

A tough top dog in Wentworth Correctional Centre meets a former drug user and prostitute. What happens when the top dog starts falling for her? (This is based on what happens if Wentworth, but I'm changing a few things including the ending. You may not understand many things that are happening in this book if you haven’t seen Wentworth)

Halzhb · TV
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Later in the yard I see Kim scrambling for drugs again. I see her talking to Officer Miles, and when she doesn't get the answer she wants, she runs to the fence. Kim jumps up and manages to get to the razors at the top. She starts tearing through them, and I see the blood start to pour out. Mr. Jackson runs after her, and manages to pull her free. That is after she got cuts and blood everywhere on her. All of that is because of drugs, which I promised I'd try to stop. I owe that to Debbie. My daughter.

I already knew who gave Kim the drugs, it's obvious. I see Tina run to the showers, and I get Maxine to follow me. And as I suspected, she's dumping her drugs down the sink drain, trying to make sure I don't see them. But she's too late. "Hey Tina." She turns around and looks between Maxine and I with fear in her eyes. I hear the door open again. I see Kaz and her crew come in. "Came to watch did ya?" I ask, almost laughing. They all say nothing. I see Allie standing in the front, looking at me with an expression that I can't read. I turn back to Maxine and nod to her. She smashes Tina's head against the sink, and knees her in the stomach. Maxine through her to the ground and kicks her multiple times, until Tina has no air. Everyone looks at Tina, except Allie. She looks right at me. Kaz then looks up at me with disgust, and they all walk out.

I didn't want to have to have Maxine bash anyone, but I had to get my point across. No drugs are tolerated, or else they'll end up like Kim. Even though they may not know it now, I really am doing this for their own good.