
Forced to marry the old ruthless CEO

"You are going through with this marriage and there's nothing we can do about it Melissa," my dad said to me like it was okay and he owned my life. " Dad I have someone I love and you know why are you forcing me to do this?" My dad had never been there for me, I lost my mom when I was 3 and my dad married Rebecca a year later. Rebecca was nice to me when she courted my dad but the moment she got married to my dad and came in with her daughter who I was a year older than my life became hell. "Melissa our company is in huge debt and the only person who can help us is Asher Kelvin. We owe him a huge debt right now. Am sure he can take care of you, baby, please help your dad." my dad pleaded but I wasn't ready to throw my life away. " Dad you want me to marry a man I have never met? Is a man old enough to be my dad? A man known to be a renowned womaniser, who is known in almost all brothels. Is that what you call taking care of me Dad? I can't do this please, I really can't". I told my dad " Okay how about the school? I have to go for my internship in a month, so how can I marry now?" I tried helplessly. " Lisa it's already a done deal, there is nothing we can do about it as I already permitted him to go ahead. And by tomorrow morning his men would come by to pick you up to go register your marriage" my dad said in a hard tone as he turned around and walked to his room quickly. " Dad!!!" I shouted at the top of my voice " Dad, how can you be so cruel? Am I just a commodity to you? Did Rebecca tell you to do this? Is this all am worth? am not going through with it you hear me, Dad? I will not " I shouted as I stormed out of the house in anger. Even though Asher Kelvin was a womaniser, he was also known to be a ruthless old man. My eyes were clouded with tears but I held them in only wishing to be in Ken's arms. ----‐------------- " You can only be mine Melissa, you're mine." He hugged me so tight like his life depended on it. "You'll be alright without me, It will take a while but you'll be fine" I gently pushed him away but he wouldn't let go. " Am sorry I hurt you, Melissa, am sorry I kept the truth away from you but please don't leave me. Lisa you've become my light, all I see is darkness without you......" His voice broke, and my heart ached so much. I love this man with my whole being. " I don't have the same feeling I had for you anymore Asher, just let me go, please. I gave you my heart for a long time but you wouldn't take it, revenge was your priority now I have someone else in my heart." I tried but he didn't let go. " Melissa please don't go, I'll do anything just don't go. You're my life, Melissa, please." I could feel his tears dropping on my neck as he sobbed gently, He raised his head to look at me still crying and I stared back into his eyes and before I knew it, I was lost in those blue eyes I couldn't take my eyes off him, He bent his head slightly and covered my lips with his.

Royalty_P · Urbain
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49 Chs

Chapter 37: Does he remember?

" What did he fear would happen?" Her question interpreted me from the thoughts.

" That the old man could fall in love with me," I answered

" It's too late for that. " She muttered.

" It's too late? What do you mean by that? " I stared at her confused.

" Nothing Lis." She opened her bag and took out her phone.

" How can you say that? You clearly said it was too late, now am asking what you meant and you're saying nothing It's unfair you know. " 

" Calm down Lis, stop getting angry. " She told me as she attempted to touch my face which I turned away.

" Am not angry " I denied 

" Are you sure about that?" She asked 

" Of course, I was just upset " I was already smiling before I knew it, ' there goes my attempt to emotionally black her '

" Okay ma'am " She raised her hand in surrender " Why I said it was too late is because the old man would fall in love with you whether you get close to him or not." I stared at her before laughing.

" Are you serious? " I asked after catching my breath. 

" You'll see " Was all she said with a little smile.

We went on chatting till it was time to close the coffee shop, 

" It's already 6:30 pm so soon? " Hads asked as she picked up her phone to check her time. I just smiled and went to help Amanda clean up.

" How about tomorrow's dinner, is Liam up for it?" I asked her as we walked towards the door.

" Yeah, he said he would " She turned in my direction as she opened the door.

" I don't know if that's good or not. " I sighed heavily. 

" Why? " She asked confused.

" You know what Liam is like, what if he makes an issue with the old man? " I asked running a hand through my hair.

" I know he can act without thinking when he's angry but I don't think he will do that, Liam is a lot more mature than that." She assured me.

" I hope so." I sighed in relief. 

Gab was already waiting outside, we dropped her home before heading home.

When I walked in the two were oblivious of my presence as both of them were engrossed in their game. They were playing PES with full concentration. I walked closer and to my surprise, the old man turned around immediately. He just stared at me.

" Hello, Mr Kelvin. " I greeted which made Tommy turn around immediately to my direction before turning and pausing his game.

" Hey Hads" Tommy greeted.

" Hello," The old man greeted and I nodded.

"I'll go shower " I turned around to leave but was interrupted by Tommy

" You're gonna come down when you're done yeah? " He asked

" Yeah, I will " I replied with a tiny smile.

" Okay, we are waiting " He turned to continue the game.

' Seriously? We? As if. Am pretty sure he doesn't want me to come back down, Cunning old...' 

" Hello ma'am," I turned round to see Nancy smiling, as usual The maids were all standing waiting for me to go upstairs. She always smiled like she was now, I didn't know if it was to be polite or she was just like that but I liked her like that.

" Hey there, how are you doing? " I asked looking at her.

" Am okay ma'am, Dinner will be ready in 30 minutes. " She informed me, I was about to go but my curiosity got the best of me.

" Who made this tradition of you guys waiting here at the staircase when Mr Kelvin or myself got home? " I asked Nancy one of the questions I've been meaning to ask.

" Mr Edward. " Nancy answered. But I was confused since I hadn't had the name since I moved in.

" Whose Mr Edward? " I asked in confusion 

" The butler, The mansion has a butler. " She tried to explain

" How come I haven't seen him since my arrival here? " I knew I hadn't seen anyone like a butler though I had seen several guards and maids.

" He's on a trip, he was supposed to be gone for a month. " Nancy explained again. 

" Okay, but do you think you guys can stop the whole gathering thing till he comes back? " I wanted them to relax around me not gather and be all tensed up the moment I entered the house.

" I don't know ma'am, Mr Edward will be angry." She told me with uncertainty.

" It's alright, just till he comes back okay? " I smiled at her reassuringly and she nodded with a smile and waved her hand for the others to go. " I'll go shower then," I informed her before going to my room.

I was back 26 minutes later with my pyjamas. I walked to the living room and it seemed like they had just finished another tournament. They both turned in my direction the moment I was a few steps away, The old man's expression changed the moment he saw me. There was something about the way he looked away, then it occurred to me immediately that I wore the pyjamas I wore the day I took milk and the old man took care of me. 

" Come here Lis, you look beautiful today and as always" Tommy invited, The moment I got close to him he gave me a big hug. I looked at the old man to find him glaring at Tommy. 

When he finally let go, he threw me a gamepad and signalled me to come play.

I sat beside him and was about to pick a club but Nancy came to the living room that moment to announce dinner was served. 

When we got to the dining room Nancy had set the table and when we were done eating I stood up, said my thanks and got ready to go to my room. I had raised my head a few times to find the old man looking at me ' Was he remembering how foolish I acted that day?' I kept wondering 

" How about our game? " Tommy asked the moment I stood up 

' Damn it, I forgot that '