
Forgetful God: The Plan Went Wrong

What if a young master, originally doomed to serve as an antagonist who gets stepped on by a protagonist, was given a system? "It's a well-known trope!" But what if that young master did not get a new personality and remained the archetype young master? Glottis, the god of devour, is only one step away from attaining perfection. Unfortunately, he is cursed to never be perfect, to never execute a single plan right. Unable to break the curse, Glottis decides to try another approach. He might not be able to solve the problem because his mindset was fixed, but perhaps if he followed a young man's journey to the top, he could find a new path. Remembering his time on Earth many years ago as a child, he follows the path of novels. "Let's pick the tags - System, Young Master, Rich Family." He manipulates a universe from behind the scenes to choose his first target - a young man from a rich family whose fate is to be a stepping-stone for a man with a better fate. Now, he only needs to insert a wisp of his soul into the young master while adding a little twist to allow the young master to change his miserable fate. "Oh damn, I forgot..." He realizes in the last moment that the curse worked again, messing up his plan. The young master regressed without his memories. The cursed god will be stuck in the body of an immature young master. --- *Might contain dark humor *Has some vulgar scenes, but no smut *Can be considered a Slice of Life **Notice** Want me to release the older chapters faster? Please leave some nice reviews!

Railvas · Fantaisie
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40 Chs

Chapter 21 – Secret Lovers

"Aren't you going to send her out?" Glottis asked impatiently.

"No, it's not like a kid like you who can only start fights and pick up bitches in your little friend's clubs has anything secretive to talk about," his father replied.

'This is just background noise, ignore it,' the young master thought as he took a deep breath. 'No it's not, fuck it, it's disgusting!'

"At least the bitches I pick don't make me spend thousands of dollars on them, I only spend a few bucks on drinks."

"She is worth a few thousand, look how beautiful she is," Thane pointed at her.

"I don't want to look at her, don't you see the thing inside her face?!" Glottis pointed in the same direction. The girl, unable to decide what to do, chose to just continue her actions.

"Oh, what a wuss. What do you want, my dear son?"

"I want you to uphold the deal you had with Mike's master," Glottis went straight to the point. The less he had to be there the better, for his own sake.

"What do you mean?" Thane frowned for a moment before his face returned to pleasure mode.

"I got him against the ropes today, he had no chance of surviving. The best part is that it was in a secluded place so I wouldn't even have trouble with the police!"

"You wouldn't, but I would. They would find out it was you in a few hours, and I would have -mmm- to bribe dozens of people to let you get away with it. Anyway, why didn't you -ahh- kill him then?"

"Because his master appeared and stopped me! That's why I'm here!"

"His master -argh- was there?" Thane's face turned surprised. "Did you recognize her?"

"No, she was wearing a mask," Glottis grumbled, "I didn't even get the chance to determine whether she was hot or not. Her body seemed shaped perfectly though."

"Ahm, let's not talk about his master's appearance. I can't help you, she is stronger than me, you can leave now," Thane said and returned his focus to the girl still kneeling on the floor.

"What do you mean stronger? Who can be stronger than you?"

"Many people are stronger than me. I'm a sophisticated man, I'm not all about my muscles. If you need a brute, go to your mom and ask for her help," Thane shrugged.

"Eh… I don't want to go to Mom… I will go to Grandpa," Glottis rejected the offer and was about to close the door behind him.

"He can't help you either, only she can!" He heard his father shout before he left the room to find a way to wash off the sights he had just seen from his brain.

'Do I have to go to her?' Glottis thought in dejection. His mother was a demanding woman. She was ruthless even to her own children if they didn't bring back results.

Glottis preferred to let others work while he squandered the family's money, so the two of them never got along. While his father and grandparents spoiled him rotten, his mother alone despised him for his attitude and lack of motivation.

'Ah, I'm a cultivator now, maybe it will be better,' Glottis sighed and went out to his car. He sped up, driving out of the city. The ride was long, filled with curves and twists in the road. It led to the peak of a mountain a few kilometers out of the city where a large mansion was built in a minimalist design, prioritizing efficiency over style.

'What a waste, she could make it much grander,' Glottis judged the building.

He entered the mansion's driveway and parked his car. There were no guards at the entrance due to his mother's reclusive nature, and as he opened the door without knocking, he found a woman with long red hair sitting at the table eating a late-night snack.

"Glottis, why are you here?" Mirelle, his big sister, asked in surprise.

"Hi Mirelle, I missed you too. Where is Mom? I want to meet her," the brother explained.

"Why would I miss a pig that only wants to push his little dick in every hole he sees? Mother is busy now, she can't see you. You can come back tomorrow."

Mirelle shared her mother's view on Glottis' laziness, making the two of them unable to see eye-to-eye since childhood. When their mother left the main mansion to live in the mountains, Mirelle opted to follow her rather than live with two fuckboys. Leo was her favorite family member after her mother.

"It's not little, and I only go for premium holes. What is she busy with?"

"I don't know," the redhead ignored his remarks, "She just told me she is busy and that she wouldn't accept any visitors today. If you want to do your usual style and barge inside her room, be my guest, I don't mind seeing you crawling back," Mirelle gave him a creepy smile as though she was imagining his bruised state in her mind.

'Should I?' He hesitated. He never held himself back. He liked to see himself as unrestrained and unfettered, but he has always been slightly afraid of his mother. 'But Mike…' he gritted his teeth as he recalled his nemesis.

"I'm going in," Glottis said, telling himself he must always remain untamed. He ignored his sister's 'I-can't-wait-to-see-it' expression and went to the eastern part of the house where the largest chambers were.

"Mmm," "Ah…", "Yes…"

'Wait what? Am I back to Dad's door?' However, this time the moans were clearly feminine. 'Maybe it's just an intense workout?' he pondered. His mother's personality just didn't fit in the sexual scenes in his mind. Sure it's going to be okay, he barged into the room.

"Mom, I'm here to talk to you about- WHAT THE FUCK?" He screamed his last words.

Before him, were a man and a woman on the floor. The man's palm was on the woman's breasts under her robes while his face was buried in her neck, doing things Glottis didn't want the details about. The two froze amidst their actions and turned around to see the newcomer.



Susan vanished from underneath Mike and looked at her son coldly. "Glottis, why are you here?" She asked as if nothing happened while fixing her robes and placing her breasts back into her bra.

"What- what is he doing here?" He pointed at his sworn enemy for the past three days. Mike remained silent and tried to hide his tent with his hands.

"He is my disciple, he can be here." Susan ignored the tent.

"And do all your disciples get to play with your tits?" Glottis hissed at her.

"Who gets to play with my tits is none of your concern," she answered.

"Oh, really? But it is my business when you save them from me against our agreement only because you like the way they play with your tits!"

"Mention playing with my tits again and I will cut your middle leg off."


Glottis and Mike faced each other with hatred in their eyes. Glottis cursed his father in his mind for not telling him the truth and cursed his mother in his mind even more for everything else.

"Master, is Glottis… your son?" Mike asked carefully.

"Unfortunately, this useless kid has come out of my womb, yes," Susan admitted in a tone that implied she didn't want to.

"You choose that horny bastard over your own son!" Glottis blamed her in anger.

"Enough, know your place."

Susan emitted pressure that pressed her son from above, forcing him to his knees. To her surprise, he remained standing even when she thought she was too gentle and increased the pressure.

"You are a cultivator?" She asked in surprise. It was the only explanation for how he could withstand her Qi.

"I am, what, are you proud of me now? Let me kill him then," Glottis said with a smug smirk.

"Let you kill him? Your talents are worlds apart. I'm happy to see you did something with your life and entered the first stage, but Mike is a Golden Core cultivator," Susan shrugged. Her voice, however, was less strict than before.

"Fine, since you love him so much you are willing to share him with other women, I will be a good son and ignore my enmity with him," Glottis' smirk turned wider. Even his father did not dare cheat on Susan when she was still around. His days of debauchery began only after she left.

"Share him?" She frowned, "Are you talking about Titania? She is like a little sister to him, there's nothing romantic between them."

"Master, I think it's best if Glottis and I go and straight things between us," Mike interrupted the conversation, "Since he is my master's son, it is inappropriate for us to fight, we will be back soon after we come to an understanding," the young man dashed forward and tried to grab Glottis' arm.

"I guess he didn't tell you how he is chasing skirts around school behind your back, hahaha!" Glottis laughed loudly.