
First Move

Deku stood in front of the door in silence for a few seconds before he opened it. He let out a nervous sigh and opened the door.

"Hello!" Deku walked in with a happy aura surrounding him, almost radiating onto everyone else. Some people felt awkward being around Deku after what they had witnessed him do in the fight from the day before, but none of them were afraid of him.

"Oh, hey Deku!" Uraraka waved over at Deku as he skipped over towards his chair. He almost got there, but something had stopped him in his past. The door reopened with what sounded like an aggressive entrance, Deku knew what was about to come, and so he kept his cool and prepared himself.

"Deku!" It was the sound of an enraged Bakugo. Deku and Bakugo had never wrapped things up properly after the match, and this was their first encounter since then.

"Hey, Kacchan." Deku seemed really nervous, but it was obvious to others that he wasn't really scared of Bakugo but rather just felt like the situation was slightly awkward.

Bakugo made his way over to Deku, stomping his feet on the ground. The sound of small explosions came from Bakugo's hand, that made his intentions clear to everyone in the room. The class became tense and scared, they didn't know how this would turn out, but they noticed the confidence in Deku's nervous eyes.

Deku powered up his right arm in preparation, but as Bakugo attempted to throw his explosive punch, Aizawa used his quirk to erase Bakugo's quirk. Deku reverted his arm back to its initial state and caught Bakugo's punch.

"That's enough. Bakugo, meet me in the staff office. Now." Bakugo calmed down a little and left they left the classroom. After that, the rest of the class was almost dead silence. It wasn't long before Aizawa returned, but no sight of Bakugo.

"All Might is taking care of him. Now let's start the lesson." Aizawa stood at the front of the class, looking as tired as usual.

"Decent work on yesterdays combat training you guys. I saw the video feeds and went over each of your teams results." Aizawa looked over at Deku and continued, "Midoriya, don't get carried away when doing these tests otherwise you'll look like a villain more than a hero."

"Right." There was an awkward moment of silence as everyone remembered what Deku had done to Bakugo, but what Aizawa said next created a wave of different emotions in the class.

"Now let's get down to business. This task will decide your future." Everyone in the class tensed up in fear of the thought that they would be doing another quirk test, preparing themselves for the worse.

"You need to pick a class representative." A sight of relief came before everyone started to beg for them to be chosen. By becoming the class representative, it means your chances of being recommended to a hero organisation or even noticed by one are increased by a lot, so it was only natural that everyone wanted to become the class rep.

"Could everyone please shut up!" Deku shouted in a slightly irritated voice, and the class followed his request, "As much as I like talking, this isn't gonna solve anything. Iida, I'm sure you'll come up with something!"

The class looked over at Iida, who was shocked that Deku was relying on him to think of something. For a few seconds, Iida went into deep thought, but you could almost see the light bulb appear above his head as he stood up.

"We should solve this democratically, we will hold an election to choose our leader." Deku thought about Iida's idea for a second.

"Although we haven't known each other for long, I think that's the best option. Okay! Let's do this!" Everyone agreed with Iida's plan and Deku's comment. They all set up a voting box and wrote their votes on a piece of paper.

The votes were taken out and counted after everyone decided, the results had Deku in first place with five votes, and Yaoyorozu with two votes.

"Alright, our class rep is Midoriya and our deputy is Yaoyorozu." Aizawa became even more tired than he was at the start of the lesson.

"Thanks for voted for me everyone, I'll try my best!" Deku said those words in a nervous voice. He couldn't quite understand why him of all people was chosen, but he was happy to be their representative anyways, because it would help with gathering information from U.A.

"This might not be so bad." Tsu spoke up first, "Yeah, I guess I can get behind Midoriya." Kirishima followed.


Deku sat alone at the cafeteria table, but Uraraka and Iida had joined late, taking the seats closest to him.

"Hey class rep." Said Uraraka, jokingly.

"Please, just call me Deku." In his nervous voice, Deku was ready to beg Uraraka to not call him by that name. Luckily, Uraraka just laughed it off.

"I wish you the best of luck Midoriya, I'm sure you'll do great." Iida said those words in a voice almost as heroic as All Might's. The sound of it irritated Deku a little, but he kept his cool.

"Thank you, I'll try my best to live up to your expectations!" After that, Deku went into deep thought to think about how he could use his role as class rep to his advantage as Uraraka and Iida spoke on the side.

Just as Deku came out of his thoughts and into the real world, the sound of an alarm went off.

"Warning, level 3 security breach. All Students, please evacuate the building in an orderly fashion." The announcer reported the issue, leaving Iida and Uraraka confused,

"Welp, looks like the media got into the school." Deku knew exactly what had happened, Tomaru followed Deku's idea and payed a visit to the school. Uraraka and Iida both looked surprised at how calm and collected Deku was, seeing as he was even smiling with joy.

"It's best to get going, stay close." Deku quickly finished his lunch and stood up. Deku knew that if he was going to be class rep and gain their trust, he actually needs to act like the class rep. Uraraka and Iida followed Deku as they left the cafeteria, but they got squashed into a crowed of panicking students.

"So much for orderly fashion." Deku got slightly irritated, despite being happy now that he can have his fun, the slight stress of waiting to start the first attack made him easily irritated. Unfortunately, in an attempt to stay in a group, people began getting rougher and barged through, forcing Deku to be separated from Uraraka and Iida.

Deku had to think, how could he get everyone to calm down? Iida went to check what was happening, but before he could reach the window, Deku called out to him.

"Iida! Get closer to Uraraka, I've got an idea!" Iida looked back and tried to get closer to Uraraka, "Okay, Uraraka! Make him float." They both stretched their hands to make contact, eventually touching the tips of each others fingers.

Iida's feet lifted off the ground as he floated above the crowd. Iida looked down at Deku for the next set of instructions.

"Iida! Use your quirk to stand on the exit sign and tell everyone what's really happening, it's just the media and there is no threat!" Deku pointed over at the exit sign just a little far from where they were standing.

Iida recognized Deku's plan, lifting the bottom of his pants to allow his quirk to be used. The exhausts in his calves extended, releasing power to allow Iida to drift forwards like a sideways Beyblade. People looked up at him in confusion, but eventually, Iida arrived on top of the exit sign, standing just like the person used in emergency exits.

"Listen up! Everything is okay!" When Iida shouted those words, everyone in the hall stopped and began listening to Iida. "It's just he media outside, there's absolutely nothing to worry about! We're U.A students, we need to remain calm and prove that we are the best of the best!" His words were almost inspirational, but at he very least, it got everyone to calm down.

Eventually, the police came and dealt with the issue, and everything went back to normal. However, four members of the U.A staff stood at the front entrance to the school as soon as everyone returned to the cafeteria.

"How were ordinary members of the press able to bypass our security systems?" The headmaster, Nezu, commented on how their front door was now in ashes. "Someone else must have been behind this, some villain actually managed to infiltrate our school. But was this purely a show of power? Or was it a deceleration of war?"

Just as Deku had hoped, the teachers were now on edge and were focusing on something that had no meaning to what's about to come.


"Today's training will be a little different. You will have three instructors. Me, All Might and one other faculty member will be keeping tabs on you." Everyone besides Deku was shocked at what Aizawa had said, but they were also worried as Bakugo was back in class.

"Sir, what kind of training is this?" A black haired student, Masharao Ojiro, asked the question that everyone was thinking. Aizawa pulled out a white card from his pockets that read 'rescue' in blue text and explained.

"Rescue. You'll be dealing with natural disasters, ship wrecks and stuff like that." Everyone got excited as Aizawa explained what they would be doing in that lesson.

"What you wear in this exercise it up to you. I know you're all excited about your costumes but keep in mind that you haven't gotten used to them and they might limit your abilities." Aizawa pressed a button on a remote to release the clothing boxes from the walls like before, "This special training is at an off-campus facility, so we'll be taking a bus to get ready. That's all, start getting ready."

Everyone got ready and stood outside the school, waiting for the bus to be ready. Deku decided to go in casual clothes, the dark green hoodie included from when he took the entrance exam. His reasoning for this was because he didn't want to play dress-up as a hero, but he obviously couldn't say this out loud.

"Deku? Why are you wearing your casual clothes? Where's your costume at?" Uraraka approached Deku and asked the question that Deku saw coming from a mile away.

"I felt like it was holding me back quite a bit, and I didn't want to turn up in the schools P.E clothes." This was the most reasonable and believable answer he thought he could use. Once he said that, Deku looked back and noticed that the bus had arrived. "Alright, everyone! Onto the bus!" He fulfilled his roll of class rep and got everyone onto the bus.

The bus was quiet for a few seconds before Tsu asked a question that put Deku on the spot.

"By the way Deku, isn't your quirk a lot like All Might's?" A shiver went down Deku's spine. He ever thought about the chances of this question coming up, so he didn't realize that it would've been easy to realize the similarities between the two quirks.

"Well yeah, but I'm pretty sure All Might doesn't have green electricity floating around him like I do." Deku got nervous, but not enough for the rest of the class to notice.

"Then, what is the green electricity for?" That was a question that Deku asked himself, so he didn't have an explanation for Tsu to be satisfied.

"I honestly don't know, I guess we'll just have to wait and see!" Deku lifted his fist in front of his face, powered up his arm and clenched his fist with an excited smile on his face. Even if he didn't know what the electricity was for, but he had plans to find out.

"Man, you're quirk is so cool. Mine is hardening, it's super strong in a fight but it doesn't look all that impressive." Kirishima showed off his quirk by hardening his left arm and hand, but Deku was still impressed by it.

"Nah, I can see that quirk being pro!" Deku complimented Kirishima.

"You really think so? Seems like ti would be easier to be a popular hero if I had something flashy." He was flattered, but he still didn't think much of his quirk when it comes to being popular, "Honestly, if anyone here had a pro quirk, it'll be you, Bakugo and Todoroki."

"Sure, but Bakugo is always angry, so he'll never be popular." Tsu's comment infuriated Bakugo as he shouted across the bus.

"What did you say!? I'll kick your ass!" All Bakugo did was prove her point. Deku sighed, and stopped Bakugo before he got even more angry.

"Zip it, Kacchan." Deku had given Bakugo a death stare as he aggressively told him to be quiet, and by everyone's surprise, Bakugo sat down and stayed quiet for the rest of the ride. Some time passed and Aizawa spoke up.

"We're here." They arrived in front of a large, dome building. This was it, the U.S.J. The first attack was about to start.

---End Of Chapter---