
Forceful Reincarnation: Version Slow Love (A DxD fanfic)

I died of lung cancer when I was at the ripe age if 28, I lived a good life, tried to be a good person, I wasn't perfect I did a lot of bad stuff had a lot regrets here and there but who didnt. All I wanted was to go heaven a cuddle with puppies are go to hell for my sins. But I got reincarnated as Issei Hyodou and the same morning he woke up to Rias sleeping beside him. Hey at least I got a system. That should help. - - - - - - This is an alternate version of my other fanfic with a similar name. That one is to fap to this one is different.

SilverZerothFox78X · Anime et bandes dessinées
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17 Chs

Chapter 3: Pacts

Here I am walking with Kiba to the Occult Research Club. It's sorta of a long walk especially since it's in the old school building.

Might as well check the quest tab.


Spend more than 10 Combat points \ Rewards: 5 Combat points \ 3 gacha tickets

Spend more than 15 Combat points \ Rewards: 10 Combat points \ 6 gacha tickets

Spend more than 20 Combat points \ Rewards: 15 Combat points \ 9 gacha tickets

Spend more than 25 Combat points \ Rewards: 20 Combat points \ 12 gacha tickets

Spend more than 30 Combat points \ Rewards: 25 Combat points \ 15 gacha tickets

Use the gacha more than 5 times \ Rewards: 5 Combat points


What the hell these look like the missions we'd get on webnovels for coins or a fast pass. Oh well at least I get a shit ton of combat points and gacha tickets.

Sorta wish this thing had a shop. That would be great.

"We're here." said Kiba he opened the door, and I have to say the place is pretty fancy it also have a few decoration which give off the occult vibe. Ironic considering their devils.

"Ooooh! Fancy I like it." I said as I saw the place. "~Ara!~ Well thank you for the compliment." said a dark haired beauty, which I recognized as Akeno Himejima.

"I'm Akeno it's nice to meet you!" she said with a cute wink.

Holy hell her tits are huge! Like what the fuck kind of genetics does she have. "I'm Issei Hyoudou it's nice to meet you too." she chuckled and did those things just bounce!

I looked around and saw Koneko eating chocolate. I then heard a shower, and I looked towards it. "Why is there a shower there?" I asked Akeno.

"Rias likes to take her baths." replied Akeno, Rias then asked her for a towel to which she gave her, behind the then shower she dried off and got dressed.

"I'm sorry about that, I didn't have a chance to wash up this morning." she says as she wiped her face.

"No it's cool, it's just that why the need for a shower there, why not make it another room completely?" I asked her. This seemed to sorta surprise her.

"If your into exhibition, then that's cool, but that's not really my cup of tea.." I said as she blushed Akeno covered her mouth to stifle her laugh, while Koneko nearly choked on her chocolate. "I'm not an exhibitionist!" she said in response.

She then gave me lay down on the super natural stuff, like in canon almost word for word. And the whole sacred gear conversation happened had to act like this new even though I sorta freaked out when my wings sorta of burst from my back. Right now she's trying to help ms unlock my sacred gear.

"Try concentrating your power to where you feel is the strongest, then focus that strength." she says while I closed my eyes and calm down.

Hey what if I....Serious Series - Serious Punch, I punched the air as red arm bracer with a green gem and golden spikes appeared on my arm. It wasn't the Boosted Gear though which means I'm still too weak to unlock it.

Canon Issei imagined a Drag-so ball attack, I imagined One punch man. Well the anime version.

(AN\ In the original novel Issei was able to successfully unlock his sacred gear with Rias's guidance. In the anime he unlocked when he fought Kalawarner.)

"A success just will it away when you don't feel like using it." I did as she told and it was pretty cool doing it.

"As you know we devils make pacts with humans, Koneko has been over booked so we'll need a replacement."

"So your sending me instead." She nods Akeno then proceeds to open up a magic circle.

"Alright wish me luck." I stepped in, I hope my Mp is enough to send me through it canon Issei's demon power was too weak to do it.

Fortunately I was successful, which means no riding bikes to clients for this guy!

"Yo are you Morisawa?" I asked the otaku in front of me. "Yeah but who are you, I wanted Koneko!" he said not amused.

"Sorry dude she's booked for another client." He sighed "Well can you do anything cool?" I summoned a small flame in my hand.

"Woah! Magic is real!" he shouted in excitement. "Yeah pretty much, though I could go for some Drag-so ball." Morisawa smirked and pushed up us glasses like an anime character....Wait this is an anime.

"I got a collection of all of Drag-so ball right here!" he opened up a curtain showing manga and disks of the anime.

"Sweet collection, wanna binge the few episodes?" I asked him he smiled "Sure why not man."

"Wait gotta call my parents first, don't wanna worry them."


I'm now back at the club room, I stayed the night over at Morisawa's place, we binged a lot of Drag-so ball, he's honestly pretty cool and fun to hang out with, I was even able to get a pact with him.

"You successfully got your first pack congrats." said Rias. "It's no problem he's pretty fun to hang out with." I replied.

"Well if that's the case, I have another one for you."

Right now I'm standing in front of the legendary beast known as.....Mil-Tan.

"Hello I'm Mil-Tan Nyo~!" he tries to say cutely but it just rubs me the wrong way.....pause!

"Mr.Devil I'd love for you to turn me into a magical girl please!" he asked. "Well I'm sorta new to this, but from what I've heard it is possible for humans to learn magic though, I'll have to talk to the Prez, about it."

"So I can become a magical girl Nyo~!" he said. "Yeah pretty much."

"Thank you so much Mr. Devil!!!" 'She' gave me a bear hug that I'm pretty sure would've broke my spine if I weren't devil.

"Would you like to watch some Milky Spiral with me Nyo~?" he said as 'she' let me go.

I shrugged and replied with "Sure why not."