
Forest of Lust

"Her subsequent action only heightened my anxiety. She proceeded to retract her hand from my chest and gently lowered it downwards" An uncontrollable lust ressembles the tropical forests which never stop growing.

FireWaterWood · Urbain
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16 Chs

Chapter 9 Let me protect you now

This son of a bitch. I was displeased with Larry all the time. It appeared that he intended to harass my female classmate too. If I didn't take any action, I would be no different than any animal.

As I hurriedly approached, I realized the noise was coming from the highest level of the building, where I promptly arrived to witness Larry Anderson pinning Tina against the wall and forcefully planting a kiss on her face.

Shit! I exclaimed, "Larry Anderson, Fuck you! Release her!", and moving towards him. He did not respond, and I punched him in the nose. He attempted to evade my punch hastily, but failed to move away quickly enough and was struck by my fist. As a result, I recoiled several steps, and I caused him to bleed from the nose.

With haste, I promptly drew Tina towards me and consoled her by asking, "Are you alright?" Tina appeared dazed at first and then began to tremble as though she had been greatly frightened. Initially, she nodded her head but shortly after, she shook her head in disagreement.

Shortly after, Larry responded by touching his nose and realizing he had a large amount of nosebleed. He displayed a menacing expression and roared before sprinting towards me, "Finn, you are so fucked!". His height and deplorable character made him resemble an aggressive dog, causing immense fear.

While I did not fear this person. However, now that he was harassing a girl in my class, if I didn't stop his violence, I would not be deserved of being called a man. As I had been trained in boxing by my father since childhood, I was able to defeat him with ease.

I evaded him nonchalantly and swiftly landed a blow to his chest, causing him to yell out and retreat a few paces. Just because I rarely engaged in physical altercations at school, it should not be assumed that I was incapable of fighting. In fact, I was confident that in a one-on-one fight, very few students in the entire high school would be able to match me.

Larry Anderson posed no challenge as I easily took him down with my three punches and two well-placed kicks. I paid no further attention to him and instead swiftly grabbed hold of Tina and made my exit.

Tina expressed immense gratitude towards me, continuously expressing her thanks and acknowledging that, were it not for my intervention, she might had been subjected to molestation by Larry Anderson. I expressed my gratitude but reminded her that we all belonged to the same group as classmates and it was my duty to save her. Despite her persistent invitations to invite me to dinner and repay me, I declined the offer.

However, I would never have imagined that my bravery would drag me into big troubles.

Unfortunately, on a rainy Friday after school let out, I found myself without an umbrella and feeling quite downcast. As soon as I exited the school premises and attempted to contact May, I was pleasantly surprised to spot her already present in my vicinity.

Upon observing her, I noticed a sense of confusion, prompting me to initially question my perception. It seemed unlikely for May to be present for my arrival. However, after attempting to dispel my disbelief, I soon realized that it was indeed May who had arrived.

It was possible that I appeared foolish, as May gave me a slight pat on the forehead, "Hello? Don't recognize me?". Her appearance was undeniably feminine and captivated not just myself, but also those around us who couldn't help but take notice. However, it did give me a sense of satisfaction to witness the gawking and envy looks on their faces. I raised my hand up to my head and inquired, "What brings you here, May?"

With a chuckle, she swiftly opened the umbrella she held in her grasp and remarked, "It appeared to be raining, and I realized that you did not had an umbrella, so I made a quick visit." "Come on, why don't we go home instead of standing around?" I must admit, May moved me deeply. Her smile was particularly heartwarming, filling my chest with joy. I eagerly nodded my head and departed in the company of hers.

As we strolled down the street, we embraced the diverse gazes upon us. No anticipations were made of the fact that three individuals would abruptly appear as we were preparing to head towards the vehicle.

May was taken aback and spontaneously grasped my hand. It was evident to me that there were three individuals present, among whom was the one I had recently confronted, Larry Anderson. The other two were familiar to me and were notorious for being delinquent students. Their interests seemed to be limited to engaging in vices such as smoking, drinking, and fighting while also exhibiting a disturbing tendency to harass and disrespect women.

Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't fear them, but given May's presence, I was somewhat cautious. In a swift move, they encircled us with their faces giving away their ill intentions. However, fortunately they lacked any armament.

I held May behind me and focused my attention intently on Larry and his two associates, posing a serious inquiry: "What do you want?" Though Larry's demeanor was marked by a vulgar giggle and his gaze irked me to no end, it was especially vexing to witness his eyes light up upon glimpsing May.

At present, precipitation was ongoing and coincidentally, there were few individuals present on this route, with Larry exhibiting the boldness to enclose us openly. May appeared slightly apprehensive as she pulled on my coat and whispered into my ear, "Finn, do you know who those people are? And why are they surrounding us?"

With confidence, I gently stroked May's petite hand and offered reassuring words, "Don't worry, I'll handle it. There's nothing to fear, May." Although uncertain, I detected a brief complexity in May's expression, leaving me hesitant to confirm my perception.

As soon as Larry intercepted me, he exclaimed, "was this your chick, Jinn? It's hard to believe that you had such an ability to attract young milf." I quickly realized the implications of his statement and turned to see May's uncomfortable expression. In that moment, an intense feeling of anger towards Larry arose within me.

Upon seeing May's demeanor, I felt a sense of distress and frustration towards Larry, prompting me to hastily interject, "What the fuck did you say? Say that again and I will fuck you up!"

My impulsivity led me to overlook the fact that there were three individuals present on the opposing end. With a sudden change in his countenance, Larry raised his voice in anger and called out to me, "Finn Jona, I won't spare you this time." Having unleashed his fury, he gestured to his accomplice to come forward and flank me.

Although I may not be able to overpower the three of them on my own, I could still manage to flee. However, with the addition of another person, May, my escape route was no longer available. Considering that she was a woman, she most likely experienced a sense of anxiety and trepidation towards this type of situation. I quickly heard her labored breathing and rushed over to her with my hands held tightly open. I blocked her from behind and yelled, "Run! May!".

Subsequently, I refrained from retreating towards Larry and charged ahead with a resolve to prevent any harm from befalling May, even if it meant facing death. The downpour was intense, causing me to get soaked rather swiftly. I was the one who engaged in combat with Larry after he demonstrated the highest speed. I was able to defeat him, and it was evident from his expression that he was slightly apprehensive. However, he swiftly disentangled himself from my grip as he was accompanied by two other associates.

The three of them together were much stronger than me, and I received a few painful blows. However, when I glanced at May, I was absolutely terrified.

May rushed towards me, yelling to them to not harm me, "Don't beat me! The three". Despite being touched by her briefly, fear and anger quickly overwhelmed me.

Larry Anderson's accomplice was having their hair pulled by her. His companions reacted instantly, striking her with a backhanded slap that brought her down to the ground with a resounding snap. Witnessing this outrageous act, I was on the verge of losing my temper and shouted in anger, "Fuck youl! I'm going to kill you!"

As May tumbled down, I registered her anguished cries and noticed the disheveled, drenched state she now found herself in. Without any prior consideration, I instinctively disentangled myself from Larry and his accomplices and delivered a forceful blow to the despicable person's face. Simultaneously, I received a duo of blows to my rear, yet I did not experience any discomfort.

With only a single notion consuming my thoughts, my aim was to bring about their demise. Had I not erupted, the depth of my fervor would had gone unnoticed. I put the three individuals down, possessing an insane level of power and ability. Eventually, my ruthless actions terrified them to the extent that they denounced me as a crazy person and departed in a state of dishonor.

Despite experiencing pain throughout my entire body, I persevered and rushed to pick up May. Upon seeing her countenance, my tears dropped out.