
Forever Mine[BL]

Wang Tao emotionlessly spent his life following the same routine. His only interruptions were when he fought or visited worlds. But what happens when one day he decides to visit a world in a galaxy ruled by systems? Will he finally be free of that never ending cycle? Will he learn to feel and love? Or will he slowly sink into the sea of depression, falling into a state worse than before? ... ps: Part of the Wang Tao(WT) series. Check my bio for clarification. ... More accurate tags: male x male, angst, mc falls in love first, various worlds, slow-burn, non-human x non-human, unique, new experience, multi-verse, supernatural, magic, emotional, HE.

EM236_otaku · LGBT+
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58 Chs

Chapter 33: Fluffy Fantasies/Arc 4.8

Lan Xi walked through the palace, heading towards the study. Passing by workers who greeted him, the head eunuch was satisfied with the order in the palace.

Arriving, he knocked lightly and waited for permission. A voice allowed his entrance, a bit muffled, causing Lan Xi to frown a bit. Opening the door, he was a bit surprised at what he saw.

The Emperor's head was in his arms as he laid on the desk. His long silver hair covered his face completely. The gloomy aura around the man was enhanced by the dark clouds visible through the open window behind him.

The cold air blew in, giving the room a creepy feeling in the darkness. The only light illuminating the room were the flashes in the sky as the Emperor had turned them all off.

Lan Xi approached his Emperor and his frown deepened when the Emperor didn't react to his growing presence. Now before the desk, the eunuch took a closer look at the cause of the scented smell in the room.

A picture frame faced away from him beside an unopened pack of incense sticks. Confusion filled Lan Xi as he pondered their use.

If he remembered correctly, didn't some humans do that for the dead? Who does his Emperor know that he would do that for?

"Your Majesty?"


There was no reaction. The head eunuch would have thought the other was asleep if he hadn't heard him earlier and knew the other wouldn't stay asleep by his side. Unsure of what to make of the Emperor's silence, he called him again but the other still didn't answer.

Thinking of something, he moved a bit closer. Slowly he reached for the picture in front. As he expected, an invisible force immediately stopped any further action and the Emperor finally looked up.

Before he could nod to himself in satisfaction, Lan Xi froze. His Emperor was obviously unwell, with red rimmed eyes and a sullen expression. Realizing that it was more serious than he thought, he inquired,

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for overstepping but could I know who the incense is for?"

The Emperor frowned a bit but the force disappeared. His eyes stared at the picture before he nodded slightly. Bowing, Lan Xi carefully picked it up, realizing its importance to the man.

His eyes widened once he observed it. It was a picture of three and all had a smile on their face. The Emperor, dressed in blue robes, had a middle aged man and woman on each side who looked at him lovingly.

His eyes obviously returned the affections and the smile on his face was quite genuine. The old couple had matching robes of blue, allowing anyone to realize that the three were family. By the clothes, he could tell that they were in Ancient China.

Lan Xi was shocked as he'd never seen the Emperor smile. Looking at the gloomy man, he could tell that the couple must've died and were close to him.

The head eunuch could already tell their relationship but wanted to hear from the Emperor himself. Lan Xi was curious as to how the Emperor himself would refer to them.

"Who are they, Your Majesty?"

"...Mum and Dad."

" They're...dead?"

"...Mm-hmm. Today is the anniversary."

Wang Tao had been upset, thinking about them. He had secretly taken this picture when he and his family stood for a portrait using his abilities. He of course still had the portrait but barely took it out as it was easier to damage and he wouldn't risk it.

Normally during this day, his heart would grieve even if he never cried. Zhou Jian would be there, and run his hand through his hair to comfort him.

The soothing feeling calms him down so it was much easier. Unfortunately he'd left so the older man wasn't there this time.

Slowly the Emperor stood and wiped his eyes a bit. Holding the portrait and incense sticks, he made his way out the room after ordering his eunuch to not follow.

A while later, Wang Tao reached a lone tree and crouched down. Ordering in his mind, a tomb stone appeared on the ground before him.

He had made this himself, as well the one he placed on their grave in the third world. Placing it properly, he rested the picture in front as well as a small jar. Opening the pack, he took out three incense sticks and lit them.

Staring silently, Wang Tao's mood sank further. Thinking about everything since they left, he smiled sadly before speaking.

"Mum...Dad...I-...I'm sorry. "

"I wish I had told you more about me."

"That I opened up to you sooner."

"...I know you wanted me to live happily but..."

"I'm...just in pain."

"It's not his fault though. He takes really good care of me."

"He's kind, caring, funny..."

"Ha ha...he teases me a lot."

"He worries about me. That's nice."

"But...he doesn't love me...I know that."

"Don't blame him, he's in love and I u-understand...right?"

"Love can't be controlled so..."

"So that's why your...that's why your genius son has...turned into an idiot."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be doing this."

"Y-you're supposed to be happy now."

"That was really selfish of me...making you worry even in death."

"Forget what I said. I lied."

"I'm happy..."

"After all, he's so kind to me..."

"I-It's more than I could ever ask for. "

"I'm just greedy, my bad..."

"Your son is just greedy, I'm sorry."

"I'm a bad son aren't I?"

"I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Wang Tao wiped his face. He felt awful for doing that. How could he go rant about his problems to his parents?

He's disturbing their rest. Wang Tao felt awful and so he apologized and unsure of what to do next, he left.

He was afraid to have a breakdown before his parents so he needed to go calm down.

Arriving at his private garden, he spotted the dark silver flowers and laid down in them. Unconsciously, he didn't follow his normal routine of blocking his breathing and simply drifted off into a deep slumber.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Zhou Jian walked through the garden, tending to the flowers. Gently, he checked the flowers in the garden.

The soil was richer due to the red liquid which fell last night. The crimson color was still faintly visible on the ground.

He froze for a second when two arms circled around his neck. A head rested on his back and Zhou Jian smiled lightly. Pulling of the arms, he turned and hugged the boy.

Chen Xiang smiled brightly and kissed his lover passionately. When the kiss ended he snuggled into the man's embrace. His face revealed a scowl once hidden as he thought of the man's care for those damn flowers.

It had been years now but Zhou Jian obviously hadn't forgotten Wang Tao one bit. Luckily, he didn't make a single mistake and had effectively strengthened the others feelings for him, hopefully dispelling most doubts.

Chen Xiang's eyes shined as he dragged the clueless man inside the house. Zhou Jian raised an eyebrow at his lover who simply winked at him. Soon, they reached the dining room and his eyes widened in surprise.

Chen Xiang seated the man before the cake with a bright smile.

"Happy Birthday Jian Ge!"

Zhou Jian's shock had yet to recede. Staring at the cake and the present on the table, an indescribable emotion arose.

"Xiang er...thank you."

Chen Xiang's smile widened after the affectionate kiss he received before he seated himself comfortably on the man's lap. Cutting the cake, the transmigrator raised the piece to the man's mouth.

Zhou Jian hesitated before he opened his mouth and took a bite. When he tasted the flavour, the Zion was a bit shocked at how it touched him.

"...You knew?"

Bemusement rose on the youth's face before he understood.

"Of course I knew, I'm your lover aren't I?"

After probing a bit, he'd finally realized that the other liked chocolate. It confused him a little since Wang Tao made him a vanilla cake but he assumed that the man's interests had changed.

Complex emotions rose in Zhou Jian as he thought of his lover's response. Squirming a bit under the gaze of the purple eyes, Chen Xiang leaned closer, whispering into the other's ear

"I love you."

The Zion felt his heart drop.

Pushing the boy back to look him in the face, he revealed a smile. Reassured, the transmigrator matched the joyous expression.

Turning his liver around, Zhou Jian fed his lover a piece of cake. The boy's eyes lit up and he inwardly praised himself.

"It's really good."

"You didn't taste it before?"

"The cake wasn't for me."

Zhou Jian smiled at the pouting boy and nodded. Resting his chin on the other's head, he felt a warm feeling in his heart.

A weird feeling pricked his heart afterward but he quickly pushed it aside as he listened to his lover. The boy excitedly spoke about his day and the plans he had for the older man.

The special day soon came to an end. By the end of the couple's life in that world, all that needed to be done was completed.

The slave master was killed after years of torture, letting the original soul rest in peace. Chen Xiang didn't live too long but still had a natural death.

After burying his lover, as he prepared for his departure, a faint light covered his body. When it faded, his true form was revealed.

The short silky black hair now reached his waist and his purple phoenix eyes pierced through one's soul. A sharp jawline, thin lips and fare skin, all his features became more defined. His devilish handsome looks and radiating appeal were much more noticeable and alluring.

Now dressed in a white shirt, with black pants and boots, the man vanished. His figure soon reappeared in the space outside the world before he left for the next one.

And it's the end of another arc! Thank you so much for reading this far and supporting me. Comments have been incredibly encouraging.

Next arc is really going to be something so brace yourself. Don't worry though, there will be a lot of nice moments as well.

Once again, thank you readers! Please continue to read this story. And I hope that more people will comment as well.

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