
Forever Love- Purpose fuels Passion

James William is was well reputed, rich and powerful businessman in his early 40s who was forced to marry Abigail Harper a lecturer in her late 30s. James and Abigail both are family oriented persons who think and do things for their family. how their selfless love for their family bring a unexpected change and marriage in their life. this story is about their life changing experience - their unexpected marriage - will their fall in love with each other or their will fell apart from the start what has destiny planned for them? stay tuned for updates. -------------------- Hello guys I'm trying my best to build up this story...i just need your support for the movitation. ( I just want to request just ignore grammatical mistakes ??)

Palvinderkaur · Urbain
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1 Chs

chapter 1 Introduction

"Today we are covering live from the most awaited Beauty contest of Country A, the search of the international face of the Country A. let's come along and look for the various contestants may be we will get lucky to meet our future winner.

Then the cameraman moves his camera towards the line of the constants, who are waiting for their name to be called on for the Registration. He came across a middle-aged woman and thinks " puffff.....some people don't know their limit and just want to grab attention". and then he moves on.

suddenly, someone called " next up Evelyn Harper".

that middle-aged woman moved towards the registration desk and hand over the registration form. The person in charge grabbed the form and sized her up from head to toe and gave her a smirk.

Meanwhile, outside the audition venue, a duo of mother and daughter was fighting with the taxi driver.

" $50 dollars ma'am ", the driver said to the passenger

" $50 dollars? are you serious, you got us late for the audition and only to charge more you took long route...huh" one of the passengers replied with full of annoyance.

" ma'am because of your request I took the shortcut without traffic.." before he could defend himself, the passenger just interrupted him and said, " you know whom you are talking to, it's miss Scarlett Harper, miss city s 1980".

with arrogance, she turned towards her daughter and said with a changed tone

" Baby just stay inside the car, outside it's very hot and it's not good for your skin" and she just turned around to enter the venue.


The person on the registration desk again looked at that middle-aged woman and said, " you are 21 years old..... you have considered me crazy or blind, you look at least 30 years old".

that woman tried to say something, " listen to sir..."

but before she could say something..she was interrupted by the authorized person

" look I don't have spare time to argue with you, you can just leave and save both of ours time"

before she could say anything from behind Scarlettcame forward and said, " sir, you are right she is not Evenly Harper, she is my eldest daughter Abigail Harper and she is 35 years old, but Evenly Harper is my youngest daughter and she is 21".

and she just dials a number and called Evenly to come for the registration.

Evelyn Harper was her in the early 20s with height of 5'6, her face was well cut which gave her jaw some sharp lines, her figure was well maintained giving complement to her face and height.

she came up towards the Registration desk and got herself registered for the contest.

meanwhile, Abigail looked at the time and said, " okay mom, everything is done and it's getting late for my coaching class, my students are waiting for me.... I meet both of you at home, bye".

and she just left in a hurry.


Meanwhile somewhere in other country Business tycoon James William was attending a business meeting for the takeover proposal.

the presentation was going on in the conference room, company representative of the proposal was continuously talking about the various clients which are doing business with their company and their profit ratio, and so on.

But James was not showing any kind of interest in their proposal and throughout the meeting, he was busy with his phone. As the presentation ended he just got up from his seat and said, "I'm not interested in this proposal" and was about to leave the room.

Everyone in the meeting hall got shocked, suddenly proposed company owner stands up from his seat in urgency and said, " wait a minute, Mr. William but you were interested in this deal prior, now what happened. If you have any query we can work on it".

James William stop as he was about to leave the room and said without turning back

" Yes Mr. Wyatt, what you have heard is right, I was interested in buying your company but that was last year and now... I'm not interested".

After mentioning his opinion he turned around with no expression on his face and said, " A company is said or stay a star company till the point where he can establish his monopoly in the market do you agree with me on this point Mr. Wyatt"

" let's once again look into your presentation, start the slide again, now see your company position as compare to last year, what do you notice. The last difference in figures that means your company is very unstable as compared to last year.

Let's look into your profit ratio, it's high because of inflammation but you don't have any new client or new work that means your growth has stopped.

next slide your client list, 50% of the client which you have mentioned in this presentation are working with more then other three companies that means you have lost your monopoly, your control from the market and your competitors are benefiting from it".

After saying this without turning he just left leaving everyone in the room dumbstruck.