
Forever Mine[BL]

Wang Tao emotionlessly spent his life following the same routine. His only interruptions were when he fought or visited worlds. But what happens when one day he decides to visit a world in a galaxy ruled by systems? Will he finally be free of that never ending cycle? Will he learn to feel and love? Or will he slowly sink into the sea of depression, falling into a state worse than before? ... ps: Part of the Wang Tao(WT) series. Check my bio for clarification. ... More accurate tags: male x male, angst, mc falls in love first, various worlds, slow-burn, non-human x non-human, unique, new experience, multi-verse, supernatural, magic, emotional, HE.

EM236_otaku · LGBT+
Pas assez d’évaluations
60 Chs

Chapter 9: The Times We Know/Arc 1.8




Zhou Jian was flabbergasted.

[ How?...When? ]

The tall man didn't speak, too shocked to form words. Thoughts raced in his mind as he out everything together.

[ So the reason for everything was that he loves me. ]

Realizing all of this, he immediately felt awful.

"I'm sorry."

Wang Tao quickly shook his head.

"It's fine, I already know."

Conflicted emotions appeared on Zhou Jian's face. Watching his friend who had been around for so long, he grew a bit sad.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I didn't quite understand yet "

Silence passed for a while and some awkwardness grew. Tapping his finger lightly, the purple eyes shifted from the ground to his friend constantly. Pondering over something, Zhou Jian said reluctantly.

"Wang Tao you should leave. I don't want to hurt you."

"I-I would like to stay."

Zhou Jian's eyes landed on Wang Tao in a flash. Meeting the clear eyes, bemusement grew in him.

"Why? I can't reciprocate your feelings."

"I know that and I want to stay."

"...If you do we could stay as friends but-"


Zhou Jian stared at the smile on the other's face. Aware that Wang Tao was just hiding his pain, he opened his mouth to protest.

Wang Tao shook his head and the older man realized that he wouldn't be able to change Wang Tao's mind but didn't give up just yet.

"Wang Tao, please. You'd don't understand-"

"I know. I've already felt it these past few months."

Zhou Jian wasn't sure what to say. Sighing at the man's stubbornness, he gestured for Wang Tao to sit in front of him.

Wang Tao sat down as instructed.

He'd long known that Zhou Jian's love for Chen Xiang was strong and couldn't be broken so he never even tried. It's not that he wouldn't but he wasn't the type to get in between people, besides, the two were already dating when he came to terms with his feelings.

Wang Tao had actually thought of leaving but he knew that his heart was in too deep. If he actually left, he'd crave the man's presence and miss him, coming back anyways. There was also the fact that he didn't trust Chen Xiang after his discovery.

Once Zhou Jian knew Wang Tao was listening, the man admitted,

"I think you might be right about Xiang er. About how he was just acting and using me."

Zhou Jian clenched his fists as he spoke. Wang Tao's eyes were filled with disbelief hearing this.

"You agree? Why? Did something happen?"

Before he could question further, Zhou Jian explained that he realized something was off with Chen Xiang. His suspicions started on the night when he confessed.

When the youth replied and reciprocated his feelings, it gave off a surreal feeling which seemed like an illusion causing Zhou Jian to doubt the boy's words.

"I had pushed down my doubts but they resurfaced when even you became suspicious of Xiang er. And after our conversation, I caught some other inexplicable emotions slipping through."

Wang Tao felt a mix of confusion and relief once hearing this.

[ Does this mean I have a chance?]

"...If you witnessed all that, why didn't you say anything?"

"Because I love him and I won't give up on him...Also I'm only suspicious and dont fully believe it,"

Hearing the declaration, Wang Tao had inwardly ridiculed himself. He'd thought that he had already acknowledge that it was impossible for Zhou Jian and him to be together. Why would he still have that hope?

Continuing, Zhou Jian showed an awkward expression, averting his eyes.

"I, umm, well...I was actually hoping to ask you to help in figuring it out and courting him if it was true since you're my friend but...I didn't expect your confession so...so just scratch that."

Wang Tao felt as if his heart was doused in bitterness. He couldn't help but be a bit upset at the incredibly strong love the man had for Chen Xiang, even if he knew of the possibility that the youth deceived him. But hearing how much his boss trusted him, his heart warmed.

Since he knew he had no chance of being with Zhou Jian and thought that the best he could do was assist the man achieve happiness. Wang Tao was also hoping to use this opportunity to try and crush the bit of hope he couldn't seem to let go of.

[ Maybe if I witnesses the their love I might finally give up? ]

Wang Tao knew that if he didn't, his heart would break further and he could possibly fall into depression, whether he was around the couple or not.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Tao forced a smile.

"Don't scratch it. I'll help, I promise you."

"You will?"


Zhou Jian was surprised and a little speechless. Even if Wang Tao wanted to stay near him, that was completely different from helping the man he loved win over someone else. How could he do that? Is he trying to torture himself?

Zhou Jian froze for a second as he analyzed it before suddenly realizing the answer. Understanding how far the other would go, Zhou Jian knew that he probably couldn't convince the younger man otherwise. He frowned a bit, unsure of whether he should let this continue.

If Wang Tao went through with his plan, he should be able to get over him but will be hurt in the process. But if he leaves, he won't see him and would still be hurt since he knows that the two are together. Zhou Jian was a bit troubled but before he could think further, Wang Tao spoke again

"Wait. How can I help if Chen Xiang is dead? I'm…I'm afraid it's too late."

Wang Tao's worry grew as he began to think that Zho Jian had yet to accept his beloved's death. He also couldn't understand how he'd gone through that whole thought process and not realized.

[ Was my mental state deteriorating?]

Just as he was about to speak up again, the man's words shocked him.

"...It's not too late. I still have a chance in the next world."


Wang Tao froze and his phoenix-shaped eyes widened.

"W-what are you talking about?"

Wang Tao feigned ignorance of the matter. He thought that maybe his boss was saying some soulmate nonsense but when Zhou Jian repeated his words with such seriousness, Wang Tao realized that the man wasn't.

He questioned the man on how he knew but his boss simply continued with what he was saying,

"I know that you'll be able to follow me as you're not of this world. At the moment I won't say how I know that but I might later. Right now, I'm just asking for you to trust me. But please only come if you can handle it. I don't want you to regret."

Looking into his friend's s purple eyes, Wang Tao found it hard for him to be skeptical of the other's words.

This was the man he loved. Wang Tao only wanted Zhou Jian to always be happy. To smile again like he's been doing the past year months. If that meant helping him win over Chen Xiang then so be it, even if it pained him.

Wang Tao once again strengthened his resolve before nodding and assuring the man that he'll trust and follow him. Zhou Jian stared at this trusting and dedicated assistant of his.

[ Should I still...I hadn't expected things to turn out like this after all.]

Guilt wrecked the CEO but he hardened his heart.

[ It's too late for another plan. ]

Apologizing and asking the other not to forget his words, warning his friend not to follow him at this moment.

The CEO hoped that his assistant would understand what happened next after Zhou Jian revealed his awareness of other worlds.

Wang Tao was confused about by the sudden apology but had no time to think once he realized that Zhou Jian had disappeared.

"Zhou Jian?"

Anxiety crept up as Wang Tao realized something was off.

The rain was still pounding against the window as the winds raged and lightning struck. The eiry silence lunged at him as a foreboding feeling surfaced.

Unfortunately, Wang Tao immediately forgot Zhou Jian's words in his panic. Quickly activating his power, the younger man scanned for his boss.

Moments later, the office was empty, the two figures having disappeared one after the other like ghosts. Wang Tao's figure suddenly appeared outside in the garden.

It only took a split second for the young man to take note of what happened and it immediately wrecked his soul.

The silver haired man slouched onto the ground in his shock, covering his face with his shaking hands. Wang Tao's heart felt like it was being stabbed a thousand times over as silver eyes watered.

Taking in sharp breaths, Wang Tao desperately tried to stop the tears from falling.

In front of the slumped man lay Zhou Jian's body in a pool of blood. If one closely inspected it, the fact that it had fallen from a great height would be very obvious. It seemed like the man wanted to die like his lover did.

[ I should've known he'd do that. How could that lovesick fool live without that boy. I was too slow, I couldn't stop him. ]

As he grieved, he remembered Zhou Jian's words and he finally managed to calm himself.

[ Zhou Jian wasn't truly dead, if he wasn't lying that is...No, I trust him. He wouldn't lie about this. ]

Wiping his face, he took a deep breath before rising to his feet.

[ I should hurry so that I can follow him. ]

- - - - - - - - - - - -

For the next few days, Wang Tao wrapped things up in this world. He buried Zhou Jian with his lover and dismissed Aunt Lu along with the other workers.

That day when Zhou Jian died, Wang Tao had returned to the office and noticed some papers on the desk. It seemed like his boss had made the preparations to hand over his companies to his cousin Zhou Cheng, a man whom Wang Tao met a few times.

Zhou Cheng ran a successful real estate company and was a man of good character.

It seems like Zhou Jian had really thought things through.

When everything was completed, Wang Tao left the world. After unsealing the rest of his abilities, he hovered in space, surrounded by countless stars.

He contained his aura to avoid destroying the surrounding low-level planets. Slowly closing his silver eyes, he took a deep breath before locating the tracker.

A few years ago, when he first started to care about Zhou Jian, worrying that something would happen to him, he placed a sliver of his consciousness on the man's soul.

When the man allowed him to follow, Wang Tao realized he must've known since he didn't bother to tell him where he was going.

Did anyone see that twist coming? Please comment what you think. Were there any plot holes I missed?

EM236_otakucreators' thoughts