
Forgetful God: The Plan Went Wrong

What if a young master, originally doomed to serve as an antagonist who gets stepped on by a protagonist, was given a system? "It's a well-known trope!" But what if that young master did not get a new personality and remained the archetype young master? Glottis, the god of devour, is only one step away from attaining perfection. Unfortunately, he is cursed to never be perfect, to never execute a single plan right. Unable to break the curse, Glottis decides to try another approach. He might not be able to solve the problem because his mindset was fixed, but perhaps if he followed a young man's journey to the top, he could find a new path. Remembering his time on Earth many years ago as a child, he follows the path of novels. "Let's pick the tags - System, Young Master, Rich Family." He manipulates a universe from behind the scenes to choose his first target - a young man from a rich family whose fate is to be a stepping-stone for a man with a better fate. Now, he only needs to insert a wisp of his soul into the young master while adding a little twist to allow the young master to change his miserable fate. "Oh damn, I forgot..." He realizes in the last moment that the curse worked again, messing up his plan. The young master regressed without his memories. The cursed god will be stuck in the body of an immature young master. --- *Might contain dark humor *Has some vulgar scenes, but no smut *Can be considered a Slice of Life **Notice** Want me to release the older chapters faster? Please leave some nice reviews!

Railvas · Fantaisie
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40 Chs

Chapter 5 – Respectable Fight


Glottis was thrown out of his reveries back to the real world when his car bumped into the sidewalk, making Mike sneer.

"Haha, boy, you shouldn't show off your daddy's car if you can't even drive!" Mike mocked him, making the girl by his side pull his sleeve nervously.

"Don't taunt him for no reason, this is Young Master Glottis Sonora, his family is too rich for you to handle, and I prefer not to be caught up in your mess," she whispered to Mike and tried to step away from him in an attempt to say something between the lines of "I have nothing to do with him."

"Huh? What did you just say?" Glottis shouted in anger, blaming the other guy for his small mishap. He was concentrated on reading the mission. It was the first time he saw one, and he forgot he was driving his car.

"Don't be afraid, Sheela, I will make sure nobody dares threaten you. He is just a rich kid who can do nothing on his own, he can't do anything to me," said the heroic young man in confidence.

"Fine! Wait right there!"

Glottis, who has ignored the honks and shouts all along, made everyone on the road even angrier by stopping his car in the middle of the road, blocking one of the lanes.

'Hmph, unknown? He is my age, he must be a normal person like me! Dad taught me some martial arts, I should win.'

Glottis closed the door behind him and walked toward his new antagonist.

"Young Master Glottis, I have nothing to do with him!" Sheela shouted, her anxiety apparent.

"Don't worry, Cutie. You can easily prove it after I'm done with him by accepting my offer to give you a ride to school," Glottis declared cockily as though he already won.

"Shut up! Don't force yourself on her!" Mike yelled fiercely and dashed at the coming young master.

'He is fast!' Glottis thought to himself in surprise and fear when a punch hit his stomach, making him fold and cough.

"Argh!" He groaned again when a leg sweep pulled him from the floor, making him crash to the ground.

"Weakling! Pei!" Mike spat on the floor next to Glottis' head while the latter kept groaning and rolling on the ground in agony.

"I WILL MAKE YOU PAY FOR IT! DO YOU KNOW WHO MY DAD IS???" Glottis started screaming furiosly. The humiliation was too much, the road was filled with people, and due to his own assholeness, many cars were stuck, causing their drivers to have nothing better to do than watch the show.

"Hahaha! The rich kid got disciplined right there!"

"Well done boy, show him his place again!"

"Push that shitty car away!"

"Run with your tail between your legs, you pussy!"

Glottis' face turned red from shame when he heard the crowd jeering at him and hatred filled his eyes as he looked at his now-official nemesis.

"I don't give a damn who your dad is. Try to mess up with me again, and I will beat you again," Mike waved him off with disdain, "What, can't you do anything without asking for Daddy's help?" The victor enjoyed the moment to the fullest.






*Thud!* *Thud!* *Thud!*



"MY DAD'S POWER IS MY POWER! It's not my fault if your dad is a useless man, I bet the mud on your face comes from breakfast, you dirt poor idiot!" Glottis lost his temper and started insulting Mike in the absence of the option of beating him physically.

"DON'T SPEAK ILL OF MY FATHER!" Mike got just as angry himself, barraging Glottis with kicks to his abdomen, "YOU KNOW NOTHING!"

"Stop it, Mike! You are too violent! You are going over the limit, you might kill him!" Sheela tried to grab Mike's arm and pull him away.

"I'm sorry! I was wrong, I won't speak about your dad again!" Glottis shrieked in frustration when no threat worked. Glottis was a spoiled kid; he hated pain and only liked bullying the weak.

"You were wrong?" Mike frowned at the sudden development.

"Yes, yes!"

"I warn you, if you try to mess with me again, I will send you to the hospital," warned the young blonde.

"I swear in my life, I will not bother you again. You can have the girl too!" As much as Glottis wanted a pair of boobs, he wasn't willing to get beaten for them, especially when he was sure the situation wouldn't be resolved with Sheela on his lap. Besides, Glottis was not a courageous man when the odds were against him.

"Good. We will be leaving then. Let's go, Sheela," Mike's stern expression softened when he turned to the beautiful girl.

"No, leave me alone, Mike. I already told you that I don't want anything to do with you!"

"And I already told you I'll take responsibility for what happened. I can't let you go, you're my woman."

"Do whatever you want," Sheela sighed and left quickly, unwilling to remain behind. While Mike was naïve, she wasn't; she knew that the rich boy would use his money to retaliate in one way or another, and every second she was there in his moment of humiliation would increase the chances of being on his revenge list.

"Fine, this is a public place, I will just go behind you to protect you."

"Then everyone will think you're a stalker," Sheela walked forward without turning her head when she spoke, as though she was trying not to acknowledge Mike's presence.

"I don't care, as long as you are safe."

Meanwhile, on the sidewalk, a certain young master looked at Mike's back getting further away with eyes full of hatred. He got up from the ground with a pained groan and staggered back to his car. 

"Fuck off, morons! What are you looking at? Do you want me to write down your car number?" He shouted at the bystanders. He quickly started his car and drove away in shame, and at long last freed the road.

"Call Donny," he instructed his virtual assistant, and soon a robotic female voice announced the execution of the command.

"Donny, stop everything and look into Mike Teuto, find everything you can on him! Keep this a secret from my family."

I will re-release one chapter a day and continue the novel when we get to the previous stopping point. Want to speed up the process? Leave reviews!

I will release one chapter per review from accounts that are vip3+ (to avoid double reviews)

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