
Forest of Lust

"Her subsequent action only heightened my anxiety. She proceeded to retract her hand from my chest and gently lowered it downwards" An uncontrollable lust ressembles the tropical forests which never stop growing.

FireWaterWood · Urbain
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16 Chs

Chapter 5 Stop hurting yourself!

It appeared that May was extremely angry as she was apprehended by me and was putting up a fierce resistance. She was sobbing and attempting to harm herself by hitting. I became slightly infuriated with her and raised my voice, physically restraining her beneath me and forcefully holding onto her hands to restrict her movements.

Even though May was still putting up resistance, she didn't possess enough strength to match mine as I was a man and I yearn to overpower her completely. I became infuriated and raised my voice towards her, exclaiming, "That's enough!"

May appeared crazy and was unable to find peace. Despite her distressing cries to end her suffering, she continued to struggle. Hearing her anguish and despair was deeply upsetting, and I felt an overwhelming surge of anger and sorrow, leading me to impulsively slap her.

A resounding slap reverberated.

As a result of this rebuke, both she and I have been immobilized. I instantly felt remorseful as it was a highly regretful act on my part. The slap was exceptionally forceful, and I was in a rush, causing me to exert all my might. May had even bleeding at the corners of her mouth due to the impact.

Finally, she had gone from being extremely agitated like a mad cow to becoming completely silent like a lifeless snake. "I apologize, May. I did not intend to do it," I said, but she remained silent, giving the impression of being sorrow. The appearance of May had the ability to cause great emotional distress to me, leaving me unsure of how to proceed.

Out of the blue, May burst into laughter, instead of shedding tears. Her laughter was so intense that it startled me and left me feeling emotionally distraught. I tried reaching out to her twice, but she remained unresponsive, her laughter continuing as her tears began to flow, caught in a strange mixture of emotions.

May expressed admiration in an unfamiliar manner by saying "Great job! Excellent slap!" Despite her being May, I was terrified and held her in a tight embrace while pleading with her, "Please, please don't do that, May." The expression on her face was something I had never seen before, but as I hugged her, I could feel the depth of her sorrow and agony.

May wasn't the one I hated, in fact, it was my cousin who I have a strong hatred for. This was because he was the reason why May had changed in this manner. For a period of time, I held onto May, grappling with her until she gradually calmed and eventually, all that could be heard was her subdued weeping.

Without uttering a word, we held each other tightly and May eventually ceased her inconsolable sobs. Although traditionally, it may be deemed inappropriate for a brother-in-law to embrace his sister-in-law, I was not overly concerned with societal norms. I would still embrace her even if calamity were to strike!

Gradually, the moments elapsed as though an unspoken pact existed between us, and we savored the intimacy shared between us despite it not being ours. Out of nowhere, May voiced her thoughts. "Leave me please, Finn."

I let out a sound of surprise, "Ah, OK.", and hesitation before finally releasing my grip on her, exerting great effort to overcome my reluctance. The interior of the room was illuminated dimly, with merely a feeble gleam of moonlight coming through the window. Under the moon's glow, May's attire appeared slightly disheveled. With my sharp vision, I could easily discern the tear stains on her face, the redness of her cheeks, and a faint trace of blood at the corner of her lips.

She showed composure when arranging her garments, as she transformed into a poised and refined individual. I gazed at May with utter bewilderment, finding it hard to comprehend how she could transform herself so drastically in such a short time. Without much delay, she completed getting dressed and stood up to depart.

Despite my hesitation, I couldn't resist addressing May with the word, "May!" Nonetheless, I struggled with the remainder of my intended statement. In response, May turned around and provided me with a comforting smile, remarking, "It's getting late, Night. You should rest up for school tomorrow."

I was unable to comprehend May's thoughts and found myself compelled to inquire, "Are you all right, May?"

May didn't respond affirmatively and instead shook her head before turning around and leaving. Glancing at her back, I observed as she made her way to the door, opened it, paused momentarily, and without looking back, let out a soft sigh and uttered, "I did not arrive tonight."

Following her statement, she departed. Despite standing for a few minutes, the strong odor emanating from May's body and the disarray on the sheets made me question whether what had occurred was only a mere figment of my imagination. I had a sleepless night, as I remained restless and unable to doze off, tossing and turning for a considerable duration.

The following day, upon returning from school, I discovered that May had disappeared. Initially, I assumed that she had simply stepped out, but as time passed and she failed to return, my concern grew. In an attempt to reach her, I called her phone, only to find that it was turned off. My apprehension was further intensified when I checked on my little niece, but she too had gone missing.

As an idea came to my mind, my complexion turned ashen. was it possible that May had left home permanently because of what happened last night? It didn't make sense since this was clearly her residence. Maybe she went out for some time to clear her head and only returned in the evening.

I was in a highly agitated state and wandered about the residence feeling disoriented, however, I was unable to get in contact with May via phone. Despite the lateness of the hour, and May's continued absence, I could no longer suppress my concern. I donned an additional layer of clothing to contend with the slight chill in the air before venturing out to search for her.

I skipped dinner at home because I didn't have the appetite, but now that I was out, starting to feel a bit hungry. The evening breeze was making me felt slightly chilly. I searched for May in the desolate street, but failed to spot her even after checking out her favorite stores including a lingerie shop. The street seemed abandoned with few passersby.

After feeling somewhat desperate, I ultimately found myself in a position where I needed to contact my relative and disclose that my brother's spouse was nowhere to be found. After a noticeable delay, Patrick picked up the phone and a discernible tone of drowsiness was evident in his voice. He inquired about the issue and to not waste any time, I disclosed that May was not traceable. After a brief pause, he uttered a soft "oh" and conjectured, "Perhaps she went out."

Although his tone was perfunctory and portrayed me as distressed, I persevered through it. I made an effort to placidly communicate to him that May was nowhere to be found, and it would be beneficial if we searched for her collaboratively while providing her with greater care. My cousin, lacking patience, emitted a grunt and made it clear that it was none of his concern.

I was on the brink of getting angry when I caught sight of a female's voice emanating from my cousin's vicinity. I initially believed my ears deceived me. My cousin claimed to be exhausted and asleep, yet I perceived a female intonation.

Soon after, the woman's voice resurfaced on the phone, and it was much more audible and distinct than before. She expressed, "My dear, What's so busy on the phone with ? Come on, I want a second round, babe~."

My goodness! I was not foolish, I understood promptly upon hearing that my cousin was unfaithful and presently engaging in sexual activity with another woman. The woman's voice over the microphone was unmistakeable. Initially, my cousin obscured his voice and said something to her, but I couldn't discern the exact words. Presumably, he was urging her to remain silent.

Shortly after, my cousin spoke to me in a lucid tone and advised me, "Finn, your sister-in-law was well. It's already quite late, so don't bother searching for her. Go to bed soon." Without waiting for a response, he abruptly ended the call.

As the phone beeped incessantly, I couldn't shake off the mixture of disdain towards my cousin, and compassionate feelings towards May. As my thoughts lingered on the matter, my empathy for May intensified and I made an attempt to reach out to her by phone, but alas, my efforts were thwarted as my cousin had switched off the device.

Going home wasn't optional for me. To my surprise, upon returning home, I discovered that the entrance to the room of May had been left ajar.

I had a vivid recollection of when I departed, as the door to May's room was unmistakably shut. My heart started to pound!