
Forced to marry the old ruthless CEO

"You are going through with this marriage and there's nothing we can do about it Melissa," my dad said to me like it was okay and he owned my life. " Dad I have someone I love and you know why are you forcing me to do this?" My dad had never been there for me, I lost my mom when I was 3 and my dad married Rebecca a year later. Rebecca was nice to me when she courted my dad but the moment she got married to my dad and came in with her daughter who I was a year older than my life became hell. "Melissa our company is in huge debt and the only person who can help us is Asher Kelvin. We owe him a huge debt right now. Am sure he can take care of you, baby, please help your dad." my dad pleaded but I wasn't ready to throw my life away. " Dad you want me to marry a man I have never met? Is a man old enough to be my dad? A man known to be a renowned womaniser, who is known in almost all brothels. Is that what you call taking care of me Dad? I can't do this please, I really can't". I told my dad " Okay how about the school? I have to go for my internship in a month, so how can I marry now?" I tried helplessly. " Lisa it's already a done deal, there is nothing we can do about it as I already permitted him to go ahead. And by tomorrow morning his men would come by to pick you up to go register your marriage" my dad said in a hard tone as he turned around and walked to his room quickly. " Dad!!!" I shouted at the top of my voice " Dad, how can you be so cruel? Am I just a commodity to you? Did Rebecca tell you to do this? Is this all am worth? am not going through with it you hear me, Dad? I will not " I shouted as I stormed out of the house in anger. Even though Asher Kelvin was a womaniser, he was also known to be a ruthless old man. My eyes were clouded with tears but I held them in only wishing to be in Ken's arms. ----‐------------- " You can only be mine Melissa, you're mine." He hugged me so tight like his life depended on it. "You'll be alright without me, It will take a while but you'll be fine" I gently pushed him away but he wouldn't let go. " Am sorry I hurt you, Melissa, am sorry I kept the truth away from you but please don't leave me. Lisa you've become my light, all I see is darkness without you......" His voice broke, and my heart ached so much. I love this man with my whole being. " I don't have the same feeling I had for you anymore Asher, just let me go, please. I gave you my heart for a long time but you wouldn't take it, revenge was your priority now I have someone else in my heart." I tried but he didn't let go. " Melissa please don't go, I'll do anything just don't go. You're my life, Melissa, please." I could feel his tears dropping on my neck as he sobbed gently, He raised his head to look at me still crying and I stared back into his eyes and before I knew it, I was lost in those blue eyes I couldn't take my eyes off him, He bent his head slightly and covered my lips with his.

Royalty_P · Urbain
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49 Chs

Chapter 29: Captivated by his eyes.

" Dear God, my life is in such a mess," I muttered in between my sob. I just stayed there crying for the next 30 minutes or so before coming out and getting changed.

" Life, What other plans do you have for me? Please take it easy with me" I murmured.

'Should I call Hads? Will she still be awake?' I wanted to know if she was on good terms with Liam now. I picked up my phone and checked the time it was 10 PM so I decided to call her, The phone rang but she didn't pick up. I sighed and called again but she still didn't pick up, I dropped the phone and stared at the ceiling. Before this whole marriage problem, I enjoyed watching movies but I don't anymore except the one day Mr Kelvin wasn't around and I watched comedy for a while. I said a prayer before my eyes finally gave up and I slept off.

I woke up the next morning feeling better, I was more hopeful about my situation, and I decided I should work out before going to school. Nancy had taken me to the gym in the mansion the day she showed me around, the mansion was indeed big.

I took out some activewear and chose a white jogger, a black crop top and a black Snickers. I walked to the living room and found it empty,

' Thank God, I wasn't bumping into any of those men this morning' I thought as I walked to the gym, The mansion was indeed very big. My dad was rich but comparing our mansion to this ours was like a storage room. The house had a mini supermarket, a gym and a small zoo. I hadn't used the gym since I moved in so I was a little hesitant.

'What if I bump into the old man? Isn't he too old to be going to a gym? But then again how is he that fit at this age If he doesn't work out?' I was lost in thought without looking at where I was going when my head bumped into a hard but soft surface " Ouch..." I placed a hand on my forehead as I raised my head. I was beyond surprised when I looked up and it was the old man, probably because I wasn't expecting to see anyone or at least not the old man. I would have been less surprised if it was Tommy but not the old man. I moved back immediately putting a reasonable amount of space between us, he just watched me without uttering a word.

" Am... so... sorry sir" I stammered, I only remembered I had made a mistake the moment his gaze grew darker " Am sorry again, I meant Mr Kelvin" I corrected nervous but my gaze was in his eyes, I looked at him straight in the eye. That was what my stepmom hated the most about me, no matter how scared I was growing up I would still look her in the eye. I taught myself to always look people in the eye when I spoke to them, I always wanted to see every expression. I think that was why I always looked calm. I was lost in his eyes again before I knew it, The beauty of his eyes never seemed to amaze me, those eyes were telling a story that a part of me wanted to listen to and understand. Those eyes were youthful and held a kind of pain I couldn't place a grip on, I stared at him and he stared back at me, I tried reading his eyes and he tried reading mine. It was like time stood still, I wasn't thinking about anything, I wasn't even thinking about how to divorce him at that point all I could think about was those eyes.

There was something about this old man I couldn't understand, something about him I wanted to know and understand, it was like if I looked harder I would see it. I didn't know I had taken a step towards him, I took another step then another. With every step I took my heart was beating louder and soon I was standing in front of him never breaking our eye contact. I never knew he was so tall, I doubted my head would even reach his shoulders. He moved his hands slowly to touch my face, his hand was almost at my face.

" Dude, did you wait long?" came Tommy's voice coming from the old man's direction, he jacked his hand away immediately and turned around to face Tommy.

" Go on, I'll join you later " He replied before walking away immediately, Tommy stood there confused.

" What the hell happened? That man takes his Saturday workout very seriously so why did change his mind all of a sudden after bugging me to come?" Tommy stared in Asher's direction before turning back and looking at me suspiciously " Lisa, did something happen between you both?" He asked eyeing me teasingly.

" What!? No, nothing happened. " I answered turning away from him and walking towards the treadmill but he wouldn't let it slide, he laughed a little and followed me " Are you sure Lisa? It looked like you both kissed or something." He muttered as he made an O shape with his lips, My mouth dropped wide open and I stared at him with a shocked or rather horrific expression. I wanted to frown but I found myself laughing.

" No Tommy, we just bumped into each other that's all," I explained as I stood on the treadmill and turned it on, I decided to start with 15 per cent since I was still talking to Tommy.

" First you said nothing and now you say you bumped into each other, what do you want me to believe?" He pouted as he asked, I couldn't help but laugh he was sure a handsome human.

I have a thing for handsome guys, the ones with not-too-hairy skin, clearly shaved with pink lips and this man had it all.

Ken used to get jealous when I admired handsome guys, there was one time we went out on a date and met this very handsome boy at the coffee bar. We ordered coffee and when the boy brought it I looked at him and told him He was a very handsome young man and his cheek completely turned red. I smiled at him and told him to keep working hard and he would become successful, he was very thankful but Ken was extremely jealous he wouldn't talk to me when we got home. I tried explaining to him he was just a teenage boy in high school but he wouldn't listen.

" You're not gonna tell me, yeah, then I'll just have to imagine you both kissed. " He said contentedly as he climbed the treadmill next to me. I stared at him lost for words " That's so gross, We just bumped into each other, or rather I bumped into him cause I was lost in thought." I was definitely not going to tell him we stared at each and I was again captivated by the old man's eyes, He teased me again and finally stopped laughing.

" He's not so bad Lisa, you don't need to be so afraid of him. " He said to me with a serious expression.