
Forced to marry the old ruthless CEO

"You are going through with this marriage and there's nothing we can do about it Melissa," my dad said to me like it was okay and he owned my life. " Dad I have someone I love and you know why are you forcing me to do this?" My dad had never been there for me, I lost my mom when I was 3 and my dad married Rebecca a year later. Rebecca was nice to me when she courted my dad but the moment she got married to my dad and came in with her daughter who I was a year older than my life became hell. "Melissa our company is in huge debt and the only person who can help us is Asher Kelvin. We owe him a huge debt right now. Am sure he can take care of you, baby, please help your dad." my dad pleaded but I wasn't ready to throw my life away. " Dad you want me to marry a man I have never met? Is a man old enough to be my dad? A man known to be a renowned womaniser, who is known in almost all brothels. Is that what you call taking care of me Dad? I can't do this please, I really can't". I told my dad " Okay how about the school? I have to go for my internship in a month, so how can I marry now?" I tried helplessly. " Lisa it's already a done deal, there is nothing we can do about it as I already permitted him to go ahead. And by tomorrow morning his men would come by to pick you up to go register your marriage" my dad said in a hard tone as he turned around and walked to his room quickly. " Dad!!!" I shouted at the top of my voice " Dad, how can you be so cruel? Am I just a commodity to you? Did Rebecca tell you to do this? Is this all am worth? am not going through with it you hear me, Dad? I will not " I shouted as I stormed out of the house in anger. Even though Asher Kelvin was a womaniser, he was also known to be a ruthless old man. My eyes were clouded with tears but I held them in only wishing to be in Ken's arms. ----‐------------- " You can only be mine Melissa, you're mine." He hugged me so tight like his life depended on it. "You'll be alright without me, It will take a while but you'll be fine" I gently pushed him away but he wouldn't let go. " Am sorry I hurt you, Melissa, am sorry I kept the truth away from you but please don't leave me. Lisa you've become my light, all I see is darkness without you......" His voice broke, and my heart ached so much. I love this man with my whole being. " I don't have the same feeling I had for you anymore Asher, just let me go, please. I gave you my heart for a long time but you wouldn't take it, revenge was your priority now I have someone else in my heart." I tried but he didn't let go. " Melissa please don't go, I'll do anything just don't go. You're my life, Melissa, please." I could feel his tears dropping on my neck as he sobbed gently, He raised his head to look at me still crying and I stared back into his eyes and before I knew it, I was lost in those blue eyes I couldn't take my eyes off him, He bent his head slightly and covered my lips with his.

Royalty_P · Urbain
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49 Chs

Chapter 30: Take it easy okay?

I was definitely not going to tell him we stared at each and I was again captivated by the old man's eyes, He teased me again and finally stopped laughing.

" He's not so bad Lisa, You don't need to be so afraid of him. " He said to me with a serious expression.

'Did he just say he's not so bad? Like seriously? Why the hell does everyone keep saying that to me?' I looked at him briefly before suddenly getting even angrier.

" Why the hell does everyone keep saying that to me?" He was taken aback by my angry tone, " A man old enough to my father no not even father, My grandfather forced me into marrying him and everyone keeps telling me his not so bad, like seriously?" I said with a wave of my hand in the air. " Did he have to ruin my life like this even if my dad owed him some money? He could have made me work to pay back not take my chance of being happy like this, Why can't I just be happy? I have to live in fear of him falsing himself on me." I just kept talking, It was rare to see me like this, I was always so calm, and many people hated me for my high EQ, I never showed my pain or emotions to anyone except Hads, Liam and Ken. When Rebecca would punish me or make me do all the house chores growing up I never cried or complained to my Dad and she hated it, I guess she wanted to see me cry. " I don't even know why he's doing this to me, I mean I didn't know him before the marriage so how was it possible I had offended him in some ways," I thought out loud.

I was still on the treadmill but I was so angry and frustrated so I increased the speed to 60 per cent and kept running till I was exhausted before stopping. Tommy just stared at me without saying another word till I got down from the treadmill. He had stopped a while ago and was just watching me. He handed me a bottle of water as I tried to catch my breath, " Now that you're exhausted from that how will you do other workouts?" He pouted like he had not just watched me throw a tantrum at him. I looked at him for some time before laughing slightly, I just met this man yesterday but somehow he just gave me the feeling that we had met before. " Am sorry I got so mad at you, am just so frustrated lately" I apologized

"He won't hurt you, Lisa, if he wanted to force himself on you he would have done that a long time ago, you know what." He spoke gently like he was scared that if he spoke a little louder I would get upset again. " Why are you so sure and why should I trust you when I just met you yesterday? " I asked him Instead,

" I feel comfortable around you like you are my little sister" he answered.

" Take it easy okay" He smiled at me. I got some dumbbells and started doing some squats while he went to carry some weight.

30 minutes later we were done and were walking out of the gym, " I can't believe that guy, he didn't even come back." He murmured as we walked back to the living room. "I still suspect you." He grinned as he looked at me mischievously.

" What? Are you still going on about that? Are you usually this stubborn Tom?" I asked with a shake of my head, Something I said made him stop right on his track, and I stopped wondering if I said something.

' Have I become too comfortable and forgotten to respect him?' I wondered

" Did I say something wrong?" I asked, unsure if I should be even asking.

He smiled instead and waved his hand dismissively " I was just surprised at how you called my name."

" Oh, am sorry, I didn't mean to sound disrespectful or anything. " I apologised.

" Why are you apologising? I never said it was disrespectful, I liked it." He gave me one of those cute smiles.

' God, why didn't I marry him instead? At least even if I was forced to marry him I wouldn't be this angry, his handsome face would have calmed me I didn't realise I was smiling until I heard his voice " What are you thinking about Lisa? My handsome face?" He was grinning mischievously.

" Oh, you wish." I made a face as I walked past him, and he laughed. His laughter echoed through the passage as we walked and I found myself wondering what it would be like to hear the old man laugh. The only time I've seen him smile was.... Memories of him coming close to me and smiling mischievously suddenly crept into my mind, I shook my head immediately.

" Why do you always shake your head when you're deep in thought? I watched you yesterday and you did the same thing." I looked up immediately like I was caught doing something I shouldn't.

" Hmmm... well, I shake my head whenever a negative thought crosses my mind" I explained, I felt comfortable around him, anyone who met us would never believe I just met him the previous night. He smiled as he muttered, " That's how he knows when you're having unpleasant thoughts."

Immediately we got to the living room, Nancy came out of the kitchen with two glasses of orange juice.

" Good morning Tommy" She gave him a bright smile before turning to me " Good morning ma'am" smiling too. " Good morning Nancy, Had a good night's rest?" I asked and she nodded. I didn't see her when I was going to the living room, though I was sure she was already awake.

" I'll go shower, I have school today" I informed them as I turned towards my room and walked away.

I sat down on my bed as I contemplated the outfit I going to wear for the day, I cared about how I looked a lot not because I wanted to impress anyone but because I liked dressing up, if I wasn't a tomboy I probably would have been a model. I went with a pair of black boyfriend jeans, a white shirt, a white snickers and a long jacket.

I was all set to go 30 minutes later, I rushed to the living room to find Nancy and Tommy standing close to the kitchen. Tommy had washed up and was now wearing blue jeans, a grey shirt and a black leather jacket. They both turned in my direction as I walked down the stairs, They whispered something to each other and laughed and I suddenly became conscious of myself. I looked at myself to be sure I was looking alright.

"You're looking beautiful ma'am," Nancy said as I told her thanks.

" I'm driving you to school," he announced happily as he started walking toward the door.

" wait!! What? " I ran to catch up with him. When we got out of the mansion and saw a Bugatti Mistral Roadster parked. I gasped as I saw the car.