop respecting you and start rumor's in the palace"

seeing that she is not budging aurther can't help but sigh and start eating his breakfast.

after finishing his breakfast and telling Mary to bring his lunch to the library when it's time aurther leaves his room to go to the library to complete the mission cause he have to study for 12 hours to complete it and he only got 2 days left for the entrance exam.

so keeping in mind to not waste his time aurther leaves his room and goes directly to the library.


after entering the library and looking around he thinks

(it's really my luck that I am born in a royal family with no internal politics for God sake otherwise I would have to struggle like dog or even die in here, now which book should I start with ? hmm...)

[ system suggest host to read books about this world]

" yeah, you are right the previous aurther did not have a detailed knowledge about the outside world"

after listening to system suggestion Aurther tried to search for world knowledge section but to his dismay there was no section in the library.

while he was searching for the books someone speaks from his behind.

" little arthy, are you searching for something???"

hearing this voice Aurther turns around and and finds that there is a old man who looks to be in his 70's standing behind him in mage robes and have long beard and is looking at him with a gentle face of a neighbor grandpa.

after seeing his face aurther calms down and greets him

" good morning, grandpa Gerneld"

this old man name is Gerneld Fresik, he is Arcadia kingdom only Grand Mage, who taught his father , sister and him magic when they were kids and he is 238 year's Old.

he is from aurther great grandparents times and have been serving as it's protector and only because of his protection, that our kingdom have became a 3rd class peak from a 4th class kingdom.

"good morning your highness, it's really my first time seeing you in the library do you need my help??"

"thanks grandpa, as you know I am going to go to the academy so I was thinking about reading some books about outside world in detail. but I couldn't find it"

after hearing Aurther the old man started laughing and says

" that's why I always told you to go to the library and study. but still better late then sorry. follow me"

after saying that Gerneld takes him to center of the library where there is a transparent orb in the middle.

" look this is called a book spirit orb, if u inject Mana into this orb and think about the book you are searching for then it will produce a wisp which will lead u to the book you want"

after saying this he puts his hand on the orb and then the orbs shines for a second then a wisp made of light comes out if it and start moving slowly in a certain direction.

" see you just have to think about it and inject Mana nothing more because 80% of the book could be founded by this but if you want to find rare books and spell times you have to ask your father permission, but that's to far for u now, so why don't u try injecting your Mana"

after listening to the mage Aurther follows his instructions and produces his own wisp and after seeing that aurther understood the mage bids his farewel and goes deeper into library.

so using the orb aurther gets all the books needed and starts reading.


after reading for 6 hours straight and because his stats are high he don't get tired easily aurther gets to know that this continent is Holy spirit continent where there are 4 1st class empires, 8 2nd class kingdoms and many smaller kingdoms.

there are also 6 forbidden zones

and one of them is connected to Arcadia kingdom.

there are three professions- mage, warrior and contractor.

mage use magic and cast spells

warrior use aura and increase there body strength.

there are also contractors are one in a million born with a spirit root which they can use to bind spirits into contracts if the spirits are willing and grow with them but the knowledge about them is not in details and lost.

there are 10 ranks to all the profession with different title to give them respect and represent there strength.

there are also 4 Knight academy and 4 magic academy where only talented people can study and rest have to join army or serve noble families to be a mage or warrior.


after reading books about genral knowledge, he starts reading books related to swords and magic and when Mary brought him lunch he took a break of 30 mins and again started reading this time it was about myths and legends of the continent.


after reading for total 12 hours aurther hears a ding in his head

[mission completed]

[got 2000 exp]

[got talent- Mind library(Grade:S): user can store any book in his mind like a library which he have seen once completely. no. of books can be stored- 1000. (evolvable)]

[level up]

[got 10 attribute points]

[distributing attributes]

[got 2 skill points]

[got 2 lottery tickets]

after seeing what type of cheat talent he got aurther snickered in his mind "(hahahah now I don't have to worry about my written exam anymore... now let's store all the syllabus in my head)

after thinking this Aurther starts to looking through all the books he needs for his syllabus, which are 6 thick books.

when he is done reading it he goes directly to his room and tells Mary to send his dinner to the room because he is feeling tired.


after eating his Dinner with his mother, Aurther talks with her for some time and then make her leave by using an excuse by saying that he is feeling tired and sleepy so he wants to sleep early.

because he wants to use all of his lottery tickets.

when his mother leaves aurther opens the system lottery

" hey system use all my lottery tickets plz"

after roulette stops moving the forth time he gets what he got from the lottery

[ got nothing]

[ got 20 system point]

[ got exp card]

[ got level up candy]


1 day exp card: increase the exp gained from killing demonic beast for 24 hours.

level up candy: magical candy that's increase your level instantly.

seeing what he got aurther couldn't help but smile bitterly because only 1 lottery ticket gave him something that was useful to him.

" system what is the use of system. points?? is there a system shop or something ???"

[ answering to host, yes there is a system shop but because you need to complete the main tutorial missions to unlock it]

after listening to system reply aurther look at the candy he got from the system and eat it.

[level up]



noticing that he again have 4 lottery tickets he thinks of using them but stops himself " I think I will use them later "

"system show me my status"


class- 1) mage: outer circle: stage-4

2) warrior: stage-4

level: 14 (0/4000)

skills: (skill points- 6)

spell casting(grade:F)(1/5): allows user to cast one spell without elemental fusion.(can be upgraded)

after thinking Aurther puts 4 skill points in spell casting and upgrading it.

skills:(skill points- 2

dual casting(grade:E)(0/5): allows user to cast two spell at a time and can do elemental fusion of two elements.(can be upgraded)

seeing his upgraded skill aurther smiles and close his eyes.

{Author: plz I will only be showing changes in the status screen cause it's really boring to see a page full of status and it will make the words less and you can't get talents by leveling up, you need to have bloodline or buy it from system shop which will available later}

hello readers, author here

I apologise if there are changes in story the story but they are necessary because this is my first novel and I am not a professional writer who knows all the stuff and only have to write everyday, I am just a student so don't have much time and even stopped doing my hobbies for this week so I can give u chapter faster I hope u like it and plz comment on it if u think there's a problem


Little maniac

VibhuwarSainicreators' thoughts