
The truth


Catch me if you can!


Do you really think you can run away from me? You're no match for me.


I've actually beaten you so yes, i think i can run away from you.

(Kai leans in and kisses her)


I never said i wanted to though.


Mommy! Daddy! can i get an ice cream?


Sure honey.


Are you kiding me? Kai, wake up!




Are you serious? I told you to try and wake up, not end up in a coma.


I'm sorry.


No, you're gonna be sorry. Get dressed.


Oh shit. What the hell was that.

(Kai's POV)

It's one thing to dream about her, that i've done. But..this time, did i..did i really dream about us having a child? This is way more than i can handle..


Great and now i've pissed Celeste off.

(He gets dressed and head over to see Celeste)


Look, before you start... I didn't do it on purpose okay. I didn't even realize... I'm sorry, Your Grace.


Spit it out.


It was..just..this weird dream.


About what? Lexa?


Yeah, how did you..?


It doesn't take a genius.


Am i really that transparent?


Not transparent, predictable. This is the first girl you've actually liked, of course it'll affect you. It already has. But you know what really makes me proud?




The fact that you can be strict with her in her training, no matter how much you care for her. The question is, will you be able to punish her?


Why would i do that?


She's new, bound to make mistakes. Hell, you've been a vampire for 24 years and you're still not perfect.


No one is perfect.


No they're not. But those in training are supposed to get close to it.


But not superiors?


Of course we have to do it too but the punishments aren't the same. Will you be able to do it? Punish her i mean.


Maybe it won't come down to that.


It will and when it does, you won't have a choice. You have to be able to discipline someone who is in training.


You mean if i want to be the Count...



(To Lexa)

(Lexa's POV)

Okay, i kind of have to do it. I have to try at least. If i don't, Kai will probably be mad. But it hurts, it really does. I don't want to take out my fangs. Damn it. Let's do it. I have to try. It fucking hurts! Are they serious with this? How can everyone do this!? I won't be able to keep doing it over and over again. This is only the third time i've taken them out and apparently it'll take over five times before the pain goes away. Note that i said OVER five times. Not five, OVER five. I'll die, that's for sure.

(Someone knocks on her door)




Hey, i was thinking.. Oh hey! You got your fangs out.


Yeah and it hurts like hell.


Yeah, it does in the beginning. Aren't you taking them in again?




Well then, i think it looks great. Your smile is beautiful.


I'm not smiling i just cant close my mouth.


Still hurts when your lips touch the fangs, huh?




You have to keep doing it so the pain will go away. If you do it with large gaps it won't get better. You have to keep doing it in a row.


Oh damn. Ouw ouw, uuuh! I will never be able to do that. it hurts too much. How did you do it?


Celeste didn't really give me a choice. When i didn't do it, she punished me so i kind of had to.


What is this punishment everyone always talks about?


You haven't gotten one yet. I'm not even sure if Kai does it. But it depends on how seriously you screw up. Celeste is kind of strict though. I've been punished a few times and i almost cried.


What does she do?


Really, all of the superiors do it. they kind of..

(Someone else knocks on the door)


What are you two doing? Half naked too.


I'm not half naked, these are my pj's.


They're cute.


What's up?


Nothing, just wanted to see if you guys wanted to grab some breakfast.


Sure, i'm starving.


How's it going with the blood?


It's going good actually. Kai told Vanessa try this thing with me where i open the bag and don't touch it. You know to have more control and stuff. So far i've been able to control myself a little bit. But i always end up giving into it anyways.




Yeah, she's been helping me.


Why Vanessa of all people?


It was Kai's idea actually, you know because she's strong and stuff.

(Libby's POV)

I'm sure that's the reason.


I really hope you're not going to breakfast in those clothes.


No, i'm going to change.


We'll wait outside.


Hurry, i'm starving.

(Lexa's POV)

I feel like wearing a skirt. I wish being a vampire meant my legs would be hair free. Let's go get some breakfast.

(Back to Kai)


Really? We're meeting outside?


It's the only place where we can talk without risking being overheard.




I want you to compel Liza and i need you to do it without her realizing it afterwards.


Are you serious? Is that even possible?


Yes it is, i've done it. I could do it myself becayse there's only one question i want her to answer. But i want you to do it. You're still in training, remember?


As if i could forget. How am i supposed to do that?


You have to have a normal conversation and be charming.


That i can do.


It has to sound like a normal conversation right up until the moment when you ask the question. When you do, you just add a tiny bit of compulsion to make her answer. The second she answered the questions, you have to compel her to forget you ever asked the question. And smoothly keep up the conversation.


What you're asking is almost impossible.


No it's not. You can do it, just don't be too obvious with your compulsion.


Where did you use it?


I've done it a few times, when i've needed favors from a few humans.


Really? What kind of favors?


Kai, focus.


I'm not sure if i'll be able to do it.


You can, you just have to time it right. It'll probably be when sh starts to flirt with you. You're practicing so if you screw up, it's fine. Either way, even if you manage to do it, compel her to forget you ever asked but do it smoothly.


Okay. What's the question i'm supposed to ask?


If she was the one who paid the guard.


How am i supposed to get that into the conversation.


Improvise, it's easier for you since you're a guy. Just flirt with her. I wouldn't be able to do that, she would get suspicious if i asked the question.


I can't believe you're encouraging me to flirt with her.


It's necessary. Whenever you find an opportunity alone with her, take it.


Yes, Your Grace.

(A bit later)


Tell Frank the same thing.




Hey. Hope i'm not interrupting.


No, we were just finished here.


Is he one of your students?


Yes he is, Your Honor.


You don't have to call me that when no one is around. In fact, YOU don't have to call me that at all.


Oh, okay.


How many students do you have here?


A few. I'm not really here as a teacher.




No. I'm mostly here because i don't have anywhere else to go.


I know what that feels like.


You do?


Yeah, i would have left a long time ago it's just that..where am i supposed to go?


Yeah, i know what you mean. But you're the Heir. Don't you want your position as Count?


You're the Heit too, you must know what it's like. The pressure.


Right, yeah.


What's wrong?


It's nothing.

(Liza's POV)

I don't know why but it feels like i can trust him. It's like he understands me.


I'm not really the Heir.


What? What do you mean?


I mean i am. But my dad isn't planning on letting m be the Countess. He doesn't think women should be in the lead. He was actually planning on marrying me to you, you know, combine our clans.


I had no idea. But if you aren't going to be the Count, then who is going to take his place?


He wants you. That's why he wants us to be married.


Would it really be that bad being married to me?


I..i dont know.


Come on, i'm not that bad. You know what, i would give it to you.


Give me what?


Your rightful place as Countess here.


Would you really do that?


Sure, it's your place. You should be the one leading it.


Wow, i..don't know what to say.


Both of us are wealthy you know. We could manage to obtain both of the mansions.


Do you think so?



(Kai's POV)

Okay, now might be the time. Remember, just a little bit of compulsion and then make her forget the question was asked.


Do you know who paid off the guard the night of the break-in?


Yeah, it was me.


Forget i ever asked you the question. You know, i can imagine the two of us.


I'm not having trouble picturing it either.


I should get going.


I'll see you around though.




I'll call you back. What happened? Did you succeed?


Yeah, i did.


Good work. So what did she say?


She did it, she paid the guard.


Then let's get this over with and go home.


Yes, Your Grace.

(A few hours later.)


Did he really have to send the limo?


You know how he is. You did a really good job on this.


Thanks. What's going to happen to Liza and Jack now?


That's up to the Count.




I've been meaning to talk to you about your title.


What about it?


You should start getting used to it.


Do i have to?


It'd be better for yourself.


As you wish, Your Grace.


Let's go home. I miss my bed.


Me too.

End of chapter