
Forced to marry the old ruthless CEO

"You are going through with this marriage and there's nothing we can do about it Melissa," my dad said to me like it was okay and he owned my life. " Dad I have someone I love and you know why are you forcing me to do this?" My dad had never been there for me, I lost my mom when I was 3 and my dad married Rebecca a year later. Rebecca was nice to me when she courted my dad but the moment she got married to my dad and came in with her daughter who I was a year older than my life became hell. "Melissa our company is in huge debt and the only person who can help us is Asher Kelvin. We owe him a huge debt right now. Am sure he can take care of you, baby, please help your dad." my dad pleaded but I wasn't ready to throw my life away. " Dad you want me to marry a man I have never met? Is a man old enough to be my dad? A man known to be a renowned womaniser, who is known in almost all brothels. Is that what you call taking care of me Dad? I can't do this please, I really can't". I told my dad " Okay how about the school? I have to go for my internship in a month, so how can I marry now?" I tried helplessly. " Lisa it's already a done deal, there is nothing we can do about it as I already permitted him to go ahead. And by tomorrow morning his men would come by to pick you up to go register your marriage" my dad said in a hard tone as he turned around and walked to his room quickly. " Dad!!!" I shouted at the top of my voice " Dad, how can you be so cruel? Am I just a commodity to you? Did Rebecca tell you to do this? Is this all am worth? am not going through with it you hear me, Dad? I will not " I shouted as I stormed out of the house in anger. Even though Asher Kelvin was a womaniser, he was also known to be a ruthless old man. My eyes were clouded with tears but I held them in only wishing to be in Ken's arms. ----‐------------- " You can only be mine Melissa, you're mine." He hugged me so tight like his life depended on it. "You'll be alright without me, It will take a while but you'll be fine" I gently pushed him away but he wouldn't let go. " Am sorry I hurt you, Melissa, am sorry I kept the truth away from you but please don't leave me. Lisa you've become my light, all I see is darkness without you......" His voice broke, and my heart ached so much. I love this man with my whole being. " I don't have the same feeling I had for you anymore Asher, just let me go, please. I gave you my heart for a long time but you wouldn't take it, revenge was your priority now I have someone else in my heart." I tried but he didn't let go. " Melissa please don't go, I'll do anything just don't go. You're my life, Melissa, please." I could feel his tears dropping on my neck as he sobbed gently, He raised his head to look at me still crying and I stared back into his eyes and before I knew it, I was lost in those blue eyes I couldn't take my eyes off him, He bent his head slightly and covered my lips with his.

Royalty_P · Urbain
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49 Chs

Chapter 40: You're in love with her Xavier

I watched her intensively waiting for her reply, a part of me wanted her to say yes but she shook her head vigorously with a frown. I bet the idea of being called my wife was disgusting to her, my heart ached, and I felt rejected. 

I knew having so much expectation from her was hilarious after forcing her to marry me not forgetting the fact she believed she was marrying old still I wanted her to.

"You don't like to be called Mrs Kelvin?" Tommy asked with a wicked smile. She looked at me and then to Tommy but I didn't show any expression on my face. Tommy was enjoying the show obviously and I couldn't help but throw him a dirty look.

" It's Melissa, Call me Melissa please." She finally answered and the pain in my heart intensified. She glanced at my direction again like she was trying to read my face but I left no emotion on it.

She was having those thoughts again since she was shaking her head. I finally couldn't bear it anymore and said

" Can we just eat? And you" before pointing at her and saying "Can you stop shaking your head, It's disturbing me" 

 "Am sorry " She looked surprised at first as if wondering why her shaking of head bothered me but still apologised.

She picked up her cutlery and started eating without saying another word but Tommy would just not let us be quiet.

" Melissa, where do you go to school?" Tommy asked like he didn't already know.

" I go to the University of San Francisco," She replied raising her head slightly.

" What course are you studying?" He asked again

' Really bruh? '

"Am studying Computer science" She replied which made Tommy smile.

" Did you know your husband studied cybersecurity science?" Tommy asked " He was the best hacker in his time, well, maybe still is but not better than me though" He continued with a grin. She smiled at him as he grinned and my stomach twisted, " You wish." I muttered. "How about you sir? What did you study?" She asked now asked Tommy looking at him interestedly.

" Hmmm, Firstly do away with the sir, I only take sir in the office and it is annoying enough so Tom is fine" He said with a wink before continuing "We studied the same course" 

' The show off ' I knew I was jealous for no reason but I couldn't help it. " wow, that's nice" she replied. 

Tommy smiled and she smiled back.

" When is your internship?" He suddenly asked her,

" In two weeks, I already had my interview two weeks ago" She replied. 

" That's nice. Which company will you be working at?" Tommy seemed interested and she seemed to be enjoying the conversation. " A and A enterprises" She replied and Tommy glanced at me immediately ' Did you know ?' He communicated raising his eyebrow.

 " You got accepted to one of the biggest companies in America, you must be really good." He complimented her and she smiled

 " If you were in Paris, I wouldn't have let you work anywhere," Tommy said folding his arm around his chest.

' He just had to overdo it. ' I murmured 

" Why" she asked in confusion.

" How could I let such an intelligent beauty work any other than my company? " He said and Melissa laughed softly.

'The nerve, flirting with my woman in front of me. Oh, he's so dead!'

I didn't even realise I was glaring at them till she looked at me and caught my eyes, she turned her eyes away immediately.

" How has it been living with Asher? I know he's not an easy person to live with."

' okay, I've heard enough. Killing him is not enough, I'll beat the living hell out of him before killing him. '

He looked in my direction just then and I ran a finger around my neck signalling I was going to kill him to which he grinned mischievously knowing I wouldn't do a thing. Melissa kept looking like she was lost in thought.

' What does she always think about. '

" Do you want to ask me something, Melissa? You seem lost in thought." Tommy said interrupting her. She looked at him as if surprised he knew she was lost in thought.

" Hmm... I don't know if it's alright to ask." She said quietly.

" It's alright, go ahead and ask." He was smiling as he told her this.

I could tell she was still contemplating whatever she was going to ask him.

" Am just curious about how you are related to the old... sorry Mr Kelvin" She said. She always referred to me as the old man whenever she talked about me but had never called me that directly. I hated it so much when she called me that.

" Oh, that, his my... dad" Came Tommy's reply which made me choke on my tea and start coughing and when I finally caught my breath I glared at him to which he grinned which only made me angrier.

" You're not intending to deny me, are you?" Tommy turned to me as he asked with that mischievous smile I hated. He had a thing for annoying the living hell out of me.

" What? Your dad" Melissa was looking confused, if I wasn't so angry I would laugh at her expression. Tommy was laughing at her expression now, it was obvious he was enjoying himself.

"Enough with that Tom" I finally said unable to restrain the annoyance from my voice.

"Yes Dad" He answered with sarcasm all over his voice. " He's my dad's friend and his my mentor so he's practically like my dad, Is it okay to call you Lisa?" He finally clarified.

' Lisa? Like seriously dude? Dad? ' 

I knew what he was doing, I knew he was trying to get me jealous and angry but as much as I wanted to prove him wrong I was so Jealous.

' He only just met her why was he acting like they've known each other for a long time?' 

 " I didn't mean to get you worked up, you must have gotten heartbroken thinking your husband hid such an important matter from you," Tommy said to her in a gentle voice. She shook her head to tell him it was okay.

" Not really I wasn't worked up, not that I care if he has a son." She said a light tune like she was she couldn't waste any more of her time on that. " I'll go to bed now." She stood up and made to leave.

" So early, it's Friday, Do you still have school tomorrow?" Tommy said pouting at her to which she smiled.

' Why does she keep smiling at him? '

" Yes Tommy, my internship is in two weeks so have some programs to complete Hence we go to school on Saturdays but not for the whole day though just 10 AM to 12 PM" She answered smiling at him.

' Or really, she's calling his name so sweetly? '

" Tsk... Thought we could have watched a movie or something without the old people." She laughed at Tommy's statement but I just glared at them in annoyance. When I looked at her longer I felt this yearning I now knew so well after meeting her.

suddenly couldn't stand them anymore. 

" Let's go to the study Tommy" I stood up and walked away quickly.

" Goodnight Lisa," he shouted as he rushed towards me, I slowed down my pace to wait for him

" Come on, man, wait up" he shouted in my direction laughing. 

" Are you kidding me, Tom? " I shouted the moment we entered the study

" You're in love with her Xavier. "

Hey readers, so sorry I haven't been updating recently

Royalty_Pcreators' thoughts