
Forever with you, dearest

Melanie finds and helped an injured vampire, despite him being a creature feared by humans. The next day, she came home to find he was gone. Eventually, they meet again but her feelings for him became a one sided love. Even when he was engaged to a sly princess and all the brutal killing of humans by the vampires, she was unwillingly to give up. Even if he loves her, he won't say it because his lifespan is short. Facing strong opposition and striving for survival, will Lord Darrick fall in love with the clinging human?. And thus, begin their twisted fate.

faithanna_justin32 · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Thrown Out Of The Window

Darrick gaze at both the governess and the student, but it lingered more on the governess.

"Fergus, out to receive your punishment before taking classes, " Darrick said to his still brother.

Melanie blink multiple times before she outstretch her arms. "No! He's not leaving, this is the fixed time to begin his class," she said opposing Darricks's order. She didn't care if he's the Lord.

Darrick narrowed his eyes at the young lady. "Ms. Governess, you don't talk back at me," Darrick said his voice was a bit loud.

Melanie also narrowed her eyes at him. ' This man is really ungrateful and proud ' She thought.

"Fergus out of here!" Darricks's voice boomed inside the study room. Fergus hesitated but he didn't move from where he was sitting. He didn't know whether to obey his brother or the governess.

Cedric who was helping Christopher to his room heard the commotion coming from the other side of the corridor. He quickly rush towards Fergus study room and saw Darrick glaring at the human. To his surprise, the girl was not even scared.

He smirk behind Darrick, this brother of his has met his match. "Fergus what happened?" He ask even though he knew what must've caused the glaring competition between the duo.

Darrick hadn't thought this human could be so stubborn. "Fergus' not going anywhere, I don't care what you'll do," Melanie said, she was still calm and composed.

Darricks's lips twisted in amusement "Cedric take Fergus out now. I need to put some sense into this governess' stone head."

" Of course, brother." Cedric winked at Fergus who immediately understood.

After the giant door was shut with the two inside the room, Melanie pushed Darrick who was glaring at her.

" You ungrateful vampire!" she scowl.

Darrick gave her a lopsided smile. Ms. Robert, I don't think you deserve my thank you," he scrutinize her lazily.

" Oh... You don't deserve my help. I should have left you on the path that day. I wonder how I managed to take you to my home." She scrutinize him from head to toe. " So heavy," She ridiculed and walk passed him.

Her wrist was caught by Darrick and he pulled her back. His eyes holding mischief as he stare at her " say that again,"

" So heavy." She muttered. In the next seconds, she felt a whoosh and the room turn fuzzy.


She screamed loudly when she found herself on the outside of Fergus study room. Darrick had throw her out of the window that was opened by Fergus but he was still holding onto her right arm.

Cedric and Fergus who just came out of the building gaze up and were startled to see Melanie hanging on the window. A loud laughter left Cedric's mouth making Fergus frown. "Why are you laughing?. She might die."

At Fergus statement, Cedric laughed even louder. " Darrick wouldn't let the sweet little human die so quickly, he's just scaring her," he said and chuckle again before looking up.

Darrick arch his brows and smirk at her. He couldn't help gazing into her obsidian eyes that was glaring at him.

Melanie became more scared when Darrick drop and caught her on her wrist. The breeze was a little heavy, the pins she used in holding her hair together all fell off, her coming loose all over her face.

" Please, pull me up okay? I won't talk back at you. Just pull me up, I'm scared!" she yelled and her eyes turn moist.

Darrick felt satisfied and pulled her up like a weightless doll. He left her hand when she was about to cross the window.

" You..."

She grab his coat and held him tightly. After she was back inside the room, she raise her fist but Darrick caught her wrist.

" You want to go down there for real ?" Darrick wink at her and pushed her. Melanie's bottom hit the hard surface of the chair making her groan.

Darrick walk towards one of the shelves and soon returned with a long pin between his finger. Melanie look at him with questions running through her mind.

Surprisedly, Darrick packed her hair neatly and pinned it with the pin. "This's my thank you for helping me," he whispered close to her ear.

Melanie felt blood rush from her neck to her face. "What's your name?" She ask less aggressively.

"Darrick," he said and walk out of the room. Melanie sigh in relief. She thought she would die today. She subconsciously touch her hair and smiled.

"Ms. Melanie are you alright?" She heard Fergus concerned voice.

She composed herself "I'm fine. Your brother is really terrible."

Fergus laughed awkwardly. "Let's begin," he diverted the conversation. Melanie nod and stood up to pick a book.




"Darrick what was that? I thought you would throw your precious human away," Cedric said sarcastically when Darrick returned back to his study.

Darrick glare at his talkative brother. "Don't let others hear what you just called her, and yes, I would've throw her away," he chuckled softly.

Cedric sat on the bed leisurely. Darrick and the human's play made his day. " She's the daughter of Robert. That man is the only reliable person in Sandaltown."

" See to it that she arrives home safely everyday."

Cedric nod solemnly and gave his brother a thumbs up before leaving the room.

Later in the evening, the royal carriage took her home. She was few steps away from her house when she heard a crackling sound coming from behind her.

She increased her pace and reach for her door knob when a cold hand touch her neck. She froze and quickly step into her house and shut the door before locking it.

She wondered if this house was the reason why she had been having strange dreams and strange visions. "I think I should visit the church," she said and walk into her room.

Recalling what happened today at the palace, a silly grin appeared on her lip as she reach for the pin on hair.

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