

Adonis was always jovial and a little eccentric, well at least that's what others thought of him. However, in the month before his birthday, fate had other plans for him. When everything he held dear was gone, Adonnis was reborn. His life was destroyed, but in death he found hope.

theboywhowrote · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Is there really purpose to every life?

"Adonis, do you really have to be looking out every time?", A rough male voice sounded out in the black sedan. The black-tinted car window reflected a pair of very deep black eyes and medium-length hair. These features belonged to the boy looking out at the people and buildings which rapidly passed by. "Of course, I do, how else should I occupy myself during this very boring daily drive of ours" replied Adonis while still staring out the window. "Adonis!!!!!", yelled a childlike voice in the backseat, "you don't have to be so rude to Amyas you know, you can just tell him the truth. That you're always looking out because you're ogling at every girl you see out there, you weirdo".

I deigned to even answer that obvious provocative statement because I knew Hope just wanted to rile me up. These two people with me in the car, Hope and Amyas were my siblings, regrettably so and I had gotten used to their annoying antics of picking on me anytime the three of us were together.

"I always knew it, you're a per-", before she could finish her demeaning sentence the car suddenly jerked to the sides and I heard a 'bang' sound, which was probably the tires exploding due to the violent shaking of the car. The car kept swerving till it hit the rails at the edge of the road and it surprisingly broke through them as though it was tearing through paper. The sedan fell over the rails and into the ravine below. Deep in the ravine, heavy coughs sounded out as the car lay upside down, windows shattered and scattered on the ground beside the car and some shards stuck into some tree barks. " Hey!!! Adonis... Hope....*cough* *cough* are you guys ok". I was woken from my very short and uncomfortable sleep by the sound of my older brother's groggy voice shouting out. When I opened my eyes I saw that I was trapped by the seatbelt and unable to get out of the burning car, 'always put on a seatbelt they said, it's very safe they said' I suddenly got very angry when I thought of my family who always told me to always put on a seatbelt. Before I could let the unnecessary thoughts distract me I suddenly saw a big hand take ahold of the door handle and rip it apart, 'always so destructive' I thought to myself but I couldn't deny the fact that I was happy to see this particular destructive person. "Thanks, Amyas," I said, "Keep helping me out like this and I might forgive you for your lack of humor". Apparently, Amyas did not take my joke well as his face turned into a scowl but I heard a soft giggle behind him so I knew at least someone appreciated my little jab. After Amyas was done helping me out of the car, I glanced behind him and I could see a lithe figure waving at me.

*tsk*, I let my disgruntlement be known, " must be nice having an ability like that" I lampooned out loud. "Well it is," Hope said as she stuck out her tongue, obviously trying to further remind me of my ability..... or lack of ability. Before I could let my cruel fate ruin my mood any further I saw a glimmer of light at the periphery of my vision... and then the world turned black. "Damnations, this bullshit again", I cursed inwardly as I realized what had happened. I had been knocked unconscious before I could register anything. "Whatever, it's not like this is my first time being useless", that was my last thought before the last of my consciousness faded away.

*urghhh*... When I came to my whole body was in pain, the ravine we were in had been flattened as had been was the surrounding 50 meters. The highway above us had collapsed and luckily, as I looked around there seemed to be no civilians who had been caught up in this fiasco. "What happened!?" I asked as my eyes kept on wandering around, trying to make sense of this familiar yet familiar sight. "Oh you know, the usual... some bounty hunters showed up", even though Hope had said this it seemed this time around these were not your average bounty hunters, otherwise this much destruction would not have happened. "Anyway, we dealt with them so you don't have to worry Adonis". I could tell Amyas was trying to cheer me up, obviously having sensed my very not-so-happy mood about being a liability again.

"Well let's go home then," I said, I was already used to feeling like this so there was no need to be overly dramatic and blow this issue out of proportion. I could see Amyas swipe at thin air and a weird gadget appeared. A wave of jealousy washed over me but I quickly held back these thoughts as I didn't want Amyas detecting them. "Probably one of your recent creations", I asked.

'Yeah, it lets me send a message to our family". I visibly recoiled at the hidden meaning, "Great.... just great, The whole family is coming........ JUST GREAT", I thought to myself.